Online Annoyances and WorseThe Web provides excellent opportunities bu terjemahan - Online Annoyances and WorseThe Web provides excellent opportunities bu Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Online Annoyances and WorseThe Web

Online Annoyances and Worse

The Web provides excellent opportunities but its wide
availability combined with ingenuity have created
some practices that range from mildly annoying to
criminally dangerous.
• Spam. Spam is the term for any unsolicited commercial
e-mail. The reason for spam is simple: it is
the most cost-effective marketing method. Even if
a fraction of a percent of the recipients end up purchasing
the product or service touted, the spammer
profits. Both individuals and organizations
dislike spam. Individuals have to wade through a
long list of unsolicited e-mail to get to useful
e-mail. Organizations face an increasingly costly
burden. Consider that if spam makes up half of the
e-mail the organization receives, the organization
must employ twice the bandwidth it really needs
for communications and twice the space on e-mail
servers. Obviously, it will pay twice as much as
necessary to operate an e-mail system. Spam-filter
software has helped to some extent, but spam is
still on the rise and still wastes resources. By some
estimates, spam constitutes about 75–80 percent of
all e-mail on the Internet. About 50 percent of
spam originates in North America, 30 percent in
Europe, and the rest in Asia and other regions.

• Pop-Up Windows. You browse the Web, stop to
read an interesting article, and a few seconds later
a window pops up, partially covering the text you
were reading. The pop-up contains an
advertisement. You look for the icon to close the
window. It is not in its normal location. You finally
manage to close the window, but as soon as you
do, another one pops up. And so on, and so forth,
more and more windows. When you finally close
the main site’s window, you discover that several
other windows popped up behind the window.

• Adware. A growing number of organizations use
adware, software that delivers ad banners or
pop-up advertising windows on the Web. Often,
the banners hide large parts of the information on
the page. Adware is often tailored to users, based
on their profiles, such as previous interests. Some
companies use adware that pops up deliberately to
cover banners of competing companies that paid
to advertise at the site a user visits. The visitor
might not even know that the ad is not originating
from the Web site or its legitimate advertising clients,
but from another one.

• Spyware. A more disturbing “ware” is spyware.
As discussed in this chapter, spyware is software
that uses the Internet connection of a computer to
transmit information about the user without the
user’s knowledge or permission. Usually, the software
transmits information about users’ activities
with their computers, including their every move
on the Internet. It sits on the computer’s hard disk,secretly collects information, and transmits it to the
computer of a company, usually for marketing purposes,
but also for industrial espionage.

• Phishing. A growing number of Web users
receive a special kind of spam that intends not to
sway them to buy something but to defraud them.
The practice is called phishing, a play on “fishing.”
Criminals send thousands of messages that look as
if they were sent from a bank, a credit-card company,
or any other financial institution or an organization
where the recipient has authority to
withdraw funds. The e-mail provides a Web link
where the recipient is urged to go and supply personal
information, including codes that are used to
withdraw or transfer funds. One of many “reasons”
is “explained” in the message: your account
must be renewed, the bank lost your details, you
should verify your personal information or the
account will be revoked, and many others. Thousands
of people have fallen prey to the con artists,
who used the information to withdraw funds.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Gangguan online dan lebih burukWeb memberikan peluang bagus tetapi yang lebarketersediaan dikombinasikan dengan kecerdikan telah menciptakanbeberapa praktek yang berkisar dari agak menjengkelkan untukkriminal berbahaya.• Spam. Spam adalah istilah untuk setiap komersial yang tidak diinginkane-mail. Alasan untuk spam sederhana: itumetode pemasaran yang paling efektif. Bahkan jikasepersekian persen dari penerima akhirnya membeliproduk atau layanan yang disebut-sebut, para spammerkeuntungan. Individu dan organisasitidak menyukai spam. Individu harus menyeberang melaluidaftar panjang e-mail yang tidak diminta untuk mendapatkan bermanfaate-mail. Organisasi menghadapi semakin mahalbeban. Mempertimbangkan bahwa jika spam membentuk setengah darimenerima e-mail organisasi, organisasiharus menggunakan dua kali itu benar-benar membutuhkan bandwidthuntuk komunikasi dan dua kali ruang pada e-mailserver. Jelas, itu akan membayar dua kali sebanyakdiperlukan untuk mengoperasikan sistem e-mail. Spam filterperangkat lunak telah membantu sampai batas tertentu, tapi spam adalahmasih pada kebangkitan dan masih sumber daya limbah. Oleh beberapaperkiraan, spam merupakan sekitar 75-80 persen dariSemua e-mail di Internet. Sekitar 50 persenspam berasal di Amerika Utara, 30 persen diEropa, dan sisanya di Asia dan daerah lain.• Jendela pop-Up. Anda menelusuri Web, berhenti untukmembaca sebuah artikel menarik, dan beberapa detik kemudianjendela yang muncul, sebagian meliputi teks Andayang membaca. Pop-up berisiiklan. Anda mencari ikon untuk menutupjendela. Hal ini tidak di tempatnya yang normal. Anda akhirnyamengelola untuk menutup jendela, tapi begitu Andalakukan, lain yang muncul. Dan seterusnya, dan sebagainya,windows lebih dan lebih. Ketika Anda akhirnya menutupjendela situs utama, Anda menemukan bahwa beberapajendela lain muncul di belakang jendela.• Adware. Semakin banyak penggunaan organisasiadware, perangkat lunak yang memberikan iklan banner ataujendela pop-up iklan di Web. Sering kali,Banner menyembunyikan bagian-bagian besar dari informasi padaHalaman. Adware sering dirancang untuk pengguna, berdasarkanpada profil mereka, seperti kepentingan sebelumnya. BeberapaPerusahaan menggunakan adware yang muncul sengaja untukmenutupi banner perusahaan bersaing yang dibayaruntuk beriklan di situs pengguna kunjungan. Pengunjungmungkin bahkan tidak tahu bahwa iklan tidak berasal daridari situs Web atau klien sah iklan,tetapi dari yang lain.• Spyware. Lebih mengganggu "ware" adalah spyware.Seperti telah dibahas dalam bab ini, spyware adalah perangkat lunakyang menggunakan koneksi Internet dari sebuah komputer untukmengirimkan informasi tentang pengguna tanpapengguna pengetahuan atau izin. Biasanya, perangkat lunakmengirimkan informasi tentang kegiatan para penggunadengan komputer mereka, termasuk mereka setiap gerakandi Internet. Itu duduk di komputer hard disk, diam-diam mengumpulkan informasi, dan mentransmisikan untukkomputer perusahaan, biasanya untuk tujuan pemasaran,tetapi juga untuk Spionase industri.• Phishing. Semakin banyak pengguna Webmenerima jenis khusus spam yang bermaksud tidakmembujuk mereka untuk membeli sesuatu, tetapi untuk menipu mereka.Praktik itu disebut phishing, bermain di "memancing."Penjahat mengirim ribuan pesan yang terlihat sebagaiJika mereka dikirim dari bank, perusahaan kartu kredit,atau lembaga keuangan lainnya atau sebuah organisasimana penerima memiliki wewenang untukmenarik dana. E-mail menyediakan Web linkmana Penerima mendesak dan pasokan pribadiinformasi, termasuk kode yang digunakan untukmenarik atau transfer dana. Salah satu dari banyak "alasan""dijelaskan" dalam pesan: akunharus diperbarui, bank kehilangan rincian Anda, Andaharus memverifikasi informasi pribadi Anda ataurekening akan dicabut, dan banyak orang lain. Ribuanorang telah menjadi mangsa penipu,yang menggunakan informasi untuk menarik dana.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Online Annoyances and Worse

