Influence of Scottish PhilosophyParticularly must this be the case on  terjemahan - Influence of Scottish PhilosophyParticularly must this be the case on  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Influence of Scottish PhilosophyPar

Influence of Scottish Philosophy
Particularly must this be the case on a soil as sacred to the American imagination as
that of Edinburgh. The glories of the philosophic chair of this university were deeply
impressed on my imagination in boyhood. Professor Fraser1’s Essays in Philosophy, then
just published, was the first philosophic book I ever looked into, and I well remember
the awe-struck feeling I received from the account of Sir William Hamilton2’s classroom
therein contained. Hamilton’s own lectures were the first philosophic writings I
ever forced myself to study, and after that I was immersed in Dugald Stewart3 and
Thomas Brown4. Such juvenile emotions of reverence never get outgrown; and I confess
that to find my humble self promoted from my native wilderness to be actually for the
time an official here, and transmuted into a colleague of these illustrious names, carries
with it a sense of dreamland quite as much as of reality.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Pengaruh filsafat SkotlandiaTerutama ini harus terjadi di tanah sebagai suci bagi imajinasi Amerika sebagaiitu Edinburgh. Kemuliaan kursi filsafat dari Universitas ini adalah sangatterkesan pada imajinasi saya di masa kanak-kanaknya. Profesor Fraser1 esai dalam filsafat, kemudianhanya diterbitkan, adalah kitab filsafat pertama saya pernah melihat ke dalam, dan aku juga ingatperasaan kagum saya terima dari rekening Sir William Hamilton2 kelasdi dalamnya terkandung. Hamilton sendiri kuliah itu tulisan-tulisan filsafat pertama sayapernah memaksa diri untuk belajar, dan setelah itu aku terbenam dalam Dugald Stewart3 danThomas Brown4. Emosi seperti remaja penghormatan pernah mendapatkan terlalu besar; dan aku mengakuiitu untuk menemukan saya rendah hati diri dipromosikan dari gurun asli saya untuk menjadi benar-benar untukwaktu resmi di sini, dan ditransmutasikan ke kolega dari nama-nama terkenal ini, membawadengan itu rasa Dreamland cukup sebanyak dari realitas.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Influence of Scottish Philosophy
Particularly must this be the case on a soil as sacred to the American imagination as
that of Edinburgh. The glories of the philosophic chair of this university were deeply
impressed on my imagination in boyhood. Professor Fraser1’s Essays in Philosophy, then
just published, was the first philosophic book I ever looked into, and I well remember
the awe-struck feeling I received from the account of Sir William Hamilton2’s classroom
therein contained. Hamilton’s own lectures were the first philosophic writings I
ever forced myself to study, and after that I was immersed in Dugald Stewart3 and
Thomas Brown4. Such juvenile emotions of reverence never get outgrown; and I confess
that to find my humble self promoted from my native wilderness to be actually for the
time an official here, and transmuted into a colleague of these illustrious names, carries
with it a sense of dreamland quite as much as of reality.
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