Sol­diers of one crowd of hot axe com­man­der units of armed sol­diers terjemahan - Sol­diers of one crowd of hot axe com­man­der units of armed sol­diers Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Sol­diers of one crowd of hot axe c

Sol­diers of one crowd of hot axe com­man­der units of armed sol­diers raise up the lance in abun­dance, a about 3 me­ters lance end ar­rives on the ground, the spear blade edge of an­other end straight is greet­ing the ad­vance of op­po­site party heavy cav­alry to the front, this group of sol­dier many peo­ple are the re­cruits, looks that at pre­sent the for­mi­da­ble enemy lost the fight mostly the courage, but is the ser­vice­man ac­tu­ally can only con­tinue to fight.
The demon moun­tain is rais­ing the fire god spear, after drinks greatly, is lead­ing the ham­mer of trade union and Xia Huo­jun god of thun­der rid­ing fights the de­part­ment to at­tack for­ward fierce, one group of swords­men are the player very ex­pe­ri­enced to the front, ejected the long sword be­fore close lance, that is the im­pe­r­ial carte and tierce skill, strikes is crooked , the op­pres­sion of the peo­ple to tram­ple after the lance, but the crazy sol­dier also starts the tom­a­hawk to pro­ject the skill to ha­rass lance, only looks like from this de­tail knows that ham­mer of trade union this god of thun­der is not the high­est heaven city first trade union of hav­ing un­earned rep­u­ta­tion, Xia Huo­jun the NPC strength that not only so, the demon moun­tain brings is also very strong, many. The NPC mil­i­tary of­fi­cers are high-or­der im­mor­tal con­tin­u­ous rain step BOSS, when our coun­try war, the high­est heaven city has also had a se­ries of wars with the Lin­hai city date Han play­ers and pe­riph­ery sec­ondary host cities, this Xia Huo­jun is the first reg­i­ment, se­ri­ously after being re­peat­edly tem­pered.
The demon moun­tain will break through long-bar­relled gun with 12 gods rapidly, one group of shield cav­alry sol­diers in the front re­sists the fire of arrow arrow, and drops out sev­eral thou­sand corpses under bomb­ing of hot axe Jun Long Jing ar­tillery, fi­nally ar­rived in the heavy ar­tillery camp re­gion, the demon moun­tain has waved, dis­tant was drink­ing any­thing greatly, we could not hear, but ac­tu­ally saw that they were killing the hot axe sergeant sol­dier in heavy ar­tillery camp.
„It is not won­der­ful!” Li Mut­ian has licked the lip, said: „demon moun­tain this is must cap­ture the Long Jing ar­tillery of hot axe armed forces heavy ar­tillery camp ev­i­dently!”
I nod, has drawn out the mag­i­cal in­stru­ment but­ter­fly slowly, said with a smile: „The op­por­tu­nity that we dis­play ar­rived, the prepa­ra­tion, with me on, cov­ers to­gether kills the flank of ham­mer of trade union god of thun­der, shat­ters them at one fell swoop!”
Say­ing, I look coldly to Chi Yu Han of dis­tant place with the South Ko­rean deep pool, said loudly: „Chi Yu Han leads crag dragon cav­alry coldly from the East­ern im­pact, Han Yuan leads the scale to cover to the south cir­cuitously kills!”
„Yes, Gen­eral!”
This time I have brought the 1 W fa­mous crag dragon cav­alry and 2 W fa­mous palace guard cav­alry, for fights a bat­tle to force a quick de­ci­sion, does not cre­ate the army that the too big dam­age kills the demon moun­tain, what is more im­por­tant was [Zhan Long] comes to sur­pass the 7 W per­son, al­most sharp left to­gether, we had this to de­feat the match self-con­fi­dently, many peo­ple did not need again.
One flock of pro­ces­sions of lanterns of [Zhan Long] main pledge ride, the iron blade edge to ride such di­rectly im­pact the north­ern po­si­tion of ham­mer of trade union god of thun­der with me, they have also pre­pared, [Zhan Long] sev­eral thou­sand peo­ple of dis­tant wait­ing and see­ing, they know that we will at­tack, one group of dense and nu­mer­ous shield cav­alry sol­diers have kept off in the frontal line, the rear area is the archer and Mage team, in ad­di­tion had the dense and nu­mer­ous hot crag ar­tillery to aim at us.
„Breaks through the enemy lines at one fell swoop, does not want pro­tracted war.”
