recount ( study tour at jakarta - bandung ) Date of December, 20th 200 terjemahan - recount ( study tour at jakarta - bandung ) Date of December, 20th 200 Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

recount ( study tour at jakarta - b

recount ( study tour at jakarta - bandung )
Date of December, 20th 2007, at 15.00 pm , I went to school to check in the departure preparation to Jakarta. Sum of the student followed study tour more or less are 400 students, and used the bus, its amount 8 bus, that is EFISIENSI bus.
At 17.00 pm, we left from SMP N 1 Wates to Jakarta. In bus, I sat with my friend, Eva, in chair number 16 and 17. We got the bus number 1, with my headmaster, Mr. Ngagi Purwanto. I and Eva joked and read magazine together. Lost to, we arrived at the Pelangi restaurant, in Kebumen at 18.50 pm for prayed sholat magrib and plural of prayed sholat isya’, and also dinner. Afterwards, we continued the journey to Jakarta.
One by one we slept, but I can’t well-sleep, because the road is not good. And, we arrived at Jakarta, at 05.00 am. After check in the lodging, we prayed sholat subuh, take a rest, take a bath and breakfast. After ate, we went to TMII. We only circle the TMII with the bus because TMII is so wide. After satisfied in TMII, we visited the PP IPTEK.
In PP IPTEK, we learned a lot of matter. Especially about electrics, magnet, balance, axis wheel, and there is also object which fell from outside space. We became more know, because in PP IPTEK, not only theory, but also with physic appliance. Because of the limited time, we immediately went to the museum Purna Bhakti Pertiwi at 10.00 am.
In Purna Bhakti Pertiwi, a lot of object is collected from some state. And we are also entered the special room. The room of Mr . Soeharto. At 11.00 am, we went to Sea World Indonesia. A lot of fish or rareness fish which can be met in Sea World Indonesia. There is also sold doll of form of fish, t-shirt, toy, sticker which have logo of Sea World Indonesia. After that, we prayed sholat dhuhur and lunch.
And than, we had a good time in DUFAN, my first destination, with Eva, Ana, and Puspa is got up Tornado. But, after came there, Tornado was repairing. We were disappointed. We reached the Jakarta, but can’t got up Tornado, most game liked by the young people. Because a lot of game, I, Eva, Ana, and Puspa, got up Kora-Kora, and we screamed loudly.
Because the game tended. Wow, it is terrific!. Than, we got up Halilintar. Game like cart, and have circle of 360 degree. Because confused, we came into Istana Boneka. There, the doll moved by electrics. The doll showed the costume from other state. I, Eva, Ana, and Puspa prayed sholat ashar. After prayed sholat ashar, we take a rest and bought snacks and also drinks. Than, we got up Poci-Poci. Game like a cup and rotate from slowly to quickly, and very quickly.
We entered Rumah Jahil. There, there are mirror in every wall. We confused the way to out from Rumah Jahil. We followed the other people to out from Rumah Jahil. And than, we entered Rumah Miring. House which like no earth gravitation. I, Eva, Ana, and Puspa entered Niagara-Gara. In Niagara-Gara, my shoe, Eva’s shoe, Ana’s shoe, and Puspa’s shoe is wet, because incurred by water. Than, we returned to bus, and back to the lodging, to take a bath, prayed sholat magrib, dinner, sholat isya’. And slept.
I woke up at 05.00 am is aroused by Puspa. We prayed sholat subuh. After prayed sholat subuh, we walked to encircle the lodging before breakfast. And than, we take a bath, check out, and breakfast. After breakfast, we put the bag to bus. And we went to Bandung. At 12.00 pm, we visited museum Geologi Bandung. And we continued to museum Asia-Afrika, but museum Asia Afika not open on holiday.
And to change museum Asia Afrika, we went to the zoo Bandung. Oh my God, we like child. We are to the zoo Bandung. There, the place like never been take care. We prayed sholat dhuhur in mosque of zoo Bandung. We continued went to Cibaduyut. There, we confused to chosen a shoe, because a lot of shoes. Not only shoe, but also t-shirt, doll, and peuyeum. I got a new shoe, and I bought t-shirt for my family and my self. And also, I bought peuyeum. We returned to bus, to Simpang Raya restaurant. After ate, we prayed sholat magrib, and plural of prayed sholat isya’. Before we back to SMP N 1 Wates, we bought something for present. At 21.00 pm, we went to SMP N 1 Wates. One by one, we slept.
