as added lipids. These lipids are either on the surface or inside the  terjemahan - as added lipids. These lipids are either on the surface or inside the  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

as added lipids. These lipids are e

as added lipids. These lipids are either on the surface or inside the granules
[242,243] and consist mainly of phospholipids or free fatty acids [244]. Ionic
surfactants interact in a similar way with starch as monoacyl lipids by complex
formation, but their being charged complicates their effects [236,245]. When
amylose leaches out of the granules during gelatinization, the lipids, either
native or added, form complexes with the exuded amylose, probably on the
surface of the granules, and retard their swelling [246,247]; as a result, the
gelatinization temperature is somewhat increased. Because the complex formation is an exothermic process that probably takes place during gelatinization, the enthalpy of the gelatinization measured via DSC could be observed
to be lower than it really is [5,232a,235,236]. Certain surfactants (i.e., sodium
dodecyl sulfate [SDS]) have been observed to decrease the gelatinization
temperature of starches [245,247,248]. Rheological Properties
Monoacyl lipids and surfactants affect the rheological properties of the
starches. They do so probably by changing the swelling and solubility of the
starch granules. Previous studies on various lipids and surfactants have shown
that they increase or decrease the starch viscosity, depending on the type of
lipid and source of starch as well as experimental conditions [192,249–251].
The monoacyl lipids and ionic surfactants have a similar interaction mechanism, except that the ionic surfactants have an additional effect due to their
charged nature [201,236,245]. Furthermore, when the lipids are introduced,
whether they are heated with the starch suspension from the beginning or
added at later stages (e.g., after the gelatinization), is a critical factor.
The volume occupied by the swollen granules is a dominant factor at low
starch concentrations, as discussed in Section 10.5. In a system of low starch
concentration, the effect of the lipids should be decreased viscosity because of
the retarded swelling and solubility; however, a decrease in viscosity is only
obtained as long as the lipids or surfactants can retard the swelling and solubility
of the granules. At high temperatures (e.g., above 95°C), starches with added
lipids or surfactants can have higher viscosity than starch pastes without added
lipids [236]. At 95°C in systems with excess or intermediate water contents,
many amylose–lipid complexes begin to melt [201,232,252], allowing for rearrangement of the complex [252], and the retardation effects disappear. At lower
temperatures (e.g., 85°C), the lipids effectively retard the swelling and decrease
the viscosity compared to starches without added lipids [236]. If the lipids or
surfactants are added at later stages, when the starch has already been heated,
smaller effects should be seen because the granules have swelled unrestricted.
Ionic surfactants have somewhat different effects, as they destabilize the
starch granule; for example, increased swelling and solubility are observed
when starch is heated in their presence [253]. This could be the result of an
amylose extraction effect of the ionic surfactants, because of the charged and
highly hydrophilic head group [109,192,245]. The viscosity should therefore
© 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
Starch: Physicochemical and Functional Aspects 439
increase in their presence, and the charged head group further stabilizes the
starch paste because of electrostatic repulsive forces. At 85°C, the viscosity
increase is only due to the charged nature of the ionic surfactants, as their
effect can be completely canceled by the addition of salt before heating. At
95°C, the addition of salt makes the ionic surfactants behave similarly to
nonionic surfactants [236].
At high concentrations the situation is different. Granule-to-granule contact, and thus granule deformability, is the most important factor. The lipids
or surfactants make the starch granules more rigid until a certain temperature
is reached; therefore, starch pastes should become more viscous when lipids
or surfactants are added, and gels should be firmer than starch pastes or gels
without added lipids or surfactants. Lipids and surfactants that are added at
later stages could be expected to affect only the continuous amylose phase.
Other rheological properties (e.g., stickiness) are also affected when lipids are
added because the complex on the surface of the starch granule reduces
stickiness by decreasing the hydrogen bonds available. Retrogradation
Monoglycerides and other related compounds are known to have an antistaling effect on bread and to extend its shelf-life [241,255,256]. It is believed
that the retarding mechanism of lipids and surfactants on retrogradation is
related to their ability to form complexes with the amylose fraction
[140,241,255,256]. The effects of added lipids or surfactants on retrogradation can be measured with many different techniques, such as x-ray diffraction, DSC, or various rheological methods. The effect of lipids added to bread
is an increase in V-type x-ray pattern compared to control bread without such
an addition. The V-type pattern is virtually unchanged with time but is superimposed by a B-type x-ray diffraction pattern that increases on aging [140].
