Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Dari awal tahun sampai sekarang, hanya magis binatang yang ia benar-benar terpesona oleh adalah Velocidragon, yang ia telah melihat bahwa satu kali. Waktu itu, ketika Velocidragon telah menunjukkan kekuatannya yang mengerikan di tengah Wushan township, tampaknya menjadi sebuah kekuatan yang tak terkalahkan. Dengan kekuatan yang mengerikan, hal itu telah dihapuskan satu rumah setelah lain...Linley tidak bisa membantu tapi merasa hatinya gempa.Ketika ia berusia delapan tahun, Linley adalah hanya seorang anak. Tapi sekarang, pada usia lima belas tahun, dia adalah dua-elemen magus kedudukan kelima."Bos! Bos! Ini adalah milikku!" Suara gembira Shadowmouse kecil, Bebe, berdering di Linley's pikiran.Linley berpaling untuk melihat permukaan danau, dan melihat bahwa Bebe begitu gembira bahwa semua rambut pada tubuh-Nya yang mencuat sebagai lurus dan kaku sebagai jarum. Bahkan semua otot-otot pada tubuh-Nya yang berdenyut dengan energi. Sengit cakar dan kepala-Nya telah tumbuh dalam ukuran juga. Shadowmouse kecil, Bebe, adalah sebelumnya sekitar 20 cm ukuran, tapi sekarang dia tiba-tiba memanjang ke ukuran setengah meter. Ukuran panjang setengah meter ini adalah yang terbesar bahwa Linley pernah Bebe tumbuh.Tetapi meskipun ini, setengah meter panjang Bebe adalah tidak lebih dari titik dibandingkan dengan Velocidragon.Velocidragon besar, seperti Lentera Merah pandangan tetap dingin Bebe's formulir. Itu mengeluarkan snort marah yang bergema dalam pegunungan. Jawaban, sedikit Shadowmouse, Bebe, juga mengangkat kepalanya dan mengeluarkan jeritan bernada tinggi.Suara rendah, menggeram memacetkan dan jeritan bernada tinggi bentrok.Linley, yang sedang mengawasi semua ini di atas pohon di sebelah Danau, tiba-tiba merasa seolah-olah Velocidragon dan Shadowmouse kecil adalah dua musuh sama-sama cocok yang memiliki staredown."Raaaaaawr!" Gemuruh suara gemuruh!Menyeluruh, menyala-nyala api tiba-tiba meletus dari Velocidragon maw, meliputi seluruh wilayah puluhan meter di depan itu api. Danau mulai mendesis ketika permukaan air langsung mulai mendidih. Tetapi Bebe tidak bergerak sama sekali, meskipun sedang bermandikan api; ia hanya membiarkan api yang membakar seperti itu mungkin.Dari dalam api menyala, orang bisa melihat bahwa Bebe tidak dirugikan sedikit pun."Meskipun Bebe fisik kecil, kemampuan defensif luar biasa. Kekuatan api ini adalah kira-kira setara dengan mantra magus api bergaya kedudukan kelima, tetapi tidak dapat membahayakan dirinya sama sekali." Linley diam-diam menonton. Meskipun telah di pegunungan binatang magis untuk begitu lama, Bebe belum bertemu lawan yang benar-benar layak untuk berperang dengan.Bermandikan api, Bebe adalah bergerak. Tapi kemudian tiba-tiba, dia pindah!"Shkkkkkkkkreeee!"Dengan terrifyingly bernada tinggi Merataplah, Bebe berubah menjadi bayangan hitam yang melaju ke arah Velocidragon dengan kecepatan setan. Velocidragon, yang telah terus bernapas api seluruh waktu, tiba-tiba melebar mata merah besar, berukuran lentera, ketika tiba-tiba menampar maju dengan panjang, cambuk-seperti ekor draconic.Kecepatan yang luar biasa dari ekor Velocidragon benar-benar mendekati kecepatan gerakan Shadowmouse kecil."Deru!" Bebe's gerakan yang sangat aneh, dan ia benar-benar bisa untuk menghindari serangan hiper-cepat Velocidragon ekor, dan segera berusaha untuk menggigit pada Velocidragon tenggorokan. Tetapi Velocidragon, pada gilirannya, segera menolak kepalanya dan kemudian mencoba untuk gigitan kembali di Bebe.Tapi jelas, Bebe masih sedikit lebih cepat. Ketika ia memberi Velocidragon gigitan ganas pada leher, tajam 'retak' suara dapat didengar, sebagai salah satu skala tebal pada leher Velocidragon adalah benar-benar rusak, dan kemudian seluruh ditelan Bebe. Bebe adalah makhluk yang mampu bahkan melahap batu dan tulang. Skala Velocidragon ini terbukti menjadi dimakan oleh dia juga.Tetapi hanya pada saat ini, Velocidragon ekor menyapu ke arah Bebe. "Thwack!" Slapping suara bernada tinggi bisa mendengar, menyebabkan Linley menggigil. Tapi Bebe telah lama menghindar dan bergegas pergi lagi."Velocidragon ini memiliki seperti besar, tebal leher. Bahwa gigitan Bebe memberikannya adalah tidak lebih dari luka ringan. Linley terengah-engah menyaksikan pertempuran ini antara makhluk-makhluk yang sama sekali berbeda ukuran. "Ekor Velocidragon ini bergerak dalam cara yang tak terduga, dan mampu memutar pada gilirannya pada kecepatan tinggi juga."Ekor Velocidragon tidak hanya cepat, itu juga tangkas dan tak terduga.“Shkreee!”Bebe once more turned into a vicious black shadow. Erupting out from the water, Bebe once more dodged the draconic tail. But just as he dodged, the tail suddenly changed directions in a rapid, unpredictable manner. With a sudden twist, it struck Bebe a direct blow.The vicious black shadow was sent flying into the faraway woods.