6.2.16 The analysis of finds (OS14)Explanatory notesThe analysis of fi terjemahan - 6.2.16 The analysis of finds (OS14)Explanatory notesThe analysis of fi Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

6.2.16 The analysis of finds (OS14)

6.2.16 The analysis of finds (OS14)
Explanatory notes
The analysis of finds is the work of the appropriate specialist or analyst and is carried out at his/her expert discretion. The objective of such analysis is stated in general terms in the standards guidelines and can be defined in more detail as necessary in the Project Outline.
The product of the analysis is, in addition to the analysis report, a set of data that are usually supplied in digital and analogue form. An analysis report should include a file with the meta information on the sorts and names of files, versions of programs used, the method by which files can be linked, codes used, keys, etc. In short, this report contains all the data required to make the data in its stored form accessible to other researchers.

Process description
The finds are analysed and documented by the appropriate expert/specialist for each finds category.

• Analysis report.
• Data file (meta information, digital data file and written information).
• Packed and coded analysed finds.

• The appropriate Junior Specialist and/or Medior Archaeologist will analyse the finds.
• The appropriate Senior Specialist and/or Senior Archaeologist will check whether the finds has been analysed correctly.

Requirements with regard to resources
General analysis of finds
• The tools and materials used when analysing must be adapted to the finds category. Tools must not be contaminated with material from another context.
• Finds must be analysed in circumstances that ensure that the condition of the finds remains as stable as possible.
• The analysed finds must be coded and packed in accordance with the find identification guidelines (OS03).
The analysis of finds per finds category must, in any event, contain:
• A typological classification and typochronological or taxonomic classification. The number of finds, divided according to form, finds and function, the quantity and quality of the raw material, the nature of the natural surface, the source of the raw material.
• Details: indications of use (use wear), burning, secondary surface phenomena (per type and category), the condition of the finds and other details (attached finds, decoration). Use wear patterns are quantified.
• Technology and typology on the basis of the shape of the artefacts. Reconstruction of any characteristic technological processes if such is indicated in the Project Outline.
• Spatial distribution. Obligatory aspects are: periodisation and phasing, activity areas, cultural and natural transformation processes.
• Dating and attributing to a certain culture. Such is determined on the basis of typo(chrono)logy, associations, spatial distribution, parallels and/or archaeological science methods.

6.2.17 Final report (OS15)
Explanatory notes
This is the final report on an excavation, complete with the reports by the specialist(s). It is written by the archaeologist who has carried out the fieldwork in collaboration with the appropriate specialists. The subreports are included as an appendix to the final report and are published by the specialist(s) concerned.
The responsibility for the contents of the subreports is a matter for the expertise of the appropriate specialist(s). Nevertheless, these standards guidelines include a number of points which have to be included in each report. The aim is to allow the authors to focus attention on a number of issues, even in cases in which there is little to report in connection with the excavation in question. In that case, an indication or statement must be provided as to why that information is entirely or partially missing.
In addition to the Dutch summary, it is recommended that a summary for the general public and an English summary are compiled.
A further objective of the standards guideline is to assign a fixed structure to reports because that enhances comparability and makes them more readable for principals.

Process description
The writing of the final report in accordance with the Project Outline.

Final report:
• Synthesis.
• Subreports.
• Data files.
• Analysis report.
• ISBN or ISSN number.

• The Medior Archaeologist writes the final report, unless a replacement has been appointed.
• The appropriate Senior Specialists write the subreports that refer to their specialist fields.
• The Senior Archaeologist checks whether the final report has been correctly drawn up. If correct, the Senior Archaeologist will initial the final report.

Requirements with regard to resources
• Requesting ISBN or ISSN number.

A. Synthesis
Depending on the research questions, the synthesis contains at least the following information.
Administrative data
• Dates.
• Principal (developer).
• Executing party (archaeological contractor).
• Competent authority (municipal, provincial or national government).
• Name of the archaeological expert on behalf of competent authority.
• Curation and location of documentation.
• National registration number (CIS-code).
• Location (municipality, place, toponym, at least four x/y coordinates).
• (Digital) map of excavation area.
• Information on the project of which the excavation was a part, the organisation of the archaeological research and the principal.
The site
• Site data (municipality, place, toponym, at least four x/y coordinates) and all known identification codes.
• Topographical situation of the site (location of the site on the basis of a topographical map).
• A short discussion of the site in its archaeological context (archaeo-region) with a reference to the literature and/or database consulted.
• Siting in the landscape, land use and physical-geographical data on the archaeo-region.
• Description of the preliminary process carried out.
The research objective (Project Outline)
• Research questions with regard to the site (if available in accordance with the excavation design).
• Preconditions.
• Post-fieldwork assessment report.
Method of working, excavation strategy
• Description of the excavation method in relation to the nature of the site and the PO.
• Reasons for choices with regard to the selection of finds.
Interpretation of the finds in relationship to the different types and the site.
• The landscape around the site.
• Features and structures.
• Finds.
• The basic data from any dating analyses.
• Here, the results from the previous chapters are described with answers being sought to the research questions in the Project Outline. If prescribed in the PO, an evaluation of the preliminary process can be added.
• Dutch summary.
• List of illustrations (and sources).
• Bibliography.
• (Digital) medium with basic data and summary of the relevant finds groups and the corresponding files.
• Subreports or list of subreports with references to author and subject.