The effect of lipids or surfactants on retrogradation as observed with DSC
is a decreased melting endotherm of recrystallized amylopectin, as well as an
increased size of the endotherm associated with the amylose–lipid complex
transition [143,144]. Rheological measurements (mostly firmness measurements) usually show that added lipids decrease the firmness of breads on aging
compared to breads without added lipids [257]. Other rheological measurements have shown that surfactants can have varied effects on the rheological
properties of starch gels depending on the type of surfactant [236,241]. The
presence of emulsifiers in concentrated starch gels (40%, w/w) slows down
the increase in firmness during aging, although the elasticity modulus initially
is higher than for the control without emulsifiers [256a].
As discussed in Section 10.4, the amylopectin fraction is responsible for
retrogradation [132], and the long-term effects associated with retrogradation
are related to the amylopectin fraction. The obvious question then arises as to
how lipids or surfactants can affect retrogradation, as they are believed to form
complexes with the amylose molecule [140,255,258]. The possible alternatives
© 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
440 Carbohydrates in Food
are that either the lipids act through an amylose–lipid complex in various ways
or the lipids interact directly with the amylopectin.
Three possibilities exist with regard to the amylose–lipid complex and
retrogradation. First, it could be that the intact complex (i.e., as one entity)
interferes with the crystallization of amylopectin and retards the retrogradation
[259]. Second, the amylose–lipid complex could change or retard the water
distribution and hence the retrogradation [260]. Third, a cocrystallization of
amylose and amylopectin is possible to some extent, and substances that
complex with amylose eliminate the contribution of amylose in the recrystallizing process [161]. On the other hand, the interaction of amylopectin and
lipids means that lipids interact directly with the amylopectin fraction, at least
to a small extent, and retard retrogradation through the formation of an amylopectin–lipid complex [6,160,171,172,236,261,262].
The possibility of retarding the retrogradation of some starches (maize,
potato, and waxy maize) and nongranular amylopectin by adding an intact
cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB)–amylose complex has been
explored [259]. It was found that CTAB–amylose complexes added to a cooled
gelatinized starch gel or to starch suspensions that were heated to temperatures
below the transition temperature of the CTAB–amylose complex had little
effect on retrogradation; however, starch gels or starch suspensions with added
CTAB–amylose complexes that were heated to temperatures above the transition temperature (i.e., the complex melted) showed a decreased retrogradation. This mechanism is therefore unlikely.
Because lipids and some surfactants retard or delay gelatinization, probably by complexing with leached amylose on the surface of the starch granules,
it is possible that lipids or surfactants also retard the retrogradation by a similar
mechanism (i.e., by acting as a barrier against water transport) [260]. This
mechanism could be involved in retarding the retrogradation of normal starches
because it is known that the water content is very important for recrystallization; however, it does not explain the effect of lipids and surfactants on
decreasing the retrogradation of waxy starches, unless they are able to interact
with the surface molecules of the waxy starch granules. Furthermore, nongranular amylopectin gels have also been shown to decrease in retrogradation
when surfactants and monoglycerides are added [160,261], which shows that
the granule form is not a limiting factor. If lipids and surfactants are added
after the gelatinization is concluded, such a barrier effect should not be
obtained and the retrogradation should progress in a way similar to that for
starch gels without additives; however, pregelatinization of the starches before
the addition of a surfactant was found to decrease retrogradation compared to
starch gels without such an addition [171,172]. This indicates that lipids or
surfactants affect the retrogradation even after the starch suspensions are fully
gelatinized. This alternative, therefore, has only limited value as an explanation
of the effects of lipids or surfactants on retrogradation.
