When I went to work the next day, Ryan made an appearance. He and I ha terjemahan - When I went to work the next day, Ryan made an appearance. He and I ha Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

When I went to work the next day, R

When I went to work the next day, Ryan made an appearance. He and I hadn’t talked much that week because he received a new case that took up a lot of his time and focus. I didn’t mind in the least. In fact, I was hoping our relationship—or whatever it was—had ended.
“Let’s go to lunch,” he said.
I immediately thought of Scott. The guilt floated to the surface. Scott and I weren’t anything serious. I wasn’t sure what we were, but I did agree to the exclusivity. Plus, I really liked him. I didn’t want to spend any more time with Ryan. We just didn’t hit it off. “I have a lot of work to do here.”
“Come on,” he said. “You have to eat sometime.”
“Actually, I already did. I’ve been eating on the go.”
“That isn’t healthy.”
“Neither is eating a giant cookie from the deli.”
He smiled. “I won’t tell anyone.”
“Thank you for the offer, but no thank you.”
He came into my office and shut the door.
“Please leave it open,” I said immediately.
“I just want some privacy.”
“And I don’t want anyone to be suspicious of us.” I walked to the door and opened it before I took my seat.
He stared at me for a moment. “Let’s have dinner tonight.”
“I have plans.” It wasn’t a lie. I had plans with Scott.
“Okay. Tomorrow night, then.”
He clearly wasn’t getting the hint. “Ryan, I had a good time with you at the gala but I’m not interested in having a romantic relationship with you.”
He looked stung by my bluntness. “Did I do something?”
“No,” I said immediately. “We just didn’t hit it off.”
Ryan leaned against the desk and sighed. “I’m not usually nervous like that.”
“Why were you nervous?”
He didn’t meet my gaze. “I’ve had a crush on you since I started working here.”
Now that explained his behavior. “Oh. I’m very flattered.”
“I feel a little calmer now. Let’s go out again. I’ll be pleasant company this time.”
“Let’s go out tomorrow night. I’ll pick you up at seven.”
This was going the wrong direction. “Ryan, I don’t think that’s a good idea. I’m just not interested.”
“Come on. Give me another chance,” he said. “I’ll be charming and interesting, really.”
I took a deep breath, steeling my nerves. “No.”
He acted like he hadn’t heard me. “I’ll pick you up at seven.” He walked out before I could object.
I was getting really irritated with these guys who couldn’t take no for an answer—ever. I guess I would have to reject him again tomorrow. Since Ryan and I worked together, I wanted the ending of our relationship to be clean and uncomplicated. The last thing I wanted to do was make it awkward and uncomfortable for both of us.
When the workday was over, I went to the gym with Cassie. Since my brother complimented my appearance, I was more motivated to keep up the hard work. I had a few sundresses I was eager to wear, and I wanted to look slim in them.
Cassie looked fearful when she saw me.
“I’m really pissed at you for what you did the other day.”
“I heard the date went well…”
“Which is why you’re forgiven.”
She sighed in relief.
“I can’t believe you two pulled a stunt like that.”
Cassie sighed. “Your boyfriend was really eager to make it happen. He practically threatened us.”
“Hold on. He isn’t my boyfriend.”
“That’s not what he said.”
“We went out once.”
Cassie shrugged. “According to him, you’re a bit of an item.”
I rolled my eyes. “He is ridiculous.”
“Ridiculously hot,” Cassie said. “I wouldn’t be complaining that a beautiful man wants the whole world to know he’s taken.”
“And that’s a good thing,” Cassie said. “He really likes you.”
“I’m not sure how I feel about him.”
“He made it sound like you were into him.”
I rolled my eyes. “Of course he did. He’s so cocky.”
“That isn’t a bad thing. He’s hot and he knows he’s hot.”
“That’s a turn off for me.”
“It’s his one flaw,” Cassie said. “I think you should count all of his qualities instead of dismissing him for one imperfection. And I can tell you like him.”
“You keep smiling.”
I forced my lips into a frown. “No.”
