It is likely that a continuum betweenapoptotic and necrotic photorecep terjemahan - It is likely that a continuum betweenapoptotic and necrotic photorecep Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

It is likely that a continuum betwe

It is likely that a continuum between
apoptotic and necrotic photoreceptor death exists and that the balance between caspase and
calpain activation depends on the time course of changes in cellular energy and ion levels.
2.2 Damage to the Retinal Pigment Epithelium
The intimate metabolic and morphological relationships between the neuroretina and the RPE,
their high oxygen tension, and the rate and duration of photon flux all link damage in one tissue
to degeneration in the other. A unifying factor in photoreceptor/RPE damage appears to be
light-induced reactive oxygen species, generated by the bleaching of rhodopsin or from
compounds in the RPE, such as A2E (bis-retinaldehyde-phosphatidylethanolamine).
Retinaldehyde is found in both rhodopsin and A2E, but the preferential absorption of blue light
by A2E increases the likelihood for RPE damage from high energy photons (Sparrow et al.,
2000). Blue light damage may also involve mitochondrial cytochromes in RPE (King et al.,
2004)-or lipofuscin particles which accumulate with age (Rozanowska et al., 1995). High
levels of environmental light have been implicated in the accumulation of drusen (Bressler et
al., 1995) and photo-oxidized A2E appears to activate the complement system (Zhou et al.,
2006), indications that light damage in the RPE may contribute to clinical disease.
In rats exposed to intense green light, the appearance of RPE damage was delayed by a few
hours with respect to visual cell damage (Noell et al., 1966). This delay was attributed to a
light-induced toxic photoproduct arising in photoreceptors and then diffusing to the RPE. Using
an intermittent light exposure paradigm on rats, consisting of multiple 1 hour light/2 hour dark
periods, Blanks et al. (1992) found large numbers of RPE phagosomes after each light cycle.
Pretreatment with ascorbic acid greatly reduced phagosome accumulation, suggesting that
oxidation-induced damage in ROS was involved in their phagocytic removal. A subsequent
study confirmed a delay of 5-10 hours between photoreceptor and RPE cell damage in rats
exposed to broad band white light (Hafezi et al., 1997a). These authors concluded that a large
ROS disk shedding event triggered by intense light could serve as a pathological signal for
apoptosis in RPE cells. In this regard, we found massive ROS disk shedding in light damaged
rats reared in darkness, along with greater RPE cell damage than seen in rats reared in dim
cyclic light (Vaughan et al., 2002). Thus, the removal of light damaged ROS disks may be
toxic, leading to oxidative stress in RPE. This phagocytic process could also lead to the
accumulation of blue light absorbing molecules such as A2E (Sparrow et al., 2000), or to
partially degraded ROS proteins and lipid-protein adducts (Crabb et al., 2002).
2.2.1 In vitro Studies and Insights—Whereas much has been learned from in vivo studies,
in vitro the RPE lends itself to studies designed to directly test treatments that promote cellular
damage or protection. For example, maintenance of cellular glutathione (GSH) is widely believed to be important in preventing oxidative damage in tissues. Incubation of RPE cells in
the presence of zinc induces the rate controlling enzyme in GSH synthesis, apparently through
an antioxidant responsive element (ARE) and Nrf-2 (nuclear factor erythroid-2 related factor)
