„Bang!”Also is a sec­tion of city wall col­lapses fiercely, the sur­ro terjemahan - „Bang!”Also is a sec­tion of city wall col­lapses fiercely, the sur­ro Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„Bang!”Also is a sec­tion of city w

Also is a sec­tion of city wall col­lapses fiercely, the sur­round­ing city wall wall of fire city broke likely has de­stroyed 200 me­ters in length, the Tian Ling Em­pire player and army push di­rectly into, Xu Yi bran­dishes the saber, in di­rectly camp that the cav­alry who leads one group of flame Long Jun en­ters the fire Yun Cheng player, ir­re­sistible, in ad­di­tion [Hero’s Mound] and Prague, try the at­tacks of sev­eral guilds, the fire Yun Cheng player in­stan­ta­neously pre­sents the po­ten­tial of col­lapse, from the start could not re­sist.
Li Mu, Wang Jian also lead the [Zhan Long] player to charge, makes use fights the in­te­gral with a rich coun­try is kingly ways, oth­er­wise [Zhan Long] par­tic­i­pated in this coun­try to fight is al­most equal to hit­ting in vain.
The mer­i­to­ri­ous ser­vice that per­forms many also ex­ists in the lips of peo­ple again, but is ac­tu­ally cross good lies in equip­ment and Level, this truth I was saw clearly thor­oughly, is sim­i­lar to I now holds the post of com­mand­ing of this palace guard, I no longer cared ac­tu­ally my mil­i­tary rank was high and low, cared whether was ac­tu­ally the strength buckle of palace guard, equip­ment whether ex­cel­lent.
Thou­sand frost wing in ad­di­tion hold, has wal­loped one in the crowd, meets no re­sis­tance, on town Yue Dao, the Longchi sword chop fully are the blood, after hav­ing thou­sand frost wings, my mur­der ef­fi­ciency has at least pro­moted 50%, adds the Shangyang flame vigor again 50% in­jury ad­di­tions, was sim­ply twice the re­sult with half the ef­fort, which no mat­ter I fly, the fire Yun Cheng player al­ways looks like yes damn avoids me, even is going on an ex­pe­di­tion world guild also avoid­ance [Zhan Long] that de­sir­ably the maple­wood is drunk to lead, he is a smart per­son, knows that can­not and [Zhan Long] con­tin­ues fac­ing spelling, oth­er­wise suf­fers a loss can only be they., The fire Yun Cheng player are many, guild are also many, but the sharp de­gree is ac­tu­ally well below the Chi­nese area, the Chi­nese war zone lost [Zhan Long], at least also has the trial, [Hero’s Mound], Prague, the at­tack­ing army has reached the city and other main trade unions, but if fire Yun Cheng going on an ex­pe­di­tion world and beau­ti­ful life two big trade union whole army has been an­ni­hi­lated, that re­main­ing 3-10 th guilds al­most be only the tem­ple knight group and every that de­gree, two dozens one also not nec­es­sar­ily was the match in Prague, had the dis­par­ity by the co­he­sive force.
Knife edge Ping Guo, chops to­gether with the breast­plate a shield of knight to­gether, his face falls to leave in con­ster­na­tion from the warhorse, mean­while being dam­aged 50% shields ex­plod­ing, me has taken ad­van­tage of op­por­tu­nity to pick to look, un­ex­pect­edly is 125 lev­els of Di­vine Tier shields, is cur­rent medium ex­cel­lent equip­ment, looks back loses to dream Yao makes her de­cide that whom this shield ap­por­tioned, and plun­dered one to pass on the ground, had found equip­ment of sev­eral spirit Yu Qi, day of plume rank, de­com­posed into the god mil­i­tary tally com­pletely is ready to be used, god mil­i­tary tally 100 one group, was not. Oc­cu­pies to wrap the space, I al­ready in this coun­try fought is killed by weapons equip­ment to ob­tain 7 groups of many god mil­i­tary tal­lies, since the pur­ple thun­der car­riage started to show, was also get­ting big­ger and big­ger to the de­mand of god mil­i­tary tally, no mat­ter fol­low­ing at­tacked the flame likely city, was longer-term at­tacked flame Yun Cheng, as if the god mil­i­tary tally was the bet­ter and bet­ter.