© 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
Starch: Physicochemical and Functional Aspects 441
Russell [161] has suggested that a possible cocrystallization of amylose
and amylopectin contributes to retrogradation, and the role of l
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
as added lipids. These lipids are either on the surface or inside the granules
[242,243] and consist mainly of phospholipids or free fatty acids [244]. Ionic
surfactants interact in a similar way with starch as monoacyl lipids by complex
formation, but their being charged complicates their effects [236,245]. When
amylose leaches out of the granules during gelatinization, the lipids, either
native or added, form complexes with the exuded amylose, probably on the
surface of the granules, and retard their swelling [246,247]; as a result, the
gelatinization temperature is somewhat increased. Because the complex formation is an exothermic process that probably takes place during gelatinization, the enthalpy of the gelatinization measured via DSC could be observed
to be lower than it really is [5,232a,235,236]. Certain surfactants (i.e., sodium
dodecyl sulfate [SDS]) have been observed to decrease the gelatinization
temperature of starches [245,247,248]. Rheological Properties
Monoacyl lipids and surfactants affect the rheological properties of the
starches. They do so probably by changing the swelling and solubility of the
starch granules. Previous studies on various lipids and surfactants have shown
that they increase or decrease the starch viscosity, depending on the type of
lipid and source of starch as well as experimental conditions [192,249–251].
The monoacyl lipids and ionic surfactants have a similar interaction mechanism, except that the ionic surfactants have an additional effect due to their
charged nature [201,236,245]. Furthermore, when the lipids are introduced,
whether they are heated with the starch suspension from the beginning or
added at later stages (e.g., after the gelatinization), is a critical factor.
The volume occupied by the swollen granules is a dominant factor at low
starch concentrations, as discussed in Section 10.5. In a system of low starch
concentration, the effect of the lipids should be decreased viscosity because of
the retarded swelling and solubility; however, a decrease in viscosity is only
obtained as long as the lipids or surfactants can retard the swelling and solubility
of the granules. At high temperatures (e.g., above 95°C), starches with added
lipids or surfactants can have higher viscosity than starch pastes without added
lipids [236]. At 95°C in systems with excess or intermediate water contents,
many amylose–lipid complexes begin to melt [201,232,252], allowing for rearrangement of the complex [252], and the retardation effects disappear. At lower
temperatures (e.g., 85°C), the lipids effectively retard the swelling and decrease
the viscosity compared to starches without added lipids [236]. If the lipids or
surfactants are added at later stages, when the starch has already been heated,
smaller effects should be seen because the granules have swelled unrestricted.
Ionic surfactants have somewhat different effects, as they destabilize the
starch granule; for example, increased swelling and solubility are observed
when starch is heated in their presence [253]. This could be the result of an
amylose extraction effect of the ionic surfactants, because of the charged and
highly hydrophilic head group [109,192,245]. The viscosity should therefore
© 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
Starch: Physicochemical and Functional Aspects 439
increase in their presence, and the charged head group further stabilizes the
starch paste because of electrostatic repulsive forces. At 85°C, the viscosity
increase is only due to the charged nature of the ionic surfactants, as their
effect can be completely canceled by the addition of salt before heating. At
95°C, the addition of salt makes the ionic surfactants behave similarly to
nonionic surfactants [236].
At high concentrations the situation is different. Granule-to-granule contact, and thus granule deformability, is the most important factor. The lipids
or surfactants make the starch granules more rigid until a certain temperature
is reached; therefore, starch pastes should become more viscous when lipids
or surfactants are added, and gels should be firmer than starch pastes or gels
without added lipids or surfactants. Lipids and surfactants that are added at
later stages could be expected to affect only the continuous amylose phase.
Other rheological properties (e.g., stickiness) are also affected when lipids are
added because the complex on the surface of the starch granule reduces
stickiness by decreasing the hydrogen bonds available. Retrogradation
Monoglycerides and other related compounds are known to have an antistaling effect on bread and to extend its shelf-life [241,255,256]. It is believed
that the retarding mechanism of lipids and surfactants on retrogradation is
related to their ability to form complexes with the amylose fraction
[140,241,255,256]. The effects of added lipids or surfactants on retrogradation can be measured with many different techniques, such as x-ray diffraction, DSC, or various rheological methods. The effect of lipids added to bread
is an increase in V-type x-ray pattern compared to control bread without such
an addition. The V-type pattern is virtually unchanged with time but is superimposed by a B-type x-ray diffraction pattern that increases on aging [140].
