Miraculously, a spot opened on our block and Jake pulled into the spac terjemahan - Miraculously, a spot opened on our block and Jake pulled into the spac Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Miraculously, a spot opened on our

Miraculously, a spot opened on our block and Jake pulled into the space.
“Um…it’s not the safest neighborhood,” I warned him as we got out of the car.
He shrugged. “It’s fine. My car has an alarm and nobody could steal this thing.” He held up the key. “The engine will kill itself if someone doesn’t have the computerized key.”
He walked next to me and without knowing how it happened, his hand was at my back again. Only unlike at the office, this time it felt like an affectionate gesture and not a means to move me along. My body tensed, but Jake did not drop his hand.
Marcus ran ahead of us, eager to show Jake his toys.
“Thank you for agreeing to see his robots. I’m afraid I’m not a very good audience. I love the theory of AI, but I’m not interested in the practical applications. I start spacing out as soon as he talks about the technical aspects.”
“It’s okay. Men are little boys at heart and what boy doesn’t enjoy robots?”
“He got his love of math and science from my dad.”
Jake looked at me inquiringly. “What did your dad do?”
“He taught Physics at the University of Chicago.”
“Was your dad Sebastian Branton?”
I stopped in my tracks and stared at him in amazement. “How did you know?”
“His theory on subatomic particles was brilliant! I wasn’t a science buff, but I took a physics class my last year in my undergraduate studies and his writing was so clear and concise.” His eyes darkened with sympathy. “I’m sorry about your dad. His death was a loss to the whole world.”
His sincerity was unmistakable. “Thanks. Marcus was only five when our dad died, but he adored him. I could see so much of our dad in him though. That’s why the fight today doesn’t make any sense. Marcus is a thinker, not a fighter.” I started walking again.
“He might just be undergoing changes he doesn’t know how to deal with. God knows Troy and I were holy terrors as teens.”
“I hope it’s just a phase.” But my gut told me something triggered this and I didn’t know how to get the truth out of Marcus.
“What did your mom do?” Jake asked.
“She was an art teacher. She loved everything to do with the arts. Marcus and I used to hang out in her ceramics studio when we were kids. One time we were playing tag and broke a sculpture she had been working on for months. My brother and I were terrified because that was how my mom earned extra money, but she just laughed it off and said she never liked it to begin with. She said the piece didn’t ‘speak to her.’” I smiled at the memory. I didn’t mean to share so much about my mom, but the words came tumbling out.
“She sounded wonderful.”
“She was, but to her disappointment, neither Marcus nor I inherited her artistic abilities. I’m lucky if I can draw a straight line,” I admitted ruefully.
“She would be proud of both of you.”
“Thanks.” I smiled at him and stopped in front of a three-story brick building.
Jake’s eyes were assessing and faint lines of tension formed around his mouth.
I supposed from a billionaire’s perspective, this must look like a slum, but the building was safe. I had looked at a lot of other apartments before finding this place. There were twelve units and many of the neighbors had young families. They seemed to look out for each other. It was the best I could do on my small paycheck and I refused to let Jake’s snobbery make me feel bad about our home.
My chin lifted and I marched up the steps. Marcus had left the front door wide open. I climbed up the creaky staircase, with Jake following closely behind.
When we entered the apartment, I was suddenly aware of how cramped it must appear to Jake. He probably lived in a humongous penthouse with views of Lake Michigan. Our apartment had two bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen I could barely turn around in without bumping into something, and a small living room. We had no dining area and normally ate dinner at the counter or sat on the sofa. The walls could use a fresh coat of paint and the appliances were old. At least the furnishings were decent. We salvaged what we could when we moved out of our house in Edison Park.
“Um…why don’t you have a seat? Do you want anything to drink? I have soda, juice and water. I’m sorry I don’t have beer or wine, but I’m not a drinker and of course, Marcus is too young.” I knew I was rambling, but now that he was in my private space, I had an attack of nerves.
