Its nice to meet you,I am working as agent directly with His Excellenc terjemahan - Its nice to meet you,I am working as agent directly with His Excellenc Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Its nice to meet you,I am working a

Its nice to meet you,I am working as agent directly with His Excellency Dr Rachid Laaoumir We are seeking the attention of project owners and general business facilitators.therefore I humbly wish to invite you to participate as agent/broker in the on going Equity Loan Investment Portfolio Management Program (ELIPMP)

An investment program which is primarily designed mainly to help promote business/trade for
corporate groups and private individuals with corporate entity in Uk.

A totaling sum of 500 Million Pounds will be disbursed based on a conventional loan of 3.5%
per anum over a length period of 5 years after which loan can be returned or contract renewed.

We focus on projects which has significant competitive advantage,profitable projects such as

(a) Corporate Loans (Business Start up Loans or Business Expansion Loans).
(b) International Project Funding (any type of project).
(c) Real Estate Development or Acquisition Loans.
(d) Infrastructure (Road, Ports, IT, Telecoms, etc.) Development Loans.
(e) Equipment Procurement Loans (industrial equipment, air planes, ships, etc.).
(f) Industrial Development Loans.
(g) Entertainment

For more information regarding this
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Its nice to meet you,I am working as agent directly with His Excellency Dr Rachid Laaoumir We are seeking the attention of project owners and general business facilitators.therefore I humbly wish to invite you to participate as agent/broker in the on going Equity Loan Investment Portfolio Management Program (ELIPMP) An investment program which is primarily designed mainly to help promote business/trade for corporate groups and private individuals with corporate entity in Uk. A totaling sum of 500 Million Pounds will be disbursed based on a conventional loan of 3.5% per anum over a length period of 5 years after which loan can be returned or contract renewed. We focus on projects which has significant competitive advantage,profitable projects such as(a) Corporate Loans (Business Start up Loans or Business Expansion Loans).(b) International Project Funding (any type of project).(c) Real Estate Development or Acquisition Loans.(d) Infrastructure (Road, Ports, IT, Telecoms, etc.) Development Loans.(e) Equipment Procurement Loans (industrial equipment, air planes, ships, etc.).(f) Industrial Development Loans.(g) EntertainmentFor more information regarding this
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Its nice to meet you, Saya bekerja sebagai agen langsung dengan Yang Mulia Dr Rachid Laaoumir Kami sedang mencari perhatian pemilik proyek dan facilitators.therefore bisnis umum dengan rendah hati saya ingin mengundang Anda untuk berpartisipasi sebagai agen / broker di atas akan Pinjaman Ekuitas Investasi Portfolio Management Program (ELIPMP) Sebuah program investasi yang terutama dirancang terutama untuk membantu mempromosikan bisnis / perdagangan untuk kelompok perusahaan dan individu pribadi dengan entitas perusahaan di Uk. Sebesar sebesar 500 Juta Pounds akan dicairkan berdasarkan pinjaman konvensional 3.5 % per anum selama panjang 5 tahun setelah pinjaman dapat dikembalikan atau kontrak baru. Kami fokus pada proyek-proyek yang memiliki keunggulan kompetitif yang signifikan, proyek yang menguntungkan seperti (a) Kredit Korporasi (Bisnis Start up Pinjaman atau Kredit Ekspansi Bisnis). (b) Proyek Pendanaan Internasional (jenis proyek). (c) Pengembangan Real Estate atau Pinjaman Akuisisi. (d) Infrastruktur (Jalan, Pelabuhan, IT, Telecoms, dll) Kredit Pengembangan. (e) Pinjaman Peralatan Pengadaan (industri peralatan, pesawat udara, kapal, dll). (f) Pengembangan Industri Kredit. (g) Hiburan Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai hal ini

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