The Valley of Hundred Bends was a magical land. Mountains, creeks, riv terjemahan - The Valley of Hundred Bends was a magical land. Mountains, creeks, riv Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The Valley of Hundred Bends was a m

The Valley of Hundred Bends was a magical land. Mountains, creeks, rivers, valleys, plains, everything that should be there was there.

The beautiful scenery was like a saint’s realm. That area could simply be said to be a separate world. There were spiritual medicines, Origin medicines, Profound medicines, wild beasts, Fierce Beasts, and Monstrous Beasts.

Being at the top of the food chain, Monstrous Beasts were the kings in that area. They ruled that place, and even Monstrous Beasts needed to cultivation. So, they also needed Origin medicines and Profound medicines.

In order for Origin medicines and Profound medicines to display the effects that they should have, after the Monstrous Beasts found the medicines, they would not immediately hunt them. They would force it to a special place, seal them, and wait for them to grow before using them.

However, every year, there would be a period of time where humans intruded that land. The intrusion of the humans destroyed everything there. They broke the rules there, so to Monstrous Beasts, humans were the invaders and they were the guardians.

At that moment, in a certain location in the Valley of Hundred Bends, there was a fortress just like that. Profound medicine filled the fortress and those outside could feel the strong Profound power as well as the fragrance of the medicines. It was undoubtedly a huge treasure trove.

However, the treasures were not able to be taken so easily because several hundred Monstrous Beasts were densely gathered outside. Every single one of them was in the Profound realm and their cultivations were high. There were some at the 1st level of the Profound realm as well as some at the 6th level of the Profound realm.

One human-shaped Monstrous Beast which was three meters tall even had the cultivation of the 7th level of the Profound realm. The muscles all over its body were like armor. It had a big sharp hammer in his hand and it was currently sitting on a chair made out of human bones as it yawned.

Around that Monstrous Beast were Monstrous Beasts who were still in their Monstrous Beast shape and they were quite lively, as if celebrating, as they defeated the humans again and again.

“Dammit. I really want to immediately go slaughter that group of beasts.”

“Wait. Senior Dugu and senior Fenghao will quickly come. After they come, we can exterminate these Monstrous Beasts that ought to die all at once. We will avenge the seniors and juniors who died.”

Several thousand meters away from the fortress, within a lush forest, several hundred disciples were gathered there. Most of them were disciples from the Lingyun School, but there were also many disciples from other schools and they were preparing for the final attack on the fortress.

“Look, senior Fenghao has arrived.” Suddenly, a group of people appeared. They were from the Lingyun School, and the one who led was a white-faced, prideful male.

After that male appeared, instantly, a huge disturbance was aroused. Not to mention the disciples from the Lingyun School, even the disciples from other schools concentrated their gazes on that male’s body. Some female disciples even revealed expressions of adoration.

That male was called Fenghao and he was the number two disciple in the Lingyun School. Although he was only second, his talent and cultivation was far from being comparable by disciples from other schools. He was an expert in the 6th level of the Profound realm, and it could be said that he was one of the best within the young generation in the Azure Province.

“Young lady, I wonder if we can join you guys to work together to defeat those group of Monstrous Beasts?”

At that instant, Chu Feng and the pockmarked male already arrived. However, it wasn’t simple to be able to join the group of people who were going to fight against the Monstrous Beasts.

In fact, currently, the strength of Chu Feng and the pockmarked male was being assessed by the female disciple from the Lingyun School. She was seeing if they had the qualifications to share the Profound medicine in the fortress.

But it was useless as after Fenghao appeared, the gaze of that female disciple from the Lingyun School was attracted towards Fenghao and she did not pay attention to Chu Feng and the pockmarked male anymore.

However, that could not be blamed on that female disciple because when compared to Fenghao’s girl-like face, the pockmarked male’s face was too ugly. No females would be willing to look at him.

“Look over there, senior Dugu has come!”

“Dugu Aoyun? The number one disciple from the Lingyun School, Dugu Aoyun?!”

Just at that time, another person yelled in surprise, and the words Dugu Aoyun caused everyone’s gaze on scene to be shifted from Fenghao to the other side.

