CHAPTER IINTRODUCTION1.1 Background of the ProblemEnglish is an intern terjemahan - CHAPTER IINTRODUCTION1.1 Background of the ProblemEnglish is an intern Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan



1.1 Background of the Problem
English is an international language in the world. We can not deny the importance of English language in this modern world. This language helps us to express thinking and feelings, to talk, to exchange views, and to contract between person wherever we live. Furthermore, in the world that English is considered as the main language, English is now taking an importance part in the chance to take a job. Hence, we can predict that English language will continue to develop and bring us more advantages and the near future.
In Indonesia, English is learned since junior high school until University. In the school English is an important subject that must be teaching by the teacher. As long as we know the English subject is an compulsory subject. It’s include to final examination in the Junior High School and Senior High School.
In the English as subject school, English has four basic skills. The four basic skills are : writing, reading, listening and writing. The four basic skills have different purposes. The basic skills that use by the students and study in their school is writing. Writing is important skill that must be learned by the students’. Not only writing text in their school. They can use in daily life context such as: writing diary, writing lyric of song, writing name of place and writing our ideas. In the process of teaching and learning English, writing ability is the most difficult and complicated language skill to be learned almost by the students in every level of education.
There are some problem that the students found when they wrote the text. First, the students are lack of vocabulary. Vocabulary is very important thing that must be the students mastered to write a text. If they have and know many vocabulary in their memory, they never feel confused when they want to write something. Second, the students are lack of grammar. Grammar is important to the students to know to make the reader knows what the idea on the text. Actually, writing needs well knowledge and hard thinking when the students produce words, sentences, paragraph at the same time with good English grammatical. Some mistakes are made when the students do not understand well about the English grammar. Many of the students commonly make grammar mistakes in their learning activity especially in writing. But, sometimes the teacher did not aware about students' mistakes. Then the students made their mistakes repeatedly because they do not have the correction and it was what we have called as error.
Errors in foreign language teaching especially in English are the cases which are difficult enough to avoid. Many aspects that can cause the learners of English as a foreign language make errors and sometimes mother tongue interference also became one of the caused. Errors in language learning are natural. Therefore, when the teachers teach in the school, they will find many phenomena; they will find many students who have good writing in English and may be they will find many students who have low ability in writing English.
According to the curriculum of based competences in SMA PERTI Padang, Writing in the First Year students taught into five kinds of texts are: Recount, Narrative, Procedure, Descriptive, and News Item. Here the writer only used writing Recount text to be analyzed. Recount text is one of kind English text that the students learn in their school. Recount text is about someone's experience story. It’s also has some determinate to learn and write recount text. The teacher has to know about recount text before, such as the purposes of recount text, generic structure and language features to make the students written is a good text.
Based on the explanation above, the researcher is interested to analyze the students' errors in writing of recount text, especially in grammatical errors. The reason of writer choose that recount text because they had study in first year in senior high school PERTI Padang.
1.2 Identification of the Problem
Writing is one kind of English skill. The most of the students think that writing is difficult because they must be know and have knowledge such as: grammar, vocabulary and the purpose of what they write. In writing there are some reason such as to employ message, ideas, and express their feeling. In writing there are some component that must be know one of them are grammatical, content and vocabulary. So, write something the writer should know about what is the component of writing to make a good text. The components of writing are: content, organization, vocabulary, language use and mechanics.
Recount text is one kind of text that the students study in the first year of senior high school. Writing recount text has same sequence that should be know by the students. Especially in grammatical rules, the students should be understand what and when they will use a correct grammar.
The students main problem in writing recount text is about grammatical. They still confused to use the grammar. The students confused because their knowledge about grammar is very low. They cannot differentiate between the kind of grammar such as: past tense, future tense, and present tense. So, the researcher wanted to analyze the students. Grammatical error in write recount text.
1.3 Limitation of the Problem
In this research, the researcher limited the type of text to be analyzed. The researcher chose it because the students in first year had study about recount text, because of the grammatical is difficult of the students in first year senior high school and the students always have mistakes in grammar of recount text. The researcher wanted to analyse the students’ grammatical error in writing recount text.
According to James (1998) Error is the process of determinating the incidence, nature, causes, and consequences of unsuccessful language. It means to analyses an error of the students, it have to know the cause of the students. So, the researcher limit the problem of the students are: first, the students are lack of using kind of tense in write recount text, and the second, the students are lack of comprehend to write recount text with good sequence.
1.4 Research Questions
Based on the limitation of the problem above, the researcher conclude the problem in the form of questions are:
1. What is the main mistake of the students in writing a recount text?
2. How is the students’ skill in knowledge about grammatical rule in recount text?
3. What kind of errors did the students make?
1.5 Purpose of The Research
The purpose of the research are:
1. To analyses the students’ grammatical error in writing recount text
2. To describe the students skill of grammar in context of recount text.
3. To describe kinds of errors that the students make in writing a recount text.
1.6 Significant of The Research
This research gives contribution to the students. First, The students know about their mistake in writing recount text, especially in grammatical rules. If they know about their mistake, they will not repeat again their mistake in the context of recount text. second, the students can improve their skill about writing recount text with good sequence.