The effect of lipids or surfactants on retrogradation as observed with DSC
is a decreased melting endotherm of recrystallized amylopectin, as well as an
increased size of the endotherm associated with the amylose–lipid complex
transition [143,144]. Rheological measurements (mostly firmness measurements) usually show that added lipids decrease the firmness of breads on aging
compared to breads without added lipids [257]. Other rheological measurements have shown that surfactants can have varied effects on the rheological
properties of starch gels depending on the type of surfactant [236,241]. The
presence of emulsifiers in concentrated starch gels (40%, w/w) slows down
the increase in firmness during aging, although the elasticity modulus initially
is higher than for the control without emulsifiers [256a].
As discussed in Section 10.4, the amylopectin fraction is responsible for
retrogradation [132], and the long-term effects associated with retrogradation
are related to the amylopectin fraction. The obvious question then arises as to
how lipids or surfactants can affect retrogradation, as they are believed to form
complexes with the amylose molecule [140,255,258]. The possible alternatives
© 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
440 Carbohydrates in Food
are that either the lipids act through an amylose–lipid complex in various ways
or the lipids interact directly with the amylopectin.
Three possibilities exist with regard to the amylose–lipid complex and
retrogradation. First, it could be that the intact complex (i.e., as one entity)
interferes with the crystallization of amylopectin and retards the retrogradation
[259]. Second, the amylose–lipid complex could change or retard the water
distribution and hence the retrogradation [260]. Third, a cocrystallization of
amylose and amylopectin is possible to some extent, and substances that
complex with amylose eliminate the contribution of amylose in the recrystallizing process [161]. On the other hand, the interaction of amylopectin and
lipids means that lipids interact directly with the amylopectin fraction, at least
to a small extent, and retard retrogradation through the formation of an amylopectin–lipid complex [6,160,171,172,236,261,262].
The possibility of retarding the retrogradation of some starches (maize,
potato, and waxy maize) and nongranular amylopectin by adding an intact
cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB)–amylose complex has been
explored [259]. It was found that CTAB–amylose complexes added to a cooled
gelatinized starch gel or to starch suspensions that were heated to temperatures
below the transition temperature of the CTAB–amylose complex had little
effect on retrogradation; however, starch gels or starch suspensions with added
CTAB–amylose complexes that were heated to temperatures above the transition temperature (i.e., the complex melted) showed a decreased retrogradation. This mechanism is therefore unlikely.
Because lipids and some surfactants retard or delay gelatinization, probably by complexing with leached amylose on the surface of the starch granules,
it is possible that lipids or surfactants also retard the retrogradation by a similar
mechanism (i.e., by acting as a barrier against water transport) [260]. This
mechanism could be involved in retarding the retrogradation of normal starches
because it is known that the water content is very important for recrystallization; however, it does not explain the effect of lipids and surfactants on
decreasing the retrogradation of waxy starches, unless they are able to interact
with the surface molecules of the waxy starch granules. Furthermore, nongranular amylopectin gels have also been shown to decrease in retrogradation
when surfactants and monoglycerides are added [160,261], which shows that
the granule form is not a limiting factor. If lipids and surfactants are added
after the gelatinization is concluded, such a barrier effect should not be
obtained and the retrogradation should progress in a way similar to that for
starch gels without additives; however, pregelatinization of the starches before
the addition of a surfactant was found to decrease retrogradation compared to
starch gels without such an addition [171,172]. This indicates that lipids or
surfactants affect the retrogradation even after the starch suspensions are fully
gelatinized. This alternative, therefore, has only limited value as an explanation
of the effects of lipids or surfactants on retrogradation.
