In 1986, then, Chomsky viewed UG and language as somethinglike an orch terjemahan - In 1986, then, Chomsky viewed UG and language as somethinglike an orch Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

In 1986, then, Chomsky viewed UG an

In 1986, then, Chomsky viewed UG and language as something
like an orchestra playing a symphony. It consisted of a number of
separate components or modules, a term borrowed from computers.
Chomsky noted: ‘UG . . . has the modular structure that we regularly
discover in investigation of cognitive systems’ (1986: 146). Within
each module, there were sets of principles. Each principle was fairly
straightforward when considered in isolation. The principles became
complex when they interacted with those from other modules.
The general framework was not at that time entirely new. He still
retained the notion of deep and surface structure (or D-structure and
S-structure as he started to call them). But the number of transformations
was drastically reduced – possibly to only one! But this one, which
moved structures about, was subject to very severe constraints. Innate
principles specified what could or could not happen, and these were
quite rigid. Chomsky’s major concern, therefore, was in specifying
the principles operating within each module, and showing how they
How many modules were involved, and what they all did, was
never fully specified. But the general idea behind the grammar was
reasonably clear. For example, one module might specify which items
could be moved, and how far, as with the word WHO, which can
be moved to the front of the sentence:
Another might contain information as to how to interpret a sentence
such as:
This would contain principles showing why SEBASTIAN had to
be linked to the word HIM, and OSBERT attached to the word
HIMSELF. These two types of principles would interact in a sentence
such as:
Most of the principles, and the way they interleaved, were innately
specified and fairly rigid.
However, a narrowly constrained rigid UG presented another
dilemma. Why are not all languages far more similar? Chomsky argued
that UG was only partially ‘wired-up’. There were option points within
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
In 1986, then, Chomsky viewed UG and language as somethinglike an orchestra playing a symphony. It consisted of a number ofseparate components or modules, a term borrowed from computers.Chomsky noted: ‘UG . . . has the modular structure that we regularlydiscover in investigation of cognitive systems’ (1986: 146). Withineach module, there were sets of principles. Each principle was fairlystraightforward when considered in isolation. The principles becamecomplex when they interacted with those from other modules.The general framework was not at that time entirely new. He stillretained the notion of deep and surface structure (or D-structure andS-structure as he started to call them). But the number of transformationswas drastically reduced – possibly to only one! But this one, whichmoved structures about, was subject to very severe constraints. Innateprinciples specified what could or could not happen, and these werequite rigid. Chomsky’s major concern, therefore, was in specifyingthe principles operating within each module, and showing how theyinteracted.How many modules were involved, and what they all did, wasnever fully specified. But the general idea behind the grammar wasreasonably clear. For example, one module might specify which itemscould be moved, and how far, as with the word WHO, which canbe moved to the front of the sentence:WHO DID SEBASTIAN SAY OSBERT BIT?Another might contain information as to how to interpret a sentencesuch as:SEBASTIAN SAID OSBERT BIT HIM INSTEAD OF HIMSELF.This would contain principles showing why SEBASTIAN had tobe linked to the word HIM, and OSBERT attached to the wordHIMSELF. These two types of principles would interact in a sentencesuch as:WHO DID SEBASTIAN SAY OSBERT BIT INSTEAD OF HIMSELF?Most of the principles, and the way they interleaved, were innatelyspecified and fairly rigid.However, a narrowly constrained rigid UG presented anotherdilemma. Why are not all languages far more similar? Chomsky arguedthat UG was only partially ‘wired-up’. There were option points within
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Pada tahun 1986, kemudian, Chomsky melihat UG dan bahasa sebagai sesuatu
seperti sebuah orkestra bermain simfoni. Ini terdiri dari sejumlah
. komponen atau modul yang terpisah, sebuah istilah yang dipinjam dari komputer
Chomsky mencatat: 'UG. . . memiliki struktur modular yang kita secara teratur
menemukan dalam penyelidikan sistem kognitif '(1986: 146). Dalam
setiap modul, ada set prinsip-prinsip. Setiap prinsip cukup
sederhana ketika dipertimbangkan dalam isolasi. Prinsip-prinsip menjadi
rumit ketika mereka berinteraksi dengan orang-orang dari modul lainnya.
Kerangka umum adalah tidak pada waktu itu sama sekali baru. Dia masih
mempertahankan gagasan struktur dalam dan permukaan (atau D-struktur dan
S-struktur saat ia mulai memanggil mereka). Namun jumlah transformasi
secara drastis berkurang - mungkin hanya satu! Tapi yang satu ini, yang
pindah struktur tentang, tunduk pada kendala yang sangat berat. Bawaan
prinsip tertentu apa yang bisa atau tidak bisa terjadi, dan ini adalah
cukup kaku. Perhatian utama Chomsky, oleh karena itu, dalam menentukan
prinsip-prinsip yang beroperasi dalam setiap modul, dan menunjukkan bagaimana mereka
Berapa banyak modul yang terlibat, dan apa yang mereka semua lakukan, itu
tidak pernah sepenuhnya ditentukan. Tapi ide umum di belakang tata bahasa yang
cukup jelas. Misalnya, satu modul mungkin menentukan barang
dapat dipindahkan, dan seberapa jauh, seperti dengan kata WHO, yang dapat
dipindahkan ke depan kalimat:
lain mungkin berisi informasi mengenai bagaimana menafsirkan kalimat
ini akan berisi prinsip-prinsip yang menunjukkan mengapa SEBASTIAN harus
dihubungkan dengan kata HIM, dan Osbert melekat pada kata
DIRINYA. Kedua jenis prinsip akan berinteraksi dalam kalimat
Sebagian besar prinsip, dan cara mereka disisipkan, yang bawaan
tertentu dan cukup kaku.
Namun, kaku UG sempit dibatasi disajikan lain
dilema. Mengapa tidak semua bahasa yang jauh lebih mirip? Chomsky berpendapat
bahwa UG hanya sebagian 'kabel-up'. Ada poin pilihan dalam
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