We know, almost the entire plot of the novel

We know, almost the entire plot of

We know, almost the entire plot of the novel "Oliver Twist" revolves around the themes of poverty and social class. Dickens based this novel on his experience and context, typical life in Victorian times. The spectrum of social class is explored in this novel. There are characters from the poverty sector, including members from the workhouse, Oliver, Fagin, and the pickpockets, Bill and Nancy. Characters from low to high middle class including shop keepers, policemen and judges, and Mr Brownlowe who is an upper class gentleman.
The social classes however are all inter-connected to each other in some aspect or other. The police are kept occupied with the over population of street urchins and thieves, the courts are overfilled with them waiting to be tried and convicted, the tradesmen employ cheap labor from those living in the workhouse, and the poverty class feed off the upper class by stealing from them.
It was fairly impossible to better oneself in this society, moving from one social circle to another was largely prohibited. Even if classes intermingled with marriage it would generally result in the partner of the higher class being brought down lower in society. One could never forget or escape their place in society, where they came from, their background or parentage.
Despite the fact that Oliver discovers he is part of a highly respected gentleman family by the end of the novel it can be assumed that he would never be fully freed from his past, that he is illegitimate. The poor were kept poor by the lack of education, illiteracy was common, only the basic rudiments would have been taught in the workhouse. It would have been along the lines of a tradesman, practical education. A world away in the upper class society, young gentlemen would have been highly educated in the areas of law, science, philosophy, the Greeks and Latin, while the young ladies practiced their accomplishments.
The poor in the society were unmistakably poor. They were a under-privileged, pitiful class, deprived of independence, dignity, personal freedom. Due to a lack of finance whole families were reduced to a life of drudgery in the workhouse, told when to wake, sleep, work, and eat. It was the only social help and handout available; however it was not much of an improvement on prison.
The inhabitants had poor clothing, food, and board. Families were separated, and they worked until death in these establishments. Disease and fleas were rampant due to the unsanitary overcrowded conditions. There was also a terrible stigma and reputation, no one wanted to admit that they had connections to the workhouse. Girls who fell pregnant out of wedlock were sent there, or ended up there, disowned by their families.
As a result of poor healthcare and lack of knowledge thousands of these young mothers died shortly after childbirth, leaving their children at the mercy of the workhouse. In Oliver Twist this happens to Oliver, and he is named by Mr Bumble, the head of the establishment. Oliver stands up for his human rights one day when he famously asks for more gruel. He is sent away and is given to a undertaker who employs him.
However Oliver shortly runs away from here due to being ill-treated and goes to London to seek his fortune, where as the myth maintained the streets were paved in gold and silver.This myth in part was true, as London's streets were swarming with young children trained in the art of pick-pocketing. They job was to fleece as much as they could from unsuspecting victims; including wallets or small items which they could sell on. These orphans were picked up and exploited by masterminds and thieves.
In Oliver Twist, young Oliver is picked up by the Artful Dodger who befriends him and takes him home to his "family". Fagin is the head, an employer and provider from a team of small boys. They steal for him and in return receive room and board, food, a purpose in life, security and a sense of belonging.
Also in this class women are trapped into marrying for security, an example being Nancy's marriage to Bill. She cooks and keeps house for him while he breaks in houses, stealing from the wealthy. She began as just another street urchin, stealing for her bread and butter and then is "rescued" by Bill, giving her permanent security.
Oliver Twist, by Charles Dickens, certainly shows an English society fraught with everyday dangers, much cruelty and a very distinct class divide. Oliver really belongs to the more genteel side of society but by a cruel twist of fate is left motherless and facing a terrible upbringing in an orphanage come work house.
