the human adult microflora is colonized by approximately10^14 microbia terjemahan - the human adult microflora is colonized by approximately10^14 microbia Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

the human adult microflora is colon

the human adult microflora is colonized by approximately
10^14 microbial cell, about 10 times more than all tissue cells
of the body. this high metabolic rate suggests important
regulatory effects on body functions, especially in the colon
where the greatest concentration of up to 5x10^11 bacterial cell
per g is found. the human microbiota is stable at different
anatomic locations along the gut, but absolute numbers vary
greatly, ranging from 10^11 cells/g content in the ascending
colon to 10^7 in the distal ileum and 10^3 in the proximal
ileum and jejunum. anaerobes are more abundant that aerobes
in the bacterial community and a majority of the population are
representatives of two divisions: the Bacteroidetes and
Firmicutes. at birth the gut is sterile and is colonized
immediately, although there are marked variations in microbial
composition between individuals. More than 400 species are
included: Gram-positive, anaerobic genera Bacteroides,
eubacterium, Bifidobacterium, Peptostreptococcum,
streptococcum, lactobacillus, Fusobacterium, ruminococcus,
clostridium and escherichia. some of these bacteria are
potential pathogens and can be a source of infection and sepsis
under some circumstances, when the integrity of the bowel
barrier is physically or functionally breached. these bacteria
maintain the integrity of gut mucosa and the production of short
chain fatty acids (scFa) in a favorite ratio . the
enormous numbers and diversity of microorganisms in the
human intestine contribute to a diverse set of functions, which
complement the host for important features such as digestion of
complex carbohydrates. the interaction between animal and
bacterial cells is very important in the human gastrointestinal
tract. the bacterial microbiota has established multiple
mechanisms to influence the human host in a beneficial fashion
and maintain their stable niche. the human host coevolved with
a normal microbiota developed and optimized immune
mechanisms. Both the impact of gut microbiota on disease and
the impact of disease on gut microbiota need to be investigated
to establish a good treatment in the gastrointestinal disease. the
gut microflora exerts a considerable influence on host
biochemistry including enzymatic activity of intestinal
contents, oxidation-reduction potential of luminal contents,
short chain fatty acid production in the lumen, host physiology,
host immunology, modification of host-synthesized . several
studies showed a decrease in Bifidobacteria and an increase in
clostridia, lactobacilli, streptococci and enterobacteriaceae in
the gastrointestinal tract of elderly people. the genera
Bifidobacterium are the dominant probiotic bacteria inhabiting
the distal jejunum ileum and large intestine of humans and
other warm-blooded animals. Bifidobacterium spp has many
beneficial effects on human health, including:
immunomodulation, reducing serum cholesterol, promoting
lactose digestion and protecting against colon cancer. changes
in the microflora could alter the metabolic environment of the
colon with important modifications in the concentration of
healthy substances that may alter the motor and secretor
functions of the bowel. so, changes in the microflora increase
susceptibility to gastrointestinal functional disorders, infections,
inflammation or cancer. conversely, probiotics can promote the
homeostasis of the colonic microbiota. recent studies have
suggested that the gut microbiota may have a role in
gastrointestinal diseases through the regulation of energy
metabolism by several mechanisms (that is, energy harvest
from the diet, regulation of fat storage, modulation of afferent
gastrointestinal peptide hormones, induction of metabolic
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
the human adult microflora is colonized by approximately10^14 microbial cell, about 10 times more than all tissue cellsof the body. this high metabolic rate suggests importantregulatory effects on body functions, especially in the colonwhere the greatest concentration of up to 5x10^11 bacterial cellper g is found. the human microbiota is stable at differentanatomic locations along the gut, but absolute numbers varygreatly, ranging from 10^11 cells/g content in the ascendingcolon to 10^7 in the distal ileum and 10^3 in the proximalileum and jejunum. anaerobes are more abundant that aerobesin the bacterial community and a majority of the population arerepresentatives of two divisions: the Bacteroidetes andFirmicutes. at birth the gut is sterile and is colonizedimmediately, although there are marked variations in microbialcomposition between individuals. More than 400 species areincluded: Gram-positive, anaerobic genera Bacteroides,eubacterium, Bifidobacterium, Peptostreptococcum,streptococcum, lactobacillus, Fusobacterium, ruminococcus,clostridium and escherichia. some of these bacteria arepotential pathogens and can be a source of infection and sepsisunder some circumstances, when the integrity of the bowelbarrier is physically or functionally breached. these bacteriamaintain the integrity of gut mucosa and the production of shortchain fatty acids (scFa) in a favorite ratio . theenormous numbers and diversity of microorganisms in thehuman intestine contribute to a diverse set of functions, whichcomplement the host for important features such as digestion ofcomplex carbohydrates. the interaction between animal andbacterial