to mouth the words while others sang. They felt misunderstood and judg terjemahan - to mouth the words while others sang. They felt misunderstood and judg Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

to mouth the words while others san

to mouth the words while others sang. They felt misunderstood and judged
negatively. The self-image that remained was, “I can’t draw,” “I’m not musical,”
“It’s no fun anymore.” Music and drawing then were confi ned to singing in the
shower or doodling on a note pad.
N. Rogers believes our society has squeezed the tasty juice of the creative
process right out of most of us. We need to fi nd ways to recapture spontaneous
freedom of expression without looking to others for approval. We cheat ourselves
out of a fulfi lling and joyous source of creativity if we cling to the idea
that an artist is the only one who can enter the realm of creativity. We all can
use the arts to focus on self-expression and personal growth.
N. Rogers’s (1993) group work differs from her father’s in that she offers group
guidelines at the beginning of any workshop or experiential class so that participants
understand the concepts of creative expression and the basic guidelines
for group behavior. Group evaluations and feedback over 25 years revealed
that participants consistently felt that the following guidelines were
• Be aware of your feelings and your own body, and take care of yourself,
including talking with the facilitators.
• There is no right or wrong way to do art.
• All instructions are always suggestions.
• Do not judge others, and keep the general bounds of confi dentiality.
N. Rogers also developed guidelines for community group behavior. Because
most of these courses are 4- to 8-day intensive experiential groups, the group
process has some predictable stages. These guidelines have proven helpful in
addressing each stage.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
untuk mulut kata sementara yang lain bernyanyi. Mereka merasa disalahpahami dan dihakiminegatif. Citra diri yang tetap adalah, "Aku tidak bisa menggambar," "Aku tidak musik,""Hal ini tidak menyenangkan lagi." Musik dan gambar kemudian adalah XQWXN ned untuk bernyanyi dishower atau mencoret-coret pada catatan pad.N. Rogers percaya masyarakat kita sudah diperas jus lezat kreatifproses langsung dari sebagian besar dari kita. Kita perlu fi nd cara untuk merebut kembali spontankebebasan berekspresi tanpa melihat ke orang lain untuk persetujuan. Kami menipu diri kita sendirikeluar dari fulfi lling dan sumber sukacita kreativitas jika kita melekat pada gagasanbahwa seniman adalah satu-satunya yang dapat memasuki bidang kreativitas. Kita semua bisamenggunakan seni untuk fokus pada ekspresi diri dan pertumbuhan pribadi.PEDOMAN UNTUK EKSPRESI KREATIF DALAM KELOMPOKDAN DI GEDUNG KOMUNIKAN. Rogers (1993) kelompok kerja berbeda dari ayahnya bahwa dia menawarkan kelompokPedoman pada awal setiap lokakarya atau pengalaman kelas sehingga peserta yangmemahami konsep ekspresi kreatif dan pedoman dasaruntuk perilaku kelompok. Kelompok evaluasi dan umpan balik lebih dari 25 tahun mengungkapkanbahwa peserta secara konsisten merasa bahwa pedoman berikut yangberguna:• Menyadari perasaan Anda dan tubuh Anda sendiri, dan mengurus diri sendiri,termasuk berbicara dengan para fasilitator.• Ada adalah tidak benar atau salah cara untuk melakukan seni.• Semua petunjuk yang selalu saran.• Tidak menghakimi orang lain, dan menjaga batas-batas umum XQWXN dentiality.N. Rogers juga mengembangkan pedoman untuk perilaku kelompok masyarakat. Karenasebagian besar kursus ini adalah 4 - 8-hari intensif pengalaman kelompok, kelompokproses mempunyai beberapa tahap diprediksi. Panduan ini telah terbukti membantu dalammenangani setiap tahap.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
to mouth the words while others sang. They felt misunderstood and judged
negatively. The self-image that remained was, “I can’t draw,” “I’m not musical,”
“It’s no fun anymore.” Music and drawing then were confi ned to singing in the
shower or doodling on a note pad.
N. Rogers believes our society has squeezed the tasty juice of the creative
process right out of most of us. We need to fi nd ways to recapture spontaneous
freedom of expression without looking to others for approval. We cheat ourselves
out of a fulfi lling and joyous source of creativity if we cling to the idea
that an artist is the only one who can enter the realm of creativity. We all can
use the arts to focus on self-expression and personal growth.
N. Rogers’s (1993) group work differs from her father’s in that she offers group
guidelines at the beginning of any workshop or experiential class so that participants
understand the concepts of creative expression and the basic guidelines
for group behavior. Group evaluations and feedback over 25 years revealed
that participants consistently felt that the following guidelines were
• Be aware of your feelings and your own body, and take care of yourself,
including talking with the facilitators.
• There is no right or wrong way to do art.
• All instructions are always suggestions.
• Do not judge others, and keep the general bounds of confi dentiality.
N. Rogers also developed guidelines for community group behavior. Because
most of these courses are 4- to 8-day intensive experiential groups, the group
process has some predictable stages. These guidelines have proven helpful in
addressing each stage.
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