After I re­veal jade jue, these two big priests in­stan­ta­neously be­ terjemahan - After I re­veal jade jue, these two big priests in­stan­ta­neously be­ Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

After I re­veal jade jue, these two

After I re­veal jade jue, these two big priests in­stan­ta­neously be­came to my man­ner in­com­pa­ra­bly re­spect­ful, even the rear priests looked that my look like was looks at the god, even I thought that if I had the need, these fe­male priests un­dressed im­me­di­ately are not the issue, but I did not have the need tem­porar­ily, con­tin­ued to chat with two old men
„In tem­ple al­to­gether how many tem­ple knights?”
„Reply gen­eral.” Dis­patches to say quiet: „Tem­ple knights choose from the fol­lower of god, we will choose 100-200 peo­ple to train in the Lin­hai city every year, 1/10 peo­ple can enjoy the su­per­nat­ural power bap­tism to be trained into the tem­ple knight, year after year, be­hind in the tem­ple bat­tal­ion al­to­gether has about 2000 tem­ple knights, this time to reen­force the Lin­hai city, al­to­gether went to more than 800 tem­ple knights.”
My knit­ting the brows head, said: „Im­me­di­ately sends for going to the Lin­hai city, re­calls these tem­ple knights, from now hence­forth does not have my order, the tem­ple knight not to par­tic­i­pate in any war.”
„Yes, Gen­eral!”
„In ad­di­tion has, I can choose a group of peo­ple to un­dergo your train­ings, be­comes the tem­ple knight?”
„Even if they do not have any be­lief, doesn't be­lieve in you to honor for these gods of god?” I asked.
On the face that dis­patches quiet is some­what help­less: „Gen­eral, you said that that then can”
„Good” I also said: „Tem­ple needs me to make any­thing for you, if I have enough au­thor­ity.”
Dis­patches to say quiet: „All that the cat­tle and life that sac­ri­fi­cial of­fer­ing uses need, from the sup­plies of Lin­hai city, there­fore after re­ceiv­ing Wang Ling the tem­ple knight will go to the Lin­hai city to be ready to ac­cept as­sign­ment.”
I think that said: „Later each month Tian Ling Em­pire can long-dis­tance send the sup­plies to you, from now hence­forth the tem­ple only obeys dis­patch­ing of Tian Ling Em­pire, more­over I will send 10,000 sharp sol­diers to come, you look at the of­fice, can train many tem­ple knights to train many, not hav­ing these that the train­ing ma­tures also to strengthen their strengths large scale.”
The nim­ble and re­source­ful big priest is slightly as­ton­ished: „Gen­eral, fol­lower who our we re­spect the god, we are not the tool and ma­chine of war, your this will make the bright tem­ple lose the be­lief in­evitably”
I smile: „I am a ser­vice­man, what god I do not be­lieve that I only know, in hu­man­ity by dif­fer­ent demon slaugh­ter, when the dif­fer­ent demon army con­quers by killing the human em­pire, the so-called gods are silent, a god has not dropped from the clouds to save hu­man­ity, if re­ally bright, that cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den Frost god­dess is only one in the world of mor­tals for the Spir­i­tual God that hu­man­ity fights, she is my teacher, is this be­lief?”
Dis­patches quiet in con­ster­na­tion: „Day is the Frost god­dess your teacher? The gen­eral bright tem­ple il­lu­mi­nated your in­struc­tion to act ac­cord­ingly is, will not have any dis­obey­ing!”
I nod: „That is good, if the army at­tack bright tem­ple of any hu­man­ity, you must counter-at­tack, I want the bright tem­ple only to take or­ders in me.”
„Yes, Gen­eral!”
