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INDIVIDUAL INVESTOR LIFE CYCLEFinancial plans and investment needs are as different as each individual. Investment needschange over a person’s life cycle. How individuals structure their financial plan should be relatedto their age, financial status, future plans, risk aversion characteristcs, and needs.Before embarking on an investment program, we need to make sure other needs are satisfied. Noserious investment plan should be started until a potential investor has adequate income to coverliving expenses and has a safety net should the unexpected occur.Insurance Life insurance should be a component of any financial plan. Life insurance protectsloved ones against financial hardship should death occur before our financial goals are met.The death benefit paid by the insurance company can help pay medical bills and funeral expensesand provide cash that family members can use to maintain their lifestyle, retire debt, or invest forfuture needs (for example, children’s education, spouse retirement). Therefore, one of the firststeps in developing a financial plan is to purchase adequate life insurance coverage.Insurance can also serve more immediate purposes, including being a means to meet longtermgoals, such as retirement planning. On reaching retirement age, you can receive the cash orsurrender value of your life insurance policy and use the proceeds to supplement your retirementlifestyle or for estate planning purposes.You can choose among several basic life insurance contracts. Term life insurance providesonly a death benefit; the premium to purchase the insurance changes every renewal period. Terminsurance is the least expensive life insurance to purchase, although the premium will rise as youage to reflect the increased probability of death. Universal and variable life policies, althoughtechnically different from each other, are similar in that they each provide both a death benefitand a savings plan to the insured. The premium paid on such policies exceeds the cost to theinsurance company of providing the death benefit alone; the excess premium is invested in anumber of investment vehicles chosen by the insured. The policy’s cash value grows over time,based on the size of the excess premium and on the performance of the underlying investmentfunds. Insurance companies may restrict the ability to withdraw funds from these policies beforethe policyholder reaches a certain age.Insurance coverage also provides protection against other uncertainties. Health insurancehelps to pay medical bills. Disability insurance provides continuing income should you becomeunable to work. Automobile and home (or rental) insurances provide protection against accidentsand damage to cars or residences.
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