On that side, another group of disciples from the Lingyun School appeared. The quality of those disciples were much stronger than Fenghao’s group.

Especially the one who led. With a pair of dense eyebrows which were like sharp swords and a resolute face like a blade, that male was a lot more handsome and martial-like. When compared to Fenghao’s female-like prettiness, that male was filled with manly charm.

He was the number one disciple in the Lingyun School, Dugu Aoyun, and he was an expert at the 8th level of the Profound realm. Not only was he the number one disciple in the Lingyun School, he was even named as the number one person in the Azure Province’s young generation.

Closely following Dugu Aoyun was his young brother, Dugu Xiangyu. Dugu Xiangyu’s cultivation was not weak as well as he had the cultivation of the 5th level of the Profound realm. He had quite the handsome appearance as well, but as his elder brother was under a halo, obviously, he was not that eye-grabbing.

“Waa, the number one disciple from my Lingyun School is too charming. That’s a real man!”

The female disciple from the Lingyun School who had incomparable adoration towards Fenghao earlier only had Dugu Aoyun’s figure within her eyes.

“Oi, lady. I want to join you guys to fight together against the Monstrous Beasts. Look at us. Can we?” Just at that time, the pockmarked male untactfully patted the female disciple’s shoulder.

“Shoo! Don’t pass! Both of you don’t pass! Leave right now!!” The pockmarked male who disturbed the female’s heart of appreciation got a burst of angry cursing from her.

“Junior, what’s wrong?” Her yell naturally attracted the attention of the Lingyun School disciples. In an instant, the large group of Lingyun School disciples aggressively surrounded and concentrated their fierce gazes onto the bodies of the pockmarked male as well as Chu Feng.

“I…We…” As he faced that scene, the pockmarked male was terrified. He could not even speak because he did not even know how to explain.

“They wanted to join us to fight against the Monstrous Beasts, but because their strength was too low, I wanted them to leave. However, they kept on nagging me.” The female disciple said with grievance.

“What? Something like that happened?” After hearing those words, the normally domineering Lingyun School disciples were instantly enraged and their gazes could eat Chu Feng and the pockmarked male.

“Whatever, fighting against the Monstrous Beasts is more important right now. Let them go.” One disciple went out to advise.

“Hmph. You two are lucky. Shoo!” Seeing that, the disciple from the Lingyun School started drive them away.

As he faced that situation, both of Chu Feng’s fists tightly clenched and the flames of fury burned in his heart, but he endured because he felt a pair of sharp eyes staring at him, and the owner of those eyes was extremely strong.

So, Chu Feng could only gloomily leave along with the pockmarked male as they were mocked by the crowd.

“Brother, what are you looking at?” Dugu Xiangyu curiously asked.

