How­ever at this time is dif­fer­ent in those days, ini­tially Frost o terjemahan - How­ever at this time is dif­fer­ent in those days, ini­tially Frost o Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

How­ever at this time is dif­fer­en

How­ever at this time is dif­fer­ent in those days, ini­tially Frost only had the Saint ter­ri­tory strength, but now has the su­pe­rior god strength that awak­ened!
Re­ally, above the city wall Frost stands there proudly, pricks in the sword blade edge the crenela­tion, the both arms hand over in the front, golden en­er­gies are stir­ring, gains ground sud­denly, a god feather shield trans­forms rapidly in­creases, the en­tire cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den north city wall will cover in!
An earth­shak­ing bang, cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den sends loss­less, but Red­ding was ac­tu­ally shaken to fly high to fly with the axe, sprin­kles the next blood, some­what is quite piti­ful.
Frost does not feel bet­ter, the com­plex­ion is some­what pale, puts out a hand to grip to cut Hua Jian the sword hilt, is ac­tu­ally not able to move in this time sud­denly body, look stunned stand­ing there: „What's wrong?”
Wind sys­tem strength that is al­most un­able to see to­gether lingers be­tween her both legs and both hands, dis­tant place air­borne, a form of out­stand­ing abil­ity reap­pears faintly, places the 13 th dif­fer­ent demon monar­chy Kate strength, on his face brings to kill in­tent, the fin­ger ties seal, dance of the bat­tle dress in the strong gale, shouted to clear the way lowly: „Regi­cide Frost, you kill monar­chy Luo Lin who one­self had once given loy­alty, suf­fers to death!”
The ex­trav­a­gant sword crack that „buzz”, sky float­ing clouds dis­pers­ing, han­dle hur­ri­cane forms emp­ties under!
Frost in the im­mo­bi­liza­tion of strug­gling wind power, Cooldown is un­able to avoid, but one side, child Queen Shu began fi­nally, an ini­tial con­so­nant Long roared has made a fist, the fist vigor from the sky con­den­sa­tion was a main item, above fierce move that loudly the hit in Kate strength con­densed, two dis­in­te­gra­tion, has hit an even­ness, si­mul­ta­ne­ously Aodiliya form dis­ap­peared in a flash, next one al­ready after ap­pear­ing be­fore the body of Kate strength, a sword di­vided sud­denly!
The air/Qi shield in­stan­ta­neous dis­in­te­gra­tion of Kate strength body week, on the face is bring­ing as­ton­ished, Aodiliya leaves the speed of sword to be much quicker, the arm shakes, im­me­di­ately Kate strength has on the chest the blood to spat­ter in all di­rec­tions, leaves to draw back anx­iously, sev­eral sword spirit cav­alry sol­diers kill, loudly ex­claimed: „Fe­male very rested in­jures me to ad­vo­cate!”
A Aodiliya spin body, sprin­kled the arc sword air/Qi to re­turn to above the city, the cor­ners of the mouth raised: „Have you seen that at­trac­tive fe­male thief? Idiot who one crowd can­not judge the qual­ity of goods!”
How­ever at this mo­ment Red­ding is a tom­a­hawk at­tacks, Frost watches, deeply in­spired to make to break the im­mo­bi­liza­tion of Kate strength, the sword blade edge has swept away, the over­whelm­ing sword air/Qi struck to fly Red­ding once more, but both sides urged the en­ergy of send­ing also from the sky to erupt, the gale al­most soon blew the peo­ple un­able to open eyes.
When the peo­ple cover the face the mask gale, sud­denly „whiz” the un­ex­pected blow drops from the clouds to­gether!
The blood spat­ters in all di­rec­tions, the per­son of arrow is red dragon flour fe­male prince Shu, among the twin peaks is pok­ing an arrow arrow, this arrow arrow punc­tured thor­oughly the child Shu's guard en­ergy un­ex­pect­edly, should have the what kind sharp­ness?
The peo­ple look up, in the cloud layer, the Seurre's grace­ful physique ap­peared, is rais­ing the long bow, has not spo­ken.
Seurre also came!
The child Shu Lian­tui sev­eral steps, the com­plex­ion is some­what pale.
Frost hur­ried road: „Child Shu, are you all right?”