On the plain of inner city, cav­alry sol­dier the war of prey­ing has con­tin­ued 4-hour-long, I was also com­mand­ing the cav­alry of [Zhan Long] cav­alry sol­dier and palace guard have rushed ahead for 4 hours in the crowd, the peo­ple killed the whole body to be bathed in blood, buckle many peo­ple, but kille
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„Bang!”Also is a sec­tion of city wall col­lapses fiercely, the sur­round­ing city wall wall of fire city broke likely has de­stroyed 200 me­ters in length, the Tian Ling Em­pire player and army push di­rectly into, Xu Yi bran­dishes the saber, in di­rectly camp that the cav­alry who leads one group of flame Long Jun en­ters the fire Yun Cheng player, ir­re­sistible, in ad­di­tion [Hero’s Mound] and Prague, try the at­tacks of sev­eral guilds, the fire Yun Cheng player in­stan­ta­neously pre­sents the po­ten­tial of col­lapse, from the start could not re­sist.Li Mu, Wang Jian also lead the [Zhan Long] player to charge, makes use fights the in­te­gral with a rich coun­try is kingly ways, oth­er­wise [Zhan Long] par­tic­i­pated in this coun­try to fight is al­most equal to hit­ting in vain.The mer­i­to­ri­ous ser­vice that per­forms many also ex­ists in the lips of peo­ple again, but is ac­tu­ally cross good lies in equip­ment and Level, this truth I was saw clearly thor­oughly, is sim­i­lar to I now holds the post of com­mand­ing of this palace guard, I no longer cared ac­tu­ally my mil­i­tary rank was high and low, cared whether was ac­tu­ally the strength buckle of palace guard, equip­ment whether ex­cel­lent.Thou­sand frost wing in ad­di­tion hold, has wal­loped one in the crowd, meets no re­sis­tance, on town Yue Dao, the Longchi sword chop fully are the blood, after hav­ing thou­sand frost wings, my mur­der ef­fi­ciency has at least pro­moted 50%, adds the Shangyang flame vigor again 50% in­jury ad­di­tions, was sim­ply twice the re­sult with half the ef­fort, which no mat­ter I fly, the fire Yun Cheng player al­ways looks like yes damn avoids me, even is going on an ex­pe­di­tion world guild also avoid­ance [Zhan Long] that de­sir­ably the maple­wood is drunk to lead, he is a smart per­son, knows that can­not and [Zhan Long] con­tin­ues fac­ing spelling, oth­er­wise suf­fers a loss can only be they., The fire Yun Cheng player are many, guild are also many, but the sharp de­gree is ac­tu­ally well below the Chi­nese area, the Chi­nese war zone lost [Zhan Long], at least also has the trial, [Hero’s Mound], Prague, the at­tack­ing army has reached the city and other main trade unions, but if fire Yun Cheng going on an ex­pe­di­tion world and beau­ti­ful life two big trade union whole army has been an­ni­hi­lated, that re­main­ing 3-10 th guilds al­most be only the tem­ple knight group and every that de­gree, two dozens one also not nec­es­sar­ily was the match in Prague, had the dis­par­ity by the co­he­sive force.„”Knife edge Ping Guo, chops to­gether with the breast­plate a shield of knight to­gether, his face falls to leave in con­ster­na­tion from the warhorse, mean­while being dam­aged 50% shields ex­plod­ing, me has taken ad­van­tage of op­por­tu­nity to pick to look, un­ex­pect­edly is 125 lev­els of Di­vine Tier shields, is cur­rent medium ex­cel­lent equip­ment, looks back loses to dream Yao makes her de­cide that whom this shield ap­por­tioned, and plun­dered one to pass on the ground, had found equip­ment of sev­eral spirit Yu Qi, day of plume rank, de­com­posed into the god mil­i­tary tally com­pletely is ready to be used, god mil­i­tary tally 100 one group, was not. Oc­cu­pies to wrap the space, I al­ready in this coun­try fought is killed by weapons equip­ment to ob­tain 7 groups of many god mil­i­tary tal­lies, since the pur­ple thun­der car­riage started to show, was also get­ting big­ger and big­ger to the de­mand of god mil­i­tary tally, no mat­ter fol­low­ing at­tacked the flame likely city, was longer-term at­tacked flame Yun Cheng, as if the god mil­i­tary tally was the bet­ter and bet­ter.
On the plain of inner city, cav­alry sol­dier the war of prey­ing has con­tin­ued 4-hour-long, I was also com­mand­ing the cav­alry of [Zhan Long] cav­alry sol­dier and palace guard have rushed ahead for 4 hours in the crowd, the peo­ple killed the whole body to be bathed in blood, buckle many peo­ple, but kille
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Juga merupakan bagian dari tembok kota runtuh sengit, kota sekitarnya dinding tembok kota api pecah kemungkinan telah hancur 200 meter panjangnya, pemain Tian Ling Empire dan tentara mendorong langsung ke, Xu Yi mengacung-acungkan pedang, dalam langsung kamp bahwa kavaleri yang memimpin satu kelompok api panjang Juni memasuki api Yun Cheng pemain, tak tertahankan, selain [Hero Mound] dan Praha, mencoba serangan dari beberapa serikat, api Yun Cheng pemain seketika menyajikan potensi kehancuran, dari awal tidak bisa menahan.
