Next, we employed 2SLS to examine the impact of R&D intensity on stock terjemahan - Next, we employed 2SLS to examine the impact of R&D intensity on stock Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Next, we employed 2SLS to examine t

Next, we employed 2SLS to examine the impact of R&D intensity on stock returns. The
results are reported in Table 4. Excluded instruments are the major explanatory variables to
determine R&D intensity in Tables 2-3, which are reported as the first-stage on the lower
panel of Table 4. The p-values of the estimated coefficients, R-squared, and F-values
illustrates that the instruments are valid. The upper panel of Table 4 reports that the impact of
R&D intensity on stock returns is positive and significant, irrespective of model specification
(Models 1-4) and different sub-samples (Models 5-8) consistent with hypothesis three.
The results indicate marginal effects of R&D intensity on stock returns range between 7
percent and 16.7 percent. The marginal effects of R&D intensity on stock returns for chaebols
(Models 5 and 7) are slightly greater than non-chaebols (Models 6 and 8), albeit statistical
significance dropped. In model (2) we controlled for foreign equity ownership, but the sign of
the coefficient was somewhat counter-intuitive. As such, we replaced lagged foreign
ownership with one-period leading foreign ownership in models 3 and 4 (and 5 and 6). The
negative sign in model 3 implies foreign investors reduced their ownership in firms which
had a positive stock return in the previous period. This may imply foreign investors in Korea
are myopic, rather than pursuing fundamental analysis using a buy and hold strategy. The
coefficient on R&D intensity is consistently positive and significant throughout.
Table 4. 2SLS Estimates of the Impact of R&D intensity on stock returns
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Next, we employed 2SLS to examine the impact of R&D intensity on stock returns. Theresults are reported in Table 4. Excluded instruments are the major explanatory variables todetermine R&D intensity in Tables 2-3, which are reported as the first-stage on the lowerpanel of Table 4. The p-values of the estimated coefficients, R-squared, and F-valuesillustrates that the instruments are valid. The upper panel of Table 4 reports that the impact ofR&D intensity on stock returns is positive and significant, irrespective of model specification(Models 1-4) and different sub-samples (Models 5-8) consistent with hypothesis three.The results indicate marginal effects of R&D intensity on stock returns range between 7percent and 16.7 percent. The marginal effects of R&D intensity on stock returns for chaebols(Models 5 and 7) are slightly greater than non-chaebols (Models 6 and 8), albeit statisticalsignificance dropped. In model (2) we controlled for foreign equity ownership, but the sign ofthe coefficient was somewhat counter-intuitive. As such, we replaced lagged foreignownership with one-period leading foreign ownership in models 3 and 4 (and 5 and 6). Thenegative sign in model 3 implies foreign investors reduced their ownership in firms whichhad a positive stock return in the previous period. This may imply foreign investors in Koreaare myopic, rather than pursuing fundamental analysis using a buy and hold strategy. Thecoefficient on R&D intensity is consistently positive and significant throughout.
Table 4. 2SLS Estimates of the Impact of R&D intensity on stock returns
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Selanjutnya, kami mempekerjakan 2SLS untuk menguji dampak dari intensitas R & D terhadap return saham. The
Hasilnya dilaporkan dalam Tabel 4. instrumen Dikecualikan adalah variabel penjelas utama
menentukan R & D intensitas dalam Tabel 2-3, yang dilaporkan sebagai tahap pertama di bawah
panel dari Tabel 4. p-nilai koefisien yang diperkirakan, R-squared, dan F-nilai
menggambarkan bahwa instrumen yang valid. Panel atas Tabel 4 melaporkan bahwa dampak dari
intensitas R & D terhadap return saham adalah positif dan signifikan, terlepas dari spesifikasi model
(Model 1-4) dan berbagai sub-sampel (Model 5-8) konsisten dengan hipotesis tiga.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan efek marginal dari R & intensitas D terhadap return saham berkisar antara 7
persen dan 16,7 persen. Efek marginal intensitas R & D terhadap return saham untuk chaebol
(Model 5 dan 7) yang sedikit lebih besar dari non-chaebol (Model 6 dan 8), meskipun statistik
signifikansi turun. Dalam model (2) kami mengontrol kepemilikan saham asing, namun tanda
koefisien agak kontra-intuitif. Dengan demikian, kita diganti tertinggal asing
kepemilikan dengan satu-periode terkemuka kepemilikan asing dalam model 3 dan 4 (dan 5 dan 6). The
tanda negatif dalam model 3 menyiratkan investor asing mengurangi kepemilikan mereka di perusahaan-perusahaan yang
memiliki return saham yang positif pada periode sebelumnya. Hal ini dapat diartikan investor asing di Korea
adalah rabun, daripada mengejar analisa fundamental menggunakan buy and hold strategi. The
koefisien pada intensitas R & D secara konsisten positif dan signifikan 4. 2SLS Perkiraan Dampak intensitas R & D terhadap return saham

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