END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT-------------------------------------------- terjemahan - END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT-------------------------------------------- Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan




The following agreement regarding RAR (and its Windows version - WinRAR) archiver - referred to as "software" - is made between win.rar GmbH - referred to as "licensor" - and anyone who is installing, accessing or in any other way using the software - referred to as "user".

The author and holder of the copyright of the software is Alexander L. Roshal. The licensor and as such issuer of the license and bearer of the worldwide exclusive usage rights including the rights to reproduce, distribute and make the software available to the public in any form is win.rar GmbH, Schumannstr. 17, 10117 Berlin, Germany.

The software is distributed as try before you buy. This means that anyone may use the software during a test period of a maximum of 40 days at no charge. Following this test period, the user must purchase a license to continue using the software.

The software's trial version may be freely distributed, with exceptions noted below, provided the distribution package is not modified in any way.

Nobody may distribute separate parts of the package, with the exception of the UnRAR components, without written permission.

The software's unlicensed trial version may not be distributed inside of any other software package without written permission.

Hacks/cracks, keys or key generators may not be included, pointed to or referred to by the distributor of the trial version.

The trial version of the software can display a registration reminder dialog. Depending on the software version and configuration such dialog can contain either a predefined text and links loaded locally or a web page loaded from the internet. Such web page can contain licensing instructions or other materials according to the licensor's choice, including advertisement. When opening a web page, the software transfers only those parameters which are technically required by HTTP protocol to successfully open a web page in a browser.

The software is distributed "as is". No warranty of any kind is expressed or implied. You use at your own risk. Neither the author, the licensor nor the agents of the licensor will be liable for data loss, damages, loss of profits or any other kind of loss while using or misusing this software.

There are 2 basic types of licenses issued for the software. These are:

A single computer usage license. The user purchases one license to use the software on one computer.

Home users may use their single computer usage license on all computers and mobile devices (USB drive, external hard drive, etc.) which are property of the license owner.

Business users require one license per computer or mobile device on which the software is installed.

A multiple usage license. The user purchases a number of usage licenses for use, by the purchaser or the purchaser's employees on the same number of computers.

In a network (server/client) environment the user must purchase a license copy for each separate client (workstation) on which the software is installed, used or accessed. A separate license copy for each client (workstation) is needed regardless of whether the clients (workstations) will use the software simultaneously or at different times. If for example you wish to have 9 different clients (workstations) in your network with access to RAR, you must purchase 9 license copies.

A user who purchased a license, is granted a non-exclusive right to use the software on as many computers as defined by the licensing terms above according to the number of licenses purchased, for any legal purpose.

There are no additional license fees, apart from the cost of the license, associated with the creation and distribution of RAR archives, volumes, self-extracting archives or self-extracting volumes. Owners of a license may use their copies of the software to produce archives and self-extracting archives and to distribute those archives free of any additional royalties.

The licensed software may not be rented or leased but may be permanently transferred, in its entirety, if the recipient agrees to the terms of this license.

To buy a license, please read the file order.htm provided with the software for details.

You may not use, copy, emulate, clone, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed software, or any subset of the licensed software, except as provided for in this agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license and may result in criminal and/or civil prosecution.

Neither RAR binary code, WinRAR binary code, UnRAR source or UnRAR binary code may be used or reverse engineered to re-create the RAR compression algorithm, which is proprietary, without written permission.

