2. Intellectual capitalThere are many corporate valuation methods. Nev terjemahan - 2. Intellectual capitalThere are many corporate valuation methods. Nev Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

2. Intellectual capitalThere are ma

2. Intellectual capital
There are many corporate valuation methods. Nevertheless, studies find contradictory results, and the corporate finance community is not even close to a universal methodology of company valuation. Different methods have different advantages in different situations, and some capture important aspects of valuing a business, which are not recognized by others. Traditional company valuation methods pay more attention to either historical figures (based on the balance sheet, income or cash flow statement) or inexact forecasting [for example, free cash flow and weighted average cost of capital (WACC) for subsequent periods]. These methods are mostly taking into consideration the physical assets of the company, while in the knowledge-based economy more emphasis is put on employees and intellectual capital. Therefore, afore mentioned corporate valuation methods are not suitable in today’s world.
In a knowledge-based economy, one must take into consideration not only the traditional ways to measure the company value, but it is necessary to recognize intellectual capital as well. Traditional measures of a company’s performance, which are based on conventional accounting principles, may be unsuitable in the knowledge–based economy which is driven by intellectual capital (Gan & Saleh, 2008). Although intellectual capital and knowledge assets are difficult to discern and quantify, their results will nonetheless be reflected in the company’s greater productivity, efficiency, and overall profitability. The limitations of financial statements in explaining company value underline the fact that the source of economic value is no longer the production of material goods, but the creation of intellectual capital (Chen, Cheng & Yuchang, 2005).
Intellectual capital is intangible and cannot be accurately measured. For example, Frykman & Tolleryd (2010) define intellectual capital as all non-financial assets of a company that are not reflected in the balance sheet. Yet Tawy & Tollington (2012) have observed that there is no universal definition for intellectual capital and the cause and effect relationship between intellectual capital and value creation is, at best, indirect.
Bayburina & Golovko (2009) emphasized that intellectual capital is the “intangible safety - cushion”, which can be used only by companies who have created it years before. Therefore it is necessary to focus on sustainable development. The panel data analysis of before mentioned study revealed that the human capital can be considered the key factor of the long-term growth of BRIC companies. Brown et al. (2005) emphasize that intellectual capital has ascertainable monetary value, provides a company with a competitive edge, and enables it to differentiate itself from tis competitors.
Value Added Intellectual Coefficient (VAICTM) is a method developed by Pulic (2000), which monitors and measures the value creation efficiency in the company according to accounting based figures. The VAICTM model is intended to measure the extent to which a company produces added value based on intellectual (capital) efficiency or intellectual resources (Stahle, Stahle & Aho, 2011):
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
2. modal intelektualAda banyak metode penilaian perusahaan. Namun demikian, studi menemukan hasil yang bertentangan, dan masyarakat keuangan perusahaan tidak bahkan dekat dengan metodologi universal dari penilaian perusahaan. Metode yang berbeda memiliki kelebihan yang berbeda dalam situasi yang berbeda, dan beberapa menangkap aspek penting untuk menilai bisnis, yang tidak diakui oleh orang lain. Metode penilaian tradisional perusahaan membayar lebih memperhatikan tokoh sejarah (berdasarkan pada pernyataan neraca, pendapatan atau arus kas) atau tidak tepat peramalan [misalnya, arus kas bebas dan biaya rata-rata tertimbang dari modal (WACC) untuk periode berikutnya]. Metode ini sebagian besar mengambil menjadi pertimbangan aset fisik perusahaan, sementara dalam ekonomi berbasis pengetahuan lebih banyak penekanan pada karyawan dan modal intelektual. Oleh karena itu, sungai tersebut perusahaan metode penilaian tidak cocok dalam dunia sekarang ini.Dalam ekonomi berbasis pengetahuan, salah satu harus mempertimbangkan tidak hanya cara-cara tradisional untuk mengukur nilai perusahaan, tetapi perlu untuk mengenali modal intelektual juga. Langkah-langkah tradisional kinerja perusahaan, yang didasarkan pada prinsip-prinsip akuntansi yang konvensional, mungkin tidak cocok dalam pengetahuan-berbasis perekonomian yang digerakkan oleh modal intelektual (Gan & Saleh, 2008). Meskipun aset modal dan pengetahuan intelektual sulit untuk membedakan dan mengukur, hasil mereka akan tetap tercermin dalam produktivitas yang lebih besar, efisiensi dan