“Yeah okay…”
I looked away, hiding the redness in my cheeks. “Ryan asked me out.”
“He did?” Cassie said. “Did you get rid of him?”
“I tried.”
“What does that mean?”
“He wants to go out tomorrow night.”
Cassie looked alarmed. “You better call it off before your boyfriend finds out.”
“He’s not my boyfriend!”
“Well, he’s going to be pissed when he hears that.”
“I’ll take care of it,” I said. “I’ll talk to him tomorrow.”
“That would be wise,” she said. “So, I heard you had a pretty amazing kiss.”
I glared at her. “Did Scott tell you everything?”
“Well, he told Layla, and Layla told me.”
“He gossips more to my girlfriends than I do.”
“And he’s totally hooked on you,” Cassie said. “Don’t let this one go. Otherwise I’ll steal him.”
“Did he tell you he used to be an underwear model?”
Her eyes lit up. “No. But tell me more.”
I shook my head. “I saw the picture. It was pretty amazing.”
“I can only imagine what he looks like shirtless.”
“Hey,” I said. “Stop thinking about my boyfriend naked.”
She smiled. “Your boyfriend?”
Cassie laughed. “He’ll be pleased when I tell him that.”
We worked the treadmill for an hour before we left. I was sweaty and gross when I got home. I took a quick shower and got ready for my date. Beatriz was sitting on the couch when I walked out.
“So, how was Joey?” she asked sadly.
I took out my phone. “Good. He’s very adorable.”
She looked at the pictures, trying not to cry. “I got him those Legos.”
“He loves them.”
“He does?” she asked hopefully.
I nodded.
She sighed. “I miss my baby.”
“He misses you too.”
She returned the phone and placed her hands in her lap. “How’s Hank?”
I looked away. “He’s holding it together.”
“I miss him,” she whispered.
“After we get you better, you’ll be reunited with your family.”
“He said that?”
“Well, no. But it will increase your odds.”
“I just want to be a family again.”
I gripped her shoulder. “You will.”
She nodded. “I’ll do anything.”
“I know.”
There was a knock on the door.
“Who’s that?” she asked.
“Are you two dating?”
I smiled. “Yes.”
“Oh. Well, have fun.”
“Will you be okay?”
“Don’t worry about me,” she said.
“Tony is just a few blocks away.”
“I know.”
I opened the door and saw Scott standing there. He wore dark jeans and a fitting t-shirt. His arms were thick and toned. His chest was wide. And his hips were thin. The picture from his photo shoot came into my mind, the one I fingered myself to. I felt my cheeks blush.
He stared my body lovingly. “You look very beautiful.”
I was wearing a casual dress with a light cardigan. I dressed conservative so I wouldn’t give him the wrong idea. “Thank you.”
His hands were behind his back, and when he pulled them forward, he was holding a small pint of ice cream. It was Ben and Jerry’s. “You don’t seem like a flower or candy girl.”
I took the ice cream with a smile on my face. “I’m a sucker for sweets.”
“You have good taste.”
“Thank you.”
He nodded.
I walked to the freezer and put it away.
“Hello, Beatriz,” Scott said from the doorway.
“Hello,” she said sadly.
“I’ll see you later,” I said as I walked out the door.
