For those of us who work with coders as managers, auditors, co-workers terjemahan - For those of us who work with coders as managers, auditors, co-workers Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

For those of us who work with coder

For those of us who work with coders as managers, auditors, co-workers, or consultants, we know how conscientious, dedicated, hard-working, and detail-oriented this group of professionals can be. When errors in their work are discovered, most are extremely upset with themselves and they work even harder to improve their coding skills. Although as humans we inevitably make occasional mistakes, an analysis of common errors found in auditing inpatient records suggests there are several reasons why coding errors are made. This article addresses some of the common coding errors and suggests some ways to prevent them. Knowing where the “traps” are should help to avoid them.
Carelessness: Choosing productivity as a priority over quality can cause a coder to rush through a medical record without thoroughly reading all available documentation. Additionally, the distractions and disruptions that occur in the environment may result in errors.
Encoder pathways: Coders who use clinical encoders during the coding process follow coding pathways to determine code and DRG assignments. As useful as these encoders are, they cannot prevent coding errors; following an incorrect coding pathway may result in an incorrect code assignment without the coder even realizing that an error has occurred.
Memorizing diagnosis and procedure codes: Experienced coders cannot help but memorize many code assignments after using them repeatedly. Sometimes, however, our memories fail and the direct entry of memorized codes may lead to error.
Incomplete or inadequate documentation: When documentation is incomplete or conflicting, it is difficult for the coder to code completely and accurately. Since coding is frequently completed before discharge summaries or other dictated reports are available, final conclusions/diagnoses may differ from those determined by the coder in reviewing History & Physical Reports and progress notes alone.
Incorrect principal diagnosis selection: Errors in selecting the principal diagnosis may be the result of a lack of knowledge of basic coding principles and terminology. The quality of the coder’s initial training program and/or “on-the-job experience” is fundamental to coder expertise, as is the coder’s ability to stay abreast of current coding guidelines. Misunderstanding or misinterpreting a coding guideline may also occur by failing to read encoder messages, inclusion and exclusion terms, and coding references during the coding process. Common examples of incorrect principal diagnosis selection include:
Coding a condition when a complication code should have been selected instead.
Coding a symptom or sign rather than the definitive diagnosis.
Assuming a diagnosis without definitive documentation of a condition.
Coding from a discharge summary alone.
Incorrectly applying the coding guidelines for principal diagnosis, especially in a situation where the coder selects the diagnoses when two or more diagnoses equally meet the definition of principal diagnosis.
Incorrect or missing secondary diagnoses: Secondary diagnoses are frequently coded when they do not meet the criteria for reporting secondary diagnoses. Some of the “traps” in coding secondary diagnoses are found in physician documentation. Examples include: (1) Using the term “history of” for conditions that are currently under treatment, as well as for those that have been resolved prior to admission; (2) Misusing the term “coagulopathy.” It is often documented when a patient on anticoagulant therapy has an expected prolonged prothrombin time, rather than a true coagulopathy. Secondary diagnoses may be missed by coders who code from a discharge summary alone without reviewing all documentation.
DRG assignment errors: In addition to the challenges of selecting the principal diagnosis and coding appropriate secondary diagnoses and procedures, failure to review the code list and DRG assignment may result in a DRG that does not “fit” with the patient’s stay.
Focus on quality, not just productivity. The quality of coded data is more critical than ever before, given the use of these data and the extensive scrutiny of third party payers. This fact justifies taking the time to focus on coding accuracy and reading medical record documentation thoroughly. Try to eliminate as much of the daily distractions and disruptions in the workplace as possible.
To avoid encoder pathway errors, read the entire list of coding choices before continuing down the pathway, and then review the code assignment(s) to determine if the code selected seems to “fit” the condition or procedure. Use the ICD-9-CM coding manual as a reference tool, even when using clinical encoders.
Query conflicting and incomplete documentation. When a record has been coded without a final discharge summary, a process should be developed for reviewing them when it is complete. Remember that Recovery Audit Contractors and other external auditors have access to the entire medical record when a record request is received. If such final review of a discharge summary results in a different DRG assignment, the claim should be resubmitted.
Take time to read and analyze the entire medical record before finalizing code assignments; apply critical thinking skills when reviewing documentation and code assignments.
Review the official coding guidelines for principal diagnosis. When multiple conditions may be present or suspected on admission, it is especially challenging to determine if the guideline for two or more diagnoses meeting the definition of principal diagnosis may be applied.
Review current coding guidelines frequently, especially those topics that may be troublesome, such as respiratory failure, sepsis, complications of treatment, coagulopathy, and signs/symptoms.
Review all questionable code assignments with your supervisor or another coder; sometimes a discussion with another coder is enough to clarify your questions.
Query as necessary; be clear and concise and avoid “leading” physicians to a diagnosis.
