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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
What is a policy brief?• A short document that presents the findings and recommendations of a research project to a non-specialized audience• A medium for exploring an issue and distilling lessons learned from the research• A vehicle for providing policy adviceWork Within ParametersA policy brief is:• A stand alone document• Focused on a single topic• No more than 2-4 pages (1,500 words) Who Are Your Readers?Ask yourself• Who am I writing this brief for?• How knowledgeable are they about the topic?• How open are they to the message?How Can I Reach Readers?• What questions need answers?• What are their interests, concerns?• What does it take to reach specific readers such as media, decision-makers?Use the Power of Persuasion• Answer the question “What value does this have for me?”• Describe the urgency of the situation• Speak in terms of benefits and advantagesContent: Apply a Laser Focus• Focus on a single topic• Define your purpose• Identify salient points that support the aim• Distil points to essential info• Limit yourself to 1,500 wordsPolicy Brief Template• Executive Summary• Introduction• Approaches and Results• Conclusion• Implications and RecommendationsLead With a Short Statement The executive statement will:• Distil the essence of the brief• Provide an overview for busy readers• Entice readers to go further• Appear on cover or top of first page• Be written lastintroduction• Answers the question why• Explains the significance/urgency of the issue• Describes research objective• Gives overview of findings, conclusions• Creates curiosity for rest of briefApproaches and Results• Provides summary of the facts• Describes issue and context• Describes research and analysis• Should not be overly technical• Highlight benefits, opportunitiesApproach• Explains how study conducted• Relates who conducted study• Describes relevant background• Identifies method used to collect dataResults: What Did We Learn?• Make content easy to follow• Start by painting a general picture• Move from general to specific• Base conclusions on resultsConclusion: What Does It Mean?Conclusion• Use section to interpret data• Aim for concrete conclusions• Express ideas using strong assertions • Ensure ideas are balanced and defensible• If hypothesis abandoned, say whyImplications and Recommendations• Implications are what could happen• Recommendations are what should happen• Both flow from conclusions• Both must be supported by evidenceImplications: If…Then…• Describe what researcher thinks will be the consequences• Less direct than recommendations• Useful when advice not requested• Softer approach but still can be persuasiveRecommendations: Call to Action• Describe clearly what should happen next• State as precise steps• Ensure they are relevant, credible and feasibleTitles:Add a Little Jazz• Titles are reference point• Sub-titles break up text• Both should entice readers• Similar to headline writing• Verbs make them more dynamic• Questions can pique curiositySidebars Add Extra Depth• Is extra to main discussion• Meant to “hook” reader• Sidebars should be:– Short– Descriptive– Stimulating (ask questions)– Focused on actionOther design choiceCallouts • Sentences or sentence fragments• Printed in larger font• Boxed or placed in margins Bulleted Lists • Favour Groups of 5 or 7• Express completed thoughts• Avoid tags (one or two word bullets)Charts, Photos, Graphics • Pie charts/bar graphs better than tables• Graphics can simplify understanding• Use captions to explain content Think Ahead and Look Back• Conduct a 20-second test – what stood out?• Try to make more user friendly• Go on a jargon hunt• Don’t overuse statistics• Check arguments, proof, persuasion• Build a Q and A package
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