„Good!” In the eye of South Ko­rean deep pool emerges many hope rays,  terjemahan - „Good!” In the eye of South Ko­rean deep pool emerges many hope rays,  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„Good!” In the eye of South Ko­rean

„Good!” In the eye of South Ko­rean deep pool emerges many hope rays, it seems like that the ar­rival of [Zhan Long] also gave the morale of palace guard to pro­mote much.
Ar­rives in the frontal line, I kill to blame to ob­tain the mer­i­to­ri­ous value un­ceas­ingly, prob­a­bly every time kills 1-3 dif­fer­ent evil spir­its to ob­tain 1 mer­i­to­ri­ous value, the speed is not fast, it seems like wants by killing to blame in the army or­ga­ni­za­tion sys­tem to pro­mote the mil­i­tary rank is not a very easy mat­ter.
The of­fen­sive of awe reg­i­ment is con­tin­u­ous, has killed for one hour, fi­nally the war­ship of dis­tant place were also get­ting fewer and fewer, the awe brave war­rior in ashore had been killed al­most, for all that the reg­i­ment loss of Tian Ling Em­pire is more se­ri­ous, flame Long Jun­tuan, the loss of leg­endary Em­peror Yu reg­i­ment ab­solutely over 10,000, some player camp also many play­ers died in bat­tle, after hang­ing, is un­able to enter this bat­tle­field in 24 hours again, this is a very sad mat­ter.
The [Zhan Long] buckle pop­u­la­tion can also ac­cept, loses 4000 + peo­ple, does not have the means that our al­most en­tire guild pressed.
The player who came to com­fort dead in bat­tle sharply, the trans­mit­ting or­ders of­fi­cer has not rid­den the warhorse that dashed to pass over gen­tly and swiftly in each po­si­tion front once more, said loudly: „Var­i­ous reg­i­ments com­mand the level gen­eral to go to the armed forces ac­count reg­is­tra­tion im­me­di­ately!”
With­out the means that I turn around to walk, ride the fly­ing sickle ar­mored war horse to fire into the armed forces, above the hoof­beat has al­most stepped on above the corpse, every­where is the dif­fer­ent demon and corpse of Tian Ling Em­pire reg­i­ment sol­dier, en­tire sand beach by blood in­car­na­dine, the rem­nant sword breaks the hal­berd every­where, under the moon­light, as if this is an ex­tremely tragic pic­ture.
The armed forces ac­count, I raise sword to enter, Locker Great calm sit­ting there, did not say a word as be­fore, wears princess also min the red lip, but I calmly stood her side.
Theodore, and other reg­i­ments com­manded also 11 to ar­rive at the armed forces ac­count, but two em­peror's son's war ar­mors are as be­fore brand-new, near em­broi­der­ing above bat­tle dress is bloom­ing the charm­ing gloss under the moon­light, the com­man­ders of sev­eral other reg­i­ments ma­jor­ity are the no­bil­i­ties, is a Chi­nese dress, only dif­fer­ent was the ban­ning mar­quises of I and hot axe armed forces, bans Hou Duan a skill, the whole body has been bathed in blood not say­ing that I was also on the armor every­where am the trace that the sword axe di­vided, on the bat­tle dress was the stained blood­stain, belt alarmed hole holes, In the hand the Longchi sword still in flow­ing the blood of dif­fer­ent demon, blood­stain lit­tle falling on the pure white rug, likely is being plum blos­soms.
Bans Hou Can­dan sit­ting in chair, this rank did not have such treat­ment, prob­a­bly be­cause of the in­jured re­la­tions, Rot­ter stands side him, what is dif­fer­ent from the fa­ther is, a Rot­ter war armor has not caught a blood­stain, is his first Cooldown or­ders the hot axe armed forces to re­treat, is his first takes the lead to es­cape.
Ob­served the sit­u­a­tion for one week, wore the princess un­able to bear smile, in lan­guage say­ing of mean­ing of aim­ing at: „Com­mands and con­trols, un­ex­pect­edly pure white such as new, but also is re­ally rare, why only has Li Xiao Yao one per­son to be able with the sol­diers com­mon onset and re­treat, faces di­rectly the flagi­tious dif­fer­ent demon?”