Exercise care when coding secondary diagnoses from the History & Physical. Remember that the definition of “other diagnoses” for reporting purposes is conditions that affect patient care in terms of requiring clinical evaluation, therapeutic treatment, diagnostic procedures, extended length of hospital stay, or increased nursing care and/or monitoring. A condition that meets only one element of this definition may be coded; conditions that do not meet this definition should not be coded.
Review the completed code list and DRG assignment; this requires only a minimal amount of time and may prevent a DRG error.
The importance of accuracy in coding cannot be underestimated. As coders in the current data-driven healthcare environment, expectations are high and the challenges are many. Now is the time to assess your coding skills and use all resources available to improve them to ensure coded data of the highest quality.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
For those of us who work with coders as managers, auditors, co-workers, or consultants, we know how conscientious, dedicated, hard-working, and detail-oriented this group of professionals can be. When errors in their work are discovered, most are extremely upset with themselves and they work even harder to improve their coding skills. Although as humans we inevitably make occasional mistakes, an analysis of common errors found in auditing inpatient records suggests there are several reasons why coding errors are made. This article addresses some of the common coding errors and suggests some ways to prevent them. Knowing where the “traps” are should help to avoid them.Carelessness: Choosing productivity as a priority over quality can cause a coder to rush through a medical record without thoroughly reading all available documentation. Additionally, the distractions and disruptions that occur in the environment may result in errors.Encoder pathways: Coders who use clinical encoders during the coding process follow coding pathways to determine code and DRG assignments. As useful as these encoders are, they cannot prevent coding errors; following an incorrect coding pathway may result in an incorrect code assignment without the coder even realizing that an error has occurred.Memorizing diagnosis and procedure codes: Experienced coders cannot help but memorize many code assignments after using them repeatedly. Sometimes, however, our memories fail and the direct entry of memorized codes may lead to error.Incomplete or inadequate documentation: When documentation is incomplete or conflicting, it is difficult for the coder to code completely and accurately. Since coding is frequently completed before discharge summaries or other dictated reports are available, final conclusions/diagnoses may differ from those determined by the coder in reviewing History & Physical Reports and progress notes alone. Incorrect principal diagnosis selection: Errors in selecting the principal diagnosis may be the result of a lack of knowledge of basic coding principles and terminology. The quality of the coder’s initial training program and/or “on-the-job experience” is fundamental to coder expertise, as is the coder’s ability to stay abreast of current coding guidelines. Misunderstanding or misinterpreting a coding guideline may also occur by failing to read encoder messages, inclusion and exclusion terms, and coding references during the coding process. Common examples of incorrect principal diagnosis selection include:Coding a condition when a complication code should have been selected instead.Coding a symptom or sign rather than the definitive diagnosis.Assuming a diagnosis without definitive documentation of a condition.Coding from a discharge summary alone.Incorrectly applying the coding guidelines for principal diagnosis, especially in a situation where the coder selects the diagnoses when two or more diagnoses equally meet the definition of principal diagnosis.Incorrect or missing secondary diagnoses: Secondary diagnoses are frequently coded when they do not meet the criteria for reporting secondary diagnoses. Some of the “traps” in coding secondary diagnoses are found in physician documentation. Examples include: (1) Using the term “history of” for conditions that are currently under treatment, as well as for those that have been resolved prior to admission; (2) Misusing the term “coagulopathy.” It is often documented when a patient on anticoagulant therapy has an expected prolonged prothrombin time, rather than a true coagulopathy. Secondary diagnoses may be missed by coders who code from a discharge summary alone without reviewing all documentation.DRG assignment errors: In addition to the challenges of selecting the principal diagnosis and coding appropriate secondary diagnoses and procedures, failure to review the code list and DRG assignment may result in a DRG that does not “fit” with the patient’s stay. RECOMMENDATIONS:Focus on quality, not just productivity. The quality of coded data is more critical than ever before, given the use of these data and the extensive scrutiny of third party payers. This fact justifies taking the time to focus on coding accuracy and reading medical record documentation thoroughly. Try to eliminate as much of the daily distractions and disruptions in the workplace as possible. To avoid encoder pathway errors, read the entire list of coding choices before continuing down the pathway, and then review the code assignment(s) to determine if the code selected seems to “fit” the condition or procedure. Use the ICD-9-CM coding manual as a reference tool, even when using clinical encoders.Query conflicting and incomplete documentation. When a record has been coded without a final discharge summary, a process should be developed for reviewing them when it is complete. Remember that Recovery Audit Contractors and other external auditors have access to the entire medical record when a record request is received. If such final review of a discharge summary results in a different DRG assignment, the claim should be resubmitted.Take time to read and analyze the entire medical record before finalizing code assignments; apply critical thinking skills when reviewing documentation and code assignments. Review the official coding guidelines for principal diagnosis. When multiple conditions may be present or suspected on admission, it is especially challenging to determine if the guideline for two or more diagnoses meeting the definition of principal diagnosis may be applied.Review current coding guidelines frequently, especially those topics that may be troublesome, such as respiratory failure, sepsis, complications of treatment, coagulopathy, and signs/symptoms. Review all questionable code assignments with your supervisor or another coder; sometimes a discussion with another coder is enough to clarify your questions.Query as necessary; be clear and concise and avoid “leading” physicians to a diagnosis.