© 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
Starch: Physicochemical and Functional Aspects 441
Russell [161] has suggested that a possible cocrystallization of amylose
and amylopectin contributes to retrogradation, and the role of l
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
as added lipids. These lipids are either on the surface or inside the granules
[242,243] and consist mainly of phospholipids or free fatty acids [244]. Ionic
surfactants interact in a similar way with starch as monoacyl lipids by complex
formation, but their being charged complicates their effects [236,245]. When
amylose leaches out of the granules during gelatinization, the lipids, either
native or added, form complexes with the exuded amylose, probably on the
surface of the granules, and retard their swelling [246,247]; as a result, the
gelatinization temperature is somewhat increased. Because the complex formation is an exothermic process that probably takes place during gelatinization, the enthalpy of the gelatinization measured via DSC could be observed
to be lower than it really is [5,232a,235,236]. Certain surfactants (i.e., sodium
dodecyl sulfate [SDS]) have been observed to decrease the gelatinization
temperature of starches [245,247,248]. Rheological Properties
Monoacyl lipids and surfactants affect the rheological properties of the
starches. They do so probably by changing the swelling and solubility of the
starch granules. Previous studies on various lipids and surfactants have shown
that they increase or decrease the starch viscosity, depending on the type of
lipid and source of starch as well as experimental conditions [192,249–251].
The monoacyl lipids and ionic surfactants have a similar interaction mechanism, except that the ionic surfactants have an additional effect due to their
charged nature [201,236,245]. Furthermore, when the lipids are introduced,
whether they are heated with the starch suspension from the beginning or
added at later stages (e.g., after the gelatinization), is a critical factor.
The volume occupied by the swollen granules is a dominant factor at low
starch concentrations, as discussed in Section 10.5. In a system of low starch
concentration, the effect of the lipids should be decreased viscosity because of
the retarded swelling and solubility; however, a decrease in viscosity is only
obtained as long as the lipids or surfactants can retard the swelling and solubility
of the granules. At high temperatures (e.g., above 95°C), starches with added
lipids or surfactants can have higher viscosity than starch pastes without added
lipids [236]. At 95°C in systems with excess or intermediate water contents,
many amylose–lipid complexes begin to melt [201,232,252], allowing for rearrangement of the complex [252], and the retardation effects disappear. At lower
temperatures (e.g., 85°C), the lipids effectively retard the swelling and decrease
the viscosity compared to starches without added lipids [236]. If the lipids or
surfactants are added at later stages, when the starch has already been heated,
smaller effects should be seen because the granules have swelled unrestricted.
Ionic surfactants have somewhat different effects, as they destabilize the
starch granule; for example, increased swelling and solubility are observed
when starch is heated in their presence [253]. This could be the result of an
amylose extraction effect of the ionic surfactants, because of the charged and
highly hydrophilic head group [109,192,245]. The viscosity should therefore
© 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
Starch: Physicochemical and Functional Aspects 439
increase in their presence, and the charged head group further stabilizes the
starch paste because of electrostatic repulsive forces. At 85°C, the viscosity
increase is only due to the charged nature of the ionic surfactants, as their
effect can be completely canceled by the addition of salt before heating. At
95°C, the addition of salt makes the ionic surfactants behave similarly to
nonionic surfactants [236].
At high concentrations the situation is different. Granule-to-granule contact, and thus granule deformability, is the most important factor. The lipids
or surfactants make the starch granules more rigid until a certain temperature
is reached; therefore, starch pastes should become more viscous when lipids
or surfactants are added, and gels should be firmer than starch pastes or gels
without added lipids or surfactants. Lipids and surfactants that are added at
later stages could be expected to affect only the continuous amylose phase.
Other rheological properties (e.g., stickiness) are also affected when lipids are
added because the complex on the surface of the starch granule reduces
stickiness by decreasing the hydrogen bonds available. Retrogradation
Monoglycerides and other related compounds are known to have an antistaling effect on bread and to extend its shelf-life [241,255,256]. It is believed
that the retarding mechanism of lipids and surfactants on retrogradation is
related to their ability to form complexes with the amylose fraction
[140,241,255,256]. The effects of added lipids or surfactants on retrogradation can be measured with many different techniques, such as x-ray diffraction, DSC, or various rheological methods. The effect of lipids added to bread
is an increase in V-type x-ray pattern compared to control bread without such
an addition. The V-type pattern is virtually unchanged with time but is superimposed by a B-type x-ray diffraction pattern that increases on aging [140].
