„Drop!”A news came from kneel­ing down to call on main: „Ram­ble, is y terjemahan - „Drop!”A news came from kneel­ing down to call on main: „Ram­ble, is y Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„Drop!”A news came from kneel­ing d

A news came from kneel­ing down to call on main: „Ram­ble, is your this why? Wei Fan has not got­ten on­line for a long time, the pre­sent thou­sand peo­ple of tombs no longer are the ini­tial thou­sand peo­ple of tombs, [Zhan Long] com­pels the words that us has no way out like this, doesn't have what ad­van­tage to you? How do not for­get [Zhan Long] ter­ri­tory Dragon’s den to lose, wants to the trade union that [Zhan Long] starts not to be two”
I reply an in­for­ma­tion im­me­di­ately: „On host, Wei Fan­sha my brother, this point has not changed, there­fore we must take re­venge for Har­rai, in the re­al­ity, the law will pun­ish Wei Fan this scour­ing, in the game, idle com­pletely has al­most rep­re­sented Wei Fan will, he works as this guild­mas­ter, thou­sand peo­ple of tombs must be de­stroyed com­pletely . More­over, be­fore­hand pa­trolling”
Kneels down to call on main: „I know that pa­trols to brave hard­ships and dan­gers the mur­der, he had been killed by you”
I: „There­fore, on host you, if me, when the words of friend trade a trade union, does not need to con­tinue re­ally with [Zhan Long] for the enemy, you lead your friend, com­ing our [Zhan Long] to be good, wants, when guild­mas­ter when our friend pledges were good.”
Kneels down to call on a main can­not help but forced smile: „Am I that pur­sue un­war­ranted rep­u­ta­tion girl? Ok the ram­ble, you want to begin to thou­sand peo­ple of tombs to begin, I re­ally am help­less, the friends here, they have many peo­ple to re­gard their fam­ily thou­sand peo­ple of tombs, wants to es­tab­lish a dream here the hege­mony, what a pity did we as if add mis­tak­enly the trade union and with mis­tak­enly the human?”
I: „Sorry, I am also help­less.”
Switches off com­mu­ni­ca­tion, pro­posed the sword to swoop goes for­ward just to re­ac­ti­vate sev­eral has not rid­den on the rid­ing war of cor­rupt wolf is the player killing, but the dis­tant place Li Mengyao long sword also pen­e­trated in the body of blood demon for­est, bring­ing the scald­ing hot dragon blood to spat­ter in all di­rec­tions, di­rectly blood demon dragon killing, then one group of peo­ple hap­pily went to minute of equip­ment, I have not gone to join in the fun, out­side the shroud one group of mem­bers at ease were tidy­ing up the bat­tle­field, ren­o­vated the herbal med­i­cine and ore that demon Ry­ong­gok-ri came out while con­ve­nient washes clean under one com­pletely.
To around 10 : 00 pm times, lead­ing the [Zhan Long] peo­ple to with­draw demon Long Gu, this demon Long Gu war also ended. Lin Wan Er sends in the news, eats the din­ner + mid­night snack, then ear­lier has rested, main­tains the sleep meets the body to be good.
The wind­ing, the sup­per is sump­tu­ous, it is said is the Shan­dong cui­sine, but I do not eat clearly, thought that the steamed bun the burn­ing hot veg­etable is eat­ing very fra­grant, Tang Qi this goods swal­lowed 78 steamed buns con­tin­u­ously, ap­proves be­side the Suchuan cui­sine also to have such del­i­cacy greatly un­ex­pect­edly, ap­pear­ance that lack­ing prospects.
After fin­ish­ing eat­ing the food, sat chats in sofa, Lin Wan Er held the tablet PC by to ac­cess the net in my arms, my hand bracelet was hug­ging her in her waist, by the sofa, Yang Yan the air cur­rent re­volved in within the body slowly is prac­tic­ing, after sev­eral min­utes, Lin Wan Er, then slightly some vi­tal­i­ties said sud­denly: „Snort, un­ex­pect­edly also do some peo­ple come out are thou­sand peo­ple of tombs up­hold the jus­tice?”
„Who?” I asked.
