With the growing demand for the energyefficient and smart materials, t terjemahan - With the growing demand for the energyefficient and smart materials, t Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

With the growing demand for the ene

With the growing demand for the energy
efficient and smart materials, the necessity for reducing the
vibrations in the highly sophisticated parts of the machinery is
playing a major role. High-technology structures often have
stringent requirements for structural dynamics. Suppressing
vibrations is crucial to their performance. Passive damping is
used to suppress vibrations by reducing peak resonant
response. Viscoelastic damping materials add passive
damping to structures by dissipating vibration strain energy
in the form of heat energy. The incorporation of damping
materials in advanced composite materials offers the
possibility of highly damped, light-weight structural
components that are vibration-resistant.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
With the growing demand for the energyefficient and smart materials, the necessity for reducing thevibrations in the highly sophisticated parts of the machinery isplaying a major role. High-technology structures often havestringent requirements for structural dynamics. Suppressingvibrations is crucial to their performance. Passive damping isused to suppress vibrations by reducing peak resonantresponse. Viscoelastic damping materials add passivedamping to structures by dissipating vibration strain energyin the form of heat energy. The incorporation of dampingmaterials in advanced composite materials offers thepossibility of highly damped, light-weight structuralcomponents that are vibration-resistant.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Dengan permintaan untuk energi
yang efisien dan bahan cerdas, kebutuhan untuk mengurangi
getaran di bagian yang sangat canggih dari mesin yang
memainkan peran utama. Struktur teknologi tinggi sering memiliki
persyaratan ketat untuk dinamika struktur. Menekan
getaran sangat penting untuk kinerja mereka. Redaman pasif
digunakan untuk menekan getaran dengan mengurangi resonansi puncak
respon. Bahan redaman viskoelastik menambahkan pasif
redaman struktur dengan menghamburkan energi regangan getaran
dalam bentuk energi panas. Penggabungan redaman
bahan dalam material komposit canggih menawarkan
kemungkinan yang sangat teredam, ringan struktural
komponen yang tahan getaran.
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