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International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 3 No. 6; [Special Issue -March 2012]
THE IMPORTANCE OF COLOR IN PRODUCT CHOICE AMONG YOUNG HISPANIC, CAUCASIAN, AND AFRICAN-AMERICAN GROUPS IN THE USA Dr. Okan Akcay Dr. Paul Sable Dr. M. Halim Dalgin Kutztown University of Pennsylvania United States of America Abstract Our research paper focuses on understanding the importance of color in product decision making amongHispanics, Caucasians and African-Americans who are under 25 years of age in the U.S. We include aliterature review and survey resultsforyoung adult ethnic groups. Our analysis indicates that color is very important when buying certain product categoriesfor the young adult population. Keywords: Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Color andProduct Choice, Young Ethnic Consumer INTRODUCTION
The market for young ethnic consumers has become a very important consumer segment in the U.S. This segment has been a key demographic in terms of both size and expenditures for the past decade. According to theU.S. Census, the number of young consumers, those between the ages of15 to 24,has soared to above 43.6million presently (U.S. Census 2010). They are realistic, optimistic and exhibit a strong need for individuality in their self-expression. They spend their money primarily on clothing, video games, magazines, food, soft drinks and snacks ( have money to spend and they influence household spending of big and small purchases. They also influence 81% of family apparel purchases and 52% of other purchases such as family cars (Carter, 2011). Marketers have been aiming at and targeting this diverse and growing crucial age group not only in the U.S. but also around the world. Marketers appreciatethese young adult consumersbecause they are trendsetters in fashion, music, entertainment, ideas and attitudes.Many companies want to keep them as customers as they age (Kotler and Keller, 2012). The U.S. population is highly ethnically and racially diverse. As of the 2010 Census, the U.S. population was 63.7% White, 12.2% African American and 16.3% Hispanic. The Hispanic population grew 43% between 2000 and 2010. It is now 16.3% (50.4 million)of the population and expected to make up 18.9% of the population by 2020 (Kotler and Keller, 2012). According to the Census Bureau, the U.S. Hispanic population is projected to reach 132.8 million by 2050 which would be 30% of the nation’s total population (Westlund, 2009). The examination of racial and ethnic group distribution nationally shows that the non-Hispanic White population is still numerically and proportionally the largest major race and ethnic group in the U.S. Overall, the U.S. population is becoming more racially and ethnically diverse over time (Census, 2010). LITERATURE REVIEW Marketers know color has a strong power to create brand image, affect the buyer’s decision making process and change the mood of consumers. Color can contribute to differentiating products from competitors and creating positive or negative feelings about products (Grossman and Wisenblit, 1999; Singh, 2006). Demographic differences such as age, gender and ethnic group cause consumers to accept and perceive color differently. Young people are more open than their elders to experiment with color. Perception of color is different between age groups, for example: red represents love and blood for teens but blood and passion for the 55 and older age group. In the same research, young adult prefer different shades of blue than older age groups. According to recent studies, there are specific ethnic differences in color choice (Silver, 1998; Crozier, 1996; Jemason, 2005). Hispanics are usually drawn to brighter, stronger, more intense colors. African Americans prefer deeply saturated colors and Asian Americans have a significantly lower preference for green than any other ethnic segment. African Americans and Hispanics lean proportionately more towardpurple, Asians toward pink and Caucasian toward green.