Li Mu, Wang Jian juga memimpin [Zhan panjang] pemain untuk mengisi, memanfaatkan perkelahian integral dengan negara yang kaya adalah raja cara, jika [Zhan panjang] berpartisipasi di negeri ini untuk melawan hampir sama dengan memukul sia-sia.
layanan berjasa yang melakukan banyak juga ada di bibir orang lagi, tapi sebenarnya menyeberang kebohongan yang baik dalam peralatan dan level, kebenaran ini saya melihat jelas benar, mirip dengan saya sekarang memegang jabatan komandan ini pengawal istana, aku tidak lagi peduli sebenarnya pangkat militer saya tinggi dan rendah, peduli apakah itu benar-benar gesper kekuatan pengawal istana, peralatan apakah yang sangat baik.
Seribu es sayap di samping terus, telah terpukul keras satu di kerumunan, bertemu tidak ada perlawanan, pada kota Yue Dao, pedang Longchi memotong sepenuhnya adalah darah, setelah ribu sayap es, efisiensi pembunuhan saya telah setidaknya dipromosikan 50%, menambahkan Shangyang api semangat lagi 50 penambahan% cedera, hanya dua kali hasil dengan setengah usaha, yang tidak peduli aku terbang, api Yun Cheng pemain selalu terlihat seperti ya sialan menghindari saya, bahkan yang terjadi sebuah serikat ekspedisi dunia juga avoidance [Zhan panjang] yang diinginkan maplewood diminum untuk memimpin, ia adalah orang yang cerdas, tahu bahwa tidak bisa dan [Zhan panjang] terus menghadapi ejaan, dinyatakan menderita kerugian hanya dapat mereka., api Yun Cheng pemain yang banyak, serikat juga banyak, tetapi tingkat tajam sebenarnya jauh di bawah daerah Cina, zona perang Cina hilang [Zhan panjang], setidaknya juga memiliki percobaan, [Hero Mound], Praha, tentara menyerang telah mencapai kota dan serikat buruh utama lainnya, tetapi jika api Yun Cheng terjadi sebuah dunia ekspedisi dan kehidupan yang indah dua perdagangan besar serikat seluruh tentara telah dimusnahkan, yang tersisa 3-10 serikat th hampir hanya kelompok ksatria kuil dan setiap gelar yang, dua puluhan orang juga belum tentu adalah pertandingan di Praha, memiliki perbedaan dengan kekuatan kohesif.
Knife tepi Ping Guo , chops bersama dengan dada perisai ksatria bersama-sama, wajahnya jatuh untuk meninggalkan dalam ketakutan dari kuda perang, sementara itu yang rusak 50% perisai meledak, saya telah mengambil keuntungan dari kesempatan untuk memilih untuk melihat, tiba-tiba adalah 125 tingkat perisai Tier Ilahi , adalah peralatan yang sangat baik media saat ini, terlihat kembali kehilangan bermimpi Yao membuatnya memutuskan bahwa siapa perisai ini dibagi, dan menjarah satu sampai lulus di tanah, telah menemukan peralatan dari beberapa semangat Yu Qi, hari rank membanggakan, didekomposisi menjadi militer tuhan penghitungan sepenuhnya siap untuk digunakan, dewa militer menghitung 100 satu kelompok, tidak. Menempati untuk membungkus ruang, saya sudah di negara ini berjuang dibunuh oleh peralatan senjata untuk mendapatkan 7 kelompok banyak dewa penghitungan militer, sejak kereta guntur ungu mulai menunjukkan, juga semakin besar dan besar dengan permintaan dewa penghitungan militer, tidak peduli berikut menyerang api kemungkinan kota, adalah jangka panjang menyerang api Yun Cheng, seakan dewa penghitungan militer adalah lebih baik dan lebih baik.
pada dataran dalam kota, kavaleri tentara perang memangsa terus 4 jam panjang , saya juga memerintahkan kavaleri dari [Zhan panjang] tentara kavaleri dan pengawal istana telah bergegas ke depan selama 4 jam di kerumunan, orang-orang tewas seluruh tubuh akan bermandikan darah, gesper banyak orang, tapi Kille
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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