„Archer, col­lec­tion fire!”Be­hind be­hind har­bor slab, player in on terjemahan - „Archer, col­lec­tion fire!”Be­hind be­hind har­bor slab, player in on Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„Archer, col­lec­tion fire!”Be­hind

„Archer, col­lec­tion fire!”
Be­hind be­hind har­bor slab, player in one crowd of Japan­ese war zones gath­ers one group, the law stick and long bow of Qi Qi Mage and archer is point­ing to me, who even they have not seen me are, only saw a head har­ness the red dragon flour of golden bril­liance is drop­ping from the clouds, wreak­ing havoc emits the roar­ing flame dragon rest to sweep away the earth.
Arrow ar­rows spat­ter in all di­rec­tions on the pro­tect­ing shield of rasp­berry body week, is also min­i­mal to the dam­age that I cause, even only then the in­juries of three fig­ures, on the one hand is be­cause de­fen­sive power of my one set of over­lord cov­er­all was high enough, on the other hand is the rasp­berry dragon aegis Ar­mour skill started, the in­vis­i­ble shield air/Qi can sig­nif­i­cantly pro­mote the main body the de­fen­sive power and re­sis­tance.
„On, is this dragon knight!”
In nearby shrub­bery, the rid­ing wars about 40 + Japan­ese war zones were the player flushed, I looked clearly, this group of peo­ple were fight the per­son of war ca­su­alty trade union, Level in 190-205 lev­els, was the Japan­ese war zone place be­fore the player, dis­tant started the im­pe­r­ial carte and tierce and sword air/Qi day­break and other long-dis­tance at­tack bom­bard­ment rasp­berry ab­domens, si­mul­ta­ne­ously jumped, on the sword blade edge was pad­dling the golden six glow stars, was the dou­ble hit skill!
I laugh in spite of try­ing not, di­rectly skill Long Qi who starts rasp­berry re­volves, formed in­stan­ta­neously has just liked the red stars huge cy­clone, these close com­bats were the player want to bump into me to with­stand the per­sis­tent in­jury that Long Qi re­volved, in the mean­time, rasp­berry roared, be­fore rais­ing sud­denly the claw, di­rect ves­tige of the past crack emp­tied to go, has caused the dam­age to three play­ers
Hits rem­nant one, the sec­ond kills two, this red dragon flour claw struck the skill af­fir­ma­tion to su­per­im­pose my strik­ing power, oth­er­wise too ex­ag­ger­ated!
In­sti­gates rasp­berry to con­tinue to­ward the for­ward flight, I am above the dragon back to start the sword fierce storm, be­cause rides the dragon ef­fect, the range of sword fierce storm was at least pro­moted 50%, stran­gled to death one group of peo­ple in­stan­ta­neously, the long sword has raised, Big Dip­per bro­ken Yue Zhan­hong of ultra long dis­tance, Big Dip­per bro­ken Yue Zhan had 40 yards strik­ing dis­tance, but after rid­ing the dragon, un­ex­pect­edly at least 70 yards scopes, im­me­di­ately one group of archers and Mage ex­uded the mis­er­able howl­ing sound to drop down.
Lin Wan Er rode the sil­ver dragon also to rush, a Lit­tle Bai dragon rest made one crowd try to hide the as­sas­sin in shrub­bery not to hide, was spurted the rem­nant blood, just about to flees, the sil­ver bright moon mark fell on the shrub­bery cen­ter to­gether, Lin Wan Er raises the arm to start the bright moon storm, stran­gled to death dozens rem­nant blood as­sas­sins di­rectly.
Be­hind, the war­ship has reached a dead­lock on the beach one after an­other, play­ers can only the tour in the water come, the [Hero’s Mound] hun­dred deep pools do not ride the limit in this as­pect, this crowd of hun­dred deep pools under lead­er­ship of Q Sword rode al­ready trod the wave to come, first Cooldown reen­forced, raised the sharp knife blade to enter in the shore resid­ual Japan player crowd, met no re­sis­tance.
In the top of the head dragon howl is in­ter­mit­tent, al­to­gether 31 dragon knights from Dragon’s den starts to wreak havoc, Long Qiang, Long Jian times will mump seal on the earth, kills the player and NPC who army the coast de­ploys troops for de­fense is panic-stricken to run away.
