We will return to Keynes, but first I want to consider what sort of co terjemahan - We will return to Keynes, but first I want to consider what sort of co Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

We will return to Keynes, but first

We will return to Keynes, but first I want to consider what sort of common
philosophical thread one might find running through these four Cambridge
figures. In some ways what is more important is how they differed,
intellectually and culturally. Certainly they had important philosophical
disagreements, one of which we will shortly consider; but there is also an
important common theme, the theme of empiricism. All four held that the
fundamental source of knowledge about the world is observation. The
contrast here is with rationalism, the view that it is fundamentally through
thought, not observation, that we come to know how the world operates --
René Descartes, for example, of cogito ergo sum fame, was a great
seventeenth-century rationalist. The British, however, have tended to be
empiricists, and our four figures run to form. They all emphasised that
science cannot be done exclusively in the armchair; that scientists have to
get out to do the experiments (though Newton did some of his best
experimental work very near his armchair, in his rooms at Trinity). But
they also realised the price scientists have to pay for taking the empirical route to knowledge
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
We will return to Keynes, but first I want to consider what sort of commonphilosophical thread one might find running through these four Cambridgefigures. In some ways what is more important is how they differed,intellectually and culturally. Certainly they had important philosophicaldisagreements, one of which we will shortly consider; but there is also animportant common theme, the theme of empiricism. All four held that thefundamental source of knowledge about the world is observation. Thecontrast here is with rationalism, the view that it is fundamentally throughthought, not observation, that we come to know how the world operates --René Descartes, for example, of cogito ergo sum fame, was a greatseventeenth-century rationalist. The British, however, have tended to beempiricists, and our four figures run to form. They all emphasised thatscience cannot be done exclusively in the armchair; that scientists have toget out to do the experiments (though Newton did some of his bestexperimental work very near his armchair, in his rooms at Trinity). Butthey also realised the price scientists have to pay for taking the empirical route to knowledge
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Kami akan kembali ke Keynes, tapi pertama saya ingin mempertimbangkan apa jenis umum
benang filosofis bisa menemukan berjalan melalui empat Cambridge ini
angka. Dalam beberapa hal yang lebih penting adalah bagaimana mereka berbeda,
intelektual dan budaya. Tentu mereka memiliki filosofis penting
perbedaan pendapat, salah satunya kita akan segera mempertimbangkan; tetapi ada juga
tema umum yang penting, tema empirisme. Keempat menyatakan bahwa
sumber fundamental dari pengetahuan tentang dunia adalah observasi. The
kontras di sini adalah dengan rasionalisme, pandangan bahwa secara fundamental melalui
pemikiran, bukan observasi, bahwa kita datang untuk mengetahui bagaimana dunia beroperasi -
René Descartes, misalnya, dari cogito ergo sum ​​ketenaran, adalah besar
abad ketujuh belas rasionalis. Inggris, bagaimanapun, telah cenderung
empiris, dan tokoh-tokoh kami empat menjalankan terbentuk. Mereka semua menekankan bahwa
ilmu pengetahuan tidak dapat dilakukan secara eksklusif di kursi; bahwa para ilmuwan harus
keluar untuk melakukan percobaan (meskipun Newton melakukan beberapa terbaik
karya eksperimental sangat dekat kursinya, di kamar di Trinity). Tapi
mereka juga menyadari ilmuwan harga harus membayar untuk mengambil rute empiris pengetahuan
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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