By its action on rhodopsin, light triggers the well-known visual trans terjemahan - By its action on rhodopsin, light triggers the well-known visual trans Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

By its action on rhodopsin, light t

By its action on rhodopsin, light triggers the well-known visual transduction cascade, but can also
induce cell damage and death through phototoxic mechanisms -- a comprehensive understanding of
which is still elusive despite more than 40 years of research. Herein, we integrate recent experimental
findings to address several hypotheses of retinal light damage, premised in part on the close
anatomical and metabolic relationships between the photoreceptors and the retinal pigment
epithelium. We begin by reviewing the salient features of light damage, recently joined by evidence
for retinal remodeling which has implications for the prognosis of recovery of function in retinal
degenerations. We then consider select factors that influence the progression of the damage process
and the extent of visual cell loss. Traditional, genetically-modified, and emerging animal models are
discussed, with particular emphasis on cone visual cells. Exogenous and endogenous retinal
protective factors are explored, with implications for light damage mechanisms and some suggested
avenues for future research. Synergies are known to exist between our long term light environment
and photoreceptor cell death in retinal disease. Understanding the molecular mechanisms of light
damage in a variety of animal models can provide valuable insights into the effects of light in clinical
disorders and may form the basis of future therapies to prevent or delay visual cell loss.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
By its action on rhodopsin, light triggers the well-known visual transduction cascade, but can alsoinduce cell damage and death through phototoxic mechanisms -- a comprehensive understanding ofwhich is still elusive despite more than 40 years of research. Herein, we integrate recent experimentalfindings to address several hypotheses of retinal light damage, premised in part on the closeanatomical and metabolic relationships between the photoreceptors and the retinal pigmentepithelium. We begin by reviewing the salient features of light damage, recently joined by evidencefor retinal remodeling which has implications for the prognosis of recovery of function in retinaldegenerations. We then consider select factors that influence the progression of the damage processand the extent of visual cell loss. Traditional, genetically-modified, and emerging animal models arediscussed, with particular emphasis on cone visual cells. Exogenous and endogenous retinalprotective factors are explored, with implications for light damage mechanisms and some suggestedavenues for future research. Synergies are known to exist between our long term light environmentand photoreceptor cell death in retinal disease. Understanding the molecular mechanisms of lightdamage in a variety of animal models can provide valuable insights into the effects of light in clinicaldisorders and may form the basis of future therapies to prevent or delay visual cell loss.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Dengan aksinya pada rhodopsin, cahaya memicu terkenal transduksi kaskade visual, tetapi juga dapat
menyebabkan kerusakan sel dan kematian, melalui mekanisme fototoksik - pemahaman yang komprehensif
yang masih sulit dipahami meskipun lebih dari 40 tahun penelitian. Di sini, kita mengintegrasikan eksperimental baru-baru ini
temuan untuk mengatasi beberapa hipotesis kerusakan cahaya retina, didasarkan sebagian pada penutupan
hubungan anatomis dan metabolik antara fotoreseptor dan pigmen retina
epitel. Kita mulai dengan meninjau fitur yang menonjol dari kerusakan ringan, baru-baru ini bergabung dengan bukti
untuk renovasi retina yang berimplikasi pada prognosis pemulihan fungsi dalam retina
degenerasi. Kami kemudian mempertimbangkan pilih faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan proses kerusakan
dan tingkat hilangnya sel visual. Tradisional, rekayasa genetik, dan muncul model hewan yang
dibahas, dengan penekanan khusus pada sel-sel kerucut visual yang. Retina eksogen dan endogen
faktor pelindung dieksplorasi, dengan implikasi untuk mekanisme kerusakan ringan dan beberapa menyarankan
jalan untuk penelitian masa depan. Sinergi diketahui ada antara lingkungan cahaya jangka panjang
dan kematian sel fotoreseptor pada penyakit retina. Memahami mekanisme molekuler cahaya
kerusakan dalam berbagai model hewan dapat memberikan wawasan berharga efek cahaya di klinik
gangguan dan dapat membentuk dasar dari terapi masa depan untuk mencegah atau menunda hilangnya sel visual.
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