(Ha et al., 2006). At physiological levels, zinc prolongs RPE cell life in vitro, while at higher
levels it can be toxic (Wood and Osborne, 2003). Yet, even in the presence of high zinc levels,
simultaneous incubation of RPE cells with antioxidants reduces its toxic effects (Wood and
Osborne, 2003). Pre-incubation of RPE cells with the intracellular antioxidant α-lipoic acid
also induces GSH synthesis and reduces cell death induced by peroxide treatment (Voloboueva
et al., 2005). The natural substance sulforaphane, found in crucifers such as broccoli, has been
shown to induce genes in the RPE, which lead to increases in GSH, detoxification enzymes
such as NADH quinone-oxidoreductase (Gao and Talalay, 2004), and thioredoxin, a redoxactive
protein (Tanito et al., 2005a). Similarly, eriodictyol, a bioflavinoid found in citrus fruits,
induces GSH synthesis in ARPE-19 cells, and provides long term protection against oxidative
damage (Johnson et al., 2009). Likewise, over-expression of GSH peroxidase-1 and/or -4 in
ARPE-19 cells decreased the extent of oxidant-mediated cell death (Lu et al., 2009). Thus, the
thiol status of RPE is important in maintaining function and a variety of effectors including
oxidative stress (Lin et al., 2002) and the thiol specific oxidant diamide (Obin et al., 1998) can
lead to decreases. Zinc ion, natural substances and antioxidants all enhance GSH levels, often
through an ARE and transcription factors such as Nrf-2, leading to a reduction in RPE oxidation
(Gao and Talalay, 2004; Tanito et al., 2005a; Ha et al., 2006, Johnson et al., 2009). Reducing
oxidative stress in RPE, with ascorbic acid, also maintains mitogen-activated protein kinase-1
phosphatase (MKP-1), which inactivates the JNK pathway and prevents photo-damage
(Lornejad-Schafer et al., 2009). In total, these data suggest that there are multiple mechanisms
of antioxidant action in RPE, involving a decrease in reactive oxygen species and increases in
GSH levels which, in turn, affect enzymes and/or pathways that protect the cells against
oxidative stress.
2.3 Post Exposure Retinal Remodeling
Retinal remodeling refers to a series of anatomical changes in retinal cells following the loss
of relatively large numbers of photoreceptors, occurring over weeks or even months (Marc and
Jones, 2003). Three distinct phases have been described from animal models of hereditary
retinal degenerations and retinal detachment (Marc and Jones, 2003; Fisher et al., 2005; Marc,
in press). Phase 1 events encompass RPE stress and photoreceptor degeneration, such as outer
segment shortening, misplaced visual pigment, and synapse abnormalities. Phase 2 events
include bona fide photoreceptor death, microglial activity, bipolar cell dendrite retraction, and
Müller cell hypertrophy including formation of a seal - as distinct from a scar - in the outer
retina. Phase 3 involves aberrant neurite formation and synaptogenesis; by this point,
remodeling is thought to be irreversible thus “narrowing the window” for therapeutic
intervention (Marc, in press).
We recently documented retinal remodeling in light-damaged retinas of albino rats (Marc et
al., 2008). These animals were reared in dim light for 60 days and then subjected to 24–48 hr
of intense green light, which typically results in loss of 50–80% photoreceptors. Remodeling
in these light-damaged rat eyes exhibited the three phases described above along with some
notable additions. First, Phase 3 events transpired on par with the fastest known heritable retinal
degenerations. Second, the border between damaged and surviving retinal cells was abrupt.