That crazy Lei Jun tuan com­man­der Luis could not bear the cor­ners of the mouth twitch, swayed red silk hand­ker­chief on the arm, said: „Your high­ness word is bad, the mil­i­tary of­fi­cer will go forth to bat­tle to fight, the di­vi­sion of re­source­ful gen­eral, we have not en­gaged in hand-to-hand c
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„Good!” In the eye of South Ko­rean deep pool emerges many hope rays, it seems like that the ar­rival of [Zhan Long] also gave the morale of palace guard to pro­mote much.Ar­rives in the frontal line, I kill to blame to ob­tain the mer­i­to­ri­ous value un­ceas­ingly, prob­a­bly every time kills 1-3 dif­fer­ent evil spir­its to ob­tain 1 mer­i­to­ri­ous value, the speed is not fast, it seems like wants by killing to blame in the army or­ga­ni­za­tion sys­tem to pro­mote the mil­i­tary rank is not a very easy mat­ter.The of­fen­sive of awe reg­i­ment is con­tin­u­ous, has killed for one hour, fi­nally the war­ship of dis­tant place were also get­ting fewer and fewer, the awe brave war­rior in ashore had been killed al­most, for all that the reg­i­ment loss of Tian Ling Em­pire is more se­ri­ous, flame Long Jun­tuan, the loss of leg­endary Em­peror Yu reg­i­ment ab­solutely over 10,000, some player camp also many play­ers died in bat­tle, after hang­ing, is un­able to enter this bat­tle­field in 24 hours again, this is a very sad mat­ter.The [Zhan Long] buckle pop­u­la­tion can also ac­cept, loses 4000 + peo­ple, does not have the means that our al­most en­tire guild pressed.The player who came to com­fort dead in bat­tle sharply, the trans­mit­ting or­ders of­fi­cer has not rid­den the warhorse that dashed to pass over gen­tly and swiftly in each po­si­tion front once more, said loudly: „Var­i­ous reg­i­ments com­mand the level gen­eral to go to the armed forces ac­count reg­is­tra­tion im­me­di­ately!”With­out the means that I turn around to walk, ride the fly­ing sickle ar­mored war horse to fire into the armed forces, above the hoof­beat has al­most stepped on above the corpse, every­where is the dif­fer­ent demon and corpse of Tian Ling Em­pire reg­i­ment sol­dier, en­tire sand beach by blood in­car­na­dine, the rem­nant sword breaks the hal­berd every­where, under the moon­light, as if this is an ex­tremely tragic pic­ture.
The armed forces ac­count, I raise sword to enter, Locker Great calm sit­ting there, did not say a word as be­fore, wears princess also min the red lip, but I calmly stood her side.
Theodore, and other reg­i­ments com­manded also 11 to ar­rive at the armed forces ac­count, but two em­peror's son's war ar­mors are as be­fore brand-new, near em­broi­der­ing above bat­tle dress is bloom­ing the charm­ing gloss under the moon­light, the com­man­ders of sev­eral other reg­i­ments ma­jor­ity are the no­bil­i­ties, is a Chi­nese dress, only dif­fer­ent was the ban­ning mar­quises of I and hot axe armed forces, bans Hou Duan a skill, the whole body has been bathed in blood not say­ing that I was also on the armor every­where am the trace that the sword axe di­vided, on the bat­tle dress was the stained blood­stain, belt alarmed hole holes, In the hand the Longchi sword still in flow­ing the blood of dif­fer­ent demon, blood­stain lit­tle falling on the pure white rug, likely is being plum blos­soms.
Bans Hou Can­dan sit­ting in chair, this rank did not have such treat­ment, prob­a­bly be­cause of the in­jured re­la­tions, Rot­ter stands side him, what is dif­fer­ent from the fa­ther is, a Rot­ter war armor has not caught a blood­stain, is his first Cooldown or­ders the hot axe armed forces to re­treat, is his first takes the lead to es­cape.
Ob­served the sit­u­a­tion for one week, wore the princess un­able to bear smile, in lan­guage say­ing of mean­ing of aim­ing at: „Com­mands and con­trols, un­ex­pect­edly pure white such as new, but also is re­ally rare, why only has Li Xiao Yao one per­son to be able with the sol­diers com­mon onset and re­treat, faces di­rectly the flagi­tious dif­fer­ent demon?”
That crazy Lei Jun tuan com­man­der Luis could not bear the cor­ners of the mouth twitch, swayed red silk hand­ker­chief on the arm, said: „Your high­ness word is bad, the mil­i­tary of­fi­cer will go forth to bat­tle to fight, the di­vi­sion of re­source­ful gen­eral, we have not en­gaged in hand-to-hand c
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Baik!" Di mata dalam kolam Korea Selatan muncul banyak sinar harapan, tampaknya seperti itu kedatangan [Zhan Panjang] juga memberi semangat pengawal istana untuk mempromosikan banyak.
