- Zombie Roadkill 3D: Quick Walkthrough Guide -Upgrading:  - Machine G terjemahan - - Zombie Roadkill 3D: Quick Walkthrough Guide -Upgrading:  - Machine G Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

- Zombie Roadkill 3D: Quick Walkthr

- Zombie Roadkill 3D: Quick Walkthrough Guide -
- Machine Guns: Upgrade all stats, they are cheap anyways. Either buy the next weapon tier, or the newest one. If zombies during a race can't be killed using your Fire button (Machine Gun), it's a sign that you need to upgrade.
- Heavy Weapons: Upgrade all stats, they are cheap anyways. Buy them all if you want to complete all stages with 3 Stars later.
- Vehicles: Just upgrade Durability, others are optional. Durability will increase your "life" bar or defense. If zombies can crash your vehicle, or if your life isn't enough to hold zombie attacks, it's time to upgrade your vehicle.
Game Progress:
- Just blitz through the stages, it's ok to get 1 or 2 Stars, just keep on completing stages until you hit a wall. This method will unlock better stages where you can farm more Cash.
- If you need more Stars to unlock the new set of stages, replay uncompleted stages and try to get more Stars. Once unlocked, blitz through them again.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
- Zombie Roadkill 3D: Quick Walkthrough Guide -Upgrading: - Machine Guns: Upgrade all stats, they are cheap anyways. Either buy the next weapon tier, or the newest one. If zombies during a race can't be killed using your Fire button (Machine Gun), it's a sign that you need to upgrade. - Heavy Weapons: Upgrade all stats, they are cheap anyways. Buy them all if you want to complete all stages with 3 Stars later. - Vehicles: Just upgrade Durability, others are optional. Durability will increase your "life" bar or defense. If zombies can crash your vehicle, or if your life isn't enough to hold zombie attacks, it's time to upgrade your vehicle.Game Progress: - Just blitz through the stages, it's ok to get 1 or 2 Stars, just keep on completing stages until you hit a wall. This method will unlock better stages where you can farm more Cash. - If you need more Stars to unlock the new set of stages, replay uncompleted stages and try to get more Stars. Once unlocked, blitz through them again.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
- Zombie Roadkill 3D: Cepat Walkthrough Panduan -
- Mesin Senjata: upgrade semua statistik, mereka murah lagian. Entah membeli tingkat senjata berikutnya, atau yang terbaru. Jika zombie selama perlombaan tidak bisa dibunuh dengan menggunakan tombol Api Anda (Machine Gun), itu adalah tanda bahwa Anda perlu meng-upgrade.
- Berat Senjata: upgrade semua statistik, mereka murah lagian. Membeli mereka semua jika Anda ingin menyelesaikan semua tahapan dengan 3 Stars nanti.
- Kendaraan: Hanya meng-upgrade Daya Tahan, yang lain adalah opsional. Daya tahan akan meningkatkan Anda "hidup" bar atau pertahanan. Jika zombie dapat crash kendaraan Anda, atau jika hidup Anda tidak cukup untuk menahan serangan zombie, saatnya untuk meng-upgrade kendaraan Anda.
Permainan Kemajuan:
- Hanya blitz melalui tahapan, itu ok untuk mendapatkan 1 atau 2 Stars, hanya terus menyelesaikan tahap sampai Anda menabrak dinding. Metode ini akan membuka tahap yang lebih baik di mana Anda dapat pertanian lebih Cash.
- Jika Anda membutuhkan lebih banyak bintang untuk membuka set baru tahap, memutar ulang tahap yang belum selesai dan mencoba untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak bintang. Setelah dibuka, blitz melalui mereka lagi.
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