Third, retinal degeneration exceeded the typical Phase 3 events to include breakdown not only
of the Müller cell seal but also of the natural blood-retina interface formed by the RPE, Bruch’s
membrane, and the choriocapillaris. Glial and neuronal cells migrated through the breach and
took up residence in the choroid, ultimately compromising vascular perfusion as noted
previously (Tanito et al., 2007). While glial migration has been described before, the extent of
neuronal motility and migration is remarkable in the light-damaged rat retina. The local
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
It is likely that a continuum betweenapoptotic and necrotic photoreceptor death exists and that the balance between caspase andcalpain activation depends on the time course of changes in cellular energy and ion levels.2.2 Damage to the Retinal Pigment EpitheliumThe intimate metabolic and morphological relationships between the neuroretina and the RPE,their high oxygen tension, and the rate and duration of photon flux all link damage in one tissueto degeneration in the other. A unifying factor in photoreceptor/RPE damage appears to belight-induced reactive oxygen species, generated by the bleaching of rhodopsin or fromcompounds in the RPE, such as A2E (bis-retinaldehyde-phosphatidylethanolamine).Retinaldehyde is found in both rhodopsin and A2E, but the preferential absorption of blue lightby A2E increases the likelihood for RPE damage from high energy photons (Sparrow et al.,2000). Blue light damage may also involve mitochondrial cytochromes in RPE (King et al.,2004)-or lipofuscin particles which accumulate with age (Rozanowska et al., 1995). Highlevels of environmental light have been implicated in the accumulation of drusen (Bressler etal., 1995) and photo-oxidized A2E appears to activate the complement system (Zhou et al.,2006), indications that light damage in the RPE may contribute to clinical disease.In rats exposed to intense green light, the appearance of RPE damage was delayed by a fewhours with respect to visual cell damage (Noell et al., 1966). This delay was attributed to alight-induced toxic photoproduct arising in photoreceptors and then diffusing to the RPE. Usingan intermittent light exposure paradigm on rats, consisting of multiple 1 hour light/2 hour darkperiods, Blanks et al. (1992) found large numbers of RPE phagosomes after each light cycle.Pretreatment with ascorbic acid greatly reduced phagosome accumulation, suggesting thatoxidation-induced damage in ROS was involved in their phagocytic removal. A subsequentstudy confirmed a delay of 5-10 hours between photoreceptor and RPE cell damage in ratsexposed to broad band white light (Hafezi et al., 1997a). These authors concluded that a largeROS disk shedding event triggered by intense light could serve as a pathological signal forapoptosis in RPE cells. In this regard, we found massive ROS disk shedding in light damagedrats reared in darkness, along with greater RPE cell damage than seen in rats reared in dimcyclic light (Vaughan et al., 2002). Thus, the removal of light damaged ROS disks may betoxic, leading to oxidative stress in RPE. This phagocytic process could also lead to theaccumulation of blue light absorbing molecules such as A2E (Sparrow et al., 2000), or topartially degraded ROS proteins and lipid-protein adducts (Crabb et al., 2002).2.2.1 In vitro Studies and Insights—Whereas much has been learned from in vivo studies,in vitro the RPE lends itself to studies designed to directly test treatments that promote cellulardamage or protection. For example, maintenance of cellular glutathione (GSH) is widely believed to be important in preventing oxidative damage in tissues. Incubation of RPE cells inthe presence of zinc induces the rate controlling enzyme in GSH synthesis, apparently throughan antioxidant responsive element (ARE) and Nrf-2 (nuclear factor erythroid-2 related factor)(Ha et al., 2006). At physiological levels, zinc prolongs RPE cell life in vitro, while at higherlevels it can be toxic (Wood and Osborne, 2003). Yet, even in the presence of high zinc levels,simultaneous incubation of RPE cells with antioxidants reduces its toxic effects (Wood andOsborne, 2003). Pre-incubation of RPE cells with the intracellular antioxidant α-lipoic acidalso induces GSH synthesis and reduces cell death induced by peroxide treatment (Volobouevaet al., 2005). The natural substance sulforaphane, found in crucifers such as broccoli, has beenshown to induce genes in the RPE, which lead to increases in GSH, detoxification enzymessuch as NADH quinone-oxidoreductase (Gao and Talalay, 2004), and thioredoxin, a redoxactiveprotein (Tanito et al., 2005a). Similarly, eriodictyol, a