Applicable law, each party also waives any rights which it may have in terjemahan - Applicable law, each party also waives any rights which it may have in Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Applicable law, each party also wai

Applicable law, each party also waives any rights which it may have in tort in respect of any the matters referred to above and irrevocably agrees that each party shall have no greater liability in tort in respect of any such matter than it would have in contract after talking into account all of the foregoing exclusions. Notwithstanding any other provision in this agreement to the contrary. HBOPP shall not be liable to the company for incidental. Consequential or special damages (including but not limited to, loss of profits or revenues or damage to or loss of personal property) and the company hereby waives all rights which it may otherwise have or have had in respect thereof whether pursuant to this agreement or otherwise.
11.7 no subscriber or any sub licensee or other third party shall be deeded to have any direct on indirect contractual relationship with HBOPP, or acquire any right whatsoever, by virtue of this agreement, not shall any subscribers be deeded to be a thirty-party beneficiary of this agreement the company hereby acknowledges that it, and not HBOPP, shall be fully responsible for all claims and matters with respect to subscribers other parties.
11.8 the provisions of this section 11 shall survive the cancellation or termination of this agreement.
12. Termination; Suspension of Performance
12.1 in the event of a material misrepresentation or material breach, or a party is unable to perform any of its material obligations hereunder. The non-defaulting party shall have the right to terminate this agreement upon thirty (30) days’ prior written notice unless such misrepresentation, breach or inability to perform is cured within such thirty (30) days. In the event the agreement prohibited under any applicable laws, including but not limited to the united states foreign corrupt practices act, the U K. Bribery act 2010 or the laws or regulations of the territory, HBOPP shall have the right to terminate this agreement, upon thirty (30) days’ prior written notice HBOPP’s obligations hereunder shall automatically terminate upon bankruptcy with respect to the company, and at HBOPP’s option shall immediately or the sale or other disposition of all or substantially all of the company’s assets.
12.2 HBOPP shall have the right to terminate the agreement, (i) upon thirty (30) days prior written notice in the event HBOPP or owner decides to discontinue distribution of the programming service in the territory, (ii) in accordance with section 13, upon thirty (30) days prior written notice in the event the aggregate duration of any interruption in the transmission of the programming service continues for more than seventy-two (72) hours in the aggregate in any month, or (iii) upon sixty (60) days prior written notice in the programming service for more than thirty (30) consecutive days.
12.3 HBOPP may terminate this agreement upon no less than thirty (30) days’ prior written notice to the company if HBOPP determines (in its sole discretion) that no satellite or transponder is available on terms satisfactory to HBOPP or its affiliates (including, without limitation,as a result of any change in the terms upon which any satellite or transponder is available to HBOPP or its affiliates). In addition, HBOPP my terminate this agreement at any time by notice to the company if there has been an outage or failure of any satellite or transponder used for the transmission of the programming service HBOPP determiner (in its sole discretion) that no substitute satellite or transponder is available on terms satisfactory to HBOPP or its affiliates.
12.4 if HBOPP reasonably believes (with evidence) that the company is participating in ,or assisting others to participate in, any unauthorized reception, transmission or exhibition of the programming service, HBOPP may, at any time upon written notice to the company, immediately terminate or suspender this agreement. The rights of HBOPP to terminate or suspend in such case shall be in addition to any other remedies it may have under this agreement.
12.5 HBOPP may suspend this agreement immediately at any time upon notice to the company, and shall have a right to terminate this agreement with forty-eight (48) hours’ prior written notice to the company, if HBOPP is unable to perform any , material obligation hereunder as the result of any act or decree by a governmental authority or if HBOPP or the company is unable to obtain, or if there shall at any time be revoked any licenses or consents required to distribute the programming service.
12.6 HBOPP may terminate this agreement with thirty (30) days’ prior written notice to the company if the company fails to to black out the excluded programming in accordance with section 5.11 hereof for a total of three (3) times in aggregate during any six (6)-month period the term.