“Bebe!” Linley’s chest tightened.But the Velocidragon only stared cautiously at the forest, as though keeping an eye out for a dangerous foe. Suddenly, the little Shadowmouse, Bebe, came flying down at him from atop a particularly tall tree. The Velocidragon’s tail immediately twisted to strike at him, but this time, Bebe had learned from the previous painful lesson. With a twitch of his tail, he too suddenly changed directions in mid-air.The little Shadowmouse was a blur. The draconic tail was also a blur!The two blurred shadows chased each other about in mid-air. The little Shadowmouse would occasionally be sent flying by the Velocidragon, but every so often, he would also manage to land a vicious bite on the Velocidragon as well. They continued their fight, fighting all the way from the lakeshore to the forests. One mighty tree after another was knocked down by the Velocidragon’s tail as the Velocidragon and the Shadowmouse continued to fight without pause.“From what I can see, it seems as though Bebe has a slight advantage.”Linley nervously watched the fight. By this point in time, the huge Velocidragon had already lost seven or eight scales, and blood continuously flowed from seven or eight wounds, covering half of its body in blood. The Velocidragon’s enraged roars continued unabated.Its tail whipping back and forth, any tree touched by the Velocidragon’s tail was snapped in half. One mighty tree after another toppled over, and an area with a diameter of approximately two hundred meters around the two combatants was totally cleared.“But can Bebe keep on being hit like that, by the Velocidragon’s tail?”Linley began to worry. The offensive power of the Velocidragon’s tail was very high. If it smashed into a stone, the stone would crumble; if it smashed into a tree, the tree would snap. This sort of offensive power made Linley’s heart grow cold. Linley knew that if he was struck so much as a single time by that tail, his life would be gone.“Whack!” Bebe was sent flying again, but in the blink of an eye, Bebe once more transformed into a furious black shadow as he charged into the fray again, screeching.By now, the Velocidragon was covered with blood, with many damaged scales throughout its body. It looked to be in a bad way.“Raaaawr!”With an angry roar, the Velocidragon actually turned and began to leave. At high speed, it began to run towards the core areas of the mountains. In a short period of time, the Velocidragon disappeared from Linley’s vision. Bebe actually pursued it for a while as well before turning around and coming back to Linley.
Linley dropped down from his tree just as the little Shadowmouse, Bebe, also ran over to him, his body shrinking back to its normal size.
“Bebe, are you okay?” Linley immediately asked him through their mental link.
Bebe jumped onto Linley’s shoulder and stood erect on his hind legs, as he looked arrogantly at Linley with his beady little black eyes. “Boss, what sort of magical beast do you take Bebe to be? How could I be afraid of a Velocidragon?” Pride and self-delight suffused Bebe’s adorable little face.
But suddenly, Bebe twitched his tail. Shaking himself, he said, “But that Velocidragon’s tail really is a rather nasty piece of work. My entire body hurts.”
Seeing this, Linley couldn’t help but chuckle. The Velocidragon’s tail wasn’t just a ‘rather nasty piece of work’. It was an extremely nasty piece of work. Linley was extremely glad that Bebe was able to withstand so many blows from it without sustaining any serious injuries.
“And this Velocidragon’s scales and meat really is thick. Even at my maximum size, I couldn’t bite through him.” Bebe sighed. “But I’m confident that if we kept on at it, I, Bebe, could’ve bled him to death. This Velocidragon was pretty sly though. It kept on moving about and never let me bite it on the same location twice.”
Linley secretly laughed.
There was a huge gap between the sixth rank and the seventh rank, in terms of combat ability as well as other factors. Most likely, that Velocidragon’s intelligence was not much less than a human being’s. How could it possibly allow the little Shadowmouse to bite it in the same place twice?
No matter how thick the scales and flesh of the Velocidragon were, it couldn’t withstand being bitten by Bebe multiple times. This Velocidragon most likely also realized that he wouldn’t gain any benefit from continuing to fight, which was why it fled.
“Bebe, want to give a magical beast of the eighth rank a go?” Linley mentally teased.
Bebe’s little eyes suddenly turned round as the moon. “Boss, don’t mess with me like that. Dealing with that magical beast of the seventh rank was exhausting enough. I hear that magical beasts of the eighth rank are ten times as powerful as magical beasts of the seventh rank. Even if their movement speeds aren’t as high as mine, most likely their attack speeds are higher.”
Movement speed and combat attack speeds were two different speeds.
For example, the Velocidragon was perhaps much slower in terms of movement speed, but its tail was able to attack at an astonishing speed. Altho
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