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A “Risk Based Thinking”Model for ISO 9001:2015Bob DeysherSenior Consultant©2014 QSG, Inc.AgendaJanuary 15, 2015 2• Why implement Risk Based Thinking?– What does ISO 9001:2015 require?• What is Risk Based Thinking?• What is Risk?• What is a simple Risk Tool?• How does it integrate into the ProcessApproach?• How do you make Risk Based Thinking aContinual Process Improvement activity?©2014 QSG, Inc.ISO 9001:2015 Risk & OpportunitiesJanuary 15, 2015 34.4 Quality management system and its processesThe organization shall establish, implement, maintain andcontinually improve a quality management system,including the processes needed and their interactions, inaccordance with the requirements of this InternationalStandard.The organization shall determine the processes neededfor the quality management system and their applicationthroughout the organization and shall determine:f) the risks and opportunities in accordance with therequirements of 6.1, and plan and implement theappropriate actions to address them;©2014 QSG, Inc.ISO 9001:2015 Risk & OpportunitiesJanuary 15, 2015 46 Planning for the quality management system6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities6.1.1 When planning for the quality management system,the organization shall consider the issues referred toin 4.1 and the requirements referred to in 4.2 anddetermine the risks and opportunities that need to beaddressed to:a) give assurance that the quality managementsystem can achieve its intended result(s);b) prevent, or reduce, undesired effects;c) achieve continual improvement.©2014 QSG, Inc.ISO 9001:2015 Risk & OpportunitiesJanuary 15, 2015 56.1.2 The organization shall plan:a) actions to address these risks and opportunities;b) how to:1) integrate and implement the actions into itsquality management system processes (see4.4);2) evaluate the effectiveness of these actions.Actions taken to address risks and opportunities shall beproportionate to the potential impact on the conformity ofproducts and services.©2014 QSG, Inc.The Main Objectives of InternationalStandardsJanuary 15, 2015 6• To provide confidence in the organization’sability to consistently provide customers withconforming goods and services• To enhance customer satisfactionThe concept of “risk” in the context of theinternational standards relates to theuncertainty in achieving these objectives©2014 QSG, Inc.What is Risk Based Thinking?January 15, 2015 7©2014 QSG, Inc.What is “Risk-Based Thinking”?January 15, 2015 8• Risk-based thinking is something we all do automatically andoften sub-consciously• The concept of risk has always been implicit in ISO 9001 – the2015 revision makes it more explicit and builds it into the wholemanagement system• Risk-based thinking is already part of the process approach• Risk-based thinking makes preventive action part of the routine• Risk is often thought of only in the negative sense. Risk-basedthinking can also help to identify opportunities. This can beconsidered to be the positive side of risk©2014 QSG, Inc.Why Should I adopt “Risk-BasedThinking”?January 15, 2015 9• To improve customer confidence andsatisfaction• To assure consistency of quality of goods andservices• To establish a proactive culture of preventionand improvement• Successful companies intuitively take a riskbasedapproach©2014 QSG, Inc.What Should I Do?January 15, 2015 10Identify what the risks and opportunities are inyour organization – it depends on context–ISO 9001:2015 will not automatically requireyou to carry out a full, formal riskassessment, or to maintain a “risk register”–ISO 31000 (“Risk management — Principlesand guidelines”) will be a useful reference(but not mandated)©2014 QSG, Inc.What Should I Do? (continued)January 15, 2015 11• Analyse and prioritize the risks and opportunities inyour organization– what is acceptable?– what is unacceptable?• Plan actions to address the risks– how can I avoid or eliminate the risk?– how can I mitigate the risk?• Implement the plan – take action• Check the effectiveness of the actions – does it work?• Learn from experience – continual improvement©2014 QSG, Inc.Key Points to RememberJanuary 15, 2015 12Risk Based Thinking = PreventativeActionRisk Based Thinking is everybody’sbusiness!– Risk Based Thinking is not just theresponsibility of management– Risk Based Thinking must becomean integral part of the organizationalculture©2014 QSG, Inc.What is Risk?January 15, 2015 13Risk is the possibility of events oractivities impeding the achievement of anorganization’s strategic and operationalobjectives.©2014 QSG, Inc.Risk – A Simple DefinitionJanuary 15, 2015 14The volatility of potential outcomes.orHow surprised do you really want to be??©2014 QSG, Inc.Food for Tho
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