The software may be using components developed and/or copyrighted by third parties. Please read "Acknowledgments" help file top
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT--------------------------------------------------------------------------------The following agreement regarding RAR (and its Windows version - WinRAR) archiver - referred to as "software" - is made between win.rar GmbH - referred to as "licensor" - and anyone who is installing, accessing or in any other way using the software - referred to as "user". The author and holder of the copyright of the software is Alexander L. Roshal. The licensor and as such issuer of the license and bearer of the worldwide exclusive usage rights including the rights to reproduce, distribute and make the software available to the public in any form is win.rar GmbH, Schumannstr. 17, 10117 Berlin, Germany. The software is distributed as try before you buy. This means that anyone may use the software during a test period of a maximum of 40 days at no charge. Following this test period, the user must purchase a license to continue using the software.The software's trial version may be freely distributed, with exceptions noted below, provided the distribution package is not modified in any way. Nobody may distribute separate parts of the package, with the exception of the UnRAR components, without written permission.The software's unlicensed trial version may not be distributed inside of any other software package without written permission.Hacks/cracks, keys or key generators may not be included, pointed to or referred to by the distributor of the trial version. The trial version of the software can display a registration reminder dialog. Depending on the software version and configuration such dialog can contain either a predefined text and links loaded locally or a web page loaded from the internet. Such web page can contain licensing instructions or other materials according to the licensor's choice, including advertisement. When opening a web page, the software transfers only those parameters which are technically required by HTTP protocol to successfully open a web page in a browser.The software is distributed "as is". No warranty of any kind is expressed or implied. You use at your own risk. Neither the author, the licensor nor the agents of the licensor will be liable for data loss, damages, loss of profits or any other kind of loss while using or misusing this software.There are 2 basic types of licenses issued for the software. These are: A single computer usage license. The user purchases one license to use the software on one computer.Home users may use their single computer usage license on all computers and mobile devices (USB drive, external hard drive, etc.) which are property of the license owner.Business users require one license per computer or mobile device on which the software is installed.A multiple usage license. The user purchases a number of usage licenses for use, by the purchaser or the purchaser's employees on the same number of computers.In a network (server/client) environment the user must purchase a license copy for each separate client (workstation) on which the software is installed, used or accessed. A separate license copy for each client (workstation) is needed regardless of whether the clients (workstations) will use the software simultaneously or at different times. If for example you wish to have 9 different clients (workstations) in your network with access to RAR, you must purchase 9 license copies. A user who purchased a license, is granted a non-exclusive right to use the software on as many computers as defined by the licensing terms above according to the number of licenses purchased, for any legal purpose. There are no additional license fees, apart from the cost of the license, associated with the creation and distribution of RAR archives, volumes, self-extracting archives or self-extracting volumes. Owners of a license may use their copies of the software to produce archives and self-extracting archives and to distribute those archives free of any additional royalties.The licensed software may not be rented or leased but may be permanently transferred, in its entirety, if the recipient agrees to the terms of this license.To buy a license, please read the file order.htm provided with the software for details.You may not use, copy, emulate, clone, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed software, or any subset of the licensed software, except as provided for in this agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license and may result in criminal and/or civil prosecution.Neither RAR binary code, WinRAR binary code, UnRAR source or UnRAR binary code may be used or reverse engineered to re-create the RAR compression algorithm, which is proprietary, without written permission.The software may be using components developed and/or copyrighted by third parties. Please read "Acknowledgments" help file top
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]

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perjanjian berikut mengenai RAR (dan versi Windows-nya - WinRAR) Pengarsip - disebut sebagai "perangkat lunak" - dibuat antara win.rar GmbH - disebut sebagai "pemberi lisensi" - dan siapa saja yang memasang, mengakses atau dengan cara lain menggunakan perangkat lunak - disebut sebagai "user".

penulis dan pemegang hak cipta dari software ini Alexander L. Roshal. Pemberi izin dan sebagai penerbit seperti lisensi dan pembawa hak penggunaan eksklusif di seluruh dunia termasuk hak untuk mereproduksi, mendistribusikan dan membuat perangkat lunak yang tersedia untuk umum dalam bentuk apapun adalah win.rar GmbH, Schumannstr. 17, 10117 Berlin, Jerman.

Perangkat lunak ini didistribusikan sebagai mencoba sebelum Anda membeli. Ini berarti bahwa siapa pun dapat menggunakan perangkat lunak selama periode uji maksimum 40 hari tanpa biaya. Setelah periode tes ini, pengguna harus membeli lisensi untuk terus menggunakan perangkat lunak.

Versi trial Perangkat lunak ini dapat bebas didistribusikan, dengan pengecualian tertera di bawah ini, tersedia paket distribusi tidak diubah dengan cara apapun.

Tidak ada yang dapat mendistribusikan bagian yang terpisah dari paket , dengan pengecualian dari komponen unrar, tanpa izin tertulis.

versi trial tanpa izin perangkat lunak ini mungkin tidak didistribusikan dalam paket perangkat lunak lain tanpa izin tertulis.

