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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
CHAPTER IIIMETHODOLOGY OF THE RESEARCH Design of the ResearchThe design of this research is a quasi experimental design. It means the writer use two groups, those are experimental group and control group. The design of this research is displayed in the following paradigma.Table 3.1 : Research ParadigmaGroup Pre-test Treatment Post-testEG O1 X1 O2CG O3 X2 O4Where: EG: Experimental groupCG: Control groupO_1: Pretest, experimental groupO_2: Postest, experimental groupX_1: Treatment for experimental group by using sketch the teaching Material at the end of the class.X_2: Treatment for control group without sketch the teaching Material.O_3: Pretest, control groupO_4: Postest, control group Variables of the ResearchThere are two variable in this research. They are dependent variable and independent variable. Dependent variable is using sketch and independent variable is ability in writing Papulation and Sample PopulationThe population of this reseach is all of the second grade students SMP Negeri 3 Baubau in academic-year 2015/2016. The total numbers of the population as 130 students consisted of 30 students of VIII A, 28 students of VIII B, 27 students of VIII C, 25 students of VIII D, and 20 students of VIII E. Sample In taking the sample in this research a cluster random sampling is used. The sample is the class VIII D as experiment group and the class VIII E as control group, so the samples in this research are 40 students which consist of 20 students of VIII D class, and 20 students of VIII E class. Instrument of the ResearchThe instrument uses in this research is test. For the test the total number of it is approximately 5-10 items writing sentence. The test consists of pre-test and post-test. Pre-test is administered to find out the students’ prior writing performance; while, posttest is administered to find out the students’ post writing performance after applying sketch technique. Technique of Data CollectionThe techniques that will be use in the data of in this research, the research use the following procedure: Pre-testThe pre-test is give before treatment. Pretest is aimed to find out the students’ prior ability in writing before treatment. It is intend to see the students score prior ability in writing before giving treatment for experimental class. Post-testAfter doing the treatment, the writter give posttest to the experimental and control group. The aim of posttest is to investigate the student ability in writing. Technique of Data AnalysisThe techniques that will be applied in analyzing the data about the students’ writing performance are descriptive statistic analysis and inferential statistic it is intended to know whether or not there is any significant difference on students’ writing performance between group of students who are taught with sketch and group of students who are taught without sketch. Pre-Requisite AnalysisSebelum pengujian hipotesis bahwa adalah untuk membandingkan perbedaan kinerja menulis siswa menggunakan Anova, ada tes prasyarat untuk mengetahui legalitas dari sampel, yaitu uji normalitas dan keseragaman akan digunakan. Tes ini dilakukan untuk menentukan apakah data normal dan homogen atau tidak. Itu juga berarti untuk memeriksa jika hasil penelitian memenuhi persyaratan dari baik penelitian PL tidak. Hyphothesis pengujianUntuk mengetahui apakah ada perbedaan signifikan atau menulis kinerja antara sekelompok siswa yang diajar dengan sketsa teknik dan sekelompok siswa yang diajar tanpa sketsa, penelitian menggunakan Anova dari versi SPSS Program 17.
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