Dis­patches to have a look at me quiet, said: „I think that the gen­eral later cer­tainly each time will not order per­son­ally to come, then asked the gen­eral to leave be­hind an im­pe­r­ial de­cree to us, later we saw clearly the hand­writ­ing of gen­eral to de­cide again whether was en­gaged, how?”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
After I re­veal jade jue, these two big priests in­stan­ta­neously be­came to my man­ner in­com­pa­ra­bly re­spect­ful, even the rear priests looked that my look like was looks at the god, even I thought that if I had the need, these fe­male priests un­dressed im­me­di­ately are not the issue, but I did not have the need tem­porar­ily, con­tin­ued to chat with two old men„In tem­ple al­to­gether how many tem­ple knights?”„Reply gen­eral.” Dis­patches to say quiet: „Tem­ple knights choose from the fol­lower of god, we will choose 100-200 peo­ple to train in the Lin­hai city every year, 1/10 peo­ple can enjoy the su­per­nat­ural power bap­tism to be trained into the tem­ple knight, year after year, be­hind in the tem­ple bat­tal­ion al­to­gether has about 2000 tem­ple knights, this time to reen­force the Lin­hai city, al­to­gether went to more than 800 tem­ple knights.”My knit­ting the brows head, said: „Im­me­di­ately sends for going to the Lin­hai city, re­calls these tem­ple knights, from now hence­forth does not have my order, the tem­ple knight not to par­tic­i­pate in any war.”„Yes, Gen­eral!”„In ad­di­tion has, I can choose a group of peo­ple to un­dergo your train­ings, be­comes the tem­ple knight?”„Ok.”„Even if they do not have any be­lief, doesn't be­lieve in you to honor for these gods of god?” I asked.On the face that dis­patches quiet is some­what help­less: „Gen­eral, you said that that then can”„Good” I also said: „Tem­ple needs me to make any­thing for you, if I have enough au­thor­ity.”Dis­patches to say quiet: „All that the cat­tle and life that sac­ri­fi­cial of­fer­ing uses need, from the sup­plies of Lin­hai city, there­fore after re­ceiv­ing Wang Ling the tem­ple knight will go to the Lin­hai city to be ready to ac­cept as­sign­ment.”I think that said: „Later each month Tian Ling Em­pire can long-dis­tance send the sup­plies to you, from now hence­forth the tem­ple only obeys dis­patch­ing of Tian Ling Em­pire, more­over I will send 10,000 sharp sol­diers to come, you look at the of­fice, can train many tem­ple knights to train many, not hav­ing these that the train­ing ma­tures also to strengthen their strengths large scale.”The nim­ble and re­source­ful big priest is slightly as­ton­ished: „Gen­eral, fol­lower who our we re­spect the god, we are not the tool and ma­chine of war, your this will make the bright tem­ple lose the be­lief in­evitably”I smile: „I am a ser­vice­man, what god I do not be­lieve that I only know, in hu­man­ity by dif­fer­ent demon slaugh­ter, when the dif­fer­ent demon army con­quers by killing the human em­pire, the so-called gods are silent, a god has not dropped from the clouds to save hu­man­ity, if re­ally bright, that cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den Frost god­dess is only one in the world of mor­tals for the Spir­i­tual God that hu­man­ity fights, she is my teacher, is this be­lief?”Dis­patches quiet in con­ster­na­tion: „Day is the Frost god­dess your teacher? The gen­eral bright tem­ple il­lu­mi­nated your in­struc­tion to act ac­cord­ingly is, will not have any dis­obey­ing!”I nod: „That is good, if the army at­tack bright tem­ple of any hu­man­ity, you must counter-at­tack, I want the bright tem­ple only to take or­ders in me.”„Yes, Gen­eral!”Dis­patches to have a look at me quiet, said: „I think that the gen­eral later cer­tainly each time will not order per­son­ally to come, then asked the gen­eral to leave be­hind an im­pe­r­ial de­cree to us, later we saw clearly the hand­writ­ing of gen­eral to de­cide again whether was en­gaged, how?”„Good!”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Setelah saya mengungkapkan jade jue, dua imam besar tersebut seketika menjadi ke cara saya yang jauh hormat, bahkan para imam belakang tampak bahwa tampilan saya seperti itu terlihat di dewa, bahkan aku berpikir bahwa jika saya memiliki kebutuhan, ini imam perempuan telanjang segera tidak masalah ini, tapi aku tidak punya kebutuhan sementara, terus mengobrol dengan dua orang tua
"Di kuil sama sekali berapa banyak ksatria kuil?"
