Kills along the way strangely, picks the med­i­cine and min­ing not to terjemahan - Kills along the way strangely, picks the med­i­cine and min­ing not to Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Kills along the way strangely, pick

Kills along the way strangely, picks the med­i­cine and min­ing not to delay, the south­ern jun­gle edge of local chaos hoodoo time, fi­nally „bit­ing”, few re­fine the pill of im­mor­tal­ity stoves when I soon will bring every­body soon use up, sys­tem sys­tem no­ti­fi­ca­tion: Con­grat­u­lates you, your elixir tech­nique pro­moted suc­cess­fully! Be­cause you are the first elixir tech­nique 13 lev­els of play­ers, ob­tains the spe­cial re­ward 【Saint Long Ding】( In­fe­rior mag­i­cal in­stru­ment)!
I stare the round eye, al­most thinks one have mis­read, what mean­ing is the in­fe­rior mag­i­cal in­stru­ment? Did I ob­tain the mag­i­cal in­stru­ment? Prop­erly speak­ing, game progress to 150 lev­els, what mag­i­cal in­stru­ment should un­able to leave is right?!
Open­ing pack­age fast, dis­cov­ered that pan- col­ored glaze trans­par­ent gloss Bao Ding in my pack­age cor­ner, after tak­ing, hand­ful in con­trol, fairy­ism dense around arm, nearby Lin Wan Er also looked some­what has tar­ried, she was ex­tremely bright, al­ready guessed cor­rectly: „Is this elixir tech­nique 13 lev­els of re­wards?”
„What at­tribute?”
I put out a hand to wield, Saint Long Ding at­tribute shar­ing in air­borne, is not only I, every­body also had a scare
【Saint Long Ding】( In­fe­rior mag­i­cal in­stru­ment)
Strength: + 500
Phys­i­cal strength: + 500
Ad­di­tional: Pro­motes user 10000 life value upper lim­its
Char­ac­ter­is­tics: Elixir tech­nique skilled wind­ing speed + 50%
Spe­cial ef­fect: The loy­alty , to pro­mote 50% by the drugs ef­fect that Saint Long Ding re­fines
Spe­cial ef­fect: End­less, uses Saint dragon caul­dron elixir, does not need to con­sume the re­fine the pill of im­mor­tal­ity stove
Spe­cial ef­fect: The guards, carry Saint Long Ding in the pack­age, will never blow out, and Saint Long Dingnei may de­posit the drugs, most 1000 stan­dards
Needs Level: 125
Binds the player: Xiao Yao Zi Zai
Mag­i­cal in­stru­ment se­r­ial num­ber: 0271
Looks at Saint Long Ding, in I had a scare di­rectly, place to wrap, un­ex­pect­edly can also pro­mote my at­tribute, es­pe­cially that 1 W life value sim­ply too IMBA . More­over, pro­motes 50% with the med­i­cine ef­fect that Saint Long Ding re­fines, what con­cept this is!?
【Xiao Yao Zi Zai】( Raises Wei­long to ride)
Level: 128
At­tack: 10516-13153
De­fense: 10173
Life: 65857
Magic: 14050
Charm value: 553
CBN fights the net rank: 6
The Saint Long Ding ap­pear­ance made my at­tribute rise sud­denly a big trun­ca­tion, es­pe­cially HP, rode under the con­di­tion of sad­dle horse is 6.5 W, many whole blood added a knight to be also mediocre, but my de­fen­sive power ac­tu­ally must end to win them, and this strik­ing power was also get­ting more and more ag­gres­sive, no won­der these hos­tile guilds each time rolled the war al­ways to want me to elim­i­nate are later quick, sol­dier who such an of­fense and de­fense had both, truly was the night­mare of any enemy.
Opens Saint Long Ding, re­fines the pur­ple mir­a­cle cure once more, the pur­ple mir­a­cle cure that , re­fines newly was es­pe­cially dif­fer­ent
【Pur­ple mir­a­cle cure】
Re­stores HP: 30000
Re­stores the magic: 15000
Con­tin­u­ally pro­mo­tion: 60% life value and magic value
Man­u­fac­tur­ers: Xiao Yao Zi Zai
Needs Level: 120
Loses pur­ple mir­a­cle cure that this draws a charge freshly to Li Mu, Li Mu­peng in the hand, keeps mouth shut: „My grass 30 sec­onds of CD liq­uid med­i­cines have this ef­fect, if uses in­ex­haustibly, who can also kill you?”