“Nothing.” Dugu Aoyun faintly smiled and retracted the gaze that was aimed towards Chu Feng.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Valley membungkuk ratus adalah tanah yang ajaib. Pegunungan, sungai, sungai, lembah, dataran, segala sesuatu yang harus ada di sana.Pemandangan indah bagaikan seorang Santo alam. Bahwa daerah hanya bisa dikatakan sebagai sebuah dunia yang terpisah. Ada obat rohani, asal obat-obatan, obat-obatan mendalam, binatang-binatang liar, binatang-binatang yang sengit, dan binatang-binatang yang mengerikan.Berada di bagian atas rantai makanan, binatang-binatang yang mengerikan itu raja-raja di daerah itu. Mereka memerintah yang menempatkan, dan bahkan binatang-binatang mengerikan yang diperlukan untuk budidaya. Jadi, mereka juga membutuhkan asal obat-obatan dan obat-obatan mendalam.Dalam rangka untuk asal obat-obatan dan obat-obatan mendalam untuk menampilkan efek yang mereka harus, setelah binatang mengerikan menemukan obat-obatan, mereka akan tidak segera berburu mereka. Mereka akan memaksa untuk tempat khusus, memeteraikan mereka, dan menunggu mereka untuk tumbuh sebelum menggunakan mereka.Namun, setiap tahun, akan ada periode waktu dimana manusia mengganggu tanah itu. Gangguan manusia menghancurkan segala sesuatu di sana. Mereka melanggar peraturan-peraturan di sana, sehingga binatang-binatang yang mengerikan, manusia adalah para penyerbu dan mereka adalah penjaga.Pada saat itu, di lokasi tertentu di lembah dari seratus dibelokkan, ada sebuah benteng hanya seperti itu. Obat-obatan mendalam dipenuhi benteng dan orang-orang di luar bisa merasakan kekuatan mendalam serta aroma obat-obatan. Itu pasti besar harta karun.Namun, harta yang tidak bisa diambil begitu mudah karena beberapa ratus mengerikan binatang padat berkumpul di luar. Setiap satu dari mereka adalah di bidang mendalam dan cultivations mereka tinggi. Ada beberapa di tingkat 1 bidang mendalam serta beberapa pada tingkat 6 bidang yang mendalam.Satu berbentuk mengerikan binatang yang tiga meter bahkan punya budidaya tingkat 7 wilayah yang mendalam. Otot-otot seluruh tubuh itu seperti baju besi. Itu besar palu tajam di tangannya dan itu saat ini sedang duduk di kursi yang terbuat dari tulang manusia seperti itu menguap.Di sekitar yang mengerikan binatang binatang mengerikan yang masih dalam bentuk binatang mengerikan mereka dan mereka cukup ramai, seolah-olah merayakan, ketika mereka mengalahkan manusia lagi dan lagi."Sialan. Aku benar-benar ingin segera pergi menyembelih kelompok binatang.""Menunggu. Senior Dugu dan senior Fenghao akan segera datang. Setelah mereka datang, kita dapat membasmi binatang ini mengerikan yang harus mati sekali untuk selamanya. Kami akan membalas senior dan yunior yang mati."Beberapa ribu meter dari benteng, dalam hutan lebat, beberapa ratus murid berkumpul ada. Kebanyakan dari mereka adalah murid-murid dari sekolah Lingyun, tapi ada juga banyak murid dari sekolah lain dan mereka sedang mempersiapkan serangan akhir benteng."Lihat, senior Fenghao telah tiba." Tiba-tiba, sekelompok orang muncul. Mereka dari sekolah Lingyun, dan orang yang telah memimpin berwajah putih, sombong laki-laki.After that male appeared, instantly, a huge disturbance was aroused. Not to mention the disciples from the Lingyun School, even the disciples from other schools concentrated their gazes on that male’s body. Some female disciples even revealed expressions of adoration.That male was called Fenghao and he was the number two disciple in the Lingyun School. Although he was only second, his talent and cultivation was far from being comparable by disciples from other schools. He was an expert in the 6th level of the Profound realm, and it could be said that he was one of the best within the young generation in the Azure Province.