My Jian­feng raises, shouted to clear the way lowly: „All peo­ple, ap­proach the l
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Sol­diers of one crowd of hot axe com­man­der units of armed sol­diers raise up the lance in abun­dance, a about 3 me­ters lance end ar­rives on the ground, the spear blade edge of an­other end straight is greet­ing the ad­vance of op­po­site party heavy cav­alry to the front, this group of sol­dier many peo­ple are the re­cruits, looks that at pre­sent the for­mi­da­ble enemy lost the fight mostly the courage, but is the ser­vice­man ac­tu­ally can only con­tinue to fight.„On!”The demon moun­tain is rais­ing the fire god spear, after drinks greatly, is lead­ing the ham­mer of trade union and Xia Huo­jun god of thun­der rid­ing fights the de­part­ment to at­tack for­ward fierce, one group of swords­men are the player very ex­pe­ri­enced to the front, ejected the long sword be­fore close lance, that is the im­pe­r­ial carte and tierce skill, strikes is crooked , the op­pres­sion of the peo­ple to tram­ple after the lance, but the crazy sol­dier also starts the tom­a­hawk to pro­ject the skill to ha­rass lance, only looks like from this de­tail knows that ham­mer of trade union this god of thun­der is not the high­est heaven city first trade union of hav­ing un­earned rep­u­ta­tion, Xia Huo­jun the NPC strength that not only so, the demon moun­tain brings is also very strong, many. The NPC mil­i­tary of­fi­cers are high-or­der im­mor­tal con­tin­u­ous rain step BOSS, when our coun­try war, the high­est heaven city has also had a se­ries of wars with the Lin­hai city date Han play­ers and pe­riph­ery sec­ondary host cities, this Xia Huo­jun is the first reg­i­ment, se­ri­ously after being re­peat­edly tem­pered.The demon moun­tain will break through long-bar­relled gun with 12 gods rapidly, one group of shield cav­alry sol­diers in the front re­sists the fire of arrow arrow, and drops out sev­eral thou­sand corpses under bomb­ing of hot axe Jun Long Jing ar­tillery, fi­nally ar­rived in the heavy ar­tillery camp re­gion, the demon moun­tain has waved, dis­tant was drink­ing any­thing greatly, we could not hear, but ac­tu­ally saw that they were killing the hot axe sergeant sol­dier in heavy ar­tillery camp.„It is not won­der­ful!” Li Mut­ian has licked the lip, said: „demon moun­tain this is must cap­ture the Long Jing ar­tillery of hot axe armed forces heavy ar­tillery camp ev­i­dently!”I nod, has drawn out the mag­i­cal in­stru­ment but­ter­fly slowly, said with a smile: „The op­por­tu­nity that we dis­play ar­rived, the prepa­ra­tion, with me on, cov­ers to­gether kills the flank of ham­mer of trade union god of thun­der, shat­ters them at one fell swoop!”Say­ing, I look coldly to Chi Yu Han of dis­tant place with the South Ko­rean deep pool, said loudly: „Chi Yu Han leads crag dragon cav­alry coldly from the East­ern im­pact, Han Yuan leads the scale to cover to the south cir­cuitously kills!”„Yes, Gen­eral!”This time I have brought the 1 W fa­mous crag dragon cav­alry and 2 W fa­mous palace guard cav­alry, for fights a bat­tle to force a quick de­ci­sion, does not cre­ate the army that the too big dam­age kills the demon moun­tain, what is more im­por­tant was [Zhan Long] comes to sur­pass the 7 W per­son, al­most sharp left to­gether, we had this to de­feat the match self-con­fi­dently, many peo­ple did not need again.One flock of pro­ces­sions of lanterns of [Zhan Long] main pledge ride, the iron blade edge to ride such di­rectly im­pact the north­ern po­si­tion of ham­mer of trade union god of thun­der with me, they have also pre­pared, [Zhan Long] sev­eral thou­sand peo­ple of dis­tant wait­ing and see­ing, they know that we will at­tack, one group of dense and nu­mer­ous shield cav­alry sol­diers have kept off in the frontal line, the rear area is the archer and Mage team, in ad­di­tion had the dense and nu­mer­ous hot crag ar­tillery to aim at us.„Breaks through the enemy lines at one fell swoop, does not want pro­tracted war.”My Jian­feng raises, shouted to clear the way lowly: „All peo­ple, ap­proach the l
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Prajurit satu kerumunan unit komandan kapak panas tentara bersenjata membangkitkan tombak dalam kelimpahan, sekitar 3 meter tombak akhir tiba di tanah, tepi tombak pisau dari ujung lurus lain salam kemajuan pihak lawan kavaleri berat ke depan , kelompok ini tentara banyak orang yang direkrut, terlihat bahwa saat ini musuh tangguh kehilangan pertarungan sebagian besar keberanian, tetapi reparasi benar-benar hanya bisa terus berjuang.