The Special Issue on Contemporary Research in Business and Economics © Centre for Promoting Ideas, USA
Blue is the number one overall choice of color by all ethnic groups.Ethnicity also plays a role in the preference of different colors and different shades of blue among Caucasians, African Americans and Hispanics (Paul, 2002). Color is one of the primary purchasing considerations among consumers and is a very important factor for product choice (Clarke and Honeycutt, 2000). There are a number of studies that suggest that consumer color choice depends on demographic factors, such as age, gender, ethnicity and socio-economic level. (Boyatzis and Varghese, 1994; Krishna, 1972; Choungourian, 1968). Color response is learned and can be changed overtime (Adams and Osgood, 1973; Hupka, et al., 1997). In addition, color preferences can be affected by external factors such as geographic location (urban vs. rural) and climate (Wagner, 1988).Marketers know that an average consumer’s decision to purchase a product is based, up to over 60%, on its color (Singh, 2006; In general, color has the potential to affect a consumer’s overall perception of a product and the persuasiveness of purchase decisions (Sable and Akcay, 2010). Color has different meanings and perceptions in different cultures (Aslam, 2006; Madden, et al.2000). The knowledge of consumers’ color choicesenables marketers to identify and offer the right product color. Color is also used to attract, draw attention, create a purchase intention, and desired atmosphere in retail stores (Bellizi, et al., 1983; Kerfoot, et al., 2003). The importance of color is a function of the average life and price level of a product. Consumers are more likely to be focused on color in their choice of high priced, high involvement and long life products. In contrast, for low involvement products consumers are more flexible in their choice (Grossman and Wisenblit, 1999). In general, understanding color choice and responses of consumers for various products has become very complicated because consumers have developed a wide range of color associations for various products. Marketers should be aware that color is more important for value-expressive products as opposed to utilitarian type products (Ogden, et al., 2010; Akcay, et al., 2011). HYPOTHESES We would like to test the following hypotheses:
1. Color is a very important factor in the purchase of many products by young Hispanic, African American and Caucasian consumers.
2. Color preferences may vary by gender in the young consumer market.
3. The importance of color might vary by various ethnic segments in different product categories.
In this paper, we analyzed the importance of color in product purchasing decisions among theyoung adult ethnic population. We distributed 600 questionnaires and used convenience sampling among young adults with 477 usable questionnaires. The response rate was about 80%. The questionnaire was divided into four sections. The first section dealt with the importance of color for theyoung adult population when they make a decision about purchasing products. The second section asked respondents about the rate of importance for color in various product categories. The third section focused on favorite colors for different products that are frequently purchased by young adults. The last sectioncovered demographic variables such as ethnicity, gender, and age. We can summarize the demographics as follows,15% of the respondents were Caucasian, and 67% were Hispanic, 18% were African-American, with the remaining belonging to a few other ethnic groups such as Asians and Native Americans. Forty four percent of respondents were male and 56% were female. About 69% of them grew up in an urban setting, 14% grew up in the suburbs, and the remaining 17% grew up in rural areas. An overwhelming majority of the respondents, 73%, are from low-income families. Ninety two percent of them had a high school education and the majority were under 25 years old.
We used ordinal logit and multinomial logit models. We wanted to use these models because in determining the color preference it is important to control various other variables that might affect the color preference such as age, gender, where the respondents grew up, and family income. Also, it is much easier to analyze categorical variables using these models while controlling for other variables that might influence the color choice. We chose a model like this because of the categorical variables that we have in our survey. Logit models are derived from linear probability models, which are about dichotomous response variables. Because the expectation of a Bernoulli random variable is simply its probability, this can be used to advantage. Suppose Y is a Bernoulli variable and we would like to estimate it by a simple linear regression equationYi=β0+β1Xi+ui. Then the conditional expectation can be interpreted as its success probability:
International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 3 No. 6; [Special Issue -March 2012]