Exercise care when coding secondary diagnoses from the History & Physical. Remember that the definition of “other diagnoses” for reporting purposes is conditions that affect patient care in terms of requiring clinical evaluation, therapeutic treatment, diagnostic procedures, extended length of hospital stay, or increased nursing care and/or monitoring. A condition that meets only one element of this definition may be coded; conditions that do not meet this definition should not be coded.
Review the completed code list and DRG assignment; this requires only a minimal amount of time and may prevent a DRG error.
The importance of accuracy in coding cannot be underestimated. As coders in the current data-driven healthcare environment, expectations are high and the challenges are many. Now is the time to assess your coding skills and use all resources available to improve them to ensure coded data of the highest quality.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Bagi kita yang bekerja dengan coders sebagai manajer, auditor, rekan kerja, atau konsultan, kita tahu bagaimana teliti, berdedikasi, pekerja keras, dan berorientasi pada detail kelompok ini profesional dapat. Ketika kesalahan dalam pekerjaan mereka ditemukan, yang paling sangat marah dengan diri mereka sendiri dan mereka bekerja lebih keras untuk meningkatkan keterampilan coding mereka. Meskipun sebagai manusia kita pasti melakukan kesalahan sesekali, analisis kesalahan umum yang ditemukan dalam catatan rawat inap audit menunjukkan ada beberapa alasan mengapa coding kesalahan yang dibuat. Artikel ini membahas beberapa kesalahan pengkodean umum dan menyarankan beberapa cara untuk mencegah mereka. Mengetahui di mana "perangkap" yang akan membantu untuk menghindari mereka.
Kecerobohan: Memilih produktivitas sebagai prioritas di atas kualitas dapat menyebabkan coder untuk terburu-buru melalui rekam medis tanpa benar-benar membaca semua dokumentasi yang tersedia. Selain itu, gangguan dan gangguan yang terjadi di lingkungan dapat mengakibatkan kesalahan.
Jalur Encoder: Coders yang menggunakan encoders klinis selama proses coding mengikuti coding jalur untuk menentukan kode dan DRG tugas. Berguna sebagai encoders ini, mereka tidak dapat mencegah kesalahan pengkodean; menyusul pengkodean jalur yang salah dapat mengakibatkan kode tugas yang salah tanpa coder bahkan menyadari bahwa kesalahan telah terjadi.
Menghafal diagnosis dan prosedur Kode: coders berpengalaman tidak bisa tidak menghafal banyak tugas kode setelah menggunakan mereka berulang kali. Kadang-kadang, bagaimanapun, ingatan kita gagal dan masuk langsung dari kode hafal dapat menyebabkan kesalahan.
Dokumentasi yang tidak lengkap atau tidak memadai: Bila dokumentasi tidak lengkap atau bertentangan, sulit bagi coder untuk kode lengkap dan akurat. Sejak coding sering selesai sebelum ringkasan debit atau laporan didikte lain yang tersedia, kesimpulan akhir / diagnosa mungkin berbeda dari yang ditentukan oleh coder dalam meninjau Sejarah & Fisik Laporan dan catatan kemajuan sendiri.
Salah pilihan diagnosis utama: Kesalahan dalam memilih diagnosis utama mungkin merupakan hasil dari kurangnya pengetahuan tentang prinsip-prinsip coding dasar dan terminologi. Kualitas program pelatihan awal coder dan / atau "on-the-job pengalaman" adalah dasar keahlian coder, seperti kemampuan coder untuk tetap mengikuti pedoman coding saat ini. Kesalahpahaman atau salah menafsirkan pedoman coding juga dapat terjadi dengan tidak membaca pesan encoder, inklusi dan eksklusi istilah, dan coding referensi selama proses coding. Contoh umum dari salah pilihan diagnosis utama meliputi:
Coding kondisi ketika kode komplikasi seharusnya dipilih sebagai gantinya.
Coding gejala atau tanda daripada diagnosis definitif.
Dengan asumsi diagnosis tanpa dokumentasi definitif kondisi.
Coding dari ringkasan debit saja.
salah menerapkan pedoman coding untuk diagnosis utama, terutama dalam situasi di mana coder memilih diagnosa ketika dua atau lebih diagnosa sama memenuhi definisi diagnosis utama.