The child Shu Tai hand draws out arrow arrow, is bring­ing the blood, on the face is hav­ing the color of pain, said: „I am all right, the small wound, this in­jury re­gard­ing the vi­tal­ity for­mi­da­ble
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
How­ever at this time is dif­fer­ent in those days, ini­tially Frost only had the Saint ter­ri­tory strength, but now has the su­pe­rior god strength that awak­ened!Re­ally, above the city wall Frost stands there proudly, pricks in the sword blade edge the crenela­tion, the both arms hand over in the front, golden en­er­gies are stir­ring, gains ground sud­denly, a god feather shield trans­forms rapidly in­creases, the en­tire cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den north city wall will cover in!„Bang!”An earth­shak­ing bang, cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den sends loss­less, but Red­ding was ac­tu­ally shaken to fly high to fly with the axe, sprin­kles the next blood, some­what is quite piti­ful.Frost does not feel bet­ter, the com­plex­ion is some­what pale, puts out a hand to grip to cut Hua Jian the sword hilt, is ac­tu­ally not able to move in this time sud­denly body, look stunned stand­ing there: „What's wrong?”Wind sys­tem strength that is al­most un­able to see to­gether lingers be­tween her both legs and both hands, dis­tant place air­borne, a form of out­stand­ing abil­ity reap­pears faintly, places the 13 th dif­fer­ent demon monar­chy Kate strength, on his face brings to kill in­tent, the fin­ger ties seal, dance of the bat­tle dress in the strong gale, shouted to clear the way lowly: „Regi­cide Frost, you kill monar­chy Luo Lin who one­self had once given loy­alty, suf­fers to death!”The ex­trav­a­gant sword crack that „buzz”, sky float­ing clouds dis­pers­ing, han­dle hur­ri­cane forms emp­ties under!Frost in the im­mo­bi­liza­tion of strug­gling wind power, Cooldown is un­able to avoid, but one side, child Queen Shu began fi­nally, an ini­tial con­so­nant Long roared has made a fist, the fist vigor from the sky con­den­sa­tion was a main item, above fierce move that loudly the hit in Kate strength con­densed, two dis­in­te­gra­tion, has hit an even­ness, si­mul­ta­ne­ously Aodiliya form dis­ap­peared in a flash, next one al­ready after ap­pear­ing be­fore the body of Kate strength, a sword di­vided sud­denly!„Bang!”The air/Qi shield in­stan­ta­neous dis­in­te­gra­tion of Kate strength body week, on the face is bring­ing as­ton­ished, Aodiliya leaves the speed of sword to be much quicker, the arm shakes, im­me­di­ately Kate strength has on the chest the blood to spat­ter in all di­rec­tions, leaves to draw back anx­iously, sev­eral sword spirit cav­alry sol­diers kill, loudly ex­claimed: „Fe­male very rested in­jures me to ad­vo­cate!”A Aodiliya spin body, sprin­kled the arc sword air/Qi to re­turn to above the city, the cor­ners of the mouth raised: „Have you seen that at­trac­tive fe­male thief? Idiot who one crowd can­not judge the qual­ity of goods!”How­ever at this mo­ment Red­ding is a tom­a­hawk at­tacks, Frost watches, deeply in­spired to make to break the im­mo­bi­liza­tion of Kate strength, the sword blade edge has swept away, the over­whelm­ing sword air/Qi struck to fly Red­ding once more, but both sides urged the en­ergy of send­ing also from the sky to erupt, the gale al­most soon blew the peo­ple un­able to open eyes.When the peo­ple cover the face the mask gale, sud­denly „whiz” the un­ex­pected blow drops from the clouds to­gether!„Puff!”The blood spat­ters in all di­rec­tions, the per­son of arrow is red dragon flour fe­male prince Shu, among the twin peaks is pok­ing an arrow arrow, this arrow arrow punc­tured thor­oughly the child Shu's guard en­ergy un­ex­pect­edly, should have the what kind sharp­ness?The peo­ple look up, in the cloud layer, the Seurre's grace­ful physique ap­peared, is rais­ing the long bow, has not spo­ken.Seurre also came!The child Shu Lian­tui sev­eral steps, the com­plex­ion is some­what pale.Frost hur­ried road: „Child Shu, are you all right?”The child Shu Tai hand draws out arrow arrow, is bring­ing the blood, on the face is hav­ing the color of pain, said: „I am all right, the small wound, this in­jury re­gard­ing the vi­tal­ity for­mi­da­ble
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Namun saat ini berbeda pada hari-hari, awalnya Frost hanya memiliki kekuatan Saint wilayah, tapi sekarang memiliki kekuatan dewa unggul yang terbangun!
