Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Mature cashews were selected by first eliminatingall damaged and spoiled ones and especially those inwhich the process of fermentation had alreadystarted. The cashews were washed by submergingthem in chlorine water for about 30 minutes in orderto remove dirt and microorganisms and were finallywashed with running water to remove the residualchlorine. Upon weighing the washed whole cashewsthe peduncle was separated and weighed. Thepeduncle juice was obtained by crushing theseparated peduncle and filtering it through a cottoncloth. ºBrix of the integral peduncle juice was thendetermined. The ºBrix values were used to calculatesugar concentrations during alcoholic fermentation.To purify the juice, 3mL of gelatine (10%) per mL ofjuice were added so that the must pectin could beremoved. Ammonium sulphate and potassiumphosphate as nutrients and potassium metabisulfiteas disinfectant were also added. In order to obtain acashew wine with an alcohol concentration higherthan 100 g/L, sugar was added to the peduncle juicechaptalization, to obtain an initial concentration of120 g/L. Therefore, 30 g/L of sugar was added at thebeginning of fermentation and thereafter 170 g/L,when the concentration of saccharose in the mediumfell to 10 g/L. In this way the sucrose inhibition wasreduced. Alcoholic fermentation was started byinoculation of the must through the addition of 20g/Lof Fleischmann TM Sacharomyces cerevisiea generaltukang roti ragi. Fermentasi terputus ketikatingkat konsentrasi substrat turun menjadi kurang dari 20g/L,yang mencirikan anggur kering dan sesuai untukproduksi cuka. Konsentrasi di g/Lsubstrat (S), Produk (P), biomassa (X) dan total asamserta pH dimonitor untuk jangka waktu 48jam fermentasi alkohol. Penyaringan vakumdilakukan untuk menghilangkan mikroorganisme. Thedisaring anggur dituangkan ke dipasteurisasi hijau gelapkaca botol dan penuh untuk digunakan dalamproduksi mete anggur cuka.
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