bioflavinoid found in citrus fruits,induces GSH synthesis in ARPE-19 cells, and provides long term protection against oxidativedamage (Johnson et al., 2009). Likewise, over-expression of GSH peroxidase-1 and/or -4 inARPE-19 cells decreased the extent of oxidant-mediated cell death (Lu et al., 2009). Thus, thethiol status of RPE is important in maintaining function and a variety of effectors includingoxidative stress (Lin et al., 2002) and the thiol specific oxidant diamide (Obin et al., 1998) canlead to decreases. Zinc ion, natural substances and antioxidants all enhance GSH levels, oftenthrough an ARE and transcription factors such as Nrf-2, leading to a reduction in RPE oxidation(Gao and Talalay, 2004; Tanito et al., 2005a; Ha et al., 2006, Johnson et al., 2009). Reducingoxidative stress in RPE, with ascorbic acid, also maintains mitogen-activated protein kinase-1phosphatase (MKP-1), which inactivates the JNK pathway and prevents photo-damage(Lornejad-Schafer et al., 2009). In total, these data suggest that there are multiple mechanismsof antioxidant action in RPE, involving a decrease in reactive oxygen species and increases inGSH levels which, in turn, affect enzymes and/or pathways that protect the cells againstoxidative stress.2.3 Post Exposure Retinal RemodelingRetinal remodeling refers to a series of anatomical changes in retinal cells following the lossof relatively large numbers of photoreceptors, occurring over weeks or even months (Marc andJones, 2003). Three distinct phases have been described from animal models of hereditaryretinal degenerations and retinal detachment (Marc and Jones, 2003; Fisher et al., 2005; Marc,in press). Phase 1 events encompass RPE stress and photoreceptor degeneration, such as outersegment shortening, misplaced visual pigment, and synapse abnormalities. Phase 2 eventsinclude bona fide photoreceptor death, microglial activity, bipolar cell dendrite retraction, andMüller cell hypertrophy including formation of a seal - as distinct from a scar - in the outerretina. Phase 3 involves aberrant neurite formation and synaptogenesis; by this point,remodeling is thought to be irreversible thus “narrowing the window” for therapeuticintervention (Marc, in press).We recently documented retinal remodeling in light-damaged retinas of albino rats (Marc etal., 2008). These animals were reared in dim light for 60 days and then subjected to 24–48 hrof intense green light, which typically results in loss of 50–80% photoreceptors. Remodelingin these light-damaged rat eyes exhibited the three phases described above along with somenotable additions. First, Phase 3 events transpired on par with the fastest known heritable retinaldegenerations. Second, the border between damaged and surviving retinal cells was abrupt.Third, retinal degeneration exceeded the typical Phase 3 events to include breakdown not onlyof the Müller cell seal but also of the natural blood-retina interface formed by the RPE, Bruch’smembrane, and the choriocapillaris. Glial and neuronal cells migrated through the breach andtook up residence in the choroid, ultimately compromising vascular perfusion as notedpreviously (Tanito et al., 2007). While glial migration has been described before, the extent ofneuronal motility and migration is remarkable in the light-damaged rat retina. The local
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Sangat mungkin bahwa sebuah kontinum antara
apoptosis dan nekrotik kematian fotoreseptor ada dan bahwa keseimbangan antara caspase dan
calpain aktivasi tergantung pada perjalanan waktu perubahan energi dan ion tingkat seluler.
2.2 Kerusakan pada epitel pigmen retina
hubungan yang intim metabolik dan morfologi antara yang neuroretina dan RPE,
tekanan oksigen yang tinggi, dan tingkat dan durasi foton fluks semua kerusakan link dalam satu jaringan
degenerasi yang lain. Faktor pemersatu kerusakan fotoreseptor / RPE tampaknya
cahaya yang disebabkan spesies oksigen reaktif, yang dihasilkan oleh pemutihan rhodopsin atau dari
senyawa dalam RPE, seperti A2E (bis-retinaldehid-phosphatidylethanolamine).
Retinaldehid ditemukan di kedua rhodopsin dan A2E , namun penyerapan preferensial cahaya biru
oleh A2E meningkatkan kemungkinan kerusakan RPE dari foton energi tinggi (Sparrow et al.,
2000). Kerusakan ringan biru juga dapat melibatkan sitokrom mitokondria dalam RPE (King et al.,
2004) partikel -atau lipofuscin yang menumpuk dengan usia (Rozanowska et al., 1995). Tinggi
tingkat cahaya lingkungan telah terlibat dalam akumulasi drusen (Bressler et
al., 1995) dan foto-teroksidasi A2E muncul untuk mengaktifkan sistem komplemen (Zhou et al.,
2006), indikasi bahwa kerusakan ringan di RPE dapat berkontribusi penyakit klinis.
