I am tempted to add a sixth principle of beauty or aesthetic quality,  terjemahan - I am tempted to add a sixth principle of beauty or aesthetic quality,  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I am tempted to add a sixth princip

I am tempted to add a sixth principle of beauty or aesthetic quality, but I am not going to do so. I am tempted to do so because I personally identify with those philosophers who value beauty or aesthetic quality highly and think a world enhanced by beauty to be a better place morally as well as aesthetically. I would not identify the Beautiful with the Good, as some have done, and I would not argue that morality and aesthetics are indistinguishable (they are not); but I do incline to the view that a moral world would be as much concerned to combat ugliness as to combat falsehood, unhappiness, and so forth. I mention this view only to set it aside, in order to remind the reader that we have not merely been discussing values that I happen to hold; if we were, then a principle of beauty should certainly be included. But we have been discussing values that there is reason to think are undeniably part of the meaning of morality, part of what it is, regardless of one’s particular situation or philosophical standpoint. I happen to value beauty as much as freedom, but I have to acknowledge both that many others do not and, more importantly, that it is not absurd to argue that, on the contrary, it is entirely distinct from and has nothing to do with morality. But that cannot be said of the other five principles: it would be absurd to argue that fairness, respect for persons, truth-telling, freedom, and well-being have nothing to do with morality. They are clearly, self-evidently, and undeniably (both logically and in historical fact) necessary features of what we understand morality (as distinct from any particular elaborated theory or moral code) to be. Morality is, by definition, about a prima facie premium being placed on being fair, recognizing all persons as ends in themselves, concern for truth, freedom, and well-being. These principles (and no others, I think) define the territory. (They do not of course tell us precisely what we ought to do on any given occasion.)
It might be thought that I am simply begging the question: I am defining morality in this way, but what is to stop somebody else defining it in a different way? But this question is misplaced. I am arguing and appealing to the reader to recognize the validity of the argument that if we think about what we understand by a moral as opposed to a non-moral theory we see that these principles are embedded in it. Only the reader can judge whether I have been successful.
I have named seven philosophers by way of example (despite my avowed intent to avoid reference to particular individuals). They are supposed to represent a more or less random cross-section of philosophical opinion over time. Plato, the father of philosophy, has already been introduced. The German philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724–1804) has been extremely influential through works such as the Critique of Pure Reason and Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals. The Scotsman David Hume (1711–76) is often cited as one of the foremost thinkers in a distinctively British line of empirically minded philosophers. His most famous work is A Treatise of Human Nature, but note also An Inquiry concerning the Principles of Morals and his Political Essays.
John Stuart Mill, G.E. Moore , and A.C. Ewing have already been referred to. Simon Blackburn has the misfortune of being selected as a representative of contemporary moral philosophy. His books include the previously cited Ethics and Truth.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
I am tempted to add a sixth principle of beauty or aesthetic quality, but I am not going to do so. I am tempted to do so because I personally identify with those philosophers who value beauty or aesthetic quality highly and think a world enhanced by beauty to be a better place morally as well as aesthetically. I would not identify the Beautiful with the Good, as some have done, and I would not argue that morality and aesthetics are indistinguishable (they are not); but I do incline to the view that a moral world would be as much concerned to combat ugliness as to combat falsehood, unhappiness, and so forth. I mention this view only to set it aside, in order to remind the reader that we have not merely been discussing values that I happen to hold; if we were, then a principle of beauty should certainly be included. But we have been discussing values that there is reason to think are undeniably part of the meaning of morality, part of what it is, regardless of one’s particular situation or philosophical standpoint. I happen to value beauty as much as freedom, but I have to acknowledge both that many others do not and, more importantly, that it is not absurd to argue that, on the contrary, it is entirely distinct from and has nothing to do with morality. But that cannot be said of the other five principles: it would be absurd to argue that fairness, respect for persons, truth-telling, freedom, and well-being have nothing to do with morality. They are clearly, self-evidently, and undeniably (both logically and in historical fact) necessary features of what we understand morality (as distinct from any particular elaborated theory or moral code) to be. Morality is, by definition, about a prima facie premium being placed on being fair, recognizing all persons as ends in themselves, concern for truth, freedom, and well-being. These principles (and no others, I think) define the territory. (They do not of course tell us precisely what we ought to do on any given occasion.)
It might be thought that I am simply begging the question: I am defining morality in this way, but what is to stop somebody else defining it in a different way? But this question is misplaced. I am arguing and appealing to the reader to recognize the validity of the argument that if we think about what we understand by a moral as opposed to a non-moral theory we see that these principles are embedded in it. Only the reader can judge whether I have been successful.