Salah atau hilang diagnosa sekunder: diagnosis sekunder sering dikodekan ketika mereka tidak memenuhi kriteria untuk melaporkan diagnosis sekunder. Beberapa "perangkap" di coding diagnosa sekunder ditemukan dalam dokumentasi dokter. Contohnya termasuk: (1) Menggunakan istilah "sejarah" untuk kondisi yang saat ini dalam perawatan, serta bagi mereka yang telah diselesaikan sebelum masuk; (2) Menyalahgunakan istilah "koagulopati." Hal ini sering didokumentasikan ketika seorang pasien pada terapi antikoagulan memiliki diharapkan waktu protrombin berkepanjangan, daripada koagulopati benar. Diagnosa sekunder mungkin terlewatkan oleh coders yang kode dari ringkasan debit sendirian tanpa meninjau semua dokumentasi.
DRG kesalahan tugas: Selain tantangan memilih diagnosis pokok dan coding diagnosa sekunder yang sesuai dan prosedur, kegagalan untuk meninjau daftar kode dan DRG tugas dapat mengakibatkan DRG yang tidak "cocok" dengan tinggal pasien.
Fokus pada kualitas, bukan hanya produktivitas. Kualitas data dikodekan lebih penting daripada sebelumnya, mengingat penggunaan data dan pengawasan yang luas dari pembayar pihak ketiga. Fakta ini membenarkan meluangkan waktu untuk fokus pada coding akurasi dan membaca dokumentasi rekam medis secara menyeluruh. Cobalah untuk menghilangkan sebanyak gangguan sehari-hari dan gangguan di tempat kerja mungkin.
Untuk menghindari kesalahan encoder jalur, membaca seluruh daftar coding pilihan sebelum melanjutkan ke jalur, dan kemudian meninjau tugas kode (s) untuk menentukan apakah kode karena tampaknya "cocok" kondisi atau prosedur. Gunakan manual ICD-9-CM coding sebagai alat referensi, bahkan ketika menggunakan encoders klinis.
Permintaan yang saling bertentangan dan tidak lengkap dokumentasi. Ketika rekor telah dikodekan tanpa ringkasan pembuangan akhir, proses harus dikembangkan untuk meninjau mereka ketika selesai. Ingat bahwa Pemulihan Kontraktor Audit dan auditor eksternal lainnya memiliki akses ke catatan medis seluruh ketika permintaan rekor diterima. Jika review akhir seperti dari hasil ringkasan debit dalam tugas DRG yang berbeda, klaim harus diajukan kembali.
Luangkan waktu untuk membaca dan menganalisis rekam medis sebelum menyelesaikan seluruh tugas kode; menerapkan keterampilan berpikir kritis ketika meninjau dokumentasi dan kode tugas.
Tinjau coding pedoman resmi untuk diagnosis utama. Ketika beberapa kondisi dapat hadir atau dicurigai pada masuk, itu sangat menantang untuk menentukan apakah pedoman untuk dua atau lebih diagnosa memenuhi definisi diagnosis pokok dapat diterapkan.
Tinjau pedoman coding saat sering, terutama topik yang mungkin bermasalah, seperti sebagai kegagalan pernapasan, sepsis, komplikasi pengobatan, koagulopati, dan tanda-tanda / gejala.
Review semua tugas kode dipertanyakan dengan supervisor atau coder lain; kadang-kadang diskusi dengan coder lain adalah cukup untuk memperjelas pertanyaan Anda.
Query yang diperlukan; jelas dan ringkas dan menghindari "terkemuka" dokter untuk diagnosis.
Hati-hati ketika coding diagnosa sekunder dari Sejarah & Fisik. Ingat bahwa definisi "diagnosis lain" untuk tujuan pelaporan adalah kondisi yang mempengaruhi perawatan pasien dalam hal yang memerlukan evaluasi klinis, pengobatan terapi, prosedur diagnostik, panjang diperpanjang tinggal di rumah sakit, atau meningkat perawatan dan / atau pemantauan. Sebuah kondisi yang memenuhi hanya satu elemen dari definisi ini dapat dikodekan; kondisi yang tidak memenuhi definisi ini tidak boleh kode.
Tinjau daftar kode selesai dan DRG tugas; ini hanya membutuhkan jumlah minimal waktu dan dapat mencegah kesalahan DRG.
Pentingnya akurasi dalam coding tidak dapat diremehkan. Sebagai coders di saat lingkungan kesehatan data-driven, harapan yang tinggi dan tantangan banyak. Sekarang adalah waktu untuk menilai kemampuan coding dan menggunakan semua sumber daya yang tersedia untuk meningkatkan mereka untuk memastikan data dikodekan dengan kualitas terbaik.
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