"Balas umum" kiriman mengatakan tenang: ". Temple ksatria pilih dari pengikut Tuhan, kita akan memilih 100-200 orang untuk melatih di kota Linhai setiap tahun, 1/10 orang dapat menikmati baptisan kekuatan supranatural untuk dilatih menjadi ksatria kuil, tahun demi tahun, di belakang di batalion candi sama sekali memiliki sekitar 2000 ksatria kuil, ini waktu untuk reenforce kota Linhai, sama sekali pergi ke lebih dari 800 ksatria kuil ".
saya merajut kepala alis, mengatakan:" Segera mengirimkan untuk pergi ke kota Linhai, kenang ksatria kuil tersebut, dari sekarang untuk selanjutnya tidak memiliki pesanan saya, ksatria kuil untuk tidak berpartisipasi dalam perang. "
" Ya, General! "
" Selain memiliki, aku bisa memilih sekelompok orang untuk menjalani pelatihan Anda, menjadi ksatria kuil? "
" Ok. "
" Bahkan jika mereka tidak memiliki keyakinan apa pun, tidak percaya pada Anda untuk menghormati dewa-dewa ini tuhan "saya bertanya.?
di wajah yang mengirimkan tenang agak tak berdaya:" Jenderal, Anda mengatakan bahwa itu maka dapat "
" Baik "saya juga mengatakan:" Temple perlu saya untuk membuat apa pun untuk Anda, jika saya memiliki otoritas yang cukup ".
kiriman mengatakan tenang:" Semua yang ternak dan kehidupan yang persembahan korban menggunakan kebutuhan, dari pasokan kota Linhai, oleh karena itu setelah menerima Wang Ling ksatria kuil akan pergi ke kota Linhai untuk siap menerima tugas ".
saya pikir yang mengatakan:" Nanti setiap bulan Tian Ling Empire bisa jarak jauh mengirim pasokan kepada Anda, dari sekarang untuk selanjutnya kuil hanya mematuhi pengiriman dari Tian Ling Empire, apalagi aku akan mengirim 10.000 tentara tajam untuk datang, Anda melihat kantor, dapat melatih banyak ksatria kuil untuk melatih banyak, tidak memiliki ini bahwa pelatihan yang matang juga untuk memperkuat kekuatan mereka skala besar ".
imam besar gesit dan akal sedikit heran:" General , follower yang kami menghormati dewa, kita bukan alat dan mesin perang, Anda ini akan membuat candi terang kehilangan keyakinan pasti "
aku tersenyum:" saya reparasi, apa Tuhan saya tidak percaya bahwa saya hanya tahu , dalam kemanusiaan oleh pembantaian setan yang berbeda, ketika tentara setan yang berbeda Pendatukan dengan membunuh kerajaan manusia, yang disebut dewa diam, dewa belum turun dari awan untuk menyelamatkan umat manusia, jika benar-benar cerah, yang dingin tanah yang tidak digarap Dragon den Frost dewi adalah satu-satunya di dunia manusia untuk Allah Spiritual bahwa perkelahian manusia, dia adalah guru saya, adalah keyakinan ini? "
kiriman tenang dalam ketakutan:" Hari adalah dewi Frost guru Anda? Kuil cerah umum diterangi instruksi Anda untuk bertindak sesuai adalah, tidak akan memiliki ketidakpatuhan apapun "!
Saya mengangguk:" Itu baik, jika serangan tentara kuil terang kemanusiaan apapun, Anda harus melawan serangan, saya ingin candi cerah hanya untuk . menerima perintah dalam diriku "
"! Ya, General "
kiriman memiliki menatapku tenang, mengatakan:" saya berpikir bahwa umum nanti pasti setiap kali tidak akan memesan secara pribadi untuk datang, kemudian meminta umum untuk meninggalkan sebuah dekrit kaisar kepada kami, kemudian kami melihat dengan jelas tulisan tangan umum untuk memutuskan lagi apakah terlibat, bagaimana? "
" Baik! "
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