“Water is fine.”
Before I could turn away, he grabbed my hand and peered down at me. “Is everything okay with Marcus?”
My fingers tingled from his touch and I fought to not blush under his regard.
“He won’t say anything. The school has suspended him for three days. I’m scared to send him back there if this will happen again. It’s a black eye today, but it could be worse next time.”
Jake narrowed his eyes in thought. “How about moving him to a private school? There’s an academy that’s devoted to math and science in the city.”
I couldn’t contain my exasperation. “Jake, it’s not like I haven’t thought of that, but it’s mid-school year.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Miraculously, a spot opened on our block and Jake pulled into the space.“Um…it’s not the safest neighborhood,” I warned him as we got out of the car.He shrugged. “It’s fine. My car has an alarm and nobody could steal this thing.” He held up the key. “The engine will kill itself if someone doesn’t have the computerized key.”He walked next to me and without knowing how it happened, his hand was at my back again. Only unlike at the office, this time it felt like an affectionate gesture and not a means to move me along. My body tensed, but Jake did not drop his hand.Marcus ran ahead of us, eager to show Jake his toys.“Thank you for agreeing to see his robots. I’m afraid I’m not a very good audience. I love the theory of AI, but I’m not interested in the practical applications. I start spacing out as soon as he talks about the technical aspects.”“It’s okay. Men are little boys at heart and what boy doesn’t enjoy robots?”“He got his love of math and science from my dad.”Jake looked at me inquiringly. “What did your dad do?”“He taught Physics at the University of Chicago.”“Was your dad Sebastian Branton?”I stopped in my tracks and stared at him in amazement. “How did you know?”“His theory on subatomic particles was brilliant! I wasn’t a science buff, but I took a physics class my last year in my undergraduate studies and his writing was so clear and concise.” His eyes darkened with sympathy. “I’m sorry about your dad. His death was a loss to the whole world.”His sincerity was unmistakable. “Thanks. Marcus was only five when our dad died, but he adored him. I could see so much of our dad in him though. That’s why the fight today doesn’t make any sense. Marcus is a thinker, not a fighter.” I started walking again.“He might just be undergoing changes he doesn’t know how to deal with. God knows Troy and I were holy terrors as teens.”“I hope it’s just a phase.” But my gut told me something triggered this and I didn’t know how to get the truth out of Marcus.“What did your mom do?” Jake asked.“She was an art teacher. She loved everything to do with the arts. Marcus and I used to hang out in her ceramics studio when we were kids. One time we were playing tag and broke a sculpture she had been working on for months. My brother and I were terrified because that was how my mom earned extra money, but she just laughed it off and said she never liked it to begin with. She said the piece didn’t ‘speak to her.’” I smiled at the memory. I didn’t mean to share so much about my mom, but the words came tumbling out.“She sounded wonderful.”“She was, but to her disappointment, neither Marcus nor I inherited her artistic abilities. I’m lucky if I can draw a straight line,” I admitted ruefully.“She would be proud of both of you.”“Thanks.” I smiled at him and stopped in front of a three-story brick building.Jake’s eyes were assessing and faint lines of tension formed around his mouth.I supposed from a billionaire’s perspective, this must look like a slum, but the building was safe. I had looked at a lot of other apartments before finding this place. There were twelve units and many of the neighbors had young families. They seemed to look out for each other. It was the best I could do on my small paycheck and I refused to let Jake’s snobbery make me feel bad about our home.My chin lifted and I marched up the steps. Marcus had left the front door wide open. I climbed up the creaky staircase, with Jake following closely behind.When we entered the apartment, I was suddenly aware of how cramped it must appear to Jake. He probably lived in a humongous penthouse with views of Lake Michigan. Our apartment had two bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen I could barely turn around in without bumping into something, and a small living room. We had no dining area and normally ate dinner at the counter or sat on the sofa. The walls could use a fresh coat of paint and the appliances were old. At least the furnishings were decent. We salvaged what we could when we moved out of our house in Edison Park.“Um…why don’t you have a seat? Do you want anything to drink? I have soda, juice and water. I’m sorry I don’t have beer or wine, but I’m not a drinker and of course, Marcus is too young.” I knew I was rambling, but now that he was in my private space, I had an attack of nerves.“Water is fine.”