E(Yi=1|Xi)=β0+β1Xi=Pi Yet there are some issues with this kind of interpretation because estimated values can be negative or greater than one. Hence, consider the representation of the probability in a different way Pi=E(Yi=1|Xi)=β0+β1Xi= 11+e−(β0+β1Xi) But after all this can be simply stated as Pi1−Pi=eβ0+β1Xi When we take the log of the above expression, call it Li we have the logit model – simply log it – Li=log  Pi1−Pi=β0+β1Xi Now the way we interpret the estimated regressand in terms of odds is that positive values of L indicate increasing odds for one and negative values indicate decreasing odds for one. The discussion above is for dichotomous outcome but we are interested ordinal multi values as well simply multinomial outcomes. In any case if the relevant coefficient is positive and significant then going from
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Jurnal internasional bisnis dan ilmu sosial Vol. 3 No 6; [Khusus masalah - Maret 2012]1Dalam kelompok-kelompok kepentingan dari warna di produk pilihan antara muda HISPANIK, KAUKASIA dan Afrika-Amerika Amerika Serikat Dr. Okan Akcay Dr. Paul Sable Dr. M. Halim Dalgin Kutztown University of Pennsylvania Amerika Serikat abstrak kami kertas penelitian berfokus pada memahami pentingnya warna dalam produk pengambilan keputusan amongHispanics, Kaukasia dan Afrika-Amerika yang berusia di bawah 25 tahun di Amerika Serikat Kami termasuk aliterature review dan survei resultsforyoung dewasa kelompok-kelompok etnis. Analisis kami menunjukkan bahwa warna sangat penting ketika membeli produk tertentu categoriesfor populasi orang dewasa muda. Kata kunci: Pemasaran, perilaku konsumen, andProduct warna pilihan, muda etnis konsumen pengenalanThe market for young ethnic consumers has become a very important consumer segment in the U.S. This segment has been a key demographic in terms of both size and expenditures for the past decade. According to theU.S. Census, the number of young consumers, those between the ages of15 to 24,has soared to above 43.6million presently (U.S. Census 2010). They are realistic, optimistic and exhibit a strong need for individuality in their self-expression. They spend their money primarily on clothing, video games, magazines, food, soft drinks and snacks ( have money to spend and they influence household spending of big and small purchases. They also influence 81% of family apparel purchases and 52% of other purchases such as family cars (Carter, 2011). Marketers have been aiming at and targeting this diverse and growing crucial age group not only in the U.S. but also around the world. Marketers appreciatethese young adult consumersbecause they are trendsetters in fashion, music, entertainment, ideas and attitudes.Many companies want to keep them as customers as they age (Kotler and Keller, 2012). The U.S. population is highly ethnically and racially diverse. As of the 2010 Census, the U.S. population was 63.7% White, 12.2% African American and 16.3% Hispanic. The Hispanic population grew 43% between 2000 and 2010. It is now 16.3% (50.4 million)of the population and expected to make up 18.9% of the population by 2020 (Kotler and Keller, 2012). According to the Census Bureau, the U.S. Hispanic population is projected to reach 132.8 million by 2050 which would be 30% of the nation’s total population (Westlund, 2009). The examination of racial and ethnic group distribution nationally shows that the non-Hispanic White population is still numerically and proportionally the largest major race and ethnic group in the U.S. Overall, the U.S. population is becoming more racially and ethnically diverse over time (Census, 2010). LITERATURE REVIEW Marketers know color has a strong power to create brand image, affect the buyer’s decision making process and change the mood of consumers. Color can contribute to differentiating products from competitors and creating positive or negative feelings about products (Grossman and Wisenblit, 1999; Singh, 2006). Demographic differences such as age, gender and ethnic group cause consumers to accept and perceive color differently. Young people are more open than their elders to experiment with color. Perception of color is different between age groups, for example: red represents love and blood for teens but blood and passion for the 55 and older age group. In the same research, young adult prefer different shades of blue than older age groups. According to recent studies, there are specific ethnic differences in color choice (Silver, 1998; Crozier, 1996; Jemason, 2005). Hispanics are usually drawn to brighter, stronger, more intense colors. African Americans prefer deeply saturated colors and Asian Americans have a significantly lower preference for green than any other ethnic segment. African Americans and Hispanics lean proportionately more towardpurple, Asians toward pink and Caucasian toward green.Special Issue on kontemporer penelitian dalam bisnis dan ekonomi © pusat untuk mempromosikan