“Bye,” Beatriz said.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Ketika saya pergi untuk bekerja pada hari berikutnya, Ryan membuat penampilan. Dia dan aku tidak berbicara banyak minggu itu karena ia menerima kasus baru yang mengambil banyak waktu dan fokus. Aku tidak keberatan sedikit. Bahkan, aku berharap hubungan kita — atau apa pun itu — telah berakhir."Mari kita pergi ke makan siang," katanya.Aku segera teringat Scott. Rasa bersalah melayang ke permukaan. Scott dan aku tidak sesuatu yang serius. Aku tidak yakin apa yang kami akan, tapi saya lakukan setuju untuk yang eksklusif. Plus, aku benar-benar menyukainya. Aku tidak ingin menghabiskan waktu lebih banyak dengan Ryan. Kita hanya tidak memukul itu. "Aku punya banyak pekerjaan yang harus dilakukan di sini."Ayolah,"katanya. "Anda harus kadang-kadang makan.""Sebenarnya, aku sudah melakukan. Saya sudah makan di mana saja.""Yang tidak sehat.""Tidak makan kue raksasa dari deli."Dia tersenyum. "Saya tidak akan memberitahu siapa pun.""Terima kasih atas penawarannya, tetapi tidak, terima kasih."Ia datang ke kantor saya dan menutup pintu."Silakan tinggalkan terbuka," kataku segera."Aku hanya ingin privasi.""Dan aku tidak ingin ada untuk bersikap curiga terhadap kita." Aku berjalan ke pintu dan membukanya sebelum aku mengambil kursi saya.Ia menatap saya sejenak. "Mari kita memiliki makan malam.""Aku punya rencana." Ini bukan sebuah kebohongan. Aku punya rencana dengan Scott."Oke. Besok malam, kemudian."Dia jelas tidak mendapatkan petunjuk. "Ryan, saya memiliki waktu yang baik dengan Anda di gala tapi aku tidak tertarik untuk memiliki hubungan romantis dengan Anda."Dia tampak disengat oleh keterusterangan saya. "Saya lakukan sesuatu?""Tidak," kataku segera. "Kami hanya tidak memukul itu."Ryan bersandar meja dan mendesah. "Saya tidak biasanya gugup seperti itu.""Mengapa itu Anda gugup?"Ia tidak memenuhi pandangan. "Aku sudah naksir Anda sejak saya mulai bekerja di sini."Sekarang bahwa menjelaskan perilaku. "Oh. Aku sangat tersanjung.""Saya merasa sedikit lebih tenang sekarang. Mari kita pergi keluar lagi. Aku akan menyenangkan perusahaan saat ini.""Eh...""Mari kita pergi keluar besok malam. Aku akan menjemput Anda di tujuh."Ini akan arah yang salah. "Ryan, saya tidak berpikir itu adalah ide yang baik. Saya hanya tidak tertarik.""Ayo. Berikan aku kesempatan lain,"katanya. "Aku akan menarik dan menarik, benar-benar."Aku mengambil napas dalam-dalam, steeling saraf saya. "Tidak."Dia bertindak seperti dia belum pernah mendengar saya. "Aku akan menjemput Anda di tujuh." Dia berjalan sebelum aku bisa objek.Saya mendapatkan benar-benar jengkel dengan orang-orang yang tidak bisa mengambil jawaban-pernah. Kurasa aku harus menolaknya lagi besok. Ryan dan saya bekerja bersama-sama, aku ingin berakhirnya hubungan kami untuk menjadi bersih dan tidak rumit. Hal terakhir yang ingin saya lakukan adalah membuat canggung dan tidak nyaman bagi kami berdua.Ketika hari kerja atas, aku pergi ke gym dengan Cassie. Karena kakak saya memuji penampilan saya, saya adalah lebih termotivasi untuk terus bekerja keras. Aku punya beberapa sundresses saya sangat ingin untuk memakai, dan aku ingin tampak ramping di dalamnya.Cassie looked fearful when she saw me.“I’m really pissed at you for what you did the other day.”“I heard the date went well…”“Which is why you’re forgiven.”She sighed in relief.“I can’t believe you two pulled a stunt like that.”Cassie sighed. “Your boyfriend was really eager to make it happen. He practically threatened us.”“Hold on. He isn’t my boyfriend.”“That’s not what he said.”“We went out once.”Cassie shrugged. “According to him, you’re a bit of an item.”I rolled my eyes. “He is ridiculous.”“Ridiculously hot,” Cassie said. “I wouldn’t be complaining that a beautiful man wants the whole world to know he’s taken.”