Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
For illustrative purposes, let us use the Asian financial crisis of 1997–1998 and explainhow domestic and foreign companies coped with the sudden recessionary environmentbrought about by the crisis. Such implications apply to any regional and global financialcrisis.Reeling from the initial shock of the financial crisis, marketing executives havebegun to cope with the realities of marketing their products in a completely changedworld–from the world that was once believed to keep growing with ever increasingprosperity to a world that has decimated the burgeoning middle class by snapping morethan 50 percent of the consumers’ spending power. Marketers are facing two direconsequences of the crisis: namely, declining markets and increased competition fromexisting competitors. Their major task is to figure out how to keep current customersand gain new ones and maintain profitability in the long run.Although Asia’s current recession caused by its financial crisis is a serious one,other countries or regions have also experienced economic slumps over the years.Recession is usually defined as an economic situation in which the country’s GDP hasshrunk for two consecutive quarters. Based on this definition, the United States hasexperienced 29 recessions since 1894, approximately once every four to five years. First,we examine how consumers react to an economic slump. Second, we show differentways in which competing companies cope with the recession and the changed consumerneeds.
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