Thunders, the ripple several hundred over a thousand times of eruption terjemahan - Thunders, the ripple several hundred over a thousand times of eruption Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Thunders, the ripple several hundre

Thunders, the ripple several hundred over a thousand times of eruptions, that Ancient Gate is the fierce inflation, is getting bigger and bigger, bigger and bigger ... Even in this starry sky, presented the fog unexpectedly, this fog, covers all directions baseless, resembles to this starry skies cover.
In the fog, reveals forms unexpectedly from time to time, these forms wore the ancient clothes, each form was dodging instant, erupts the frightening aura that flickered passes.
Some low roars of being depressed, spread in the fog, along with the proliferation of fog, this roars lowly is getting more and more intense, to finally, has been similar to Tianwei roars, each reverberation, makes the fog tumbling fierce, among covered Ancient Gate, in this moment, the meaning of ancient, is more obvious.
Seeing that even can blur, in that Ancient Gate all around, presented the distortion unexpectedly, this distortion besides the space, the time, as if in this Ancient Gate all around, passing of time, is different to the outside!
The pressure, in this moment, suddenly suddenly to increase, intensely to the terrifying degree, fierce dispersing, the Meng Hao facial color suddenly changed, the body in this flickers unexpectedly, uncontrolled withdrawing.
Even, his hair is calm, his body exudes ka the sound, is similar to is extruded by the world, was wanted to grind general by the world, this, making the Meng Hao mind thunder immediately.
„This is not right!” When Meng Hao two eyes contraction, once more retreats, around him that five Meng Clan Patriarch, already made a getaway at this moment, withdrew was very far.
These five Meng Clan Patriarch, such as received intense frightening at this moment, looks pale, with amazement.
„This ... This is Ancient Gate, to be how more terrorist than the disaster!!”
„This Ancient Gate, in the ancient book has not recorded, has not heard, this Ancient Gate, impossible to be passed radically!”
„World great misfortune, Dao Realm does not have this Ancient Gate sound to be so big at present ...” Five Meng Clan Patriarch, each one holding breath tone, they do not believe that some people can pass this Ancient Gate disaster.
Because is they, when facing this Ancient Gate, has not grasped successfully, in fog that say nothing, this moment this all around proliferates, sends out to let their fearful and apprehensive terrifying aura intermittently.
The Meng Hao facial color, is ugly immediately, on his below Meng Clan earth, all Meng Clan clansmen, dumbfounded looks at the starry sky Ancient Gate and fog, this will be their this life, most unforgettable picture.
They are in entire Mountains and Seas Plane, are not many ... Sees with one's own eyes this type saying that disaster is unable to compare ... Ancient Tribulation!
The Meng Hao complexion is cloudier, he thought Ancient Realm to himself, but is the transition, after all he had has fought the Dao Realm strength, even if takes a broad view at entire Mountains and Seas Plane, can the person of his defeating, is not many, can say that Meng Hao already stood in a Mountains and Seas Plane some degree of peak.
But thought so now that Meng Hao knows, he has made a mistake, wrong unusual is odd, his wrong is not the judgment of own strength, wrong, yes ... Defeats Dao Realm regarding oneself by Heaven's Crown Dao Immortal, behind this fearful strength, represents ... Go against heaven's will!
But the person of going against heaven's will, must have punishing of going against heaven's will, perhaps this not simple going against, but is ... To obtain anything, must pay the price, but the price that Meng Hao, he forever the strength, has needed is ... This terrifying indescribable Ancient Tribulation!
Meng Hao looks at the fog, after looking at the fog , the partly visible gate, he felt the death!