The Web provides excellent opportunities but its wide
availability combined with ingenuity have created
some practices that range from mildly annoying to
criminally dangerous.
• Spam. Spam is the term for any unsolicited commercial
e-mail. The reason for spam is simple: it is
the most cost-effective marketing method. Even if
a fraction of a percent of the recipients end up purchasing
the product or service touted, the spammer
profits. Both individuals and organizations
dislike spam. Individuals have to wade through a
long list of unsolicited e-mail to get to useful
e-mail. Organizations face an increasingly costly
burden. Consider that if spam makes up half of the
e-mail the organization receives, the organization
must employ twice the bandwidth it really needs
for communications and twice the space on e-mail
servers. Obviously, it will pay twice as much as
necessary to operate an e-mail system. Spam-filter
software has helped to some extent, but spam is
still on the rise and still wastes resources. By some
estimates, spam constitutes about 75–80 percent of
all e-mail on the Internet. About 50 percent of
spam originates in North America, 30 percent in
Europe, and the rest in Asia and other regions.

• Pop-Up Windows. You browse the Web, stop to
read an interesting article, and a few seconds later
a window pops up, partially covering the text you
were reading. The pop-up contains an
advertisement. You look for the icon to close the
window. It is not in its normal location. You finally
manage to close the window, but as soon as you
do, another one pops up. And so on, and so forth,
more and more windows. When you finally close
the main site’s window, you discover that several
other windows popped up behind the window.

• Adware. A growing number of organizations use
adware, software that delivers ad banners or
pop-up advertising windows on the Web. Often,
the banners hide large parts of the information on
the page. Adware is often tailored to users, based
on their profiles, such as previous interests. Some
companies use adware that pops up deliberately to
cover banners of competing companies that paid
to advertise at the site a user visits. The visitor
might not even know that the ad is not originating
from the Web site or its legitimate advertising clients,
but from another one.

• Spyware. A more disturbing “ware” is spyware.
As discussed in this chapter, spyware is software
that uses the Internet connection of a computer to
transmit information about the user without the
user’s knowledge or permission. Usually, the software
transmits information about users’ activities
with their computers, including their every move
on the Internet. It sits on the computer’s hard disk,secretly collects information, and transmits it to the
computer of a company, usually for marketing purposes,
but also for industrial espionage.

• Phishing. A growing number of Web users
receive a special kind of spam that intends not to
sway them to buy something but to defraud them.
The practice is called phishing, a play on “fishing.”
Criminals send thousands of messages that look as
if they were sent from a bank, a credit-card company,
or any other financial institution or an organization
where the recipient has authority to
withdraw funds. The e-mail provides a Web link
where the recipient is urged to go and supply personal
information, including codes that are used to
withdraw or transfer funds. One of many “reasons”
is “explained” in the message: your account
must be renewed, the bank lost your details, you
should verify your personal information or the
account will be revoked, and many others. Thousands
of people have fallen prey to the con artists,
who used the information to withdraw funds.
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