Finally, we reached SMP N 1 Wates at 03.00 am, with safe and health. We release our bag from bus baggage. I called my Father to picked up me. A few moment later, my father picked up me, and I back to home. Although we are tired, but pleasure. We have the new experience.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
recount ( study tour at jakarta - bandung ) Date of December, 20th 2007, at 15.00 pm , I went to school to check in the departure preparation to Jakarta. Sum of the student followed study tour more or less are 400 students, and used the bus, its amount 8 bus, that is EFISIENSI bus. At 17.00 pm, we left from SMP N 1 Wates to Jakarta. In bus, I sat with my friend, Eva, in chair number 16 and 17. We got the bus number 1, with my headmaster, Mr. Ngagi Purwanto. I and Eva joked and read magazine together. Lost to, we arrived at the Pelangi restaurant, in Kebumen at 18.50 pm for prayed sholat magrib and plural of prayed sholat isya’, and also dinner. Afterwards, we continued the journey to Jakarta. One by one we slept, but I can’t well-sleep, because the road is not good. And, we arrived at Jakarta, at 05.00 am. After check in the lodging, we prayed sholat subuh, take a rest, take a bath and breakfast. After ate, we went to TMII. We only circle the TMII with the bus because TMII is so wide. After satisfied in TMII, we visited the PP IPTEK. In PP IPTEK, we learned a lot of matter. Especially about electrics, magnet, balance, axis wheel, and there is also object which fell from outside space. We became more know, because in PP IPTEK, not only theory, but also with physic appliance. Because of the limited time, we immediately went to the museum Purna Bhakti Pertiwi at 10.00 am. Di Purna Bhakti Pertiwi, banyak objek yang dikumpulkan dari beberapa negara. Dan kami juga memasuki ruangan khusus. Ruang Mr. Soeharto. Pada pukul 11.00 pagi, kami pergi ke SeaWorld Indonesia. Banyak ikan atau hal yg jarang sekali ikan yang dapat bertemu di SeaWorld Indonesia. Ada juga dijual boneka bentuk ikan, t-shirt, mainan, stiker yang memiliki logo SeaWorld Indonesia. Setelah itu, kita berdoa sholat dhuhur dan makan siang. Dan daripada, kami memiliki waktu yang baik di DUFAN, tujuan pertama saya, dengan Eva, Ana, dan Puspa bangun Tornado. Tapi, setelah datang ke sana, Tornado adalah pada memperbaiki. Kami sangat kecewa. Kami mencapai Jakarta, tetapi tidak dapat bangun Tornado, permainan paling disukai oleh orang-orang muda. Karena banyak permainan, aku, Eva, Ana dan Puspa, bangun Kora-Kora, dan kami berteriak keras. Karena permainan cenderung. Wow, ini hebat!. Daripada, kami bangun Halilintar. Permainan seperti keranjang, dan memiliki lingkaran 360 derajat. Karena bingung, kami datang ke Istana Boneka. Di sana, boneka yang digerakkan oleh listrik. Boneka menunjukkan kostum dari negara lain. I, Eva, Ana, dan Puspa berdoa sholat ashar. Setelah ashar berdoa sholat, kita beristirahat dan membeli makanan ringan dan minuman juga. Daripada, kami bangun Poci-Poci. Permainan seperti cangkir dan memutar dari perlahan-lahan untuk dengan cepat, dan sangat cepat. Kami memasuki Rumah Jahil. Di sana, ada cermin di setiap dinding. Kami bingung cara untuk keluar dari Rumah Jahil. Kita mengikuti orang lain untuk keluar dari Rumah Jahil. Dan daripada, kita memasuki Rumah Miring. Rumah yang seperti gravitasi bumi ada. Aku, Eva, Ana dan Puspa memasuki Niagara-Gara. Di Niagara-Gara, Sepatu, sepatu Eva, sepatu Ana, dan sepatu Puspa di basah, karena dikeluarkan oleh air. Daripada, kami kembali ke bus, dan kembali ke penginapan, untuk mandi, berdoa sholat magrib, makan malam, sholat isya'. Dan tidur. Aku bangun up pada jam 05.00 pagi dibangkitkan oleh Puspa. Kita berdoa sholat subuh. Setelah berdoa sholat subuh, kami berjalan untuk mengelilingi penginapan sebelum sarapan. Dan dari, kita mengambil mandi, memeriksa, dan sarapan. Setelah sarapan, kita meletakkan tas ke bus. Dan kami pergi ke Bandung. Jam 12.00 WIB, kami mengunjungi museum Geologi Bandung. Dan kami terus museum Asia-Afrika, tetapi museum Asia Afika tidak buka pada hari libur. Dan untuk mengubah museum Asia Afrika, kami pergi ke kebun binatang Bandung. Oh Tuhan, kita seperti anak. Kami adalah ke kebun binatang Bandung. Di sana, tempat seperti pernah berhati-hati. Kita berdoa sholat dhuhur di masjid kebun binatang Bandung. Kami terus pergi ke Cibaduyut. Di sana, kita bingung untuk pilihan Sepatu, karena banyak sepatu. Tidak hanya Sepatu, tapi juga t-shirt, boneka, dan peuyeum. Aku punya sepatu baru, dan saya membeli t-shirt untuk keluarga saya dan saya sendiri. Dan juga, saya membeli peuyeum. Kami kembali ke bus, ke restoran Simpang Raya. Setelah makan, kita berdoa sholat magrib dan jamak berdoa sholat isya'. Sebelum kita kembali ke SMP N 1 Wates, kami membeli sesuatu untuk saat ini. Jam 21.00 WIB, kami pergi ke SMP N 1 Wates. Satu per satu, kita tidur. Akhirnya, kami mencapai SMP N 1 Wates pada 03.00 WIB, dengan Brankas, dan kesehatan. Kami merilis kami tas dari bagasi bus. Aku menelepon ayah saya untuk mengambil saya. Beberapa saat kemudian, ayah saya mengambil saya, dan aku kembali ke rumah. Meskipun kita lelah, tetapi kesenangan. Kami memiliki pengalaman baru.
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