After bloody battle one hour, advance skeleton soldier already consumed was similar, the [Zhan Long], [Legend], [Hero’s Mound], Prague and other trade union of position front full everywhere is the corpses of monster, many players started the battlefield cleanup, the thing that 4 levels of high-order different evil spirits can blow out is too not high, but the luck good also to have the extremely low probability to blow out the Divine Tier rank extremely lowly equipment, naturally, this probability is 1/100000 or is possibly lower, after all ghost nian has the serial number, ghost altogether 10,000 of entire server, on were also rarer as for the inferior magical instrument and epic poem magical instrument, Divine Tier approximately already. Is to strong equipment that the low-and-middle player can bribe, therefore, this monster can blow out top equipment unexpectedly, this makes many people very excited, an opportunity can by oneself become master who has Divine Tier equipment, this also becomes one of enticement attracts everybody to struggle hard.
In the main battlefield, crazy Lei Jun Zuo Chongyou suddenly, after dropping out a near 2 W corpse has repelled the advance skeleton soldier's attack finally, on Luis's white battle dress full is the blood, actually complexion fierce laughing: „Brothers, this group of bone soldiers are also one group of idiots, Ha Ha, we should take to make soup really to feed the dog this pile of bones, clashes to me, captures their transportation warships!”
One group of crazy Lei Jun's long-barrelled gun soldier fired into abundance shipped the transportation warship of advance armed forces, on the field emplacements on these warships fought the artillery to be captured, was the pure transport ship.
„General?” The South Korean deep pool raises the bloodstained long blade to stand in me behind, said: „In the position front of our palace guard more than 40 different evil spirits warships, our we whether captures these warships?”
I narrow the eyes to see the distant place, said: „Since the different demon army dares to drive the shore the warship, certainly the laissez faire we will not capture these warships, since Luo Ding is advance of old codger, that will not be a fool.”
„That” Han Yuan looked at the past, said: „Our on general Luis was the full fool!”
I nod: „Um.”
Was saying, in the sea level dense fog of distant place presented a big piece of battleship again, and in the decks of these battleships is erecting a flame great artillery of all trades, is similar to our hot crag artillery is the same, the next quarter, the bombing sound links up into a single stretch, immediately the transport ship of seacoast edge „bang bang bang” the explosion a piece, the flame soars to the heavens, illuminates this night just likes the daytime, but to be exploded the smashing that Luis dispatched several thousand long unit of armed soldiers soldiers who went on board to be no exception completely, he truly was an idiot.
„Does day kill?!” Crazy Lei Jun's long unit of armed soldiers Yorozuo long Ying Tuan controls to grasp the armored hand, in the eye the tears is revolving, looks at the flaming combustion in the transport ship of seashore, the sound shivers saying: „These these damn different evil spirits, bombing their warship, my my pitiful several thousand brothers such did not have unexpectedly command, we”
Luis is the complexion is also pale, raises fully is being the long sword of blood, said: „General Xu, should not be sad, these deceitful different evil spirits will certainly obtain the retribution , to continue to fight, takes revenge for the brothers who we died!”
Yorozuo long clenches jaws saying: „General, our 70,000 crazy Lei Jun at least died in battle 20,000, but can
Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Setelah pertempuran berdarah satu jam, muka kerangka tentara telah dikonsumsi adalah serupa, [panjang Zhan], [legenda], [pahlawan gundukan], Praha dan lain buruh posisi depan penuh di mana-mana adalah mayat-mayat monster, banyak pemain mulai pembersihan medan perang, hal yang 4 tingkat tinggi urutan berbeda Roh-roh jahat dapat meniup terlalu tidak tinggi, tapi keberuntungan baik juga untuk memiliki probabilitas sangat rendah untuk meniup tingkat ilahi peringkat sangat rendah peralatan , tentu saja, ini kemungkinan 1 100000 atau mungkin lebih rendah, setelah semua hantu nian memiliki nomor seri, hantu sama sekali 10.000 seluruh server, adalah juga jarang instrumen magis yang rendah dan syair epik magis instrumen, ilahi Tier sekitar sudah. Adalah alat yang kuat bahwa pemain rendah dan menengah bisa menyuap, oleh karena itu, rakasa ini dapat meniup atas peralatan tiba-tiba, hal ini membuat banyak orang sangat bersemangat, kesempatan dapat oleh diri sendiri yang menjadi tuan yang memiliki peralatan Tier ilahi, ini juga menjadi salah satu godaan menarik semua orang berjuang keras untuk.Di medan perang utama, gila Lei Jun Zuo Chongyou tiba-tiba, setelah putus 2 dekat W mayat telah ditolak muka kerangka prajurit serangan akhirnya, pada Luis's pertempuran putih gaun penuh adalah darah, benar-benar kulit sengit tertawa: "saudara-saudara, sekelompok prajurit tulang juga sekelompok idiot, Ha Ha, kita harus membuat sup benar-benar untuk memberi makan anjing ini tumpukan tulang bentrokan saya, menangkap kapal perang transportasi mereka! ""Ya!"Sekelompok prajurit senapan berlaras panjang gila Lei Jun yang ditembakkan ke kelimpahan dikirim transportasi kapal perang Angkatan bersenjata terlebih dahulu, di lapangan emplacements pada kapal perang ini berjuang artileri yang akan diambil, adalah murni transportasi kapal."General?" Korea Selatan dalam kolam menimbulkan Uni Sovyet pisau panjang untuk berdiri di belakang, saya berkata: "Dalam posisi depan penjaga istana kami lebih dari 40 berbagai kejahatan Roh kapal perang, kita Apakah menangkap kapal perang ini?""Tidak!"Saya sempit mata untuk melihat tempat yang jauh, berkata: "Karena tentara berbeda setan berani untuk mengusir pantai kapal perang, pasti laissez faire kita tidak akan menangkap kapal perang ini, karena Luo Ding maju tua codger, yang tidak akan bodoh.""Bahwa" Han Yuan memandang masa lalu, mengatakan: "Kami di Luis umum adalah orang bodoh yang penuh!"I nod: „Um.”Was saying, in the sea level dense fog of distant place presented a big piece of battleship again, and in the decks of these battleships is erecting a flame great artillery of all trades, is similar to our hot crag artillery is the same, the next quarter, the bombing sound links up into a single stretch, immediately the transport ship of seacoast edge „bang bang bang” the explosion a piece, the flame soars to the heavens, illuminates this night just likes the daytime, but to be exploded the smashing that Luis dispatched several thousand long unit of armed soldiers soldiers who went on board to be no exception completely, he truly was an idiot.„Does day kill?!” Crazy Lei Jun's long unit of armed soldiers Yorozuo long Ying Tuan controls to grasp the armored hand, in the eye the tears is revolving, looks at the flaming combustion in the transport ship of seashore, the sound shivers saying: „These these damn different evil spirits, bombing their warship, my my pitiful several thousand brothers such did not have unexpectedly command, we”Luis is the complexion is also pale, raises fully is being the long sword of blood, said: „General Xu, should not be sad, these deceitful different evil spirits will certainly obtain the retribution , to continue to fight, takes revenge for the brothers who we died!”Yorozuo long clenches jaws saying: „General, our 70,000 crazy Lei Jun at least died in battle 20,000, but can
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