ide-ide, Amerika Serikat2Blue is the number one overall choice of color by all ethnic groups.Ethnicity also plays a role in the preference of different colors and different shades of blue among Caucasians, African Americans and Hispanics (Paul, 2002). Color is one of the primary purchasing considerations among consumers and is a very important factor for product choice (Clarke and Honeycutt, 2000). There are a number of studies that suggest that consumer color choice depends on demographic factors, such as age, gender, ethnicity and socio-economic level. (Boyatzis and Varghese, 1994; Krishna, 1972; Choungourian, 1968). Color response is learned and can be changed overtime (Adams and Osgood, 1973; Hupka, et al., 1997). In addition, color preferences can be affected by external factors such as geographic location (urban vs. rural) and climate (Wagner, 1988).Marketers know that an average consumer’s decision to purchase a product is based, up to over 60%, on its color (Singh, 2006; In general, color has the potential to affect a consumer’s overall perception of a product and the persuasiveness of purchase decisions (Sable and Akcay, 2010). Color has different meanings and perceptions in different cultures (Aslam, 2006; Madden, et al.2000). The knowledge of consumers’ color choicesenables marketers to identify and offer the right product color. Color is also used to attract, draw attention, create a purchase intention, and desired atmosphere in retail stores (Bellizi, et al., 1983; Kerfoot, et al., 2003). The importance of color is a function of the average life and price level of a product. Consumers are more likely to be focused on color in their choice of high priced, high involvement and long life products. In contrast, for low involvement products consumers are more flexible in their choice (Grossman and Wisenblit, 1999). In general, understanding color choice and responses of consumers for various products has become very complicated because consumers have developed a wide range of color associations for various products. Marketers should be aware that color is more important for value-expressive products as opposed to utilitarian type products (Ogden, et al., 2010; Akcay, et al., 2011). HYPOTHESES We would like to test the following hypotheses:1. warna adalah faktor yang sangat penting dalam pembelian banyak produk oleh konsumen muda Hispanik, African American dan Kaukasus.2. warna preferensi dapat bervariasi berdasarkan jenis kelamin di pasar konsumen muda.3. pentingnya warna mungkin bervariasi oleh berbagai segmen etnis di kategori produk yang berbeda.UKURAN SAMPEL DAN QUESTIONNAREDalam tulisan ini, kami menganalisis pentingnya warna dalam keputusan antara populasi etnis dewasa Jepangadapula arah pembelian produk. Kami didistribusikan 600 kuesioner dan digunakan kenyamanan sampling antara orang dewasa muda dengan 477 kuesioner yang bermanfaat. Tingkat respon adalah sekitar 80%. Kuesioner ini dibagi menjadi empat bagian. Bagian pertama berurusan dengan pentingnya warna untuk Jepangadapula arah populasi orang dewasa ketika mereka membuat keputusan tentang pembelian produk. Bagian kedua meminta responden tentang tingkat kepentingan untuk warna dalam berbagai kategori produk. Bagian ketiga fokus pada warna favorit untuk produk yang berbeda yang sering dibeli oleh orang dewasa muda. Terakhir sectioncovered variabel-variabel demografik etnis, jenis kelamin dan usia. Kita bisa meringkas demografi sebagai berikut, 15% dari responden Kaukasia, dan 67% Hispanik, 18% orang Afrika-Amerika, dengan sisa milik beberapa kelompok etnis lainnya seperti Asia dan penduduk asli Amerika. Empat puluh empat persen dari responden laki-laki dan 56% perempuan. Sekitar 69% dari mereka dibesarkan di suasana perkotaan, 14% dibesarkan di pinggiran, dan sisanya 17% dibesarkan di daerah pedesaan. Mayoritas responden, 73%, berasal dari keluarga berpenghasilan rendah. Sembilan puluh dua persen dari mereka memiliki pendidikan SMA dan sebagian besar di bawah 25 tahun.METODOLOGIWe used ordinal logit and multinomial logit models. We wanted to use these models because in determining the color preference it is important to control various other variables that might affect the color preference such as age, gender, where the respondents grew up, and family income. Also, it is much easier to analyze categorical variables using these models while controlling for other variables that might influence the color choice. We chose a model like this because of the categorical variables that we have in our survey. Logit models are derived from linear probability models, which are about dichotomous response variables. Because the expectation of a Bernoulli random variable is simply its probability, this can be used to advantage. Suppose Y is a Bernoulli variable and we would like to estimate it by a simple linear regression equationYi=β0+β1Xi+ui. Then the conditional expectation can be interpreted as its success probability:International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 