Before I could turn away, he grabbed my hand and peered down at me. “Is everything okay with Marcus?”
My fingers tingled from his touch and I fought to not blush under his regard.
“He won’t say anything. The school has suspended him for three days. I’m scared to send him back there if this will happen again. It’s a black eye today, but it could be worse next time.”
Jake narrowed his eyes in thought. “How about moving him to a private school? There’s an academy that’s devoted to math and science in the city.”
I couldn’t contain my exasperation. “Jake, it’s not like I haven’t thought of that, but it’s mid-school year.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Ajaibnya, tempat dibuka di blok kami dan Jake ditarik ke ruang.
"Um ... itu bukan lingkungan yang paling aman," aku memperingatkan dia sebagai kami turun dari mobil.
Dia mengangkat bahu. "Tidak apa-apa. Mobil saya memiliki alarm dan tak seorang pun bisa mencuri hal ini. "Dia mengangkat kunci. "Mesinnya akan membunuh dirinya jika seseorang tidak memiliki kunci komputerisasi."
Dia berjalan di samping saya dan tanpa mengetahui bagaimana hal itu terjadi, tangannya di punggungku lagi. Hanya tidak seperti di kantor, kali ini rasanya seperti isyarat kasih sayang, bukan sarana untuk bergerak saya bersama. Tubuhku tegang, tapi Jake tidak menjatuhkan tangannya.
Marcus berlari di depan kami, ingin menunjukkan Jake mainannya.
"Terima kasih atas kesediaan untuk melihat robot-nya. Aku takut aku bukan penonton sangat baik. Saya suka teori AI, tapi aku tidak tertarik pada aplikasi praktis. Aku mulai melamun segera setelah ia berbicara tentang aspek teknis. "
" Tidak apa-apa. Laki-laki anak-anak kecil di hati dan apa yang anak tidak menikmati robot? "
" Dia mendapat cintanya matematika dan sains dari ayah saya. "
Jake menatapku penuh tanya. "Apa yang ayahmu lakukan?"
"Dia mengajar Fisika di Universitas Chicago."
"Apakah ayahmu Sebastian Branton?"
Aku berhenti di trek saya dan menatapnya dengan takjub. "Bagaimana kau tahu?"
"Teorinya pada partikel subatomik brilian! Saya bukan penggemar ilmu pengetahuan, tapi aku mengambil kelas fisika tahun terakhir saya di studi sarjana saya dan tulisannya sangat jelas dan ringkas. "Matanya gelap dengan simpati. "Aku minta maaf tentang ayahmu. Kematiannya merupakan kehilangan ke seluruh dunia. "
Ketulusan nya jelas. "Terima kasih. Marcus hanya lima ketika ayah kami meninggal, tapi dia memujanya. Aku bisa melihat begitu banyak ayah kami dalam dirinya sekalipun. Itu sebabnya pertarungan hari ini tidak masuk akal. Marcus adalah seorang pemikir, bukan seorang pejuang. "Aku mulai berjalan lagi.
" Dia mungkin saja mengalami perubahan dia tidak tahu bagaimana menangani. Tuhan tahu Troy dan saya teror suci sebagai remaja. "
" Saya berharap itu hanya sebuah fase. "Tapi usus saya mengatakan kepada saya sesuatu yang memicu ini dan saya tidak tahu bagaimana untuk mendapatkan kebenaran dari Marcus.
" Apa ibumu lakukan ? "tanya Jake.
