tions. Large-scale computers have facihtated int(srated-system simulat terjemahan - tions. Large-scale computers have facihtated int(srated-system simulat Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

tions. Large-scale computers have f

tions. Large-scale computers have facihtated int(srated-system simulation, which has in turn allowed problem-solving efforts in the areas of designing better systems, understanding the workings of operative systems, and studying decision-making processes in man-machine operations.25
We quote a summary report on the Eighth Annual American Institute of Industrial Engineering symposiurn on system simula¬tion.
Now, we may well ask the crucial question. "Why should business men, management scientists, or anyonc as far as that is concernec, be interested in simulating a system?" Well, there are sorne prett g important reasons, and they are as follows:
1. For purpose of experimentation or evaluation; in other words, to try and predict the consequences of changes in policy, conditions, methods, etc., without having to spend the money or taking the risk to actually make the change in real life.
2 To learn more about the system in order to redesign or re¬fine it. The very complexity of most of our business and industrial systems makes necessar• a mean5... to provide understanding of both the systern as a whole and of its parts.
3. To familiarize personnel with a svstent or a situation, which may not exist as yet in real life.
4. To verify or demonstrate a new idea, a new system or ap¬proach; in other words, quantify the risks and benefits, and demonstrate the chances of success.2s
Any reference to optimal results or best solutions is notice¬ably lacking in the foregoing summary. In contrast to the applica¬tion of operations research techniques, the application of system simulation is not undertaken with the idea of optirnizing the total system or even a segment of In any reasonably large system or subsystem, conditions such as interdependence, immeasurability, incompleteness, ineffectiveness of practical working lules, and
"For details on simulation techniques see Robert C. Meler, William T Nesvel!, and
Harold L. Pazer, .(.(rnufatiori ni Business and Econonucs. Prenti(:e -F1311, Inc., Engle-
wood Cliffs, N.J., 1969, and/or Forrest P. Wyman, Simulatio,t Modch,:s. A to
SlMSCRIPT, John Wiley & Sons, lnc., New York, 1970.
:"Wan-en E. Alberts, "Report to the Eighth AIIE National Conference on the Sysrem Simulation Symposium." lour►al of Induslria1 Engincerins, November-December 1957, pp. 368-369.
"However. heuristic programs can be developed for simulating the system repe¬titively in order to scarch (or successively better alternatives. Theoretically enough runs could be made so that "for all practical purposes" an optimal sclution couid b found