The children here work long days doing strenuous and soul destroying work. Their recompense is barely enough to eat but a roof over their heads. Most people will know the part of this book when a young Oliver draws the short straw and has to ask for 'MORE' of the miserable gruel which is part of the children's staple diets. He is whisked away to the gluttons who as the officials of the
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Kita tahu, hampir seluruh cerita dalam novel "Oliver Twist" berputar di sekitar tema kemiskinan dan kelas sosial. Dickens berdasarkan novel ini nya pengalaman dan konteks, khas hidup di zaman Victoria. Spektrum kelas sosial dieksplorasi dalam novel ini. Ada karakter dari sektor kemiskinan, termasuk anggota dari teman, Oliver, Fagin, dan pencopet, Bill dan Nancy. Karakter dari penjaga toko termasuk kelas menengah rendah ke tinggi, polisi, hakim, dan Mr Brownlowe yang adalah seorang pria kelas atas.Kelas sosial namun semua saling terhubung satu sama lain dalam beberapa aspek atau lainnya. Polisi tetap aktif dengan lebih dari populasi bulu babi jalan dan pencuri, pengadilan overfilled dengan mereka menunggu untuk mencoba dan dihukum, pedagang menggunakan tenaga kerja murah dari orang-orang yang tinggal di teman, dan kelas kemiskinan feed dari kelas atas dengan mencuri dari mereka.Itu cukup mustahil untuk lebih baik diri dalam masyarakat ini, bergerak dari satu lingkaran sosial lain sebagian besar dilarang. Bahkan jika kelas bercampur dengan perkawinan itu umumnya akan mengakibatkan mitra kelas tinggi dibawa turun lebih rendah dalam masyarakat. Satu tidak bisa lupa atau melarikan diri tempat mereka di masyarakat, di mana mereka berasal, latar belakang atau asal-usul mereka.Terlepas dari kenyataan bahwa Oliver menemukan dia adalah bagian dari keluarga pria yang sangat dihormati oleh akhir novel dapat diasumsikan bahwa dia akan pernah sepenuhnya dibebaskan dari masa lalu, bahwa ia Haram. Masyarakat miskin dibiarkan miskin oleh kurangnya pendidikan, buta huruf umum, hanya dasar-dasar dasar akan diajarkan di teman. Itu telah sepanjang jalur dari seorang pedagang, praktis pendidikan. Dunia pergi dalam masyarakat kelas atas, tuan-tuan muda akan telah sangat menempuh pendidikan di bidang hukum, ilmu, filsafat, Yunani dan Latin, sementara wanita muda dipraktekkan prestasi mereka.Orang miskin di masyarakat yang agaknya miskin. Mereka yang kurang beruntung, menyedihkan kelas, kehilangan kemerdekaan, martabat, kebebasan pribadi. Karena kurangnya keuangan seluruh keluarga diturunkan untuk kehidupan yang membosankan di teman, mengatakan kapan harus bangun, tidur, bekerja, dan makan. Itu hanya sosial bantuan dan handout tersedia; Namun itu tidak banyak perbaikan di penjara.Penduduk telah miskin pakaian, makanan, dan papan. Keluarga dipisahkan, dan mereka bekerja sampai mati di tempat ini. Penyakit dan kutu yang merajalela karena kondisi penuh sesak. Ada juga stigma yang mengerikan dan reputasi, tidak ada yang mau mengakui bahwa mereka memiliki koneksi ke teman. Gadis-gadis yang jatuh hamil luar nikah yang dikirim ke sana, atau ada di sana, diakui oleh keluarga mereka.As a result of poor healthcare and lack of knowledge thousands of these young mothers died shortly after childbirth, leaving their children at the mercy of the workhouse. In Oliver Twist this happens to Oliver, and he is named by Mr Bumble, the head of the establishment. Oliver stands up for his human rights one day when he famously asks for more gruel. He is sent away and is given to a undertaker who employs him.However Oliver shortly runs away from here due to being ill-treated and goes to London to seek his fortune, where as the myth maintained the streets were paved in gold and silver.This myth in part was true, as London's streets were swarming with young children trained in the art of pick-pocketing. They job was to fleece as much as they could from unsuspecting victims; including wallets or small items which they could sell on. These orphans were picked up and exploited by masterminds and thieves.***In Oliver Twist, young Oliver is picked up by the Artful Dodger who befriends him and takes him home to his "family". Fagin is the head, an employer and provider from a team of small boys. They steal for him and in return receive room and board, food, a purpose in life, security and a sense of belonging.Also in this class women are trapped into marrying for security, an example being Nancy's marriage to Bill. She cooks and keeps house for him while he breaks in houses, stealing from the wealthy. She began as just another street urchin, stealing for her bread and butter and then is "rescued" by Bill, giving her permanent security.Oliver Twist, by Charles Dickens, certainly shows an English society fraught with everyday dangers, much cruelty and a very distinct class divide. Oliver really belongs to the more genteel side of society but by a cruel twist of fate is left motherless and facing a terrible upbringing in an orphanage come work house.The children here work long days doing strenuous and soul destroying work. Their recompense is barely enough to eat but a roof over their heads. Most people will know the part of this book when a young Oliver draws the short straw and has to ask for 'MORE' of the miserable gruel which is part of the children's staple diets. He is whisked away to the gluttons who as the officials of the
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