12.7 if the company breaches or is unable to perform any its obligations hereunder including any such breach by or inability of any sub licensee hereunder or under any applicable sub license agreement. HBOPP shall have the right at any time upon notice to the company and / or each sub licensee (specifying the nature of the breach or inability), to suspend immediately performance of any or all of its obligations hereunder to the company and /or each sub licensee (including , without limitation, withholding any monies or materials from the company, or reauthorizing any decoders used of authorized by the company and / or each sub licensee to receive the programming service signal and taking possession of any encoders supplied to the company and / or each sub licensee by HBOPP pursuant to section 5.9) until (i) such breach is cured or the company and / or each sub licensee is once again able to perform its obligations hereunder and (ii) the company and / or each sub licensee provides HBOPP with adequate commercial assurances of future performance. Any such suspension shall not be deemed to be termination of this agreement.
12.8 if the good faith judgment of HBOPP (i) any term of this agreement of any sub license agreement of is timely to be inconsistent with or to violate the terms of any agreement entered into or being negotiated between HBOPP or any of its affiliates and a third party supplier of (A) programming, (B) Transmission-related service or equipment (including, without imitation, satellite and up linking services and equipment) or (C) encryption related services or equipment (including, without limitation, encoders and decoders) (each of (A). (B) and (C). a “Supply Agreement”) or (ii) any supply agreement would require this agreement or any sub license agreement to include any provision that is not a part of this agreement then upon notice from HBOPP to the company (which shall include a proposed amendment to this agreement or any sub license agreement complying with the restriction or requirements of such supply agreement), the company and HBOPP shall negotiate the terms of such proposed amendment in good faith fo thirty (30) days if after such thirty (30) days period the company has not agreed to the terms of an amendment that would, in the good faith judgment of HBOPP, result in this agreement complying with the restrictions or requirements of such supply agreement, then HBOPP shall have the right to terminate such sub license agreement upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to the company
12.9 the company and / or each sub licensee shall cease distribution of the programming service immediately upon the effective date of termination of this agreement
12.10 HBOPP and the company hereby waive the provisions of any applicable law that might require judicial approval prior to any termination of the agreement.
12.11 nothing contained in this section 12 shall affect either party’s obligation to pay amounts accrued hereunder prior to the date of termination of this agreement.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Applicable law, each party also waives any rights which it may have in tort in respect of any the matters referred to above and irrevocably agrees that each party shall have no greater liability in tort in respect of any such matter than it would have in contract after talking into account all of the foregoing exclusions. Notwithstanding any other provision in this agreement to the contrary. HBOPP shall not be liable to the company for incidental. Consequential or special damages (including but not limited to, loss of profits or revenues or damage to or loss of personal property) and the company hereby waives all rights which it may otherwise have or have had in respect thereof whether pursuant to this agreement or otherwise.11.7 no subscriber or any sub licensee or other third party shall be deeded to have any direct on indirect contractual relationship with HBOPP, or acquire any right whatsoever, by virtue of this agreement, not shall any subscribers be deeded to be a thirty-party beneficiary of this agreement the company hereby acknowledges that it, and not HBOPP, shall be fully responsible for all claims and matters with respect to subscribers other parties.11.8 the provisions of this section 11 shall survive the cancellation or termination of this agreement.12. Termination; Suspension of Performance12.1 keliru bahan atau materi pelanggaran, atau pesta tidak mampu melakukan salah satu kewajiban bahan ini. Pendidikan non-defaulting pihak berhak untuk mengakhiri perjanjian ini setelah ada pemberitahuan tertulis kecuali seperti yang menyesatkan, pelanggaran, atau