Pres­i­dent Lin looks that Nie Li smiled say­ing: „Son also is re­ally terjemahan - Pres­i­dent Lin looks that Nie Li smiled say­ing: „Son also is re­ally Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Pres­i­dent Lin looks that Nie Li s

Pres­i­dent Lin looks that Nie Li smiled say­ing: „Son also is re­ally tol­er­ant mag­nan­i­mous!” Six Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race youth fell in Nie Li, his any­thing has not gained, but also can only con­sider as fin­ished, now he will be will not of­fend Nie Li this big cus­tomer ab­solutely.
The per­son who side sur­rounds low voice was dis­cussing.
„Re­turned at dag­gers drawn a mo­ment ago, al­most hit, has not thought that this youth also some­what skill, un­ex­pect­edly such short time, mak­ing Pres­i­dent Lin to him so po­lite!”
„Can not be im­po­lite? Who must make such big trans­ac­tion with me, I am also po­lite to him!”
A mo­ment later, Pres­i­dent Lin just left ac­com­pa­nies to graze to come, be­hind led ten Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race clans­men. These ten Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race clans­men just when the ma­tu­rity, Cul­ti­va­tion are at about Dao of Dragon Realm Sec­ond Level.
„The Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race clans­men of ten Dao of Dragon Realm Sec­ond Level bound­aries, do not have the old , weak , sick and dis­abled cer­tainly, our first trans­ac­tion, does not know whether the son does sat­isfy?” Pres­i­dent Lin has arched cu­p­ing one hand in the other across the chest slightly, was say­ing to Nie Li.
Nie Li gaze passed over gen­tly and swiftly on the bod­ies of these ten Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race clans­men, nod­ded, said sat­is­fied: „Good! The later busi­ness, wanted Pres­i­dent Lin to look after much!”
„That is nat­ural!” Pres­i­dent Lin said with a smile.( To be con­tin­ued.)
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Pres­i­dent Lin looks that Nie Li smiled say­ing: „Son also is re­ally tol­er­ant mag­nan­i­mous!” Six Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race youth fell in Nie Li, his any­thing has not gained, but also can only con­sider as fin­ished, now he will be will not of­fend Nie Li this big cus­tomer ab­solutely.The per­son who side sur­rounds low voice was dis­cussing.„Re­turned at dag­gers drawn a mo­ment ago, al­most hit, has not thought that this youth also some­what skill, un­ex­pect­edly such short time, mak­ing Pres­i­dent Lin to him so po­lite!”„Can not be im­po­lite? Who must make such big trans­ac­tion with me, I am also po­lite to him!”A mo­ment later, Pres­i­dent Lin just left ac­com­pa­nies to graze to come, be­hind led ten Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race clans­men. These ten Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race clans­men just when the ma­tu­rity, Cul­ti­va­tion are at about Dao of Dragon Realm Sec­ond Level.„The Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race clans­men of ten Dao of Dragon Realm Sec­ond Level bound­aries, do not have the old , weak , sick and dis­abled cer­tainly, our first trans­ac­tion, does not know whether the son does sat­isfy?” Pres­i­dent Lin has arched cu­p­ing one hand in the other across the chest slightly, was say­ing to Nie Li.Nie Li gaze passed over gen­tly and swiftly on the bod­ies of these ten Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race clans­men, nod­ded, said sat­is­fied: „Good! The later busi­ness, wanted Pres­i­dent Lin to look after much!”„That is nat­ural!” Pres­i­dent Lin said with a smile.( To be con­tin­ued.)
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Presiden Lin terlihat bahwa Nie Li tersenyum mengatakan: "! Anak juga benar-benar toleran murah hati" Enam pemuda Roh Balap Primordial Heavenly jatuh Nie Li, apa itu belum diperoleh, tetapi juga hanya dapat mempertimbangkan sebagai selesai, sekarang dia akan tidak akan menyinggung Nie Li pelanggan besar ini benar-benar.
orang yang sisi mengelilingi suara rendah membahas.
"Kembali pada belati ditarik sesaat lalu, hampir memukul, tidak berpikir bahwa pemuda ini juga agak keterampilan, waktu singkat tiba-tiba seperti itu, membuat Presiden Lin kepadanya sehingga sopan! "
" tidak bisa tidak sopan? Yang harus membuat transaksi besar seperti dengan saya, saya juga sopan kepadanya! "
Sesaat kemudian, Presiden Lin baru saja meninggalkan menyertai untuk merumput untuk datang, balik memimpin sepuluh Heavenly Primordial klan Roh Race. Sepuluh klan Balap Heavenly Primordial Roh hanya ketika jatuh tempo, Budidaya berada di sekitar Dao Dragon Realm Tingkat II.
"The Heavenly Primordial Roh klan Balap sepuluh Dao Dragon Realm Tingkat II batas, tidak memiliki tua, lemah, sakit dan cacat tentu, transaksi pertama kami, tidak tahu apakah anak tidak memuaskan? "Presiden Lin telah melengkung cuping satu tangan yang lain di dada sedikit, berkata kepada Nie Li.
Nie Li tatapan melewati lembut dan cepat pada tubuh sepuluh Heavenly Primordial Roh klan Balap ini, mengangguk, mengatakan puas: "Baik! Bisnis kemudian, ingin Presiden Lin terlihat setelah banyak! "
" Itu alami! "Presiden Lin berkata sambil tersenyum. (Bersambung.)
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