“He’s…different.”“And that’s a good thing,” Cassie said. “He really likes you.”“I’m not sure how I feel about him.”“He made it sound like you were into him.”I rolled my eyes. “Of course he did. He’s so cocky.”“That isn’t a bad thing. He’s hot and he knows he’s hot.”“That’s a turn off for me.”“It’s his one flaw,” Cassie said. “I think you should count all of his qualities instead of dismissing him for one imperfection. And I can tell you like him.”“How?”“You keep smiling.”I forced my lips into a frown. “No.”“Yeah okay…”I looked away, hiding the redness in my cheeks. “Ryan asked me out.”“He did?” Cassie said. “Did you get rid of him?”“I tried.”“What does that mean?”“He wants to go out tomorrow night.”Cassie looked alarmed. “You better call it off before your boyfriend finds out.”“He’s not my boyfriend!”“Well, he’s going to be pissed when he hears that.”“I’ll take care of it,” I said. “I’ll talk to him tomorrow.”“That would be wise,” she said. “So, I heard you had a pretty amazing kiss.”I glared at her. “Did Scott tell you everything?”“Well, he told Layla, and Layla told me.”“He gossips more to my girlfriends than I do.”“And he’s totally hooked on you,” Cassie said. “Don’t let this one go. Otherwise I’ll steal him.”“Did he tell you he used to be an underwear model?”Her eyes lit up. “No. But tell me more.”I shook my head. “I saw the picture. It was pretty amazing.”“I can only imagine what he looks like shirtless.”“Hey,” I said. “Stop thinking about my boyfriend naked.”She smiled. “Your boyfriend?”“Damn…”Cassie laughed. “He’ll be pleased when I tell him that.”We worked the treadmill for an hour before we left. I was sweaty and gross when I got home. I took a quick shower and got ready for my date. Beatriz was sitting on the couch when I walked out.“So, how was Joey?” she asked sadly.I took out my phone. “Good. He’s very adorable.”She looked at the pictures, trying not to cry. “I got him those Legos.”"Ia mencintai mereka.""Dia Apakah?" Dia bertanya mudah-mudahan.Aku mengangguk.Dia menghela napas. "I miss bayi saya.""Ia merindukan Anda terlalu."Dia kembali telepon dan meletakkan tangannya di pangkuannya. "Bagaimana Apakah Hank?"Aku memandang jauh. "Dia memegang itu bersama-sama.""Aku kehilangan dia," ia berbisik."Setelah kita mendapatkan lebih baik, Anda akan dipersatukan kembali dengan keluarga Anda.""Dia mengatakan bahwa?""Yah, tidak. "Tapi itu akan meningkatkan peluang Anda.""Aku hanya ingin menjadi keluarga lagi."Saya mencengkeram bahunya. "Anda akan."Dia mengangguk. "Aku akan melakukan apa-apa.""Aku tahu."Ada ketukan di pintu."Siapa yang itu?" Dia bertanya."Scott.""Apakah Anda dua berkencan?"Aku tersenyum. "Ya.""Oh. Yah, bersenang-senang.""Anda akan baik-baik saja?""Jangan khawatir tentang saya," katanya."Tony adalah hanya beberapa blok jauhnya.""Aku tahu."Aku membuka pintu dan melihat Scott berdiri di sana. Dia memakai jeans gelap dan pas t-shirt. Tangannya yang tebal dan kencang. Dada adalah luas. Dan pinggul tipis. Gambar dari pemotretan nya datang ke dalam pikiran saya, yang saya meraba diriku. Saya merasa saya pipi memerah.Dia menatap tubuh saya dengan kasih. "Kau tampak sangat indah."Aku mengenakan pakaian kasual dengan kardigan cahaya. Aku berpakaian konservatif jadi aku tidak akan memberinya ide yang salah. "Terima kasih."Tangannya berada di belakang punggungnya, dan ketika ia menarik mereka ke depan, dia memegang segelas kecil es krim. Itu Ben dan Jerry. "Anda tidak tampak seperti seorang gadis bunga atau permen."I took the ice cream with a smile on my face. “I’m a sucker for sweets.”“You have good taste.”“Thank you.”He nodded.I walked to the freezer and put it away.“Hello, Beatriz,” Scott said from the doorway.“Hello,” she said sadly.“I’ll see you later,” I said as I walked out the door.“Bye,” Beatriz said.
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