Tiba di garis depan, aku membunuh untuk menyalahkan untuk mendapatkan nilai berjasa tanpa henti, mungkin setiap kali membunuh 1-3 roh-roh jahat yang berbeda untuk mendapatkan 1 nilai berjasa, kecepatan tidak cepat, sepertinya keinginan dengan membunuh menyalahkan dalam sistem organisasi militer untuk mempromosikan pangkat militer tidak sangat hal yang mudah.
​​serangan kagum resimen yang terus menerus, telah menewaskan selama satu jam, akhirnya kapal perang dari tempat yang jauh juga mendapatkan lebih sedikit dan lebih sedikit, kekaguman pejuang pemberani di darat telah membunuh hampir, untuk semua yang kehilangan resimen Tian Ling Empire lebih serius, api panjang Juntuan, hilangnya legendaris Kaisar Yu resimen benar-benar lebih dari 10.000, beberapa kamp pemain juga banyak pemain tewas dalam pertempuran, setelah menggantung, tidak sampai masuk ke medan perang ini dalam 24 jam lagi, ini adalah masalah yang sangat menyedihkan .
The [Zhan panjang] gesper penduduk juga dapat menerima, kehilangan 4000 + orang, tidak memiliki sarana yang hampir seluruh serikat kami ditekan.
pemain yang datang untuk menghibur mati dalam pertempuran tajam, petugas pesanan pemancar belum naik kuda perang yang berlari melewati lebih lembut dan cepat di setiap posisi depan sekali lagi, berkata keras: "! Berbagai resimen perintah tingkat umum untuk pergi ke angkatan bersenjata pendaftaran akun segera"
Tanpa sarana yang saya berbalik untuk berjalan, naik sabit terbang lapis baja kuda perang api ke dalam angkatan bersenjata, di atas hoofbeat telah hampir menginjak di atas mayat, di mana-mana adalah setan yang berbeda dan mayat dari Tian Ling Empire resimen tentara, seluruh pantai pasir oleh jambu darah, pedang sisa istirahat tombak di mana-mana, di bawah sinar bulan, seolah-olah ini adalah gambar yang sangat tragis.
akun angkatan bersenjata, saya mengangkat pedang untuk masuk, Locker besar tenang duduk di sana, tidak mengucapkan sepatah kata seperti sebelumnya, memakai putri juga min bibir merah, tapi aku dengan tenang berdiri nya sisi.
Theodore, dan resimen lainnya diperintahkan juga 11 untuk sampai pada akun angkatan bersenjata, tetapi armors perang anak dua kaisar adalah seperti sebelumnya baru, dekat menyulam di atas gaun pertempuran mekar gloss menawan di bawah sinar bulan, para komandan beberapa lainnya sebagian resimen adalah bangsawan, adalah gaun Cina, hanya berbeda adalah yang marquises melarang saya dan kapak angkatan bersenjata panas, melarang Hou Duan keterampilan, seluruh tubuh telah bermandikan darah tidak mengatakan bahwa saya juga pada armor di mana-mana am jejak bahwa pedang kapak dibagi, pada gaun pertempuran itu bernoda bercak darah, sabuk khawatir lubang lubang, di tangan pedang Longchi masih mengalir darah iblis yang berbeda, noda darah kecil jatuh di karpet putih murni, mungkin adalah menjadi plum bunga.
Melarang Hou Candan duduk di kursi, peringkat ini tidak memiliki pengobatan tersebut, mungkin karena hubungan yang terluka, Rotter berdiri sisi dia, apa yang berbeda dari ayah adalah, perang armor Rotter belum tertangkap noda darah, apakah yang pertama cooldown memerintahkan kapak panas angkatan bersenjata untuk mundur, adalah miliknya mengambil pertama memimpin untuk melarikan diri.
Diamati situasi selama satu minggu, mengenakan putri tak tahan senyum, dalam firman bahasa arti bertujuan: "Perintah dan kontrol, tiba-tiba murni putih seperti baru, tetapi juga benar-benar langka, mengapa hanya telah Li Xiao Yao satu orang dapat dengan onset umum dan mundur tentara, menghadapi langsung iblis yang berbeda menjijikkan? "
Itu komandan gila Lei Juni tuan Luis tidak tahan sudut dari kedutan mulut, bergoyang saputangan sutra merah di lengan, mengatakan: "kata Mulia buruk, petugas militer akan balik ke pertempuran untuk melawan, pembagian umum akal, kami belum terlibat di tangan-ke-tangan c
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