On all fronts de­barka­tion, after again shortly af­ter­ward, the ma­jor­ity of palace guard and [Zhan Long] player has stood above the flat land com­pletely, be­fore us is the lengt
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„Archer, col­lec­tion fire!”Be­hind be­hind har­bor slab, player in one crowd of Japan­ese war zones gath­ers one group, the law stick and long bow of Qi Qi Mage and archer is point­ing to me, who even they have not seen me are, only saw a head har­ness the red dragon flour of golden bril­liance is drop­ping from the clouds, wreak­ing havoc emits the roar­ing flame dragon rest to sweep away the earth.„Brushes”Arrow ar­rows spat­ter in all di­rec­tions on the pro­tect­ing shield of rasp­berry body week, is also min­i­mal to the dam­age that I cause, even only then the in­juries of three fig­ures, on the one hand is be­cause de­fen­sive power of my one set of over­lord cov­er­all was high enough, on the other hand is the rasp­berry dragon aegis Ar­mour skill started, the in­vis­i­ble shield air/Qi can sig­nif­i­cantly pro­mote the main body the de­fen­sive power and re­sis­tance.„On, is this dragon knight!”In nearby shrub­bery, the rid­ing wars about 40 + Japan­ese war zones were the player flushed, I looked clearly, this group of peo­ple were fight the per­son of war ca­su­alty trade union, Level in 190-205 lev­els, was the Japan­ese war zone place be­fore the player, dis­tant started the im­pe­r­ial carte and tierce and sword air/Qi day­break and other long-dis­tance at­tack bom­bard­ment rasp­berry ab­domens, si­mul­ta­ne­ously jumped, on the sword blade edge was pad­dling the golden six glow stars, was the dou­ble hit skill!I laugh in spite of try­ing not, di­rectly skill Long Qi who starts rasp­berry re­volves, formed in­stan­ta­neously has just liked the red stars huge cy­clone, these close com­bats were the player want to bump into me to with­stand the per­sis­tent in­jury that Long Qi re­volved, in the mean­time, rasp­berry roared, be­fore rais­ing sud­denly the claw, di­rect ves­tige of the past crack emp­tied to go, has caused the dam­age to three play­ers„242727!”„211264!”„281723!”Hits rem­nant one, the sec­ond kills two, this red dragon flour claw struck the skill af­fir­ma­tion to su­per­im­pose my strik­ing power, oth­er­wise too ex­ag­ger­ated!In­sti­gates rasp­berry to con­tinue to­ward the for­ward flight, I am above the dragon back to start the sword fierce storm, be­cause rides the dragon ef­fect, the range of sword fierce storm was at least pro­moted 50%, stran­gled to death one group of peo­ple in­stan­ta­neously, the long sword has raised, Big Dip­per bro­ken Yue Zhan­hong of ultra long dis­tance, Big Dip­per bro­ken Yue Zhan had 40 yards strik­ing dis­tance, but after rid­ing the dragon, un­ex­pect­edly at least 70 yards scopes, im­me­di­ately one group of archers and Mage ex­uded the mis­er­able howl­ing sound to drop down.Lin Wan Er rode the sil­ver dragon also to rush, a Lit­tle Bai dragon rest made one crowd try to hide the as­sas­sin in shrub­bery not to hide, was spurted the rem­nant blood, just about to flees, the sil­ver bright moon mark fell on the shrub­bery cen­ter to­gether, Lin Wan Er raises the arm to start the bright moon storm, stran­gled to death dozens rem­nant blood as­sas­sins di­rectly.Be­hind, the war­ship has reached a dead­lock on the beach one after an­other, play­ers can only the tour in the water come, the [Hero’s Mound] hun­dred deep pools do not ride the limit in this as­pect, this crowd of hun­dred deep pools under lead­er­ship of Q Sword rode al­ready trod the wave to come, first Cooldown reen­forced, raised the sharp knife blade to enter in the shore resid­ual Japan player crowd, met no re­sis­tance.In the top of the head dragon howl is in­ter­mit­tent, al­to­gether 31 dragon knights from Dragon’s den starts to wreak havoc, Long Qiang, Long Jian times will mump seal on the earth, kills the player and NPC who army the coast de­ploys troops for de­fense is panic-stricken to run away.On all fronts de­barka­tion, after again shortly af­ter­ward, the ma­jor­ity of palace guard and [Zhan Long] player has stood above the flat land com­pletely, be­fore us is the lengt
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Archer, koleksi api!"