B. Subreport on features and structures
The subreport on features contains the following information:
Data on the excavation which is relevant to this subreport.
Information on the way in which the site is revealed at the present-day surface.
The present-day surface
• a map with the individual height measurements;
• a contour map ;
• photographs of the site prior to the excavation.
The stratigraphy
A description of the structure of the site on the basis of a number of (if need be composite or diagrammatic) sections. If possible, crossing sections are included across the entire site at one or - if desired - a number of strategic locations. As illustration, section photos made in the field can be included.
The contexts and structures
A description of the contexts and structures excavated (individual contexts, context categories, structures) based on drawings and photos. Summary of OS13 (results of the contexts analysis).
Site plans
• A composite plan.
• Phase plans.
• Excerpts from, or simplified versions of, the composite plan(s).
Structures, context categories and individual contexts
A description of relevant structures and contexts.

All structures are to be described and illustrated.
Context categories
Here (categories) contexts are dealt with that have not been assigned to structures.
Individual contexts
This focuses on contexts not yet discussed and not, therefore, attributed to structures or accommodated in categories.
Structures and contexts which appear to belong together (spatially and functionally) must be discussed and depicted as separate assemblages.
Interpretation and discussion
A description of the interpretation of the finds and a comparison with other sites to allow the research questions stated in the PO to be answered. The PO indicates whether a comparison with other sites has to be included.
Summary and conclusions
The summary consists of a brief description of the above-mentioned subjects.
Recommendations, if prescribed in the Project Outline
Recommendations for further research.
• List of illustrations.
• Lists with cross-references (numbers) between contexts and the related finds and samples
• Plans, maps and figures not included in the text due to their size.