3 No. 6; [Special Issue -March 2012]3E(Yi=1| Xi) = β0 + β1Xi = Pi namun ada beberapa masalah dengan penafsiran karena perkiraan nilai dapat negatif atau lebih besar daripada satu. Oleh karena itu, pertimbangkan representasi dari kemungkinan dengan cara yang berbeda Pi = E(Yi=1| Xi) = β0 + β1Xi = 11+e−(β0+β1Xi) tapi setelah semua ini dapat hanya dinyatakan sebagai Pi1−Pi = eβ0 + β1Xi ketika kita mengambil log dari ekspresi di atas, menyebutnya Li kami memiliki model logit-cukup login-Li = log  Pi1−Pi = β0 + β1Xi sekarang cara kita menafsirkan regressand diperkirakan dalam hal peluang yang positif nilai l menunjukkan peningkatan peluang untuk satu dan nilai-nilai negatif menunjukkan penurunan peluang untuk satu. Diskusi di atas untuk dichotomous hasil tetapi kami tertarik ordinal multi nilai sebagai hasil hanyalah multinomial. Dalam setiap kasus jika koefisien relevan positif dan signifikan kemudian pergi dari
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International Journal of Business dan Ilmu Sosial Vol. 3 No 6; [Edisi Khusus -Maret 2012]
PENTINGNYA WARNA DALAM PRODUK PILIHAN ANTARA MUDA HISPANIK, Kaukasia, DAN KELOMPOK AFRICAN-AMERICAN DI USA Dr. Okan Akcay Dr Paul Sable Dr. M. Halim Dalgin Kutztown University of Pennsylvania Amerika Serikat makalah penelitian Amerika Abstrak kami berfokus pada pemahaman pentingnya warna dalam pengambilan produk membuat amongHispanics, bule dan Afrika-Amerika yang berada di bawah 25 tahun di AS Kami menyertakan ulasan aliterature dan survei kelompok etnis dewasa resultsforyoung. Analisis kami menunjukkan bahwa warna sangat penting ketika membeli produk tertentu categoriesfor populasi orang dewasa muda. Kata kunci: Pemasaran, Perilaku Konsumen, Warna andProduct Choice, Young Etnis PENDAHULUAN Konsumen
Pasar konsumen etnis muda telah menjadi segmen konsumen yang sangat penting di AS segmen ini telah menjadi demografis kunci baik dari segi ukuran dan pengeluaran dalam dekade terakhir. Menurut theU.S. Sensus, jumlah konsumen muda, mereka yang berusia antara of15 ke 24, telah melonjak di atas 43.6million saat (US sensus 2010). Mereka adalah realistis, optimis dan menunjukkan kebutuhan yang kuat untuk individualitas dalam ekspresi diri mereka. Mereka menghabiskan uang mereka terutama pada pakaian, video game, majalah, makanan, minuman ringan dan makanan ringan ( .Mereka memiliki uang untuk dibelanjakan dan mereka mempengaruhi pengeluaran rumah tangga pembelian besar dan kecil. Mereka juga mempengaruhi 81% dari pembelian pakaian keluarga dan 52% dari pembelian lainnya seperti mobil keluarga (Carter, 2011). Pemasar telah bertujuan dan menargetkan kelompok usia ini penting beragam dan berkembang tidak hanya di AS tapi juga di seluruh dunia. Pemasar appreciatethese dewasa muda consumersbecause mereka trendsetter di dunia fashion, musik, hiburan, ide dan perusahaan attitudes.Many ingin menjaga mereka sebagai pelanggan saat mereka usia (Kotler dan Keller, 2012). Penduduk AS sangat etnis dan ras yang beragam. Pada Sensus 2010, penduduk AS adalah 63,7% Putih, 12,2% Afrika Amerika dan 16,3% Hispanik. Populasi Hispanik tumbuh 43% antara tahun 2000 dan 2010. Hal ini sekarang 16,3% (50,4 juta) dari penduduk dan diharapkan untuk membuat 18,9% dari populasi pada tahun 2020 (Kotler dan Keller, 2012). Menurut Biro Sensus, penduduk Hispanik AS diproyeksikan mencapai 132.800.000 pada tahun 2050 yang akan menjadi 30% dari total penduduk nasional (Westlund, 2009). Pemeriksaan distribusi kelompok ras dan etnis nasional menunjukkan bahwa populasi Putih non-Hispanik masih numerik dan proporsional ras utama terbesar dan kelompok etnis di AS Secara keseluruhan, penduduk AS menjadi lebih ras dan etnis yang beragam dari waktu ke waktu (Sensus 2010 ). PUSTAKA Pemasar REVIEW tahu warna memiliki daya yang kuat untuk menciptakan citra merek, mempengaruhi proses pengambilan keputusan pembeli dan mengubah suasana hati konsumen. Warna dapat berkontribusi untuk membedakan produk dari pesaing dan menciptakan perasaan positif atau negatif tentang produk (Grossman dan Wisenblit, 1999; Singh, 2006). Perbedaan demografis seperti usia, jenis kelamin dan etnis kelompok penyebab konsumen untuk menerima dan melihat warna berbeda. Orang muda lebih terbuka daripada orang tua mereka untuk bereksperimen dengan warna. Persepsi warna yang berbeda antara kelompok usia, misalnya: merah merupakan cinta dan darah untuk remaja tapi darah dan gairah untuk kelompok usia 55 dan lebih tua. Dalam penelitian yang sama, dewasa muda lebih memilih berbagai nuansa biru dari kelompok usia yang lebih tua. Menurut studi terbaru, ada perbedaan spesifik etnis dalam pilihan warna (Silver, 1998; Crozier, 1996; Jemason, 2005). Hispanik biasanya ditarik ke terang, kuat, warna yang lebih intens. Afrika Amerika lebih memilih warna sangat jenuh dan Asia Amerika memiliki preferensi signifikan lebih rendah untuk hijau daripada segmen etnis lain. Afrika Amerika dan Hispanik bersandar proporsional lebih towardpurple, Asia menuju pink dan Kaukasia menuju hijau.