“Young lady, I wonder if we can join you guys to work together to defeat those group of Monstrous Beasts?”At that instant, Chu Feng and the pockmarked male already arrived. However, it wasn’t simple to be able to join the group of people who were going to fight against the Monstrous Beasts.In fact, currently, the strength of Chu Feng and the pockmarked male was being assessed by the female disciple from the Lingyun School. She was seeing if they had the qualifications to share the Profound medicine in the fortress.But it was useless as after Fenghao appeared, the gaze of that female disciple from the Lingyun School was attracted towards Fenghao and she did not pay attention to Chu Feng and the pockmarked male anymore.However, that could not be blamed on that female disciple because when compared to Fenghao’s girl-like face, the pockmarked male’s face was too ugly. No females would be willing to look at him.“Look over there, senior Dugu has come!”“Dugu Aoyun? The number one disciple from the Lingyun School, Dugu Aoyun?!”Just at that time, another person yelled in surprise, and the words Dugu Aoyun caused everyone’s gaze on scene to be shifted from Fenghao to the other side.On that side, another group of disciples from the Lingyun School appeared. The quality of those disciples were much stronger than Fenghao’s group.Especially the one who led. With a pair of dense eyebrows which were like sharp swords and a resolute face like a blade, that male was a lot more handsome and martial-like. When compared to Fenghao’s female-like prettiness, that male was filled with manly charm.He was the number one disciple in the Lingyun School, Dugu Aoyun, and he was an expert at the 8th level of the Profound realm. Not only was he the number one disciple in the Lingyun School, he was even named as the number one person in the Azure Province’s young generation.Closely following Dugu Aoyun was his young brother, Dugu Xiangyu. Dugu Xiangyu’s cultivation was not weak as well as he had the cultivation of the 5th level of the Profound realm. He had quite the handsome appearance as well, but as his elder brother was under a halo, obviously, he was not that eye-grabbing.“Waa, the number one disciple from my Lingyun School is too charming. That’s a real man!”The female disciple from the Lingyun School who had incomparable adoration towards Fenghao earlier only had Dugu Aoyun’s figure within her eyes.“Oi, lady. I want to join you guys to fight together against the Monstrous Beasts. Look at us. Can we?” Just at that time, the pockmarked male untactfully patted the female disciple’s shoulder.“Shoo! Don’t pass! Both of you don’t pass! Leave right now!!” The pockmarked male who disturbed the female’s heart of appreciation got a burst of angry cursing from her.“Junior, what’s wrong?” Her yell naturally attracted the attention of the Lingyun School disciples. In an instant, the large group of Lingyun School disciples aggressively surrounded and concentrated their fierce gazes onto the bodies of the pockmarked male as well as Chu Feng.“I…We…” As he faced that scene, the pockmarked male was terrified. He could not even speak because he did not even know how to explain.“They wanted to join us to fight against the Monstrous Beasts, but because their strength was too low, I wanted them to leave. However, they kept on nagging me.” The female disciple said with grievance.“What? Something like that happened?” After hearing those words, the normally domineering Lingyun School disciples were instantly enraged and their gazes could eat Chu Feng and the pockmarked male.“Whatever, fighting against the Monstrous Beasts is more important right now. Let them go.” One disciple went out to advise.“Hmph. You two are lucky. Shoo!” Seeing that, the disciple from the Lingyun School started drive them away.As he faced that situation, both of Chu Feng’s fists tightly clenched and the flames of fury burned in his heart, but he endured because he felt a pair of sharp eyes staring at him, and the owner of those eyes was extremely strong.So, Chu Feng could only gloomily leave along with the pockmarked male as they were mocked by the crowd.“Brother, what are you looking at?” Dugu Xiangyu curiously asked.