Hacks / retak, kunci atau generator kunci mungkin tidak dimasukkan, menunjuk atau disebut oleh distributor versi trial.

versi trial dari perangkat lunak dapat menampilkan dialog pengingat pendaftaran. Tergantung pada versi perangkat lunak dan konfigurasi dialog tersebut dapat berisi baik teks yang telah ditetapkan dan link dimuat secara lokal atau halaman web dimuat dari internet. Halaman web tersebut dapat berisi petunjuk lisensi atau bahan lain sesuai dengan pilihan lisensi ini, termasuk iklan. Saat membuka halaman web, transfer software hanya mereka parameter yang secara teknis dibutuhkan oleh protokol HTTP untuk berhasil membuka halaman web di browser.

Perangkat lunak ini didistribusikan "sebagaimana adanya". Tidak ada jaminan apapun yang dinyatakan atau tersirat. Anda menggunakan risiko Anda sendiri. Baik penulis, pemberi lisensi maupun agen pemberi lisensi akan bertanggung jawab atas kehilangan data, kerusakan, kehilangan keuntungan atau jenis lain dari kerugian saat menggunakan atau menyalahgunakan software ini.

Ada 2 tipe dasar lisensi yang dikeluarkan untuk perangkat lunak. Ini adalah:

Sebuah lisensi penggunaan komputer. Pembelian pengguna satu lisensi untuk menggunakan perangkat lunak pada satu komputer.

Pengguna rumahan dapat menggunakan lisensi penggunaan komputer mereka di semua komputer dan perangkat mobile (USB drive, hard drive eksternal, dll) yang adalah milik dari pemilik lisensi.

Bisnis pengguna membutuhkan satu lisensi per komputer atau perangkat mobile pada software yang diinstal.

izin penggunaan beberapa. Pengguna membeli sejumlah lisensi penggunaan untuk digunakan, oleh pembeli atau karyawan pembeli pada jumlah yang sama dari komputer.

Dalam sebuah jaringan (server / client) lingkungan pengguna harus membeli salinan lisensi untuk setiap klien yang terpisah (workstation) yang perangkat lunak diinstal, digunakan atau diakses. Salinan lisensi terpisah untuk setiap klien (workstation) yang diperlukan terlepas dari apakah klien (workstation) akan menggunakan perangkat lunak secara bersamaan atau pada waktu yang berbeda. Jika misalnya Anda ingin memiliki 9 klien yang berbeda (workstation) dalam jaringan Anda dengan akses ke RAR, Anda harus membeli 9 salinan lisensi.

Seorang pengguna yang membeli lisensi, diberikan hak non-eksklusif untuk menggunakan perangkat lunak pada banyak komputer seperti yang didefinisikan oleh persyaratan lisensi di atas sesuai dengan jumlah lisensi yang dibeli, untuk tujuan hukum.

Tidak ada biaya lisensi tambahan, selain dari biaya lisensi, terkait dengan penciptaan dan distribusi RAR arsip, volume, self-extracting arsip atau volume self-extracting. Pemilik lisensi dapat menggunakan salinan mereka dari perangkat lunak untuk menghasilkan arsip dan arsip self-extracting dan untuk mendistribusikan arsip mereka bebas dari royalti tambahan.

Perangkat lunak berlisensi tidak dapat disewa atau disewa tapi mungkin ditransfer secara permanen, secara keseluruhan, jika penerima setuju dengan persyaratan lisensi ini.

untuk membeli lisensi, silakan baca order.htm file yang disediakan dengan perangkat lunak untuk rincian.

Anda tidak dapat menggunakan, menyalin, meniru, klon, menyewakan, menjual, memodifikasi, menguraikan, membongkar, lain merekayasa balik, atau mentransfer perangkat lunak berlisensi, atau bagian dari perangkat lunak berlisensi, kecuali sebagaimana diatur dalam perjanjian ini. Setiap penggunaan yang tidak sah tersebut akan mengakibatkan penghentian segera dan otomatis lisensi ini dan dapat mengakibatkan tuntutan pidana dan / atau perdata.

Baik RAR kode biner, WinRAR kode biner, sumber unrar atau unrar kode biner dapat digunakan atau sebaliknya direkayasa untuk menciptakan kembali algoritma kompresi RAR, yang merupakan proprietary, tanpa izin tertulis.

perangkat lunak ini mungkin menggunakan komponen yang dikembangkan dan / atau hak cipta oleh pihak ketiga. Silakan baca "Ucapan Terima Kasih" file bantuan atas
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