Arnolphe (aside). That speech and that look disarm my fury, and bring  terjemahan - Arnolphe (aside). That speech and that look disarm my fury, and bring  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Arnolphe (aside). That speech and t

Arnolphe (aside). That speech and that look disarm my fury, and bring back the tenderness to my heart which
effaces all her guilt. How strange it is to be in love! To think that men should be subject to such weakness for
these traitresses! Everyone knows their imperfection. They are extravagant and indiscreet. Their mind is wicked
and their understanding weak. There is nought weaker, more imbecile, more faithless; and, in spite of all,
everything in the world is done for the sake of these bipeds. (To Agnès). Well, let us make peace. Listen, little
wretch, I forgive all, and restore you to my affection. Learn thus how much I love you; and, seeing me so good,
love me in return.
Agnès. With all my heart I should like to please you, if it were in my power.
Arnolphe. Poor little darling, you can if you will. Just listen to this sigh of love. See this dying look, behold my
person, and forsake this young coxcomb and the love he inspires. He must have thrown some spell over you, and
you will be a hundred times happier with me. Your desire is to be finely dressed and frolicsome; then I swear you
shall ever be so; I will fondle you night and day, I will hug you, kiss you, devour you; you shall do everything you
have a mind to. I do not enter into particulars; and that is saying everything. ( Aside). To what length will my
passion go? (Aloud). In short, nothing can equal my love. What proof would you have me give you, ungrateful
girl? Would you have me weep? Shall I beat myself? Shall I tear out one half of my hair? Shall I kill myself? Yes,
say so if you will. I am quite ready, cruel creature, to convince you of my love.
Agnès. Stay. All you say does not touch my heart. Horace could do more with a couple of words.
Arnolphe. Ah, this is too great an insult, and provokes my anger too far. I will pursue my design, you
intractable brute, and will pack you out of the town forthwith. You reject my addresses and drive me to
extremities: but the innermost cell of a convent shall avenge me of all.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Arnolphe (aside). That speech and that look disarm my fury, and bring back the tenderness to my heart whicheffaces all her guilt. How strange it is to be in love! To think that men should be subject to such weakness forthese traitresses! Everyone knows their imperfection. They are extravagant and indiscreet. Their mind is wickedand their understanding weak. There is nought weaker, more imbecile, more faithless; and, in spite of all,everything in the world is done for the sake of these bipeds. (To Agnès). Well, let us make peace. Listen, littlewretch, I forgive all, and restore you to my affection. Learn thus how much I love you; and, seeing me so good,love me in return.Agnès. With all my heart I should like to please you, if it were in my power.Arnolphe. Poor little darling, you can if you will. Just listen to this sigh of love. See this dying look, behold myperson, and forsake this young coxcomb and the love he inspires. He must have thrown some spell over you, andyou will be a hundred times happier with me. Your desire is to be finely dressed and frolicsome; then I swear youshall ever be so; I will fondle you night and day, I will hug you, kiss you, devour you; you shall do everything youhave a mind to. I do not enter into particulars; and that is saying everything. ( Aside). To what length will mypassion go? (Aloud). In short, nothing can equal my love. What proof would you have me give you, ungratefulgirl? Would you have me weep? Shall I beat myself? Shall I tear out one half of my hair? Shall I kill myself? Yes,say so if you will. I am quite ready, cruel creature, to convince you of my love.Agnès. Stay. All you say does not touch my heart. Horace could do more with a couple of words.Arnolphe. Ah, this is too great an insult, and provokes my anger too far. I will pursue my design, youintractable brute, and will pack you out of the town forthwith. You reject my addresses and drive me toextremities: but the innermost cell of a convent shall avenge me of all.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Arnolphe (samping). Pidato itu dan yang terlihat melucuti kemarahan saya, dan membawa kembali kelembutan hati saya yang
effaces semua kesalahannya. Bagaimana aneh itu adalah untuk jatuh cinta! Untuk berpikir bahwa pria harus dengan kelemahan tersebut untuk
traitresses ini! Semua orang tahu ketidaksempurnaan mereka. Mereka boros dan bijaksana. Pikiran mereka adalah fasik
dan pemahaman mereka lemah. Ada sia-sia lemah, lebih dungu, lebih setia; dan, terlepas dari semua,
segala sesuatu di dunia ini dilakukan demi makhluk berkaki dua ini. (Untuk Agnès). Nah, mari kita berdamai. Dengar, sedikit
celaka, aku memaafkan semua, dan mengembalikan Anda ke sayang saya. Pelajari demikian betapa aku mencintaimu; dan, melihat saya begitu baik,
mencintai saya dengan imbalan.
Agnès. Dengan sepenuh hati saya ingin menyenangkan Anda, jika itu dalam kekuasaan saya.
Arnolphe. Miskin Sayang sedikit, Anda bisa jika Anda mau. Hanya mendengarkan napas cinta ini. Lihat tampilan sekarat ini, lihatlah saya
orang, dan meninggalkan pesolek muda ini dan cinta yang menginspirasi. Dia pasti dilemparkan beberapa mantra di atas Anda, dan
Anda akan menjadi seratus kali lebih bahagia dengan saya. Keinginan Anda adalah untuk halus berpakaian dan gembira; maka saya bersumpah Anda
akan pernah menjadi begitu; Aku akan mencumbu Anda siang dan malam, aku akan memelukmu, menciummu, melahap Anda; Anda harus melakukan segala sesuatu yang Anda
memiliki pikiran untuk. Saya tidak masuk ke khusus; dan itu mengatakan segalanya. (Selain). Untuk apa panjang akan saya
semangat pergi? (Nyaring). Singkatnya, tidak ada yang bisa menyamai cinta saya. Bukti apa yang akan Anda miliki saya beri, tidak tahu berterima kasih
gadis? Kau ingin aku menangis? Haruskah aku mengalahkan diri sendiri? Haruskah aku merobek salah satu setengah dari rambut saya? Haruskah aku bunuh diri? Ya,
mengatakan begitu jika Anda mau. Saya cukup siap, makhluk kejam, untuk meyakinkan Anda tentang cinta saya.
Agnès. Tinggal. Semua yang Anda katakan tidak menyentuh hati saya. Horace bisa berbuat lebih banyak dengan beberapa kata-kata.
Arnolphe. Ah, ini terlalu besar penghinaan, dan memprovokasi kemarahan saya terlalu jauh. Aku akan mengejar desain saya, Anda
keras kasar, dan akan berkemas Anda keluar dari kota segera. Anda menolak alamat saya dan mendorong saya untuk
ekstremitas, tetapi sel terdalam dari sebuah biara akan membalas saya semua.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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