Pada tikus terkena cahaya hijau intens, penampilan kerusakan RPE tertunda beberapa
jam sehubungan dengan kerusakan sel visual (Noell et al., 1966). Penundaan ini disebabkan oleh
fotoproduk beracun yang disebabkan cahaya yang muncul di fotoreseptor dan kemudian menyebar ke RPE. Menggunakan
paradigma paparan cahaya intermiten pada tikus, yang terdiri dari beberapa 1 jam terang / gelap 2 jam
periode, Kosong et al. (1992) menemukan sejumlah besar RPE phagosomes setelah setiap siklus cahaya.
Pretreatment dengan asam askorbat sangat berkurang akumulasi phagosome, menunjukkan bahwa
kerusakan oksidasi yang disebabkan di ROS terlibat dalam penghapusan fagosit mereka. Sebuah berikutnya
studi menegaskan penundaan 5-10 jam antara fotoreseptor dan kerusakan sel RPE pada tikus
terkena pita lebar cahaya putih (Hafezi et al., 1997a). Para penulis ini menyimpulkan bahwa besar
acara pelepasan ROS disk yang dipicu oleh cahaya yang kuat bisa berfungsi sebagai sinyal patologis untuk
apoptosis pada sel RPE. Dalam hal ini, kami menemukan besar disk yang penumpahan ROS dalam cahaya yang rusak
tikus dipelihara dalam kegelapan, bersama dengan kerusakan sel RPE lebih besar dari yang terlihat pada tikus dipelihara dalam redup
cahaya siklik (Vaughan et al., 2002). Dengan demikian, penghapusan cahaya yang rusak disk ROS mungkin
beracun, menyebabkan stres oksidatif dalam RPE. Proses fagositosis ini juga bisa mengarah pada
akumulasi biru muda menyerap molekul seperti A2E (Sparrow et al., 2000), atau
sebagian rusak ROS protein dan lipid-protein adduct (Crabb et al., 2002).
2.2.1 Dalam Studi in vitro dan Wawasan-Padahal banyak yang telah dipelajari dari penelitian in vivo,
in vitro RPE cocok untuk studi yang dirancang untuk langsung menguji perawatan yang mempromosikan seluler
kerusakan atau perlindungan. Misalnya, pemeliharaan glutathione seluler (GSH) secara luas diyakini penting dalam mencegah kerusakan oksidatif pada jaringan. Inkubasi sel RPE di
hadapan seng menginduksi enzim tingkat pengendalian di GSH sintesis, tampaknya melalui
unsur antioksidan responsif (ARE) dan NRF-2 (faktor nuklir erythroid-2 faktor yang berhubungan)
(Ha et al., 2006). Pada tingkat fisiologis, seng memperpanjang hidup sel RPE in vitro, sementara pada yang lebih tinggi
tingkat dapat menjadi racun (Kayu dan Osborne, 2003). Namun, bahkan di hadapan kadar zinc yang tinggi,
inkubasi simultan sel RPE dengan antioksidan mengurangi efek racunnya (Kayu dan
Osborne, 2003). Pre-inkubasi sel RPE dengan asam α-lipoic antioksidan intraseluler
juga menginduksi sintesis GSH dan mengurangi kematian sel yang disebabkan oleh perlakuan peroksida (Voloboueva
et al., 2005). Sulforaphane bahan alami, yang ditemukan dalam silangan seperti brokoli, telah
terbukti menginduksi gen di RPE, yang menyebabkan peningkatan GSH, enzim detoksifikasi
seperti NADH kuinon-oksidoreduktase (Gao dan Talalay, 2004), dan thioredoxin, redoxactive sebuah
protein (Tanito et al., 2005a). Demikian pula, eriodictyol, sebuah bioflavinoid ditemukan dalam buah jeruk,
menginduksi sintesis GSH di ARPE-19 sel, dan memberikan perlindungan jangka panjang terhadap oksidatif
kerusakan (Johnson et al., 2009). Demikian juga, lebih-ekspresi GSH peroksidase-1 dan / atau -4 di