Benar-benar, di atas tembok kota Frost berdiri di sana bangga, menusuk dalam bilah pedang tepi crenelation tersebut, kedua lengan tangan atas di depan, energi emas mengaduk, keuntungan tanah tiba-tiba, dewa bulu perisai sebagai transformator cepat meningkatkan, seluruh tanah yang tidak digarap tembok kota dingin Dragon den utara akan mencakup dalam!
An dashyat Bang, tanah yang tidak digarap dingin den naga mengirimkan lossless, tapi Redding benar-benar terguncang terbang tinggi terbang dengan kapak, taburan darah berikutnya, agak cukup menyedihkan.
Frost tidak merasa lebih baik, kulit agak pucat, menempatkan tangan untuk pegangan untuk memotong Hua Jian gagang pedang, sebenarnya tidak mampu bergerak saat ini tiba-tiba tubuh, terlihat berdiri tertegun di sana: "Apa yang salah?"
kekuatan sistem angin yang hampir tidak dapat melihat bersama-sama tetap hidup antara dirinya kedua kaki dan kedua tangan, tempat yang jauh udara, bentuk kemampuan luar biasa muncul kembali samar-samar, menempatkan 13 th berbeda setan monarki Kate kekuatan, di wajahnya membawa untuk membunuh niat, segel ikatan jari, tarian gaun pertempuran di puting beliung, berteriak untuk membersihkan jalan rendah: "pembunuhan raja Frost, Anda membunuh monarki Luo Lin yang diri sendiri pernah diberikan loyalitas, menderita sampai mati! "
The mewah pedang celah yang" buzz ", langit mengambang awan menyebar, menangani bentuk badai bermuara di bawah!
Frost dalam imobilisasi berjuang tenaga angin, Cooldown adalah tidak dapat menghindari, tapi satu sisi, anak Queen Shu mulai akhirnya, suatu konsonan panjang awal meraung telah membuat kepalan tangan, tinju semangat dari kondensasi langit adalah item utama, di atas langkah sengit yang keras hit di Kate kekuatan kental, dua disintegrasi , telah memukul kemerataan, bersamaan bentuk Aodiliya menghilang dalam sekejap, satu depan sudah setelah muncul sebelum tubuh Kate kekuatan, pedang dibagi tiba-tiba!
udara / Qi melindungi disintegrasi seketika minggu Kate kekuatan tubuh, pada wajah adalah membawa heran, Aodiliya daun kecepatan pedang menjadi lebih cepat, lengan getar, segera Kate kekuatan telah di dada darah untuk memercikkan segala arah, daun untuk menarik kembali cemas, beberapa tentara semangat pedang kavaleri membunuh, keras berseru : "perempuan sangat beristirahat melukai saya untuk mendukung!"
A Aodiliya berputar tubuh, ditaburi busur pedang udara / Qi untuk kembali ke atas kota, sudut-sudut mulut timbul: "Apakah Anda melihat bahwa pencuri perempuan yang menarik? Bodoh yang satu kerumunan tidak bisa menilai kualitas barang! "
Namun saat ini Redding adalah serangan tomahawk, Frost jam tangan, sangat terinspirasi untuk membuat untuk memecahkan imobilisasi Kate kekuatan, tepi pedang pisau telah tersapu, pedang besar udara / Qi memukul terbang Redding sekali lagi, namun kedua belah pihak mendesak energi pengiriman juga dari langit meletus, badai hampir segera meniup orang tidak dapat membuka mata.
Ketika orang-orang menutupi wajah yang gale topeng, tiba-tiba "jagoan" yang pukulan tak terduga turun dari awan bersama-sama!
The spatters darah ke segala arah, orang panah adalah naga merah tepung perempuan pangeran Shu, di antara puncak-puncak kembar menusuk panah panah, panah ini panah tertusuk menyeluruh anak penjaga Shu energi tak terduga, harus memiliki apa ketajaman?
orang-orang melihat ke atas, di lapisan awan, tubuh anggun yang Seurre muncul, sedang mengangkat busur panjang, tidak berbicara.
Seurre juga datang!
anak Shu Liantui beberapa langkah, kulit adalah . agak pucat
Frost bergegas jalan: "anak Shu, kau baik-baik?"
anak Shu Tai tangan menarik keluar panah panah, adalah membawa darah, pada wajah adalah memiliki warna nyeri, mengatakan: "saya baik-baik, luka kecil, cedera ini mengenai vitalitas tangguh
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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