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Naruto Storm RevolutionHigh Quality Edo Kage, Team7 ScreenshotsPosted by Natalie Robinson onJanuary 20, 2014 at 7:15 AMTags: Naruto, PlayStation 3,Screenshots, Xbox 360, NarutoShippuden: Ultimate Ninja StormRevolutionYOSH! Namco Bandai Games hasreleased high qualityscreenshots of Naruto StormRevolution! They feature theEdo Kage (the Fourth Kazekage,Second Mizukage, Third Raikage,and Second Tsuchikage) firingoff their ultimate jutsus alongwith the reborn Team 7 (Naruto,Sakura, and Sasuke) gettingready to launch a combinationteam jutsu! There are a few newscreenshots mixed in with thoseshown in the latest scan. Take alook below along with theofficial press release.New characters are joiningNARUTO SHIPPUDEN:Ultimate Ninja STORMREVOLUTION impressiveroster, among them we cancount:- The Second Mizukage andhis deadly Water PistolJutsu.- The Second Tsuchikagewith his unique ParticleStyle.- The Third Raikage, alegendary Kage, consideredas one of the fastest andmost powerful man earthhas ever witnessed!- Gaara’s father; the FourthKazekage and his ability tocontrol gold dust.As previously announced,one of the game’srevolutions is the ComboUltimate Jutsu; in order touse this powerful andadvanced technique,Kakashi’s former Team 7reunites! By combining theirforces, Naruto, Sasuke andSakura will be able to blast aterrific attack and show theworld how strong theSannin of the new Era are!Naruto Shippuden: UltimateNinja Storm Revolutionis the latest game in NamcoBandai and CyberConnect2′sacclaimed Naruto Storm series.It’ll contain team jutsus and over100 playable characters,including an original characterand awakening by Narutocreator Masashi Kishimoto.Naruto Shippuden: UltimateNinja Storm Revolution isplanned for a 2014 releaseworldwide for the SonyPlayStation 3 and MicrosoftXbox 360. No exact date hasbeen announced at this time.
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