I have named seven philosophers by way of example (despite my avowed intent to avoid reference to particular individuals). They are supposed to represent a more or less random cross-section of philosophical opinion over time. Plato, the father of philosophy, has already been introduced. The German philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724–1804) has been extremely influential through works such as the Critique of Pure Reason and Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals. The Scotsman David Hume (1711–76) is often cited as one of the foremost thinkers in a distinctively British line of empirically minded philosophers. His most famous work is A Treatise of Human Nature, but note also An Inquiry concerning the Principles of Morals and his Political Essays.
John Stuart Mill, G.E. Moore , and A.C. Ewing have already been referred to. Simon Blackburn has the misfortune of being selected as a representative of contemporary moral philosophy. His books include the previously cited Ethics and Truth.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Saya tergoda untuk menambahkan prinsip keenam keindahan atau kualitas estetika, tapi saya tidak akan melakukannya. Aku tergoda untuk melakukannya karena saya secara pribadi mengidentifikasi dengan orang-filsuf yang menghargai keindahan atau kualitas estetika tinggi dan berpikir dunia ditingkatkan dengan keindahan menjadi tempat yang lebih baik secara moral maupun estetis. Saya tidak akan mengidentifikasi Indah dengan baik, seperti yang dilakukan beberapa, dan saya tidak akan berdebat bahwa moralitas dan estetika yang bisa dibedakan (mereka tidak); tapi saya cenderung untuk pandangan bahwa dunia moral yang akan banyak peduli untuk memerangi keburukan untuk memerangi kebohongan, ketidakbahagiaan, dan sebagainya. Saya menyebutkan pandangan ini hanya untuk mengesampingkannya, untuk mengingatkan pembaca bahwa kita tidak hanya telah membahas nilai-nilai yang saya kebetulan memegang; jika kita, maka prinsip keindahan tentu harus disertakan. Tapi kita telah membahas nilai-nilai yang ada alasan untuk berpikir yang tak dapat disangkal bagian dari makna moralitas, bagian dari apa itu, terlepas dari situasi tertentu seseorang atau sudut pandang filosofis. Saya kebetulan menghargai keindahan sebanyak kebebasan, tapi saya harus mengakui baik bahwa banyak orang lain tidak dan, yang lebih penting, bahwa tidak masuk akal untuk menyatakan bahwa, sebaliknya, itu adalah sepenuhnya berbeda dari dan tidak ada hubungannya dengan moralitas. Tapi itu tidak bisa dikatakan dari lima prinsip lain: akan masuk akal untuk menyatakan keadilan itu, menghormati orang, pengungkapan kebenaran, kebebasan, dan kesejahteraan tidak ada hubungannya dengan moralitas. Mereka jelas, self-jelas, dan tak dapat disangkal (baik secara logis dan fakta sejarah) fitur yang diperlukan apa yang kita pahami moralitas (yang berbeda dari setiap tertentu diuraikan teori atau kode moral) untuk menjadi. Moralitas, menurut definisi, tentang premium prima facie ditempatkan untuk menjadi adil, mengakui semua orang sebagai tujuan itu sendiri, kepedulian terhadap kebenaran, kebebasan, dan kesejahteraan. Prinsip-prinsip ini (dan tidak ada orang lain, saya pikir) mendefinisikan wilayah. (Mereka tidak tentu memberitahu kami persis apa yang harus kita lakukan pada setiap kesempatan yang diberikan.)
Mungkin berpikir bahwa saya hanya mengemis pertanyaan: Saya mendefinisikan moralitas dengan cara ini, tapi apa adalah untuk menghentikan orang lain mendefinisikan dalam dengan cara yang berbeda? Tapi pertanyaan ini salah. Saya berdebat dan menarik bagi pembaca untuk mengakui keabsahan argumen bahwa jika kita berpikir tentang apa yang kita pahami oleh moral yang bertentangan dengan teori non-moral yang kita melihat bahwa prinsip-prinsip ini tertanam di dalamnya. Hanya pembaca dapat menilai apakah saya telah berhasil.
saya bernama tujuh filsuf dengan cara misalnya (meskipun niat diakui saya untuk menghindari referensi kepada individu tertentu). Mereka dianggap mewakili penampang kurang lebih acak pendapat filosofis dari waktu ke waktu. Plato, ayah dari filsafat, telah diperkenalkan. Filsuf Jerman Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) telah sangat berpengaruh melalui karya seperti Critique of Pure Reason dan Groundwork dari Metafisika dari Moral. The Scotsman David Hume (1711-1776) sering disebut sebagai salah satu pemikir terkemuka di garis British khas filsuf empiris berpikiran. Karyanya yang paling terkenal adalah A Treatise of Human Nature, tapi perhatikan juga Sebuah Kirim tentang Pokok-pokok Moral dan nya Esai Politik.
John Stuart Mill, GE Moore, dan AC Ewing telah disebut. Simon Blackburn memiliki kemalangan untuk terpilih sebagai wakil dari filsafat moral kontemporer. Buku-bukunya termasuk Etika dikutip sebelumnya dan Kebenaran.
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