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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
„This Meng.” In the Meng Hao eye the cold glow dodges, before that moment, the Wang Clan technique method, making his mind shake, this moment item of dew was cold, the Meng Hao body suddenly in a flash, instant appeared before the body of Xie Yixian, the right hand lifted, as before was a fist!The first fist, Xie Yixian blowout blood, his incense and candle, his country, the complete collapse, the body backs up.The second fist, fell on the Chen Hao front, around the Chen Hao dreadful sea of fire, such as has met the strong winds, extinguished instantaneously, that astonishing flame main item, exploded at this moment, the Chen Hao whole person sent out not willingly whooshing, may actually unable to stop the blowout of blood.The third fist, fell before the body of Wang Mu, regarding Wang Clan, Meng Hao innermost feelings complex at the same time, to the Wang Clan magical powers, dreaded very much that this fist fell, moved with that astonishing one figure directly, in the bang, this figure of collapse, the Wang Mu blood blowout, the whole person stupor, drove out directly.The fourth fist, the fifth fist, the sixth fist!The Song Luodan whole body blood such as the fog blows out, the Taiyang Zi chest is hollow, the whole person almost will die, Ancient Immortal Tomb Yu Xinglong, his needle, the direct smashing, changes to the flying ash, his facial color is pale, under this fist, the body almost must collapse, in the blood, same lost the consciousness.Meng Hao tidak telah membunuh orang, satu sama lain tidak memiliki permusuhan, hal ini hanya pilihan nyata abadi, saling [mengatakan / cara], perang yang harus melakukan!Enam tinju, enam orang ditinggalkan sepenuhnya, Meng Hao berdiri di langit berbintang, tarian rambut di udara, di tubuhnya, menyebar terakhir ke Guntur, itu 123 bang rd, ini atas nama, saat ini Meng Hao, melepaskan sepenuhnya kekuatan Meridian abadi."Apakah terlalu kuat!!""Alam abadi tertinggi!" Kesembilan gunung dan laut menyebar, saat ini Meng Hao gempar, kekuatannya, nama getar kesembilan Gunung!Perang langit berbintang, banyak orang membayar perhatian, perang ini, perang dipilih, adalah perang nyata abadi, memutuskan berbagai Keluarga, di masa perang pilar negara."Mengapa harus berjuang, tahu sangat baik yang tidak cocok, mengapa perkelahian, ini disebut kesembilan gunung dan laut tidak memilih, tidak mempertimbangkan sumber daya menggigit dari lebih dari dapat mengunyah? Jika saya, akan mempersiapkan pasti secara rahasia, naik memukau dunia dengan prestasi cemerlang satu lagi! Demikian, kesembilan gunung dan laut ini orang, biasa-biasa saja, mental bodoh, bodoh. " Kesembilan gunung dan laut, bahkan jika Ji klan tidak telah menemukan bahwa di langit berbintang ini luas, ketika tidak tahu, meninggalkan kapal kapal sangat biasa.Di kapal kapal ini, duduk seorang setengah baya, sisi laki-laki memiliki seorang pemuda, mengerutkan kening untuk melihat ke busur, pingsan, dalam perahu ini tempel, gambar nyata, antara bentuk, adalah Meng Hao dan perang-perang ini dipilih.„ Because ... They are Chosen, they can be defeated, can be inferior to others, but they, if Lien Chan's courage does not have, if Lian Liangjian the determination does not have, they forever ... Does not dare, in this is called in front of the Fang Hao child to get rid.Because. Immortal boundary, has such disparity, at this moment does not fight ... After the future disparity is bigger. They ... Will not have forever the courage that one fights. ” The middle-aged man took up was heating wine class, min. Said in a soft voice.„Even if the people do fight together? Like this won was also what kind, what can prove?” The youth sneer.„Showed that he can be defeated by the peer!” Middle-aged man tranquil to open mouth.„Fierce, this is you and their disparities, nine big Mountains and Seas Plane, are not taken lightly.”„That how, one crowd by us ...” The youth sneer, to open mouth, may actually by that middle-aged man severe after staring. Innermost feelings one startled, had not said the words that swallowed down.Nobody discovered that existence of this boat ship, they as if are in the different spaces with Ninth Mountain and Sea, floats in the starry sky, slowly goes far away.This war, received the attention of too many person, particularly ... This should be each other respective magnificent battlefield, after becoming all people unite to fight Meng Hao, has aroused the strong interest.It is not all Chosen. Will collaborate to battle, Fang Wei has not moved, he is in the midair. At this moment closes one's eyes, has not gone to look at starry sky, but in within the body unceasing fermentation, his aura gradual great strength, Fang Clan secret technique on him, fusion even more, but in his within the body, two Nirvana fruits, in this moment. If the heart beats generally.When he, waited for his imposing manner to the peak. Goes to and a Meng Hao war!
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