The effect of lipids or surfactants on retrogradation as observed with DSC
is a decreased melting endotherm of recrystallized amylopectin, as well as an
increased size of the endotherm associated with the amylose–lipid complex
transition [143,144]. Rheological measurements (mostly firmness measurements) usually show that added lipids decrease the firmness of breads on aging
compared to breads without added lipids [257]. Other rheological measurements have shown that surfactants can have varied effects on the rheological
properties of starch gels depending on the type of surfactant [236,241]. The
presence of emulsifiers in concentrated starch gels (40%, w/w) slows down
the increase in firmness during aging, although the elasticity modulus initially
is higher than for the control without emulsifiers [256a].
As discussed in Section 10.4, the amylopectin fraction is responsible for
retrogradation [132], and the long-term effects associated with retrogradation
are related to the amylopectin fraction. The obvious question then arises as to
how lipids or surfactants can affect retrogradation, as they are believed to form
complexes with the amylose molecule [140,255,258]. The possible alternatives
© 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
440 Carbohydrates in Food
are that either the lipids act through an amylose–lipid complex in various ways
or the lipids interact directly with the amylopectin.
Three possibilities exist with regard to the amylose–lipid complex and
retrogradation. First, it could be that the intact complex (i.e., as one entity)
interferes with the crystallization of amylopectin and retards the retrogradation
[259]. Second, the amylose–lipid complex could change or retard the water
distribution and hence the retrogradation [260]. Third, a cocrystallization of
amylose and amylopectin is possible to some extent, and substances that
complex with amylose eliminate the contribution of amylose in the recrystallizing process [161]. On the other hand, the interaction of amylopectin and
lipids means that lipids interact directly with the amylopectin fraction, at least
to a small extent, and retard retrogradation through the formation of an amylopectin–lipid complex [6,160,171,172,236,261,262].
The possibility of retarding the retrogradation of some starches (maize,
potato, and waxy maize) and nongranular amylopectin by adding an intact
cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB)–amylose complex has been
explored [259]. It was found that CTAB–amylose complexes added to a cooled
gelatinized starch gel or to starch suspensions that were heated to temperatures
below the transition temperature of the CTAB–amylose complex had little
effect on retrogradation; however, starch gels or starch suspensions with added
CTAB–amylose complexes that were heated to temperatures above the transition temperature (i.e., the complex melted) showed a decreased retrogradation. This mechanism is therefore unlikely.
Because lipids and some surfactants retard or delay gelatinization, probably by complexing with leached amylose on the surface of the starch granules,
it is possible that lipids or surfactants also retard the retrogradation by a similar
mechanism (i.e., by acting as a barrier against water transport) [260]. This
mechanism could be involved in retarding the retrogradation of normal starches
because it is known that the water content is very important for recrystallization; however, it does not explain the effect of lipids and surfactants on
decreasing the retrogradation of waxy starches, unless they are able to interact
with the surface molecules of the waxy starch granules. Furthermore, nongranular amylopectin gels have also been shown to decrease in retrogradation
when surfactants and monoglycerides are added [160,261], which shows that
the granule form is not a limiting factor. If lipids and surfactants are added
after the gelatinization is concluded, such a barrier effect should not be
obtained and the retrogradation should progress in a way similar to that for
starch gels without additives; however, pregelatinization of the starches before
the addition of a surfactant was found to decrease retrogradation compared to
starch gels without such an addition [171,172]. This indicates that lipids or
surfactants affect the retrogradation even after the starch suspensions are fully
gelatinized. This alternative, therefore, has only limited value as an explanation
of the effects of lipids or surfactants on retrogradation.
© 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
Starch: Physicochemical and Functional Aspects 441
Russell [161] has suggested that a possible cocrystallization of amylose
and amylopectin contributes to retrogradation, and the role of l
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