ketidakmampuan untuk melakukan disembuhkan dalam seperti tiga puluh (30) hari sebelumnya tiga puluh (30) hari. Dalam hal perjanjian dilarang di bawah hukum yang berlaku, termasuk tetapi tidak terbatas pada Amerika Serikat bertindak praktek korupsi luar negeri, UU U K. penyuapan 2010 atau hukum atau peraturan dari wilayah itu, HBOPP berhak untuk mengakhiri perjanjian ini, berdasarkan pemberitahuan tertulis sebelumnya tiga puluh (30) hari HBOPP's kewajiban ini secara otomatis akan berakhir berdasarkan Kepailitan terhadap perusahaan, dan HBOPP's pilihan akan segera atau penjualan atau disposisi lain dari semua atau secara substansial seluruh aset perusahaan.12.2 HBOPP berhak untuk mengakhiri perjanjian, (i) atas tiga puluh (30) hari sebelum pemberitahuan tertulis dalam acara HBOPP atau pemilik memutuskan untuk menghentikan distribusi pemrograman layanan di wilayah, (ii) sesuai dengan bagian 13, berdasarkan tiga puluh (30) hari sebelum pemberitahuan tertulis dalam acara durasi agregat gangguan dalam transmisi Layanan pemrograman berlanjut selama lebih dari tujuh puluh dua (72) jam secara agregat dalam setiap bulan, atau (iii) setelah enam puluh (60) hari sebelum pemberitahuan tertulis dalam pemrograman layanan selama lebih dari tiga puluh (30) hari berturut-turut.12.3 HBOPP may terminate this agreement upon no less than thirty (30) days’ prior written notice to the company if HBOPP determines (in its sole discretion) that no satellite or transponder is available on terms satisfactory to HBOPP or its affiliates (including, without limitation,as a result of any change in the terms upon which any satellite or transponder is available to HBOPP or its affiliates). In addition, HBOPP my terminate this agreement at any time by notice to the company if there has been an outage or failure of any satellite or transponder used for the transmission of the programming service HBOPP determiner (in its sole discretion) that no substitute satellite or transponder is available on terms satisfactory to HBOPP or its affiliates.12.4 if HBOPP reasonably believes (with evidence) that the company is participating in ,or assisting others to participate in, any unauthorized reception, transmission or exhibition of the programming service, HBOPP may, at any time upon written notice to the company, immediately terminate or suspender this agreement. The rights of HBOPP to terminate or suspend in such case shall be in addition to any other remedies it may have under this agreement.12.5 HBOPP dapat menangguhkan Perjanjian ini setiap saat setelah ada pemberitahuan kepada perusahaan, dan akan memiliki hak untuk menghentikan Perjanjian ini dengan pemberitahuan tertulis sebelumnya empat puluh delapan (48) jam ke perusahaan, jika HBOPP tidak mampu melakukan apapun, materi kewajiban ini sebagai akibat dari setiap tindakan atau keputusan oleh otoritas pemerintah atau jika HBOPP atau perusahaan yang tidak dapat memperoleh, atau jika ada setiap saat akan dicabut setiap lisensi atau persetujuan yang diperlukan untuk mendistribusikan Layanan pemrograman.12,6 HBOPP dapat menghentikan Perjanjian ini dengan pemberitahuan tertulis 30 (tiga puluh) hari sebelumnya kepada perusahaan jika perusahaan gagal untuk menggelapkan pemrograman dikecualikan sesuai dengan bagian 5.11 Perjanjian ini dengan total tiga (3) kali dalam agregat selama enam (6) bulan periode istilah.12.7 if the company breaches or is unable to perform any its obligations hereunder including any such breach by or inability of any sub licensee hereunder or under any applicable sub license agreement. HBOPP shall have the right at any time upon notice to the company and / or each sub licensee (specifying the nature of the breach or inability), to suspend immediately performance of any or all of its obligations hereunder to the company and /or each sub licensee (including , without limitation, withholding any monies or materials from the company, or reauthorizing any decoders used of authorized by the company and / or each sub licensee to receive the programming service signal and taking possession of any encoders supplied to the company and / or each sub licensee by HBOPP pursuant to section 5.9) until (i) such breach is cured or the company and / or each sub licensee is once again able to perform its obligations hereunder and (ii) the company and / or each sub licensee provides HBOPP with adequate commercial assurances of future performance. Any such suspension shall not be deemed to be termination of this agreement.12.8 jika penilaian itikad baik HBOPP (i) setiap istilah dari Perjanjian ini setiap sub persetujuan lisensi tepat waktu untuk konsisten dengan atau melanggar