„This time, opens the door merely, steps into Ancient Realm, after that also the lamps extinguish, the human does not extinguish ... This Ancient Realm, for me is not simple excessive, but time and time again life and death ... I am Heaven's Crown Dao Immortal, this is the matter that must experience ...” Meng Hao thoroughly understands suddenly that sighed one lightly.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Guruh, riak beberapa ratus selama seribu kali letusan, gerbang kuno yang inflasi sengit, semakin besar dan lebih besar, lebih besar dan lebih besar... Bahkan dalam ini starry langit, disajikan kabut tiba-tiba, kabut ini, mencakup semua arah tak berdasar, mirip sampul starry langit ini.Dalam kabut, mengungkapkan bentuk tiba-tiba dari waktu ke waktu, bentuk ini mengenakan pakaian kuno, setiap bentuk menghindari instan, meletus aura menakutkan yang berkedip-kedip Tiket.Mengaum rendah beberapa menjadi tertekan, tersebar di kabut, bersama dengan proliferasi kabut, ini mengaum rendah semakin lebih dan lebih intens, untuk akhirnya, telah mirip dengan mengaum Tianwei, gema setiap, membuat kabut jatuh sengit, antara gerbang kuno yang tertutup, pada saat ini, arti kuno, lebih jelas.Melihat bahwa bahkan dapat kabur, dalam bahwa gerbang kuno di sekitar, disajikan distorsi tiba-tiba, distorsi ini selain ruang, waktu, seolah-olah di gerbang kuno ini di sekitar, melewati waktu, berbeda ke luar!Tekanan, pada saat ini, tiba-tiba tiba-tiba untuk meningkatkan, intens untuk tingkat yang mengerikan, menyebar sengit, warna wajah Meng Hao tiba-tiba berubah, tubuh dalam ini berkedip tiba-tiba, tak terkendali penarikan.Bahkan, rambutnya tenang, tubuhnya memancarkan ka suara, mirip diekstrusi oleh dunia, adalah ingin menggiling umum oleh dunia, ini, membuat Meng Hao pikiran thunder segera.„This is not right!” When Meng Hao two eyes contraction, once more retreats, around him that five Meng Clan Patriarch, already made a getaway at this moment, withdrew was very far.These five Meng Clan Patriarch, such as received intense frightening at this moment, looks pale, with amazement.„This ... This is Ancient Gate, to be how more terrorist than the disaster!!”„This Ancient Gate, in the ancient book has not recorded, has not heard, this Ancient Gate, impossible to be passed radically!”„World great misfortune, Dao Realm does not have this Ancient Gate sound to be so big at present ...” Five Meng Clan Patriarch, each one holding breath tone, they do not believe that some people can pass this Ancient Gate disaster.Because is they, when facing this Ancient Gate, has not grasped successfully, in fog that say nothing, this moment this all around proliferates, sends out to let their fearful and apprehensive terrifying aura intermittently.The Meng Hao facial color, is ugly immediately, on his below Meng Clan earth, all Meng Clan clansmen, dumbfounded looks at the starry sky Ancient Gate and fog, this will be their this life, most unforgettable picture.They are in entire Mountains and Seas Plane, are not many ... Sees with one's own eyes this type saying that disaster is unable to compare ... Ancient Tribulation!The Meng Hao complexion is cloudier, he thought Ancient Realm to himself, but is the transition, after all he had has fought the Dao Realm strength, even if takes a broad view at entire Mountains and Seas Plane, can the person of his defeating, is not many, can say that Meng Hao already stood in a Mountains and Seas Plane some degree of peak.But thought so now that Meng Hao knows, he has made a mistake, wrong unusual is odd, his wrong is not the judgment of own strength, wrong, yes ... Defeats Dao Realm regarding oneself by Heaven's Crown Dao Immortal, behind this fearful strength, represents ... Go against heaven's will!But the person of going against heaven's will, must have punishing of going against heaven's will, perhaps this not simple going against, but is ... To obtain anything, must pay the price, but the price that Meng Hao, he forever the strength, has needed is ... This terrifying indescribable Ancient Tribulation!Meng Hao looks at the fog, after looking at the fog , the partly visible gate, he felt the death!„This time, opens the door merely, steps into Ancient Realm, after that also the lamps extinguish, the human does not extinguish ... This Ancient Realm, for me is not simple excessive, but time and time again life and death ... I am Heaven's Crown Dao Immortal, this is the matter that must experience ...” Meng Hao thoroughly understands suddenly that sighed one lightly.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Thunders, riak beberapa ratus lebih dari seribu kali letusan, yang Gerbang Kuno adalah inflasi sengit, semakin besar dan lebih besar, lebih besar dan lebih besar ... Bahkan di langit berbintang ini, disajikan kabut tiba-tiba, kabut ini, mencakup semua arah berdasar, menyerupai berbintang ini langit menutupi.
dalam kabut, mengungkapkan bentuk tak terduga dari waktu ke waktu, bentuk ini mengenakan pakaian kuno, setiap form yang menghindari instan, meletus aura menakutkan yang melintas melewati.
Beberapa mengaum rendah menjadi tertekan, spread dalam kabut, bersama dengan proliferasi kabut, ini mengaum rendah semakin lebih dan lebih intens, akhirnya, telah mirip dengan Tianwei mengaum, setiap gema, membuat kabut jatuh sengit, antara tertutup Gerbang Kuno, pada saat ini, arti kuno, lebih jelas.