C. Subreports per finds category (general description)
A subreport must at least contain the following information:
This includes the research questions relating to the finds category in question.
Finds & Methods
The methods and techniques used are described in relation to the nature of the site. In addition, the chosen method of collection and finds selection is justified.
Preservation of the finds
Description of the quality of the finds.
Results: finds analysis
• Typo(morpho)logical classification.
• Functional classification (in the case of ship inventories for example).
• Other details: use, burning and weathering, condition of the finds.
• Spatial distribution.
• Dating and cultural affiliation.
Interpretation and discussion
A description of the interpretation
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
6.2.16 The analysis of finds (OS14)Explanatory notesThe analysis of finds is the work of the appropriate specialist or analyst and is carried out at his/her expert discretion. The objective of such analysis is stated in general terms in the standards guidelines and can be defined in more detail as necessary in the Project Outline. The product of the analysis is, in addition to the analysis report, a set of data that are usually supplied in digital and analogue form. An analysis report should include a file with the meta information on the sorts and names of files, versions of programs used, the method by which files can be linked, codes used, keys, etc. In short, this report contains all the data required to make the data in its stored form accessible to other researchers.Process descriptionThe finds are analysed and documented by the appropriate expert/specialist for each finds category. Products• Analysis report. • Data file (meta information, digital data file and written information).• Packed and coded analysed finds.Actors• The appropriate Junior Specialist and/or Medior Archaeologist will analyse the finds.• The appropriate Senior Specialist and/or Senior Archaeologist will check whether the finds has been analysed correctly. Requirements with regard to resourcesGeneral analysis of finds• The tools and materials used when analysing must be adapted to the finds category. Tools must not be contaminated with material from another context.• Finds must be analysed in circumstances that ensure that the condition of the finds remains as stable as possible. • The analysed finds must be coded and packed in accordance with the find identification guidelines (OS03).The analysis of finds per finds category must, in any event, contain:• A typological classification and typochronological or taxonomic classification. The number of finds, divided according to form, finds and function, the quantity and quality of the raw material, the nature of the natural surface, the source of the raw material.• Details: indications of use (use wear), burning, secondary surface phenomena (per type and category), the condition of the finds and other details (attached finds, decoration). Use wear patterns are quantified.• Technology and typology on the basis of the shape of the artefacts. Reconstruction of any characteristic technological processes if such is indicated in the Project Outline.• Spatial distribution. Obligatory aspects are: periodisation and phasing, activity areas, cultural and natural transformation processes.• Dating and attributing to a certain culture. Such is determined on the basis of typo(chrono)logy, associations, spatial distribution, parallels and/or archaeological science methods.6.2.17 Final report (OS15)Explanatory notesThis is the final report on an excavation, complete with the reports by the specialist(s). It is written by the archaeologist who has carried out the fieldwork in collaboration with the appropriate specialists. The subreports are included as an appendix to the final report and are published by the specialist(s) concerned.The responsibility for the contents of the subreports is a matter for the expertise of the appropriate specialist(s). Nevertheless, these standards guidelines include a number of points which have to be included in each report. The aim is to allow the authors to focus attention on a number of issues, even in cases in which there is little to report in connection with the excavation in question. In that case, an indication or statement must be provided as to why that information is entirely or partially missing.In addition to the Dutch summary, it is recommended that a summary for the general public and an English summary are compiled.A further objective of the standards guideline is to assign a fixed structure to reports because that enhances comparability and makes them more readable for principals.Process descriptionThe writing of the final report in accordance with the Project Outline.ProductsFinal report:• Synthesis.• Subreports.• Data files.• Analysis report.• ISBN or ISSN number.Actors• The Medior Archaeologist writes the final report, unless a replacement has been appointed.• The appropriate Senior Specialists write the subreports that refer to their specialist fields.• The Senior Archaeologist checks whether the final report has been correctly drawn up. If correct, the Senior Archaeologist will initial the final report.Requirements with regard to resources• Requesting ISBN or ISSN number.A. SynthesisDepending on the research questions, the synthesis contains at least the following information.Administrative data• Dates. • Principal (developer).• Executing party (archaeological contractor).• Competent authority (municipal, provincial or national government).• Name of the archaeological expert on behalf of competent authority.• Curation and location of documentation.• National registration number (CIS-code).• Location (municipality, place, toponym, at least four x/y coordinates).• (Digital) map of excavation area.Introduction• Information on the project of which the excavation was a part, the organisation of the archaeological research and the principal.The site• Site data (municipality, place, toponym, at least four x/y coordinates) and all known identification codes.• Topographical situation of the site (location of the site on the basis of a topographical map).• A short discussion of the site in its archaeological context (archaeo-region) with a reference to the literature and/or database consulted.• Siting in the landscape, land use and physical-geographical data on the archaeo-region.• Description of the preliminary process carried out.The research objective (Project Outline)• Research questions with regard to the site (if available in accordance with the excavation design).• Preconditions.• Post-fieldwork assessment report.Method of working, excavation strategy• Description of the excavation method in relation to the nature of the site and the PO.• Reasons for choices with regard to the selection of finds.SynthesisInterpretation of the finds in relationship to the different types and the site.• The landscape around the site.• Features and structures.• Finds.Dating• The basic data from any dating analyses.Conclusions• Here, the results from the previous chapters are described with answers being sought to the research questions in the Project Outline. If prescribed in the PO, an evaluation of the preliminary process can be added.Summary• Dutch summary.Appendices• List of illustrations (and sources).• Bibliography.• (Digital) medium with basic data and summary of the relevant finds groups and the corresponding files.• Subreports or list of subreports with references to author and subject.B. Subreport on features and structuresThe subreport on features contains the following information:IntroductionData on the excavation which is relevant to this subreport.StratigraphyInformation on the way in which the site is revealed at the present-day surface. The present-day surface• a map with the individual height measurements;• a contour map ;• photographs of the site prior to the excavation.The stratigraphyA description of the structure of the site on the basis of a number of (if need be composite or diagrammatic) sections. If possible, crossing sections are included across the entire site at one or - if desired - a number of strategic locations. As illustration, section photos made in the field can be included. The contexts and structuresA description of the contexts and structures excavated (individual contexts, context categories, structures) based on drawings and photos. Summary of OS13 (results of the contexts analysis).Site plans• A composite plan.• Phase plans.• Excerpts from, or simplified versions of, the composite plan(s). Structures, context categories and individual contexts A description of relevant structures and contexts.StructuresAll structures are to be described and illustrated.Context categoriesHere (categories) contexts are dealt with that have not been assigned to structures.Individual contextsThis focuses on contexts not yet discussed and not, therefore, attributed to structures or accommodated in categories. AssemblagesStructures and contexts which appear to belong together (spatially and functionally) must be discussed and depicted as separate assemblages. Interpretation and discussionA description of the interpretation of the finds and a comparison with other sites to allow the research questions stated in the PO to be answered. The PO indicates whether a comparison with other sites has to be included.Summary and conclusionsThe summary consists of a brief description of the above-mentioned subjects.Recommendations, if prescribed in the Project OutlineRecommendations for further research.Appendices• List of illustrations.• Lists with cross-references (numbers) between contexts and the related finds and samples• Plans, maps and figures not included in the text due to their size.C. Subreports per finds category (general description)A subreport must at least contain the following information:IntroductionThis includes the research questions relating to the finds category in question.Finds & MethodsThe methods and techniques used are described in relation to the nature of the site. In addition, the chosen method of collection and finds selection is justified.Preservation of the findsDescription of the quality of the finds.Results: finds analysis• Typo(morpho)logical classification.• Functional classification (in the case of ship inventories for example).• Other details: use, burning and weathering, condition of the finds.• Spatial distribution.• Dating and cultural affiliation.Interpretation and discussionA description of the interpretation
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