syarat-syarat perjanjian apapun atau sedang dinegosiasikan antara HBOPP atau salah satu afiliasinya dan pemasok pihak ketiga () pemrograman, (B) transmisi yang berhubungan dengan layanan atau peralatan (termasuk, tanpa imitasisatelit dan menghubungkan layanan dan peralatan) atau (C) enkripsi terkait layanan atau peralatan (termasuk, tanpa batasan, encoders dan decoders) (masing-masing (a). (B) dan (C). "menyediakan Perjanjian") atau (ii) Perjanjian pasokan akan membutuhkan perjanjian ini atau setiap sub perjanjian lisensi untuk memasukkan ketetapan apapun yang bukan bagian dari Perjanjian ini kemudian setelah pemberitahuan dari HBOPP perusahaan (yang akan mencakup usulan amandemen terhadap Perjanjian ini atau setiap sub perjanjian lisensi yang mematuhi pembatasan atau persyaratan seperti perjanjian pasokan), perusahaan dan HBOPP akan menegosiasikan persyaratan seperti amandemen yang diusulkan itikad baik fo tiga puluh (30) hari jika setelah jangka waktu 30 (tiga puluh) hari perusahaan telah tidak setuju dengan persyaratan amandemen yang akan, dalam penghakiman itikad baik HBOPP, mengakibatkan Perjanjian ini mematuhi pembatasan atau persyaratan kesepakatan pasokan itu, maka HBOPP berhak untuk mengakhiri perjanjian lisensi sub tersebut berdasarkan pemberitahuan tertulis 30 (tiga puluh) hari perusahaan 12,9 perusahaan dan / atau setiap pemegang lisensi sub akan berhenti distribusi pemrograman Layanan segera setelah tanggal efektif dari Perjanjian ini12,10 HBOPP dan perusahaan dengan ini melepaskan ketentuan hukum yang berlaku yang mungkin memerlukan yudisial persetujuan sebelum pemutusan perjanjian.12.11 apa-apa terkandung dalam 12 bagian ini akan mempengaruhi kewajiban salah satu pihak membayar jumlah yang ditambahkan ini sebelum tanggal berakhirnya perjanjian ini.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Applicable law, each party also waives any rights which it may have in tort in respect of any the matters referred to above and irrevocably agrees that each party shall have no greater liability in tort in respect of any such matter than it would have in contract after talking into account all of the foregoing exclusions. Notwithstanding any other provision in this agreement to the contrary. HBOPP shall not be liable to the company for incidental. Consequential or special damages (including but not limited to, loss of profits or revenues or damage to or loss of personal property) and the company hereby waives all rights which it may otherwise have or have had in respect thereof whether pursuant to this agreement or otherwise.
11.7 no subscriber or any sub licensee or other third party shall be deeded to have any direct on indirect contractual relationship with HBOPP, or acquire any right whatsoever, by virtue of this agreement, not shall any subscribers be deeded to be a thirty-party beneficiary of this agreement the company hereby acknowledges that it, and not HBOPP, shall be fully responsible for all claims and matters with respect to subscribers other parties.
11.8 the provisions of this section 11 shall survive the cancellation or termination of this agreement.
12. Termination; Suspension of Performance
12.1 in the event of a material misrepresentation or material breach, or a party is unable to perform any of its material obligations hereunder. The non-defaulting party shall have the right to terminate this agreement upon thirty (30) days’ prior written notice unless such misrepresentation, breach or inability to perform is cured within such thirty (30) days. In the event the agreement prohibited under any applicable laws, including but not limited to the united states foreign corrupt practices act, the U K. Bribery act 2010 or the laws or regulations of the territory, HBOPP shall have the right to terminate this agreement, upon thirty (30) days’ prior written notice HBOPP’s obligations hereunder shall automatically terminate upon bankruptcy with respect to the company, and at HBOPP’s option shall immediately or the sale or other disposition of all or substantially all of the company’s assets.
12.2 HBOPP shall have the right to terminate the agreement, (i) upon thirty (30) days prior written notice in the event HBOPP or owner decides to discontinue distribution of the programming service in the territory, (ii) in accordance with section 13, upon thirty (30) days prior written notice in the event the aggregate duration of any interruption in the transmission of the programming service continues for more than seventy-two (72) hours in the aggregate in any month, or (iii) upon sixty (60) days prior written notice in the programming service for more than thirty (30) consecutive days.