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Kills along the way strangely, picks the med­i­cine and min­ing not to delay, the south­ern jun­gle edge of local chaos hoodoo time, fi­nally „bit­ing”, few re­fine the pill of im­mor­tal­ity stoves when I soon will bring every­body soon use up, sys­tem sys­tem no­ti­fi­ca­tion: Con­grat­u­lates you, your elixir tech­nique pro­moted suc­cess­fully! Be­cause you are the first elixir tech­nique 13 lev­els of play­ers, ob­tains the spe­cial re­ward 【Saint Long Ding】( In­fe­rior mag­i­cal in­stru­ment)!„?”I stare the round eye, al­most thinks one have mis­read, what mean­ing is the in­fe­rior mag­i­cal in­stru­ment? Did I ob­tain the mag­i­cal in­stru­ment? Prop­erly speak­ing, game progress to 150 lev­els, what mag­i­cal in­stru­ment should un­able to leave is right?!Open­ing pack­age fast, dis­cov­ered that pan- col­ored glaze trans­par­ent gloss Bao Ding in my pack­age cor­ner, after tak­ing, hand­ful in con­trol, fairy­ism dense around arm, nearby Lin Wan Er also looked some­what has tar­ried, she was ex­tremely bright, al­ready guessed cor­rectly: „Is this elixir tech­nique 13 lev­els of re­wards?”„Um.”„What at­tribute?”I put out a hand to wield, Saint Long Ding at­tribute shar­ing in air­borne, is not only I, every­body also had a scare【Saint Long Ding】( In­fe­rior mag­i­cal in­stru­ment)Strength: + 500
Phys­i­cal strength: + 500
Ad­di­tional: Pro­motes user 10000 life value upper lim­its
Char­ac­ter­is­tics: Elixir tech­nique skilled wind­ing speed + 50%
Spe­cial ef­fect: The loy­alty , to pro­mote 50% by the drugs ef­fect that Saint Long Ding re­fines
Spe­cial ef­fect: End­less, uses Saint dragon caul­dron elixir, does not need to con­sume the re­fine the pill of im­mor­tal­ity stove
Spe­cial ef­fect: The guards, carry Saint Long Ding in the pack­age, will never blow out, and Saint Long Dingnei may de­posit the drugs, most 1000 stan­dards
Needs Level: 125
Binds the player: Xiao Yao Zi Zai
Mag­i­cal in­stru­ment se­r­ial num­ber: 0271
Looks at Saint Long Ding, in I had a scare di­rectly, place to wrap, un­ex­pect­edly can also pro­mote my at­tribute, es­pe­cially that 1 W life value sim­ply too IMBA . More­over, pro­motes 50% with the med­i­cine ef­fect that Saint Long Ding re­fines, what con­cept this is!?
【Xiao Yao Zi Zai】( Raises Wei­long to ride)
Level: 128
At­tack: 10516-13153
De­fense: 10173
Life: 65857
Magic: 14050
Charm value: 553
CBN fights the net rank: 6
The Saint Long Ding ap­pear­ance made my at­tribute rise sud­denly a big trun­ca­tion, es­pe­cially HP, rode under the con­di­tion of sad­dle horse is 6.5 W, many whole blood added a knight to be also mediocre, but my de­fen­sive power ac­tu­ally must end to win them, and this strik­ing power was also get­ting more and more ag­gres­sive, no won­der these hos­tile guilds each time rolled the war al­ways to want me to elim­i­nate are later quick, sol­dier who such an of­fense and de­fense had both, truly was the night­mare of any enemy.
Opens Saint Long Ding, re­fines the pur­ple mir­a­cle cure once more, the pur­ple mir­a­cle cure that , re­fines newly was es­pe­cially dif­fer­ent
【Pur­ple mir­a­cle cure】
Re­stores HP: 30000
Re­stores the magic: 15000
Con­tin­u­ally pro­mo­tion: 60% life value and magic value
Man­u­fac­tur­ers: Xiao Yao Zi Zai
Needs Level: 120
Loses pur­ple mir­a­cle cure that this draws a charge freshly to Li Mu, Li Mu­peng in the hand, keeps mouth shut: „My grass 30 sec­onds of CD liq­uid med­i­cines have this ef­fect, if uses in­ex­haustibly, who can also kill you?”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Membunuh sepanjang jalan anehnya, mengambil obat dan pertambangan tidak menunda, tepi hutan selatan waktu kekacauan sial setempat, akhirnya "menggigit", beberapa memperbaiki pil kompor keabadian ketika saya segera akan membawa semua orang segera menggunakan up, pemberitahuan sistem sistem : mengucapkan selamat, teknik elixir Anda dipromosikan berhasil! Karena Anda adalah teknik obat mujarab pertama 13 tingkat pemain, memperoleh hadiah khusus 【Saint Panjang Ding】 (instrument Inferior ajaib)!