Melihat bahwa bahkan dapat mengaburkan, dalam Gerbang kuno di sekitar, disajikan distorsi tiba-tiba, distorsi ini selain ruang, waktu, seolah-olah di Gerbang kuno ini di sekitar, melewati waktu, berbeda ke luar!
tekanan, pada saat ini, tiba-tiba tiba-tiba meningkat, intens untuk tingkat menakutkan, pendispersi sengit, Meng Hao warna wajah tiba-tiba berubah, tubuh dalam berkedip tiba-tiba, tidak terkendali menarik.
Bahkan, rambutnya tenang, tubuhnya memancarkan ka suara, mirip dengan diekstrusi oleh dunia, ingin menggiling umum oleh dunia, ini, membuat Meng Hao pikiran guntur segera.
"ini tidak benar!" Ketika Meng Hao dua mata kontraksi, setelah lebih retret, di sekelilingnya bahwa lima Meng Clan Patriarch, sudah membuat liburan saat ini, menarik diri sangat jauh.
kelima Meng Clan Patriarch, seperti menerima intens menakutkan saat ini, terlihat pucat, dengan takjub.
"ini ... ini adalah Gerbang kuno, menjadi bagaimana lebih teroris dari bencana !! "
" Gerbang kuno ini, dalam buku kuno belum tercatat, belum mendengar, Gerbang kuno ini, tidak mungkin untuk dilewati radikal! "
" Dunia kemalangan besar, Dao Realm tidak memiliki suara Ancient Gate ini menjadi begitu besar saat ini ... "Lima Meng Clan Patriarch, masing-masing memegang nada napas, mereka tidak percaya bahwa beberapa orang dapat melewati bencana Ancient Gate ini.
Karena adalah mereka, ketika menghadapi ini Gerbang kuno, belum memahami berhasil, dalam kabut yang mengatakan apa-apa, saat ini ini seluruh berproliferasi, mengirimkan membiarkan. takut dan khawatir menakutkan aura sebentar-sebentar mereka
The Meng Hao warna wajah, jelek segera, pada nya di bawah Meng Clan bumi, semua Meng Clan klan, terlihat tercengang di langit berbintang Gerbang Kuno dan kabut, ini akan menjadi kehidupan ini, gambar yang paling tak terlupakan mereka.
mereka berada di seluruh Gunung dan Laut Pesawat, tidak banyak ... Melihat dengan mata sendiri jenis ini pepatah bencana yang tidak dapat membandingkan ... Tribulation Kuno!
The Meng Hao kulit adalah cloudier, pikirnya Lanta untuk dirinya sendiri, tetapi transisi, setelah semua dia telah berjuang kekuatan Dao Realm, bahkan jika mengambil pandangan yang luas di seluruh Gunung dan Laut Pesawat, dapat orang dari defeating nya, tidak banyak, bisa mengatakan bahwa Meng Hao sudah berdiri di a Plane Gunung dan Laut beberapa derajat puncak.
Tapi berpikir begitu sekarang Meng Hao tahu, dia telah membuat kesalahan, yang salah tidak biasa aneh, salah nya bukan penghakiman kekuatan sendiri, salah, ya ... Mengalahkan Dao Realm tentang diri sendiri dengan surga Crown Dao Immortal, di balik kekuatan menakutkan ini, merupakan ... pergi melawan kehendak Tuhan!
Tapi orang pergi melawan kehendak Tuhan, pasti menghukum melawan kehendak Tuhan, mungkin ini tidak sederhana akan melawan, tapi ... Untuk mendapatkan apa-apa, harus membayar harga, tapi harga yang Meng Hao, ia selamanya kekuatan, telah dibutuhkan adalah. .. ini menakutkan yang tak terlukiskan Kuno Tribulation!
Meng Hao melihat kabut, setelah melihat kabut, gerbang sebagian terlihat, ia merasa mati!
"kali ini, membuka pintu hanya, langkah-langkah ke Lanta, setelah itu juga lampu memadamkan, manusia tidak memadamkan ... Lanta ini, bagi saya tidak sederhana berlebihan, tapi waktu dan waktu lagi hidup dan mati ... saya Surga Crown Dao Immortal, ini adalah hal yang harus mengalami ... " Meng Hao menyeluruh mengerti tiba-tiba yang mendesah satu ringan.
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