The Edisi Khusus tentang Kontemporer Penelitian dalam Bisnis dan Ekonomi © Pusat untuk Mempromosikan Situs, USA
Biru adalah pilihan nomor satu keseluruhan warna dengan semua groups.Ethnicity etnis juga memainkan peran dalam preferensi warna yang berbeda dan berbagai nuansa biru antara bule, Afrika dan Hispanik Amerika (Paul, 2002). Warna adalah salah satu pertimbangan utama pembelian antara konsumen dan merupakan faktor yang sangat penting untuk pilihan produk (Clarke dan Honeycutt, 2000). Ada sejumlah studi yang menunjukkan bahwa pilihan warna konsumen tergantung pada faktor-faktor demografi, seperti usia, jenis kelamin, etnis dan tingkat sosial ekonomi. (Boyatzis dan Varghese, 1994; Krishna, 1972; Choungourian, 1968). Tanggapan warna yang dipelajari dan dapat diubah lembur (Adams dan Osgood, 1973; Hupka, et al, 1997.). Selain itu, preferensi warna dapat dipengaruhi oleh faktor eksternal seperti lokasi geografis (perkotaan vs pedesaan) dan iklim (Wagner, 1988) .Marketers tahu bahwa keputusan konsumen rata-rata untuk membeli suatu produk berdasarkan, hingga lebih dari 60%, pada warnanya (Singh, 2006; Secara umum, warna memiliki potensi untuk mempengaruhi persepsi keseluruhan konsumen dari produk dan meyakinkan keputusan pembelian (Sable dan Akcay, 2010). Warna memiliki arti yang berbeda dan persepsi dalam budaya yang berbeda (Aslam, 2006; Madden, et al.2000). Pengetahuan konsumen choicesenables warna pemasar untuk mengidentifikasi dan menawarkan warna produk yang tepat. Warna ini juga digunakan untuk menarik, menarik perhatian, membuat niat pembelian, dan diinginkan suasana di toko-toko ritel (Bellizi, et al, 1983;. Kerfoot, et al, 2003.). Pentingnya warna adalah fungsi dari kehidupan dan harga rata-rata tingkat produk. Konsumen lebih cenderung difokuskan pada warna dalam pilihan mereka dengan harga tinggi, keterlibatan tinggi dan produk umur panjang. Sebaliknya, untuk produk keterlibatan rendah konsumen lebih fleksibel dalam pilihan mereka (Grossman dan Wisenblit, 1999). Secara umum, memahami pilihan warna dan tanggapan dari konsumen untuk berbagai produk telah menjadi sangat rumit karena konsumen telah mengembangkan berbagai asosiasi warna untuk berbagai produk. Pemasar harus menyadari bahwa warna yang lebih penting untuk nilai-ekspresif produk yang bertentangan dengan produk utilitarian jenis (Ogden, et al, 2010;. Akcay, et al, 2011.). HIPOTESIS Kami ingin menguji hipotesis berikut:
1. Warna adalah faktor yang sangat penting dalam pembelian banyak produk oleh Hispanik, Afrika konsumen muda Amerika dan Kaukasia.
