7. SugarSugar is “food” for yeast and also increase the sweet taste an terjemahan - 7. SugarSugar is “food” for yeast and also increase the sweet taste an Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

7. SugarSugar is “food” for yeast a

7. Sugar
Sugar is “food” for yeast and also increase the sweet taste and color of bread.It is a very important element of making the bread rise.White sugar is normally used;however,brown sugar,powdered sugar,or cotton sugar may also be called for in some recipes.
8. Yeast
Yeast is a living organism and should be kept in the refrigerator to remain fresh.It needs carbohydrates found in sugar and flour as nourishment.Yeast used in bread maker recipes will be sold under several different names:Bread machine yeast(preferred),active-dry yeast,and instant yeast. During rising process, the yeast will produce carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide will expand bread and make the inner fiber soften.
1 tbsp dry yeast =3 tsp dry yeast
1 tbsp dry yeast =15ml yeast
1 tsp dry yeast =5ml
Before using, check the expiration date and storage time of yeast. Return to refrigerator immediately after each use,the fungus will be killed at high temperature Usually the failure of bread rising is caused by the bad yeast.
TIP:To check whether your yeast is fresh and active:
(1) Pour 1 cup (237ml)warm water (45-500C) into a measuring cup.
(2) Add 1 teaspoon(5ml) white sugar into the cup and stir, then 1 tablespoon(15ml) yeast over the water.
(3) Place the measuring cup in a warm place for about 10min. Do not stir the water.
(4) Fresh,active yeast will begin to bubble or”grow”.If it dose not, the yeast is dead or inactive.
9. Salt
Salt is necessary to improve bread flavor and crust color. It is also used to restrain yeast activity.Never use too much salt in a recipe. But bread would be larger if without salt.
10. Egg
Eggs can improve bread texture, make the bread more nourish and larger in size,.The egg must be whisked in with the other liquid ingredients.
11. Grease, Butter and Vegetable Oil
Grease can make bread soften and delay storage life. Butter should be melted or chopped to small pieces before adding to liquid.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
7. SugarSugar is “food” for yeast and also increase the sweet taste and color of bread.It is a very important element of making the bread rise.White sugar is normally used;however,brown sugar,powdered sugar,or cotton sugar may also be called for in some recipes.8. YeastYeast is a living organism and should be kept in the refrigerator to remain fresh.It needs carbohydrates found in sugar and flour as nourishment.Yeast used in bread maker recipes will be sold under several different names:Bread machine yeast(preferred),active-dry yeast,and instant yeast. During rising process, the yeast will produce carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide will expand bread and make the inner fiber soften. 1 tbsp dry yeast =3 tsp dry yeast1 tbsp dry yeast =15ml yeast1 tsp dry yeast =5mlBefore using, check the expiration date and storage time of yeast. Return to refrigerator immediately after each use,the fungus will be killed at high temperature Usually the failure of bread rising is caused by the bad yeast.TIP:To check whether your yeast is fresh and active:(1) Pour 1 cup (237ml)warm water (45-500C) into a measuring cup.(2) Add 1 teaspoon(5ml) white sugar into the cup and stir, then 1 tablespoon(15ml) yeast over the water.(3) Place the measuring cup in a warm place for about 10min. Do not stir the water.(4) Fresh,active yeast will begin to bubble or”grow”.If it dose not, the yeast is dead or inactive.9. SaltSalt is necessary to improve bread flavor and crust color. It is also used to restrain yeast activity.Never use too much salt in a recipe. But bread would be larger if without salt.10. EggEggs can improve bread texture, make the bread more nourish and larger in size,.The egg must be whisked in with the other liquid ingredients.11. Grease, Butter and Vegetable OilGrease can make bread soften and delay storage life. Butter should be melted or chopped to small pieces before adding to liquid.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
7. Gula
Gula adalah "makanan" bagi ragi dan juga meningkatkan rasa manis dan warna bread.It adalah unsur yang sangat penting dari pembuatan gula roti rise.White biasanya digunakan, namun, gula merah, gula halus, atau gula kapas juga dapat disebut dalam beberapa resep.
8. Ragi
Ragi adalah organisme hidup dan harus disimpan dalam lemari es untuk tetap fresh.It kebutuhan karbohidrat yang ditemukan dalam gula dan tepung sebagai nourishment.Yeast digunakan dalam resep pembuat roti akan dijual di bawah beberapa nama yang berbeda: Roti mesin ragi (disukai), aktif ragi -Kering, dan ragi instan. Selama proses naik, ragi akan menghasilkan karbon dioksida. Karbon dioksida akan memperluas roti dan membuat serat melunakkan batin.
1 sdm ragi kering = 3 sdt kering ragi
1 sdm kering ragi = 15ml ragi
1 ragi sdt kering = 5ml
Sebelum menggunakan, memeriksa tanggal kedaluwarsa dan waktu penyimpanan ragi. Kembali untuk segera kulkas setelah digunakan, jamur akan dibunuh pada suhu tinggi Biasanya kegagalan roti rising disebabkan oleh ragi yang buruk.
TIP: Untuk memeriksa apakah ragi Anda segar dan aktif:
(1) Tuangkan 1 cangkir (237ml) air hangat (45-500C) ke dalam gelas ukur.
(2) Tambahkan 1 sendok teh (5 ml) gula putih ke dalam cangkir dan aduk, kemudian 1 sendok makan (15ml) ragi di atas air.
(3) Tempatkan gelas ukur dalam hangat tempat untuk sekitar 10 menit. Jangan aduk air.
(4) Segar, ragi aktif akan mulai gelembung atau "tumbuh" .Jika itu dosis tidak, ragi mati atau tidak aktif.
9. Garam
garam ini diperlukan untuk meningkatkan rasa roti dan warna kerak. Hal ini juga digunakan untuk menahan ragi activity.Never menggunakan terlalu banyak garam dalam resep. Tapi roti akan lebih besar jika tanpa garam.
10. Telur
Telur dapat meningkatkan roti tekstur, membuat roti lebih memelihara dan lebih besar dalam ukuran, .suatu telur harus dibawa dengan bahan cair lainnya.
11. Grease, Mentega dan minyak sayur
lemak dapat membuat roti melembutkan dan kehidupan penyimpanan delay. Mentega harus dilebur atau cincang untuk potongan-potongan kecil sebelum menambahkan ke cair.

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