Aku menatap mata bulat, hampir trima satu telah salah membaca, apa arti adalah instrumen magis rendah? Apakah saya mendapatkan instrumen magis? Berbicara dengan benar, permainan kemajuan untuk 150 tingkat, apa instrumen magis harus dapat meninggalkan tepat ?!
paket Pembukaan cepat, menemukan bahwa pan glaze berwarna transparan gloss Bao Ding di sudut paket saya, setelah mengambil, beberapa di kontrol, fairyism padat di sekitar lengan , dekat Lin Wan Er juga tampak agak telah berdiam, dia sangat terang, sudah menebak dengan benar: "? Apakah teknik obat mujarab ini 13 tingkat imbalan"
. "Um"
"? Apa atribut"
aku mengulurkan tangan untuk memegang, Saint panjang ding atribut berbagi di udara, bukan hanya saya, semua orang juga memiliki ketakutan
【Saint panjang Ding】 (alat ajaib Inferior)
kekuatan: + 500
kekuatan fisik: + 500
tambahan: Meningkatkan pengguna 10000 nilai hidup atas batas
Karakteristik: teknik Elixir terampil berliku kecepatan + 50%
efek khusus: loyalitas The, untuk mempromosikan 50% oleh efek obat yang Saint panjang Ding memurnikan
efek khusus: tak berujung, menggunakan Saint naga kuali obat mujarab, tidak perlu mengkonsumsi suling yang pil keabadian kompor
efek khusus: The penjaga, membawa Saint panjang Ding dalam paket, tidak akan pernah meniup, dan Saint panjang Dingnei dapat menyimpan obat, paling 1000 standar
Kebutuhan level: 125
Mengikat pemain: Xiao Yao Zi Zai
nomor seri instrumen Magical: 0271
Tampak di Saint panjang Ding , di saya memiliki ketakutan langsung, tempat untuk membungkus, tiba-tiba juga dapat mempromosikan atribut saya, terutama yang nilai kehidupan 1 W terlalu iMBA. Selain itu, mempromosikan 50% dengan efek obat yang Saint Panjang Ding memurnikan, apa konsep ini !?
【Xiao Yao Zi Zai】 (Angkat Weilong naik)
Level: 128
Attack: 10.516-13.153
Pertahanan: 10173
Life: 65.857
Magic: 14050
nilai Charm: 553
CBN perkelahian pangkat bersih: 6
The Saint panjang Ding penampilan membuat atribut saya naik tiba-tiba pemotongan besar, terutama HP, naik di bawah kondisi pelana kuda adalah 6.5 W, banyak darah utuh menambahkan kesatria menjadi juga biasa-biasa saja, tapi kekuatan defensif saya benar-benar harus berakhir untuk memenangkan mereka, dan kekuatan mencolok ini juga semakin agresif, tak heran ini guild bermusuhan setiap kali digulung perang selalu ingin aku menghilangkan yang kemudian cepat, prajurit yang merupakan pelanggaran dan pertahanan seperti . berdua, benar-benar adalah mimpi buruk setiap musuh
Membuka Saint panjang Ding, memurnikan obat ajaib ungu sekali lagi, keajaiban penyembuhan ungu itu, memurnikan baru terutama yang berbeda
【Purple obat ajaib】
Mengembalikan HP: 30000
Mengembalikan keajaiban: 15000
Terus promosi: nilai hidup 60% dan nilai magic
Produsen: Xiao Yao Zi Zai
Kebutuhan level: 120
Kerugian ungu obat ajaib ini menarik biaya baru untuk Li Mu, Li Mupeng di tangan, terus tutup mulut: "rumput saya 30 detik dari CD obat cair memiliki efek ini, jika menggunakan inexhaustibly, yang juga bisa membunuh Anda? "
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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