„You have a look”
She hands in front of the tablet PC me , a ad­di­tional red post, sev­eral thou­sand peo­ple re­stored, but in Wang Zecheng who the post per­son for a long time does not see im­pres­sively, this goods fights in the coun­try has not cropped up, now un­ex­pect­edly braves to be thou­sand peo­ple of tombs de­fends against in­jus­tice
【Pop­u­lar post】 Why to begin to the ac­tive feu­dal of­fi­cial who th
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„Drop!”A news came from kneel­ing down to call on main: „Ram­ble, is your this why? Wei Fan has not got­ten on­line for a long time, the pre­sent thou­sand peo­ple of tombs no longer are the ini­tial thou­sand peo­ple of tombs, [Zhan Long] com­pels the words that us has no way out like this, doesn't have what ad­van­tage to you? How do not for­get [Zhan Long] ter­ri­tory Dragon’s den to lose, wants to the trade union that [Zhan Long] starts not to be two”I reply an in­for­ma­tion im­me­di­ately: „On host, Wei Fan­sha my brother, this point has not changed, there­fore we must take re­venge for Har­rai, in the re­al­ity, the law will pun­ish Wei Fan this scour­ing, in the game, idle com­pletely has al­most rep­re­sented Wei Fan will, he works as this guild­mas­ter, thou­sand peo­ple of tombs must be de­stroyed com­pletely . More­over, be­fore­hand pa­trolling”Kneels down to call on main: „I know that pa­trols to brave hard­ships and dan­gers the mur­der, he had been killed by you”I: „There­fore, on host you, if me, when the words of friend trade a trade union, does not need to con­tinue re­ally with [Zhan Long] for the enemy, you lead your friend, com­ing our [Zhan Long] to be good, wants, when guild­mas­ter when our friend pledges were good.”Kneels down to call on a main can­not help but forced smile: „Am I that pur­sue un­war­ranted rep­u­ta­tion girl? Ok the ram­ble, you want to begin to thou­sand peo­ple of tombs to begin, I re­ally am help­less, the friends here, they have many peo­ple to re­gard their fam­ily thou­sand peo­ple of tombs, wants to es­tab­lish a dream here the hege­mony, what a pity did we as if add mis­tak­enly the trade union and with mis­tak­enly the human?”I: „Sorry, I am also help­less.”„Um.”Switches off com­mu­ni­ca­tion, pro­posed the sword to swoop goes for­ward just to re­ac­ti­vate sev­eral has not rid­den on the rid­ing war of cor­rupt wolf is the player killing, but the dis­tant place Li Mengyao long sword also pen­e­trated in the body of blood demon for­est, bring­ing the scald­ing hot dragon blood to spat­ter in all di­rec­tions, di­rectly blood demon dragon killing, then one group of peo­ple hap­pily went to minute of equip­ment, I have not gone to join in the fun, out­side the shroud one group of mem­bers at ease were tidy­ing up the bat­tle­field, ren­o­vated the herbal med­i­cine and ore that demon Ry­ong­gok-ri came out while con­ve­nient washes clean under one com­pletely.To around 10 : 00 pm times, lead­ing the [Zhan Long] peo­ple to with­draw demon Long Gu, this demon Long Gu war also ended. Lin Wan Er sends in the news, eats the din­ner + mid­night snack, then ear­lier has rested, main­tains the sleep meets the body to be good.The wind­ing, the sup­per is sump­tu­ous, it is said is the Shan­dong cui­sine, but I do not eat clearly, thought that the steamed bun the burn­ing hot veg­etable is eat­ing very fra­grant, Tang Qi this goods swal­lowed 78 steamed buns con­tin­u­ously, ap­proves be­side the Suchuan cui­sine also to have such del­i­cacy greatly un­ex­pect­edly, ap­pear­ance that lack­ing prospects.
After fin­ish­ing eat­ing the food, sat chats in sofa, Lin Wan Er held the tablet PC by to ac­cess the net in my arms, my hand bracelet was hug­ging her in her waist, by the sofa, Yang Yan the air cur­rent re­volved in within the body slowly is prac­tic­ing, after sev­eral min­utes, Lin Wan Er, then slightly some vi­tal­i­ties said sud­denly: „Snort, un­ex­pect­edly also do some peo­ple come out are thou­sand peo­ple of tombs up­hold the jus­tice?”
„Who?” I asked.