This research also give contribution for the teacher, by having know the students’ mistake, the teacher can improve their teaching in writing recount text. English teacher can found the another method to teach writing until the students understand and do not make mistakes again in the next exam or test. Third, for the researcher, it can know about the students skill in grammatical errors of recount text.
1.7 Definition of The Key Term
The following definitions are used to avoid misunderstanding and misinterpretation about the terms used in this thesis:
1. Error
Brown (2000), he defined error as the process to observe, analyze, and classify the deviations of the rules of the second language and then to reveal the systems operated by learne
2. Writing
According to Ghait (2002) Writing is a complex process that allows writer to explore thoughts and ideas, and make them visible and concrete.
3. Grammatical
According to James (2004) “Grammar is defined as a systematic way accounting for predicting an ideal speaker’s or hearer’s knowledge of the language. This is done by a set of rules or principles that can be used to generate all well-formed or grammatical utterances in the language.
4. Recount text
According to Rohim (2005: 9-10) Recount is to retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining. It consists of orientation, events, and re-orientation.


2.1 The nature of Writing
Wikipedia states that writing is a medium of communication that represents language though the inscription of signs and symbols. According to Tarigan (1985:5) writing is productive skills for writing on indirect communication and the nature of the character is very different from that expressed by speaking directly, therefor writing is included an ability, according to Harmer (2001:79) writing is from of communication to deliver through or to express feeling through written form. So, writing is an indirect communication to deliver through or to express feeling through written form.
Writing is important skill in study English for all level. It has many purposes such as to improve the students vocabulary, to improve the students grammatical, etc. Writing is more difficult rather than the other language skills because it needs well knowledge and hard thinking when they are produce words, sentences and paragraphs with a good grammatical.
Jeremy (2001) says written text has a number of conventions which separate it out from speaking. Apart from differences in Grammar and Vocabulary, there are issues of letter, word, and text formation, manifested by handwriting, spelling, and layout and punctuation. It means writing more difficult than speaking. Because in w
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
BAB SAYAPENGENALAN1.1 latar belakang masalahBahasa Inggris adalah bahasa antarbangsa di dunia. Kita tidak dapat menyangkal pentingnya bahasa Inggris dalam dunia modern ini. Bahasa ini membantu kita untuk mengungkapkan pemikiran dan perasaan, untuk berbicara, untuk bertukar pandangan dan kontrak antara orang di mana pun kita hidup. Selain itu, di dunia Inggris dianggap sebagai bahasa utama, Inggris sekarang mengambil peran penting dalam kesempatan untuk mengambil pekerjaan. Oleh karena itu, kita bisa meramal bahwa bahasa Inggris akan terus mengembangkan dan membawa kita lebih banyak keuntungan dan masa depan.Di Indonesia, bahasa Inggris belajar sejak SMP sampai Universitas. Di sekolah bahasa Inggris adalah subjek yang penting yang harus mengajar oleh guru. Selama kita tahu Inggris subjek adalah subjek yang wajib. Hal ini mencakup untuk ujian akhir di SMP dan SMA.Dalam bahasa Inggris sebagai mata pelajaran sekolah, bahasa Inggris memiliki empat keterampilan dasar. Keterampilan dasar empat adalah: menulis, membaca, mendengarkan dan menulis. Empat keterampilan dasar memiliki tujuan yang berbeda. Keterampilan dasar yang digunakan oleh siswa dan belajar di sekolah mereka menulis. Menulis adalah keterampilan penting yang harus dipelajari oleh para siswa. Tidak hanya menulis teks di sekolah mereka. Mereka dapat menggunakan dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari seperti: menulis buku harian, menulis lirik lagu, menulis nama tempat dan menulis ide-ide kami. Dalam proses belajar mengajar bahasa Inggris, kemampuan menulis adalah keterampilan bahasa paling sulit dan rumit untuk hampir dipelajari oleh para siswa di setiap tingkat pendidikan. There are some problem that the students found when they wrote the text. First, the students are lack of vocabulary. Vocabulary is very important thing that must be the students mastered to write a text. If they have and know many vocabulary in their memory, they never feel confused when they want to write something. Second, the students are lack of grammar. Grammar is important to the students to know to make the reader knows what the idea on the text. Actually, writing needs well knowledge and hard thinking when the students produce words, sentences, paragraph at the same time with good English grammatical. Some mistakes are made when the students do not understand well about the English grammar. Many of the students commonly make grammar mistakes in their learning activity especially in writing. But, sometimes the teacher did not aware about students' mistakes. Then the students made their mistakes repeatedly because they do not have the correction and it was what we have called as error.Errors in foreign language teaching especially in English are the cases which are difficult enough to avoid. Many aspects that can cause the learners of English as a foreign language make errors and sometimes mother tongue interference also became one of the caused. Errors in language learning are natural. Therefore, when the teachers teach in the school, they will find many phenomena; they will find many students who have good writing in English and may be they will find many students who have low ability in writing English.According to the curriculum of based competences in SMA PERTI Padang, Writing in the First Year students taught into five kinds of texts are: Recount, Narrative, Procedure, Descriptive, and News Item. Here the writer only used writing Recount text to be analyzed. Recount text is one of kind English text that the students learn in their school. Recount text is about someone's experience story. It’s also has some determinate to learn and