2. Preferensi warna dapat bervariasi menurut jenis kelamin di pasar konsumen muda.
3. Pentingnya warna mungkin berbeda-beda oleh berbagai segmen etnis di kategori produk yang berbeda.
Dalam tulisan ini, kami menganalisis pentingnya warna dalam keputusan pembelian produk di antara penduduk etnis dewasa theyoung. Kami membagikan 600 kuesioner dan digunakan convenience sampling di kalangan orang dewasa muda dengan 477 kuesioner yang dapat digunakan. Tingkat respon adalah sekitar 80%. Kuesioner dibagi menjadi empat bagian. Bagian pertama ditangani dengan pentingnya warna untuk populasi orang dewasa theyoung ketika mereka membuat keputusan tentang pembelian produk. Bagian kedua menanyakan kepada responden tentang tingkat kepentingan untuk warna dalam berbagai kategori produk. Bagian ketiga berfokus pada warna favorit untuk berbagai produk yang sering dibeli oleh orang dewasa muda. Variabel sectioncovered terakhir demografis seperti etnis, gender, dan usia. Kita dapat meringkas demografi sebagai berikut, 15% dari responden yang Kaukasia, dan 67% Hispanik, 18% orang Afrika-Amerika, dengan sisanya milik beberapa kelompok etnis lain seperti orang Asia dan penduduk asli Amerika. Empat puluh empat persen responden adalah laki-laki dan 56% adalah perempuan. Sekitar 69% dari mereka dibesarkan di perkotaan, 14% dibesarkan di pinggiran kota, dan 17% sisanya dibesarkan di daerah pedesaan. Mayoritas responden, 73%, berasal dari keluarga berpenghasilan rendah. Sembilan puluh dua persen dari mereka memiliki pendidikan sekolah tinggi dan mayoritas berada di bawah 25 tahun.
Kami menggunakan logit ordinal dan model logit multinomial. Kami ingin menggunakan model ini karena dalam menentukan preferensi warna penting untuk mengendalikan berbagai variabel lain yang mungkin mempengaruhi preferensi warna seperti usia, jenis kelamin, di mana responden dibesarkan, dan pendapatan keluarga. Juga, itu jauh lebih mudah untuk menganalisis variabel kategori menggunakan model ini sementara mengontrol variabel lain yang mungkin mempengaruhi pilihan warna. Kami memilih model seperti ini karena variabel kategori yang kita miliki dalam survei kami. Model logit yang berasal dari model probabilitas linier, yang sekitar variabel respon dikotomis. Karena harapan dari variabel acak Bernoulli hanya probabilitas, ini dapat digunakan untuk keuntungan. Misalkan Y adalah variabel Bernoulli dan kami ingin memperkirakan dengan regresi linier sederhana equationYi = β0 + β1Xi + ui. Maka ekspektasi bersyarat dapat diartikan sebagai probabilitas keberhasilan:
International Journal of Business dan Ilmu Sosial Vol. 3 No 6; [Edisi Khusus -Maret 2012]
E (Yi = 1 | Xi) = β0 + β1Xi = Pi Namun ada beberapa masalah dengan jenis penafsiran karena nilai diperkirakan bisa negatif atau lebih besar dari satu. Oleh karena itu, mempertimbangkan representasi dari probabilitas dengan cara yang berbeda Pi = E (Yi = 1 | Xi) = β0 + β1Xi = 11 + e- (β0 + β1Xi) Tapi setelah semua ini dapat hanya dinyatakan sebagai Pi1-Pi = eβ0 + β1Xi Ketika kita mengambil log dari ekspresi di atas, sebut saja Li kita memiliki model logit - cukup log itu - Li = log  Pi1-Pi = β0 + β1Xi Sekarang cara kita menafsirkan regressand diperkirakan dalam hal kemungkinan adalah bahwa nilai-nilai positif dari L mengindikasikan meningkatnya peluang untuk satu dan nilai-nilai negatif mengindikasikan penurunan peluang untuk satu. Diskusi di atas adalah untuk hasil dikotomis tapi kami adalah multi nilai ordinal tertarik serta hasil hanya multinomial. Dalam hal apapun jika koefisien yang relevan adalah positif dan signifikan kemudian pergi dari
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