„You have a look”
She hands in front of the tablet PC me , a ad­di­tional red post, sev­eral thou­sand peo­ple re­stored, but in Wang Zecheng who the post per­son for a long time does not see im­pres­sively, this goods fights in the coun­try has not cropped up, now un­ex­pect­edly braves to be thou­sand peo­ple of tombs de­fends against in­jus­tice
【Pop­u­lar post】 Why to begin to the ac­tive feu­dal of­fi­cial who th
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Sebuah kabar datang dari berlutut memanggil utama: "mengoceh, apakah ini Anda mengapa? Wei Fan belum mendapatkan online untuk waktu yang lama, sekarang ribu orang dari makam tidak lagi adalah awal ribu orang dari makam, [Zhan Panjang] memaksa kata-kata yang kita tidak punya jalan keluar seperti ini, tidak memiliki apa keuntungan untuk kamu? Bagaimana jangan lupa [Zhan Panjang] wilayah den Dragon kalah, ingin serikat buruh yang [Zhan Panjang] mulai tidak menjadi dua "
jawabku suatu informasi dengan segera:" Pada tuan rumah, Wei Fansha saudara saya, hal ini tidak berubah , oleh karena itu kita harus membalas dendam untuk Harrai, dalam kenyataannya, hukum akan menghukum Wei Fan gosok ini, dalam permainan, menganggur benar-benar telah hampir diwakili Wei Fan akan, ia bekerja sebagai Guildmaster ini, ribuan orang dari makam harus dihancurkan sepenuhnya. Selain itu, sebelumnya berpatroli "
berlutut memanggil utama:" Saya tahu bahwa patroli untuk berani kesulitan dan bahaya pembunuhan, dia telah dibunuh oleh Anda "
Saya:" Oleh karena itu, pada host Anda, jika saya, ketika kata-kata dari perdagangan teman serikat pekerja, tidak perlu terus-benar dengan [Zhan panjang] untuk musuh, Anda memimpin teman Anda, datang kami [Zhan panjang] untuk menjadi baik, ingin, ketika Guildmaster ketika janji teman kita yang baik. "
berlutut untuk memanggil di utama tidak bisa membantu tetapi dipaksa tersenyum: "Apakah aku yang mengejar gadis reputasi beralasan? Ok pelancongan, Anda ingin mulai ribu orang dari makam untuk memulai, aku benar-benar tak berdaya, teman-teman di sini, mereka memiliki banyak orang menganggap keluarga mereka ribu orang dari makam, ingin mendirikan sebuah mimpi di sini hegemoni, sayang apakah kita seakan menambah keliru serikat buruh dan dengan keliru manusia "?
saya:" Maaf, saya juga tak berdaya ".
" Um. "
Switch off komunikasi, diusulkan pedang untuk menukik berjalan ke depan hanya untuk mengaktifkan beberapa belum ditunggangi di perang mengendarai serigala korup adalah pemain pembunuhan, tetapi tempat yang jauh Li Mengyao pedang panjang juga merambah dalam tubuh hutan iblis darah, membawa darah naga panas mendidih untuk memercikkan segala arah, langsung setan darah naga pembunuhan, maka satu kelompok orang dengan senang hati pergi ke menit peralatan, aku tidak pergi untuk bergabung dalam kegembiraan, luar kafan salah satu kelompok anggota santai yang merapikan medan perang, direnovasi jamu dan bijih iblis Ryonggok-ri keluar saat mencuci nyaman bersih di bawah satu benar.
untuk sekitar 10: 00 kali pm, memimpin [Zhan panjang] orang untuk menarik setan panjang Gu, setan perang panjang Gu ini juga berakhir. Lin Wan Er mengirimkan berita, makan snack makan malam + tengah malam, maka sebelumnya telah beristirahat, mempertahankan tidur memenuhi tubuh menjadi baik.
The berliku, Perjamuan mewah, dikatakan adalah masakan Shandong, tapi aku tidak makan jelas, berpikir bahwa roti kukus yang terbakar sayur panas makan sangat harum, Tang Qi barang ini menelan 78 roti kukus terus, menyetujui samping masakan Suchuan juga memiliki kelezatan seperti sangat tak terduga, penampilan yang kurang prospek.
Setelah selesai makan makanan , duduk chatting di sofa, Lin Wan Er memegang tablet PC dengan mengakses internet dalam pelukanku, gelang tangan saya memeluk dia di pinggangnya, oleh sofa, yang Yan arus udara berputar di dalam tubuh perlahan berlatih, setelah beberapa menit, Lin Wan Er, kemudian sedikit beberapa vitalitas tiba-tiba berkata: "Snort, tiba-tiba juga melakukan beberapa orang keluar adalah ribu orang dari makam menegakkan keadilan?"
"Siapa" saya bertanya.?
"Anda lihat"
Dia tangan di depan tablet PC saya, posting merah tambahan, beberapa ribu orang dipulihkan, tetapi Wang Zecheng yang posting orang untuk waktu yang lama tidak melihat mengesankan, ini barang perkelahian di dalam negeri belum dipotong, sekarang tiba-tiba braves untuk menjadi ribu orang dari makam membela melawan ketidakadilan
【pasca populer】 Mengapa mulai resmi feodal aktif yang th
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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