write recount text. The teacher has to know about recount text before, such as the purposes of recount text, generic structure and language features to make the students written is a good text. Based on the explanation above, the researcher is interested to analyze the students' errors in writing of recount text, especially in grammatical errors. The reason of writer choose that recount text because they had study in first year in senior high school PERTI Padang.1.2 Identification of the ProblemWriting is one kind of English skill. The most of the students think that writing is difficult because they must be know and have knowledge such as: grammar, vocabulary and the purpose of what they write. In writing there are some reason such as to employ message, ideas, and express their feeling. In writing there are some component that must be know one of them are grammatical, content and vocabulary. So, write something the writer should know about what is the component of writing to make a good text. The components of writing are: content, organization, vocabulary, language use and mechanics.Recount text is one kind of text that the students study in the first year of senior high school. Writing recount text has same sequence that should be know by the students. Especially in grammatical rules, the students should be understand what and when they will use a correct grammar. The students main problem in writing recount text is about grammatical. They still confused to use the grammar. The students confused because their knowledge about grammar is very low. They cannot differentiate between the kind of grammar such as: past tense, future tense, and present tense. So, the researcher wanted to analyze the students. Grammatical error in write recount text.1.3 Limitation of the ProblemIn this research, the researcher limited the type of text to be analyzed. The researcher chose it because the students in first year had study about recount text, because of the grammatical is difficult of the students in first year senior high school and the students always have mistakes in grammar of recount text. The researcher wanted to analyse the students’ grammatical error in writing recount text. According to James (1998) Error is the process of determinating the incidence, nature, causes, and consequences of unsuccessful language. It means to analyses an error of the students, it have to know the cause of the students. So, the researcher limit the problem of the students are: first, the students are lack of using kind of tense in write recount text, and the second, the students are lack of comprehend to write recount text with good sequence.1.4 Research QuestionsBased on the limitation of the problem above, the researcher conclude the problem in the form of questions are:1. What is the main mistake of the students in writing a recount text?2. How is the students’ skill in knowledge about grammatical rule in recount text?3. What kind of errors did the students make?1.5 Purpose of The ResearchThe purpose of the research are:1. To analyses the students’ grammatical error in writing recount text2. To describe the students skill of grammar in context of recount text.3. To describe kinds of errors that the students make in writing a recount text.1.6 Significant of The ResearchThis research gives contribution to the students. First, The students know about their mistake in writing recount text, especially in grammatical rules. If they know about their mistake, they will not repeat again their mistake in the context of recount text. second, the students can improve their skill about writing recount text with good sequence.This research also give contribution for the teacher, by having know the students’ mistake, the teacher can improve their teaching in writing recount text. English teacher can found the another method to teach writing until the students understand and do not make mistakes again in the next exam or test. Third, for the researcher, it can know about the students skill in grammatical errors of recount text.1.7 Definition of The Key Term
The following definitions are used to avoid misunderstanding and misinterpretation about the terms used in this thesis:
1. Error
Brown (2000), he defined error as the process to observe, analyze, and classify the deviations of the rules of the second language and then to reveal the systems operated by learne
2. Writing
According to Ghait (2002) Writing is a complex process that allows writer to explore thoughts and ideas, and make them visible and concrete.
3. Grammatical
According to James (2004) “Grammar is defined as a systematic way accounting for predicting an ideal speaker’s or hearer’s knowledge of the language. This is done by a set of rules or principles that can be used to generate all well-formed or grammatical utterances in the language.
4. Recount text
According to Rohim (2005: 9-10) Recount is to retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining. It consists of orientation, events, and re-orientation.


2.1 The nature of Writing
Wikipedia states that writing is a medium of communication that represents language though the inscription of signs and symbols. According to Tarigan (1985:5) writing is productive skills for writing on indirect communication and the nature of the character is very different from that expressed by speaking directly, therefor writing is included an ability, according to Harmer (2001:79) writing is from of communication to deliver through or to express feeling through written form. So, writing is an indirect communication to deliver through or to express feeling through written form.
Writing is important skill in study English for all level. It has many purposes such as to improve the students vocabulary, to improve the students grammatical, etc. Writing is more difficult rather than the other language skills because it needs well knowledge and hard thinking when they are produce words, sentences and paragraphs with a good grammatical.
Jeremy (2001) says written text has a number of conventions which separate it out from speaking. Apart from differences in Grammar and Vocabulary, there are issues of letter, word, and text formation, manifested by handwriting, spelling, and layout and punctuation. It means writing more difficult than speaking. Because in w
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