cells is very important in the human gastrointestinaltract. the bacterial microbiota has established multiplemechanisms to influence the human host in a beneficial fashionand maintain their stable niche. the human host coevolved witha normal microbiota developed and optimized immunemechanisms. Both the impact of gut microbiota on disease andthe impact of disease on gut microbiota need to be investigatedto establish a good treatment in the gastrointestinal disease. thegut microflora exerts a considerable influence on hostbiochemistry including enzymatic activity of intestinalcontents, oxidation-reduction potential of luminal contents,short chain fatty acid production in the lumen, host physiology,host immunology, modification of host-synthesized . severalstudies showed a decrease in Bifidobacteria and an increase inclostridia, lactobacilli, streptococci and enterobacteriaceae inthe gastrointestinal tract of elderly people. the generaBifidobacterium are the dominant probiotic bacteria inhabitingthe distal jejunum ileum and large intestine of humans andother warm-blooded animals. Bifidobacterium spp has manybeneficial effects on human health, including:immunomodulation, reducing serum cholesterol, promotinglactose digestion and protecting against colon cancer. changesin the microflora could alter the metabolic environment of thecolon with important modifications in the concentration ofhealthy substances that may alter the motor and secretorfunctions of the bowel. so, changes in the microflora increasesusceptibility to gastrointestinal functional disorders, infections,inflammation or cancer. conversely, probiotics can promote thehomeostasis of the colonic microbiota. recent studies havesuggested that the gut microbiota may have a role ingastrointestinal diseases through the regulation of energymetabolism by several mechanisms (that is, energy harvestfrom the diet, regulation of fat storage, modulation of afferentgastrointestinal peptide hormones, induction of metabolicendotoxemia)
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
mikroflora manusia dewasa ini dijajah oleh sekitar
10 ^ 14 sel mikroba, sekitar 10 kali lebih banyak dari semua sel-sel jaringan
tubuh. tingkat metabolisme yang tinggi ini menunjukkan pentingnya
efek regulasi pada fungsi tubuh, terutama di usus besar
di mana konsentrasi terbesar hingga 5x10 ^ 11 sel bakteri
per g ditemukan. mikrobiota manusia stabil di berbagai
lokasi anatomi di sepanjang usus, tetapi angka mutlak bervariasi
sangat, mulai dari 10 ^ 11 sel / g konten di naik
usus sampai 10 ^ 7 di ileum distal dan 10 ^ 3 di proksimal
ileum dan jejunum . anaerob lebih banyak yang aerob
dalam komunitas bakteri dan mayoritas penduduknya adalah
perwakilan dari dua divisi: Bacteroidetes dan
Firmicutes. saat lahir usus steril dan terjajah
segera, meskipun ada ditandai variasi mikroba
komposisi antara individu. Lebih dari 400 spesies yang
termasuk: Gram-positif, anaerobik genera Bacteroides,
Eubacterium, Bifidobacterium, Peptostreptococcum,
streptococcum, lactobacillus, Fusobacterium, ruminococcus,
clostridium dan Escherichia. beberapa bakteri ini adalah
patogen potensial dan bisa menjadi sumber infeksi dan sepsis
dalam kondisi tertentu, ketika integritas usus
penghalang secara fisik atau fungsional dilanggar. Bakteri ini
menjaga integritas usus mukosa dan produksi pendek
asam lemak rantai (SCFA) dalam rasio favorit. yang
nomor besar dan keragaman mikroorganisme dalam
usus manusia berkontribusi untuk satu set beragam fungsi yang
melengkapi host untuk fitur penting seperti pencernaan
karbohidrat kompleks. interaksi antara hewan dan
sel-sel bakteri sangat penting dalam pencernaan manusia
saluran. mikrobiota bakteri telah membentuk beberapa
mekanisme untuk mempengaruhi host manusia secara menguntungkan
dan mempertahankan niche stabil mereka. host manusia coevolved dengan
sebuah mikrobiota yang normal dikembangkan dan kekebalan dioptimalkan
mekanisme. Kedua dampak mikrobiota usus pada penyakit dan
dampak penyakit pada mikrobiota usus perlu diselidiki
untuk membangun pengobatan yang baik dalam penyakit gastrointestinal. yang
mikroflora usus memberikan pengaruh yang cukup besar pada host
biokimia termasuk aktivitas enzim usus
isi, potensi oksidasi-reduksi isi luminal,
rantai pendek produksi asam lemak dalam lumen, tuan fisiologi,
tuan imunologi, modifikasi host-disintesis. beberapa
penelitian menunjukkan penurunan Bifidobacteria dan peningkatan
clostridia, lactobacilli, streptokokus dan enterobacteriaceae di
saluran pencernaan dari orang tua. genera
Bifidobacterium adalah bakteri probiotik dominan mendiami
jejunum ileum distal dan usus besar manusia dan
hewan berdarah panas lainnya. Bifidobacterium spp memiliki banyak
efek menguntungkan pada kesehatan manusia, termasuk:
immunomodulation, mengurangi kolesterol serum, mempromosikan
pencernaan laktosa dan melindungi terhadap kanker usus besar. perubahan
dalam mikroflora bisa mengubah lingkungan metabolik dari
usus dengan modifikasi penting dalam konsentrasi
zat sehat yang dapat mengubah motor dan secretor
fungsi usus. jadi, perubahan dalam peningkatan mikroflora
kerentanan terhadap gastrointestinal fungsional gangguan, infeksi,
peradangan atau kanker. sebaliknya, probiotik dapat meningkatkan
homeostasis dari mikrobiota usus. studi terbaru
menunjukkan bahwa mikrobiota usus mungkin memiliki peran dalam
penyakit gastrointestinal melalui regulasi energi
metabolisme melalui beberapa mekanisme (yaitu, panen energi
dari diet, pengaturan penyimpanan lemak, modulasi aferen
hormon peptida gastrointestinal, induksi metabolisme
endotoksemia )
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