“Nothing.” Dugu Aoyun faintly smiled and retracted the gaze that was aimed towards Chu Feng.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Lembah Seratus Bends adalah tanah ajaib. Pegunungan, sungai, sungai, lembah, dataran, segala sesuatu yang harus ada di sana. Pemandangan indah seperti sebuah dunia suci. Daerah yang hanya bisa dikatakan menjadi dunia yang terpisah. Ada obat spiritual, obat-obatan Asal, obat-obatan yang sangat besar, binatang buas, binatang sengit, dan Mengerikan Beasts. Berada di puncak rantai makanan, hewan Mengerikan raja-raja di daerah itu. Mereka memutuskan tempat itu, dan bahkan binatang Mengerikan dibutuhkan untuk budidaya. Jadi, mereka juga membutuhkan obat-obatan Asal dan obat-obatan yang sangat besar. Dalam rangka untuk obat-obatan dan obat-obatan Asal mendalam untuk menampilkan efek bahwa mereka harus memiliki, setelah Mengerikan hewan menemukan obat-obatan, mereka akan tidak segera memburu mereka. Mereka akan memaksa untuk tempat khusus, segel mereka, dan menunggu mereka untuk tumbuh sebelum menggunakan mereka. Namun, setiap tahun, akan ada periode waktu di mana manusia mengganggu tanah. Intrusi manusia menghancurkan segalanya ada. Mereka melanggar aturan di sana, sehingga untuk Mengerikan hewan, manusia adalah penjajah dan mereka adalah wali. Pada saat itu, di lokasi tertentu di Lembah Seratus degree, ada benteng seperti itu. Obat yang mendalam diisi benteng dan luar mereka bisa merasakan kekuatan yang mendalam yang kuat serta aroma dari obat-obatan. Itu tidak diragukan lagi harta karun besar. Namun, harta tidak dapat diambil begitu mudah karena beberapa ratus Mengerikan hewan yang padat berkumpul di luar. Setiap satu dari mereka berada di ranah mendalam dan budidaya mereka yang tinggi. Ada beberapa di tingkat 1 dari alam yang sangat besar serta beberapa di tingkat 6 dari ranah Mendalam. Satu berbentuk manusia Mengerikan Binatang yang tiga meter bahkan memiliki budidaya tingkat 7 dari ranah Mendalam. Otot-otot di seluruh tubuhnya yang seperti baju besi. Itu palu tajam besar di tangannya dan itu saat duduk di kursi yang terbuat dari tulang manusia karena menguap. Sekitar bahwa Mengerikan Binatang yang Beasts Mengerikan yang masih berada di mereka bentuk Mengerikan Binatang dan mereka cukup hidup, seolah-olah merayakan , karena mereka mengalahkan manusia lagi dan lagi. "Sialan. Aku benar-benar ingin segera pergi pembantaian kelompok binatang. "" Tunggu. Dugu senior dan Fenghao senior akan cepat datang. Setelah mereka datang, kita bisa membasmi Mengerikan hewan ini yang harus mati sekaligus. Kami akan membalas senior dan yunior yang meninggal. "Beberapa ribu meter dari benteng, dalam hutan lebat, beberapa ratus murid berkumpul di sana. Kebanyakan dari mereka adalah murid-murid dari Lingyun Sekolah, tetapi ada juga banyak murid dari sekolah lain dan mereka sedang mempersiapkan serangan akhir pada benteng. "Lihat, Fenghao senior tiba." Tiba-tiba, sekelompok orang muncul. Mereka dari Lingyun Sekolah, dan orang yang memimpin adalah putih berwajah, sombong laki-laki. Setelah itu laki-laki muncul, langsung, gangguan besar terangsang. Belum lagi para murid dari Lingyun Sekolah, bahkan murid dari sekolah lain terkonsentrasi tatapan mereka pada tubuh yang laki-laki. Beberapa murid perempuan bahkan mengungkapkan ekspresi adorasi. Laki-laki itu dinamai Fenghao dan ia adalah nomor dua murid di Lingyun Sekolah. Meskipun ia hanya kedua, bakat dan budidaya nya jauh dari sebanding dengan murid-murid dari sekolah lain. Dia adalah seorang ahli dalam tingkat 6 dari ranah Mendalam, dan dapat dikatakan bahwa ia adalah salah satu yang terbaik dalam generasi muda di Provinsi Azure. "Wanita muda, saya bertanya-tanya apakah kita bisa bergabung dengan kalian untuk bekerja sama untuk mengalahkan kelompok orang-orang dari Mengerikan hewan? "Pada saat itu, Chu Feng dan laki-laki bopeng sudah tiba. Namun, itu tidak sederhana untuk dapat bergabung dengan sekelompok orang yang akan berjuang melawan Mengerikan hewan. Bahkan, saat ini, kekuatan Chu Feng dan laki-laki bopeng