" Dia adalah seorang guru seni. Dia mencintai segala sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan seni. Marcus dan saya digunakan untuk nongkrong di studio keramik ketika kami anak-anak. Suatu kali kami bermain tag dan pecah patung dia telah bekerja selama berbulan-bulan. Saya dan adik saya sangat ketakutan karena itu adalah bagaimana ibuku mendapatkan uang ekstra, tapi dia hanya tertawa dan berkata dia tidak pernah menyukainya untuk mulai dengan. Dia mengatakan potongan tidak 'berbicara dengannya. "" Aku tersenyum memori. Aku tidak bermaksud untuk berbagi begitu banyak tentang ibu saya, tapi kata-kata itu berhamburan keluar.
"Dia terdengar indah."
"Dia, tapi untuk kekecewaannya, tidak Marcus maupun aku mewarisi kemampuan artistik. Aku beruntung jika saya bisa menarik garis lurus, "aku mengakui sedih.
" Dia akan bangga kalian berdua. "
" Terima kasih. "Aku tersenyum padanya dan berhenti di depan sebuah bangunan bata berlantai tiga.
Mata Jake yang menilai dan garis samar ketegangan terbentuk di sekitar mulutnya.
aku seharusnya dari perspektif seorang miliarder, ini harus terlihat seperti sebuah perkampungan kumuh, tapi bangunan itu aman. Saya telah melihat banyak apartemen lain sebelum menemukan tempat ini. Ada dua belas unit dan banyak tetangga memiliki keluarga muda. Mereka tampaknya melihat keluar untuk satu sama lain. Itu yang terbaik yang bisa kulakukan pada gaji kecil saya dan saya menolak untuk membiarkan keangkuhan Jake membuat saya merasa buruk tentang rumah kami.
Dagu saya mengangkat dan aku berjalan menaiki tangga. Marcus meninggalkan pintu depan terbuka lebar. Saya naik tangga berderit, dengan Jake mengikuti dekat di belakang.
Ketika kita memasuki apartemen, aku tiba-tiba menyadari betapa sempit itu harus muncul untuk Jake. Dia mungkin tinggal di sebuah penthouse humongous dengan pemandangan Danau Michigan. Apartemen kami memiliki dua kamar tidur, kamar mandi, dapur aku hampir tidak bisa berbalik tanpa menabrak sesuatu, dan ruang kecil. Kami tidak punya ruang makan dan biasanya makan malam di meja atau duduk di sofa. Dinding bisa menggunakan lapisan cat dan peralatan yang lama. Setidaknya perabotan yang layak. Kami menyelamatkan apa yang kita bisa ketika kita pindah dari rumah kami di Edison Park.
"Um ... kenapa kau tidak memiliki kursi? Apakah Anda ingin sesuatu untuk minum? Aku punya soda, jus dan air. Maaf saya tidak minum bir atau anggur, tapi aku bukan seorang peminum dan tentu saja, Marcus terlalu muda. "Aku tahu aku bertele-tele, tapi sekarang bahwa ia berada di ruang pribadi saya, saya memiliki serangan saraf.
"Air adalah baik-baik saja."
Sebelum aku bisa berpaling, ia meraih tanganku dan mengintip ke arahku. "Apakah semuanya baik-baik saja dengan Marcus?"
Jari saya merinding dari sentuhannya dan saya berjuang untuk tidak malu bawah hal itu.
"Dia tidak akan mengatakan apa-apa. Sekolah telah ditangguhkan selama tiga hari. Aku takut untuk mengirim dia kembali ke sana jika ini akan terjadi lagi. Ini mata hitam hari ini, tapi itu bisa lebih buruk kali. "
Jake menyipitkan matanya dalam pikiran. "Bagaimana memindahkan dia ke sekolah swasta? Ada sebuah akademi yang dikhususkan untuk matematika dan sains di kota. "
Saya tidak bisa menahan kesal saya. "Jake, tidak seperti saya belum memikirkan itu, tapi itu pertengahan tahun sekolah.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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