Roh jahat gunung adalah meningkatkan api dewa tombak, setelah minuman sangat, memimpin palu dari serikat buruh dan Xia Huojun dewa guntur berkuda perkelahian departemen untuk menyerang ke depan sengit, satu kelompok pedang adalah pemain yang sangat berpengalaman ke depan, dikeluarkan pedang panjang sebelum tombak dekat, yaitu carte kekaisaran dan keterampilan Tierce, pemogokan bengkok, penindasan rakyat untuk menginjak-injak setelah tombak, tetapi tentara gila juga mulai tomahawk untuk proyek keterampilan untuk melecehkan tombak, hanya terlihat seperti dari detil ini tahu bahwa palu dari serikat pekerja ini dewa guntur bukan yang tertinggi kota surga serikat buruh pertama memiliki reputasi yang ditangguhkan, Xia Huojun kekuatan NPC yang tidak hanya begitu, gunung setan membawa juga sangat kuat, banyak. Para perwira militer NPC adalah high-order abadi terus menerus hujan langkah BOSS, ketika perang negara kita, kota surga tertinggi juga memiliki serangkaian perang dengan tanggal kota Linhai pemain Han dan pinggiran kota tuan rumah sekunder, Xia Huojun ini adalah resimen pertama , serius setelah berulang kali marah.
para setan gunung akan menerobos gun laras panjang dengan 12 dewa cepat, satu kelompok tentara perisai kavaleri di depan menolak api panah panah, dan tetes keluar beberapa ribu mayat di bawah pemboman kapak panas Juni Long Jing artileri, akhirnya tiba di wilayah kamp artileri berat, gunung setan telah melambai, jauh minum apa pun sangat, kami tidak bisa mendengar, tapi benar-benar melihat bahwa mereka membunuh panas tentara kapak sersan di kamp artileri berat.
"ini adalah ! tidak indah "Li Mutian telah menjilat bibir, mengatakan:"! setan gunung ini adalah harus menangkap Long Jing artileri angkatan bersenjata kapak panas kamp artileri berat jelas "
aku mengangguk, telah ditarik keluar instrumen kupu-kupu magis perlahan, mengatakan dengan senyum: "kesempatan yang kami tampilkan tiba, persiapan, dengan saya di, meliputi bersama-sama membunuh sisi palu dewa serikat buruh guntur, menghancurkan mereka pada satu gerakan!"
Mengatakan, saya melihat dingin ke Chi Yu Han dari jauh tempat dengan kolam renang dalam Korea Selatan, berkata keras: "Chi Yu Han mengarah tebing naga kavaleri dingin dari dampak Timur, Han Yuan mengarah skala untuk menutupi ke selatan circuitously membunuh!"
"Ya, General"!
kali ini saya telah membawa 1 W terkenal karang naga kavaleri dan 2 W terkenal pengawal istana kavaleri, untuk perkelahian pertempuran untuk memaksa keputusan cepat, tidak menciptakan tentara bahwa kerusakan terlalu besar membunuh gunung setan, apa yang lebih penting adalah [Zhan panjang] datang mengungguli 7 W orang, hampir tajam kiri bersama-sama, kami punya ini untuk mengalahkan pertandingan penuh percaya diri, banyak orang tidak perlu lagi.
Salah satu kawanan prosesi lentera dari [Zhan panjang] naik janji utama, pisau besi tepi untuk menunggang tersebut secara langsung berdampak pada posisi utara palu dewa serikat pekerja guntur dengan saya, mereka juga telah menyiapkan, [Zhan panjang] beberapa ribu orang menunggu jauh dan melihat, mereka tahu bahwa kami akan menyerang, satu kelompok perisai padat dan banyak tentara kavaleri telah disimpan off di garis frontal, daerah belakang adalah pemanah dan tim Mage, selain memiliki padat dan banyak karang panas artileri untuk tujuan kami.
"Breaks melalui garis musuh di satu gerakan, tidak ingin berlarut-larut . perang "
saya Jianfeng menimbulkan, berteriak untuk membersihkan jalan rendah:" Semua orang, mendekati l
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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