sedang dinilai oleh murid perempuan dari Lingyun Sekolah. Dia melihat apakah mereka memiliki kualifikasi untuk berbagi obat yang sangat besar di dalam benteng. Tapi itu tidak berguna karena setelah Fenghao muncul, tatapan yang murid perempuan dari Lingyun Sekolah tertarik terhadap Fenghao dan dia tidak memperhatikan Chu Feng dan laki-laki bopeng lagi. Namun, yang tidak bisa disalahkan pada itu murid perempuan karena ketika dibandingkan dengan wajah gadis-seperti Fenghao, wajah laki-laki bopeng itu terlalu jelek. Tidak ada perempuan akan bersedia untuk menatapnya. "Lihat ke sana, Dugu senior yang telah datang!" "Dugu Aoyun? Nomor satu murid dari Lingyun Sekolah, Dugu Aoyun ?! "Tepat pada saat itu, orang lain berteriak kaget, dan kata-kata Dugu Aoyun disebabkan tatapan semua orang di tempat kejadian akan bergeser dari Fenghao ke sisi lain. Di sisi itu, lain sekelompok murid dari Lingyun Sekolah muncul. Kualitas murid-murid yang jauh lebih kuat dari Fenghao ini kelompok. Terutama orang yang dipimpin. Dengan sepasang alis lebat yang seperti pedang yang tajam dan wajah tegas seperti pisau, yang laki-laki jauh lebih tampan dan bela diri seperti. Bila dibandingkan dengan Fenghao ini perempuan-seperti kecantikan, yang laki-laki itu penuh dengan pesona jantan. Dia adalah nomor satu murid di Lingyun Sekolah, Dugu Aoyun, dan ia adalah seorang ahli pada tingkat 8 dari ranah Mendalam. Tidak hanya itu ia nomor satu murid di Lingyun School, ia bahkan disebut sebagai orang nomor satu di generasi muda Azure Provinsi. Erat berikut Dugu Aoyun adalah saudara mudanya, Dugu Xiangyu. Budidaya Dugu Xiangyu itu tidak lemah serta ia budidaya tingkat 5 dari ranah Mendalam. Dia memiliki cukup penampilan tampan juga, tetapi sebagai kakaknya berada di bawah halo, jelas, dia tidak mata-grabbing. "Waa, nomor satu murid dari Lingyun Sekolah saya terlalu menarik. Itu pria sejati! "Murid perempuan dari Lingyun Sekolah yang memiliki adorasi tertandingi terhadap Fenghao sebelumnya hanya memiliki angka Dugu Aoyun dalam waktu matanya." Oi, wanita. Saya ingin bergabung dengan kalian untuk berjuang bersama-sama melawan Mengerikan hewan. Melihat kami. Bisakah kita? "Tepat pada saat itu, laki-laki bopeng untactfully menepuk bahu murid betina." Shoo! Tidak lulus! Kedua Anda tidak lulus! Tinggalkan sekarang !! "Laki-laki bopeng yang mengganggu hati betina apresiasi mendapat ledakan mengutuk marah darinya." Junior, apa yang salah? "Her berteriak alami menarik perhatian para murid Lingyun Sekolah. Dalam sekejap, kelompok besar murid Lingyun Sekolah agresif dikelilingi dan terkonsentrasi tatapan sengit mereka ke tubuh laki-laki bopeng serta Chu Feng. "Aku ... Kami ..." Saat ia menghadapi adegan, laki-laki bopeng sangat ketakutan. Dia bahkan tidak bisa berbicara karena dia bahkan tidak tahu bagaimana menjelaskannya. "Mereka ingin bergabung dengan kami untuk melawan Mengerikan hewan, tetapi karena kekuatan mereka terlalu rendah, aku ingin mereka untuk pergi. Namun, mereka terus mengganggu saya. "Murid perempuan berkata dengan keluhan." Apa? Sesuatu seperti itu terjadi? "Setelah mendengar kata-kata, biasanya mendominasi murid Lingyun Sekolah yang langsung marah dan tatapan mereka bisa makan Chu Feng dan laki-laki bopeng." Apapun, berjuang melawan Mengerikan hewan yang lebih penting sekarang. Biarkan mereka pergi. "Salah satu murid pergi keluar untuk memberitahu." Hmph. Anda dua beruntung. Shoo! "Melihat itu, murid dari Lingyun Sekolah mulai mengusir mereka. Saat ia menghadapi situasi itu, kedua tinju Chu Feng erat mengepal dan api kemarahan dibakar di dalam hatinya, tapi ia bertahan karena ia merasa sepasang tajam mata menatapnya, dan pemilik mata itu sangat kuat. Jadi, Chu Feng hanya bisa murung meninggalkan bersama dengan laki-laki bopeng karena mereka diejek oleh orang banyak. "Saudara, apa yang Anda lihat?" Dugu Xiangyu penasaran bertanya . "Tidak ada." Dugu Aoyun samar-samar tersenyum dan ditarik tatapan yang ditujukan terhadap Chu Feng.

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