ARPE-19 sel penurunan tingkat kematian sel oksidan (Lu et al., 2009). Dengan demikian,
status yang thiol dari RPE adalah penting dalam menjaga fungsi dan berbagai efektor termasuk
stres oksidatif (Lin et al., 2002) dan tiol diamide oksidan tertentu (Obin et al., 1998) dapat
menyebabkan penurunan. Ion seng, zat alami dan antioksidan semua meningkatkan tingkat GSH, sering
melalui ADALAH dan faktor transkripsi seperti NRF-2, yang mengarah ke penurunan oksidasi RPE
(Gao dan Talalay, 2004;. Tanito et al, 2005a; Ha et al. 2006, Johnson et al., 2009). Mengurangi
stres oksidatif di RPE, dengan asam askorbat, juga mempertahankan mitogen-activated protein kinase-1
fosfatase (MKP-1), yang menginaktivasi jalur JNK dan mencegah foto-kerusakan
(Lornejad-Schafer et al., 2009). Secara total, data ini menunjukkan bahwa ada beberapa mekanisme
aksi antioksidan dalam RPE, melibatkan penurunan spesies oksigen reaktif dan peningkatan
kadar GSH yang, pada gilirannya, mempengaruhi enzim dan / atau jalur yang melindungi sel-sel terhadap
stres oksidatif.
2.3 Posting Paparan retina Renovasi
retina renovasi mengacu pada serangkaian perubahan anatomis sel retina setelah kehilangan
angka yang relatif besar fotoreseptor, yang terjadi selama beberapa minggu atau bahkan berbulan-bulan (Marc dan
Jones, 2003). Tiga tahap yang berbeda telah dijelaskan dari model hewan keturunan
degenerasi retina dan ablasi retina (Marc dan Jones, 2003; Fisher et al, 2005;. Marc,
di tekan). Tahap 1 acara mencakup stres RPE dan fotoreseptor degenerasi, seperti luar
segmen shortening, pigmen visual yang salah, dan kelainan sinaps. Tahap 2 peristiwa
termasuk bona fide kematian fotoreseptor, aktivitas mikroglial, bipolar dendrit sel retraksi, dan
hipertrofi sel Müller termasuk pembentukan segel - yang berbeda dari bekas luka - di luar
retina. Tahap 3 melibatkan pembentukan neurite menyimpang dan synaptogenesis; pada titik ini,
renovasi dianggap ireversibel sehingga "mempersempit jendela" untuk terapi
intervensi (Marc, di tekan).
Kami baru-baru didokumentasikan renovasi retina pada retina cahaya yang rusak tikus albino (Marc et
al., 2008). Hewan ini dipelihara dalam cahaya redup selama 60 hari dan kemudian dilakukan 24-48 jam
cahaya hijau intens, yang biasanya mengakibatkan hilangnya 50-80% fotoreseptor. Renovasi
di ini mata tikus cahaya yang rusak dipamerkan tiga fase yang dijelaskan di atas bersama dengan beberapa
tambahan penting. Pertama, Fase 3 peristiwa terjadi setara dengan retina diwariskan tercepat dikenal
degenerasi. Kedua, perbatasan antara sel-sel retina yang rusak dan yang masih hidup tiba-tiba.
Ketiga, degenerasi retina melebihi Tahap khas 3 peristiwa untuk menyertakan rincian tidak hanya
dari segel sel Müller, tetapi juga dari darah retina antarmuka alami dibentuk oleh RPE, Bruch
membran, dan choriocapillaris. Glial dan sel neuron bermigrasi melalui pelanggaran dan
mengambil tempat tinggal di koroid, akhirnya mengorbankan perfusi pembuluh darah seperti disebutkan
sebelumnya (Tanito et al., 2007). Sementara migrasi glial telah dijelaskan sebelumnya, tingkat
motilitas neuronal dan migrasi luar biasa di rusak ringan tikus retina. Lokal
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