profitabilitas keseluruhan perusahaan. Keterbatasan laporan keuangan dalam menjelaskan nilai perusahaan menggarisbawahi fakta bahwa sumber nilai ekonomi adalah tidak lagi produksi barang-barang material, tetapi pembentukan modal intelektual (Chen, Cheng & Yuchang, 2005).Modal intelektual tidak berwujud dan tidak dapat diukur secara akurat. Sebagai contoh, Frykman & Tolleryd (2010) mendefinisikan modal intelektual sebagai semua aset non-finansial perusahaan yang tidak tercermin dalam neraca. Namun Tawy & Tollington (2012) telah mengamati bahwa ada tidak ada definisi yang universal untuk modal intelektual dan penyebab dan efek hubungan antara penciptaan nilai dan modal intelektual, di terbaik, tidak langsung.Bayburina & Golovko (2009) menekankan bahwa modal intelektual adalah "tidak berwujud safety - bantal", yang dapat digunakan hanya oleh perusahaan yang telah menciptakannya tahun sebelumnya. Oleh karena itu sangatlah perlu untuk fokus pada pembangunan berkelanjutan. Analisis data panel dari sebelum disebutkan studi mengungkapkan bahwa sumber daya manusia yang dapat dianggap sebagai faktor kunci pertumbuhan jangka panjang perusahaan BRIC. Brown et al. (2005) menekankan bahwa modal intelektual memiliki nilai moneter yang ditentukan, memberikan perusahaan keunggulan kompetitif, dan memungkinkan untuk membedakan dirinya dari tis pesaing.Nilai tambah intelektual koefisien (VAICTM) adalah sebuah metode yang dikembangkan oleh Pulic (2000), yang memonitor dan mengukur efisiensi penciptaan nilai di perusahaan menurut angka akuntansi berbasis. Model VAICTM yang dimaksudkan untuk mengukur sejauh mana perusahaan yang menghasilkan nilai tambah berdasarkan intelektual efisiensi (modal) atau sumber daya intelektual (Stahle, Stahle & Aho, 2011):
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
2. Intellectual capital
There are many corporate valuation methods. Nevertheless, studies find contradictory results, and the corporate finance community is not even close to a universal methodology of company valuation. Different methods have different advantages in different situations, and some capture important aspects of valuing a business, which are not recognized by others. Traditional company valuation methods pay more attention to either historical figures (based on the balance sheet, income or cash flow statement) or inexact forecasting [for example, free cash flow and weighted average cost of capital (WACC) for subsequent periods]. These methods are mostly taking into consideration the physical assets of the company, while in the knowledge-based economy more emphasis is put on employees and intellectual capital. Therefore, afore mentioned corporate valuation methods are not suitable in today’s world.
In a knowledge-based economy, one must take into consideration not only the traditional ways to measure the company value, but it is necessary to recognize intellectual capital as well. Traditional measures of a company’s performance, which are based on conventional accounting principles, may be unsuitable in the knowledge–based economy which is driven by intellectual capital (Gan & Saleh, 2008). Although intellectual capital and knowledge assets are difficult to discern and quantify, their results will nonetheless be reflected in the company’s greater productivity, efficiency, and overall profitability. The limitations of financial statements in explaining company value underline the fact that the source of economic value is no longer the production of material goods, but the creation of intellectual capital (Chen, Cheng & Yuchang, 2005).
Intellectual capital is intangible and cannot be accurately measured. For example, Frykman & Tolleryd (2010) define intellectual capital as all non-financial assets of a company that are not reflected in the balance sheet. Yet Tawy & Tollington (2012) have observed that there is no universal definition for intellectual capital and the cause and effect relationship between intellectual capital and value creation is, at best, indirect.
Bayburina & Golovko (2009) emphasized that intellectual capital is the “intangible safety - cushion”, which can be used only by companies who have created it years before. Therefore it is necessary to focus on sustainable development. The panel data analysis of before mentioned study revealed that the human capital can be considered the key factor of the long-term growth of BRIC companies. Brown et al. (2005) emphasize that intellectual capital has ascertainable monetary value, provides a company with a competitive edge, and enables it to differentiate itself from tis competitors.
Value Added Intellectual Coefficient (VAICTM) is a method developed by Pulic (2000), which monitors and measures the value creation efficiency in the company according to accounting based figures. The VAICTM model is intended to measure the extent to which a company produces added value based on intellectual (capital) efficiency or intellectual resources (Stahle, Stahle & Aho, 2011):
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