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
tions. Large-scale computers have facihtated int(srated-system simulation, which has in turn allowed problem-solving efforts in the areas of designing better systems, understanding the workings of operative systems, and studying decision-making processes in man-machine operations.25We quote a summary report on the Eighth Annual American Institute of Industrial Engineering symposiurn on system simula¬tion.Now, we may well ask the crucial question. "Why should business men, management scientists, or anyonc as far as that is concernec, be interested in simulating a system?" Well, there are sorne prett g important reasons, and they are as follows:1. For purpose of experimentation or evaluation; in other words, to try and predict the consequences of changes in policy, conditions, methods, etc., without having to spend the money or taking the risk to actually make the change in real life.2 To learn more about the system in order to redesign or re¬fine it. The very complexity of most of our business and industrial systems makes necessar• a mean5... to provide understanding of both the systern as a whole and of its parts.3. To familiarize personnel with a svstent or a situation, which may not exist as yet in real life.4. To verify or demonstrate a new idea, a new system or ap¬proach; in other words, quantify the risks and benefits, and demonstrate the chances of success.2sAny reference to optimal results or best solutions is notice¬ably lacking in the foregoing summary. In contrast to the applica¬tion of operations research techniques, the application of system simulation is not undertaken with the idea of optirnizing the total system or even a segment of In any reasonably large system or subsystem, conditions such as interdependence, immeasurability, incompleteness, ineffectiveness of practical working lules, and"For details on simulation techniques see Robert C. Meler, William T Nesvel!, and Harold L. Pazer, .(.(rnufatiori ni Business and Econonucs. Prenti(:e -F1311, Inc., Engle- wood Cliffs, N.J., 1969, and/or Forrest P. Wyman, Simulatio,t Modch,:s. A toSlMSCRIPT, John Wiley & Sons, lnc., New York, 1970.:"Wan-en E. Alberts, "Report to the Eighth AIIE National Conference on the Sysrem Simulation Symposium." lour►al of Induslria1 Engincerins, November-December 1957, pp. 368-369."However. heuristic programs can be developed for simulating the system repe¬titively in order to scarch (or successively better alternatives. Theoretically enough runs could be made so that "for all practical purposes" an optimal sclution couid b found
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
tions. Komputer skala besar telah facihtated int (simulasi srated-sistem, yang pada gilirannya memungkinkan upaya di bidang merancang sistem yang lebih baik, memahami cara kerja sistem operasi, dan mempelajari proses pengambilan keputusan dalam manusia-mesin operations.25 pemecahan masalah
Kami mengutip sebuah laporan singkat pada Kedelapan Tahunan American Institute of Industrial Engineering symposiurn pada sistem simula¬tion.
Sekarang, kita mungkin bertanya pertanyaan penting. "Mengapa orang-orang bisnis, ilmuwan manajemen, atau anyonc sejauh yang concernec, menjadi ? tertarik simulasi sistem "Well, ada prett g alasan Sorne penting, dan mereka adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Untuk tujuan percobaan atau evaluasi, dengan kata lain, untuk mencoba dan memprediksi konsekuensi dari perubahan kebijakan, kondisi, metode , dll, tanpa harus menghabiskan uang atau mengambil risiko untuk benar-benar membuat perubahan dalam kehidupan nyata.
2 Untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang sistem untuk mendesain ulang atau re¬fine itu. Sangat kompleksitas sebagian besar bisnis kami dan industri sistem membuat necessar • mean5 sebuah ... untuk memberikan pemahaman dari kedua systern secara keseluruhan dan bagian-bagiannya.
3. Untuk membiasakan personil dengan svstent atau situasi, yang mungkin tidak ada belum dalam kehidupan nyata.
4. Untuk memverifikasi atau menunjukkan ide baru, sistem baru atau ap¬proach; dengan kata lain, mengukur risiko dan manfaat, dan menunjukkan kemungkinan success.2s
Setiap referensi untuk hasil yang optimal atau solusi terbaik adalah notice¬ably kurang dalam ringkasan di atas. Berbeda dengan applica¬tion teknik riset operasi, penerapan sistem simulasi tidak dilakukan dengan ide optirnizing total sistem atau bahkan segmen Dalam setiap sistem yang cukup besar atau subsistem, kondisi seperti saling ketergantungan, perjumlahan yg tak terbatas, ketidaklengkapan, ketidakefektifan lules kerja praktis, dan
"Untuk rincian tentang teknik simulasi melihat Robert C. Meler, William T Nesvel !, dan
Harold L. Pazer, (rnufatiori Bisnis ni (dan Econonucs Prenti (:... e -F1311, Inc., Engle-
kayu Cliffs, NJ, 1969, dan / atau Forrest P. Wyman, Simulatio, t Modch,:. s A ke
SlMSCRIPT, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1970..
: "Wan-en E. Alberts , "Laporan kepada Konferensi Nasional Kedelapan AIIE pada Sysrem Simulasi Simposium." lour►al dari Induslria1 Engincerins, November-Desember 1957, hlm. 368-369.
"Namun program heuristik dapat dikembangkan untuk simulasi sistem repe¬titively di. Untuk scarch alternatif (atau berturut-turut lebih baik. Secara teoritis cukup berjalan dapat dibuat agar "untuk semua tujuan praktis" sebuah sclution couid optimal b ditemukan

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