Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Di lorong berikutnya ada beberapa kepala ganda harus diperjuangkan. Dekat toiletAnda akan menemukan ruang pertolongan pertama. Masukkan. Di sini Anda akan menemukan minuman kesehatan,AMPUL, dan titik Simpan. Kepala keluar, dan di Utara.Di daerah pusat ada 3 penutup yang berjalan di sekitar. Menghindari mereka jika Andadapat, atau mencoba untuk membunuh mereka, ini membutuhkan banyak amunisi sekalipun. Ketika Anda keluarkoridor, membuat kanan, kemudian pergi ke lorong sempit. Mengikutinya. MasukkanKamar di sebelah kiri perempuan kamar mandi. Di sini Anda akan menemukan Andadapat dipercaya senter, serta beberapa peluru pistol dan KIT pertolongan pertama.Keluar dan masuk kamar mandi wanita (ini adalah satu-satunya yang Anda mulai di). MengambilBLEACH (bukan pada modus teka-teki mudah), dan ketukan di pintu terkunci untukmenakut-nakuti baik. Lanjutkan ke Timur. Anda akan tiba di bagian Mallbahwa Anda mengunjungi sebagai yang pertama. Pergi ke toko pakaian lagi (mana Anda mendapatkan AndaGun). Mengambil gantungan, dan ambil rompi ANTIPELURU yang tergantung di dekatnya. Kepalakembali ke daerah pusat dengan penutup 3, masukkan pintuBarat akhir. Ada sebuah tangga yang menggantung dari langit-langit di kamar ini. Penggunaangantungan untuk mendapatkannya turun, kemudian naik.Anda akan berada di ujung barat lantai 2. Naik eskalator di dekatnya.Ada lebih dekat di daerah ini, dan Double-kepala terdekat. Anda dapat memasukkanPerempuan kamar mandi di sini, tapi itu tampaknya tidak berguna. Kebalikan dari eskalatorpintu terkunci dengan bulan dicat di atasnya, tetapi terkunci. Sebaliknya, pergi kethe first shop on your right when you come from the escalator. Here you'llsee a grilled dog. Examine the dog to find a COOKED KEY. Also find the HEALTHDRINK and the FIRST AID KIT from behind the counter. Go down the escalator,back to the second floor.You hear some static, but it's not coming from your radio. It comes from thetv in a shop to the south of the escalators. Check out the tv and you'll seea short video. Around the corner here you'll find a second tv with a savesign on it. Save if you want, then enter the double doors next to thesave-point. You're inside a jewelry. Pick up the WALLNUT from one of thecases. You can exit trough the back door, or go back to the first tv andenter the store there. Be warned: in this store (the one next to the firsttv) you'll have to fight some Numb Bodies, and you don't get anything for it.In this store, that looks like a clothes store, you can also exit throughthe back door. Whether you go through the clothes store or the jewelry,you'll end up in the corridor where you met Claudia. A Closer is walkingaround. Make your way to the eastern most door and unlock it with thecooked key.Here, pick up the 2 HEALTH DRINKS and the STEEL PIPE. The pipe is a reallyuseful melee weapon for fighting Numb Bodies and Closers. It's a little tooslow for Double-heads. When you got your new weapon, exit through the doubledoors. You'll be at the central area. Some Numb Bodies have been waiting foryou. After you gave them a warm welcome, head to the bakery (you still knowwhere it is right? The south-east part of the central area). Inside, pick upthe DETERGENT near the sink (not on easy riddles mode). Exit through the backdoor. You'll be in a hallway with a fan. Next to it is a button to switch itoff, so switch it off already! Then, enter the door next to it. Here you'llsee a cloud of bugs, Heather can't get past them. You'll need some sort ofanti-bug spray to get rid of them. Well, have a look at the chemicals in yourinventory, it says on the labels NOT TO MIX IT. Basic rule in adventures: ifa sign tells you not to do something, do it! Next to the door you camethrough is an empty garbage bin. Use the bleach and the detergent on it.Heather exits the hallway. Switch the fan back on, then go into thebug hallway.The bugs are dead, so walk past them. After a while you can open a dooron the right side. Find some BEEF JERKY and three times HANDGUN BULLETS. Goback to the hallway. Continue north, and turn right at the intersection. Openthe first door on the left. K
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