12.3 HBOPP may terminate this agreement upon no less than thirty (30) days’ prior written notice to the company if HBOPP determines (in its sole discretion) that no satellite or transponder is available on terms satisfactory to HBOPP or its affiliates (including, without limitation,as a result of any change in the terms upon which any satellite or transponder is available to HBOPP or its affiliates). In addition, HBOPP my terminate this agreement at any time by notice to the company if there has been an outage or failure of any satellite or transponder used for the transmission of the programming service HBOPP determiner (in its sole discretion) that no substitute satellite or transponder is available on terms satisfactory to HBOPP or its affiliates.
12.4 if HBOPP reasonably believes (with evidence) that the company is participating in ,or assisting others to participate in, any unauthorized reception, transmission or exhibition of the programming service, HBOPP may, at any time upon written notice to the company, immediately terminate or suspender this agreement. The rights of HBOPP to terminate or suspend in such case shall be in addition to any other remedies it may have under this agreement.
12.5 HBOPP may suspend this agreement immediately at any time upon notice to the company, and shall have a right to terminate this agreement with forty-eight (48) hours’ prior written notice to the company, if HBOPP is unable to perform any , material obligation hereunder as the result of any act or decree by a governmental authority or if HBOPP or the company is unable to obtain, or if there shall at any time be revoked any licenses or consents required to distribute the programming service.
12.6 HBOPP may terminate this agreement with thirty (30) days’ prior written notice to the company if the company fails to to black out the excluded programming in accordance with section 5.11 hereof for a total of three (3) times in aggregate during any six (6)-month period the term.
12.7 if the company breaches or is unable to perform any its obligations hereunder including any such breach by or inability of any sub licensee hereunder or under any applicable sub license agreement. HBOPP shall have the right at any time upon notice to the company and / or each sub licensee (specifying the nature of the breach or inability), to suspend immediately performance of any or all of its obligations hereunder to the company and /or each sub licensee (including , without limitation, withholding any monies or materials from the company, or reauthorizing any decoders used of authorized by the company and / or each sub licensee to receive the programming service signal and taking possession of any encoders supplied to the company and / or each sub licensee by HBOPP pursuant to section 5.9) until (i) such breach is cured or the company and / or each sub licensee is once again able to perform its obligations hereunder and (ii) the company and / or each sub licensee provides HBOPP with adequate commercial assurances of future performance. Any such suspension shall not be deemed to be termination of this agreement.
12.8 if the good faith judgment of HBOPP (i) any term of this agreement of any sub license agreement of is timely to be inconsistent with or to violate the terms of any agreement entered into or being negotiated between HBOPP or any of its affiliates and a third party supplier of (A) programming, (B) Transmission-related service or equipment (including, without imitation, satellite and up linking services and equipment) or (C) encryption related services or equipment (including, without limitation, encoders and decoders) (each of (A). (B) and (C). a “Supply Agreement”) or (ii) any supply agreement would require this agreement or any sub license agreement to include any provision that is not a part of this agreement then upon notice from HBOPP to the company (which shall include a proposed amendment to this agreement or any sub license agreement complying with the restriction or requirements of such supply agreement), the company and HBOPP shall negotiate the terms of such proposed amendment in good faith fo thirty (30) days if after such thirty (30) days period the company has not agreed to the terms of an amendment that would, in the good faith judgment of HBOPP, result in this agreement complying with the restrictions or requirements of such supply agreement, then HBOPP shall have the right to terminate such sub license agreement upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to the company
12.9 the company and / or each sub licensee shall cease distribution of the programming service immediately upon the effective date of termination of this agreement
12.10 HBOPP and the company hereby waive the provisions of any applicable law that might require judicial approval prior to any termination of the agreement.
12.11 nothing contained in this section 12 shall affect either party’s obligation to pay amounts accrued hereunder prior to the date of termination of this agreement.

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