Di belakang belakang pelabuhan slab, pemain dalam satu kerumunan zona perang Jepang mengumpulkan satu kelompok, tongkat hukum dan busur panjang Qi Qi Mage dan pemanah menunjuk ke saya, yang bahkan mereka tidak melihat saya adalah, hanya melihat kepala memanfaatkan tepung naga merah kecemerlangan emas menurun dari awan, mendatangkan malapetaka memancarkan sisa api naga menderu untuk menyapu bumi.
panah panah hujan rintik-rintik di semua arah pada perisai melindungi minggu raspberry tubuh, juga minimal untuk kerusakan yang saya menyebabkan, bahkan hanya maka luka tiga angka, di satu sisi karena kekuatan defensif dari saya satu set coverall tuan cukup tinggi, di sisi lain adalah raspberry naga skill naungan Armour mulai , udara perisai tak terlihat / Qi secara signifikan dapat mempromosikan tubuh utama kekuatan pertahanan dan perlawanan.
"pada, adalah dragon knight ini!"
Di dekatnya semak-semak, perang berkuda sekitar 40 + zona perang Jepang pemain memerah, aku melihat dengan jelas, kelompok orang yang melawan orang perang korban serikat buruh, tingkat di 190-205 tingkat, adalah tempat zona perang Jepang sebelum pemain, jauh mulai carte kekaisaran dan Tierce dan pedang udara / Qi fajar dan serangan jarak jauh lainnya perut pemboman raspberry, secara bersamaan melompat, di tepi pedang pisau itu mendayung emas enam bintang cahaya, adalah keterampilan hit ganda!
aku tertawa meskipun berusaha tidak, langsung keterampilan panjang Qi yang dimulai raspberry berputar, membentuk instan baru saja menyukai merah dibintangi siklon besar, ini pertempuran dekat adalah pemain ingin bertemu saya untuk menahan cedera yang terus-menerus yang panjang Qi berputar, sementara itu, raspberry meraung, sebelum menaikkan tiba-tiba cakar, sisa langsung dari celah masa lalu dikosongkan untuk pergi, telah menyebabkan kerusakan tiga pemain
Hits salah satu sisa, kedua membunuh dua, naga merah tepung cakar melanda penegasan keterampilan untuk menempatkan di listrik mencolok saya, sebaliknya terlalu berlebihan!
Instigates raspberry terus menuju maju penerbangan, saya atas naga kembali untuk memulai badai ganas pedang, karena wahana efek naga, kisaran badai ganas pedang setidaknya dipromosikan 50%, dicekik sampai mati satu kelompok orang seketika, pedang panjang telah mengangkat , Big Dipper rusak Yue Zhanhong jarak ultra-panjang, Big Dipper rusak Yue Zhan memiliki 40 yard mencolok jarak, tapi setelah naik naga, tiba-tiba setidaknya 70 yard scopes, segera satu kelompok pemanah dan Mage memancarkan suara melolong menyedihkan untuk drop-down .
Lin Wan Er naik naga perak juga terburu-buru, naga sisa sedikit Bai membuat satu orang mencoba untuk menyembunyikan pembunuh dalam semak-semak tidak menyembunyikan, itu menyembur darah sisa, hanya akan melarikan diri, perak terang tanda bulan jatuh pada pusat semak-semak bersama-sama, Lin Wan Er menimbulkan lengan untuk memulai badai bulan terang, dicekik sampai puluhan kematian pembunuh darah sisa langsung.
di belakang, kapal perang telah mencapai kebuntuan di pantai satu demi satu, pemain bisa hanya tur di dalam air datang , yang [Hero Mound] ratus kolam yang dalam tidak naik batas dalam aspek ini, kerumunan ini seratus kolam dalam di bawah kepemimpinan Q Sword naik sudah menginjak gelombang datang, Cooldown pertama mempererat, mengangkat pisau tajam untuk masuk dalam menopang sisa Jepang pemain kerumunan, bertemu ada perlawanan.
di atas deru kepala naga berselang, sama sekali 31 ksatria naga dari den dragon mulai melampiaskan malapetaka, Long Qiang, Long Jian kali akan mengemis-ngemis segel di bumi, membunuh pemain dan NPC yang tentara pantai menyebarkan pasukan untuk pertahanan panik lari.
Di semua lini debarkasi, setelah lagi tak lama kemudian, mayoritas pengawal istana dan [Zhan panjang] pemain telah berdiri di atas tanah datar sepenuhnya, sebelum kita adalah lengt
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